Chapter Nine

Roane forced himself to focus on Caitlyn and her needs. Though everything in him cried out not to do what he had planned, on an instinctual level, he knew this would ease Caitlyn’s problems.

Taking a deep breath, he led Caitlyn, still changed, toward his room. As they walked, he continued to praise her, soothing her with words. His hands stroked her shoulders, her back, her belly. He nuzzled her cheek, allowing her to mark him with her scent.

He deliberately moved slowly, to give the others time to reach his room first. But all too soon, they reached his door.

“Look at me, hellcat.” He waited until she met his gaze. They stood eye to eye. “The others are inside, but you need to remember something.” Roane dropped the shorts and shirt he wore, flowing into his other form with ease. “You belong to me.” He glared down at her, reinforcing his dominance. “They belong to me as well. Remember that.” Her eyes narrowed. Instead of arguing the point, as he expected, she nodded and glanced away, accepting his truth.

“Good.” His low voice rumbled. “Do what I tell you inside.” He cupped her breasts and squeezed, appreciating her firm nipples beneath the thin overshirt she wore.

“I will.” She grabbed his hands on her and caressed his fingers. “You’re in charge.” Her voice quivered with excitement, and Roane knew she could smell the scent of four caged Circs within his room.

He kissed her, nipping her lip with his teeth. Licking the small spot of blood, he let her go and opened the door.

Inside, Derrick, Hale, Zack, and Ace stood waiting.

“Derrick started to fill us in,” Hale said. His hooded gaze told Roane this wouldn’t be as easy as he hoped it might. “Maybe you can tell us exactly what it is you need.” Caitlyn released her scent, and they groaned.

“This is what I was talking about.” Derrick panted.

“This is shooting my control all to hell,” Zack murmured, glancing away from Caitlyn.

Roane pushed Caitlyn in farther and closed the door behind him. “Here’s the situation.

Caitlyn and I no longer experience mating heats, not since we’ve mated.” He couldn’t help pulling her back into him. His erection pressed against the small of her back, making him even harder.

“You four,” he continued, “are getting closer to your next heat. From what Doc said, that’s pushing all of Caitlyn’s buttons.”

“Damn.” Ace stepped forward, aroused and not hiding it. “So what are you going to do about it?” He glanced uneasily at Zack.

“There’s more.” Roane groaned when Caitlyn shifted. “Dammit, stop moving.” To the others he said, “When we started in Circe’s Recruits, we were military with rank and structure. It wasn’t until we hit the mating heat that things got…different.” Hale snorted. “Different. Yeah. That’s what I’d call mass orgies and violent sex.”

“My point is that Caitlyn’s more like us in the beginning stages. We bonded tight after we engaged. Sexually.” Roane had a hard time keeping still while he talked. The mention of sex set off several excited scents in the room, his own included. “She’s mine, no question. But as mine, she’s been experiencing the need to feel the rest of you the way you all felt me. Like the other day with Hale.”

“Fuck. You weren’t supposed to say anything.” Hale’s pupils grew slitted, and his arms lengthened, thickened.

“What about Hale?” Derrick asked. “And make it quick, because my beast is pushing to come out.”

“Yeah,” Zack and Ace agreed together.

Roane explained, “Caitlyn feels a deeper connection when it’s sexual. So we need to engage in another free-for-all.” He swallowed hard. “But we’re not going to get crazy this time. Zack and Ace, I know you two have been trying to keep it leashed for Kelly’s sake, but Caitlyn needs you two.”

“For Caitlyn.” Ace nodded. “But not one fucking word to Kelly about this.” Zack blew out a breath. “Not that this is a hardship or anything, but…”

“I understand,” Caitlyn spoke quietly and approached Zack. “I like Kelly. A lot. I wouldn’t ask any of you to do this if it weren’t so --” She paused, and her scent filled the air, ripe with invitation. She moaned and clutched Zack’s forearms. “It’s something I can’t control. I need this. My beast needs you.”

Zack and the others changed in a heartbeat, clothing scattering everywhere, Caitlyn’s included.

Roane forced himself to watch as his four friends converged on his mate. Lips and hands were on every part of her. She turned and caught his eye, reassuring herself before she fell back under the onslaught of four hungry Circs.

Sudden acceptance clicked inside him as the mating heat hit his team. Roane normally wouldn’t tolerate anyone taking his mate but him. This, however, was different. He had to see to his mate’s needs and his men’s needs. Instead of feeling like a violation, this joining reminded him of the ties he’d forged years ago. Ties he now had to see created between the only people in the world he cared for.

“Use the bed. That’s what it’s there for,” he growled. “But when you fuck her, leave her pussy alone. That’s all mine.”

The others grunted their assent and guided her toward the king-size bed, focused on sating their desires. To Roane’s surprise, Caitlyn took charge, licking and sucking wherever she pleased. In seconds, she had Derrick on his back and Hale on his knees while she writhed between Zack and Ace on either side of her. Before he knew it, she’d eased her ass over Derrick and had Hale in her mouth while she jerked Ace and Zack off with her hands.

She is so fucking hot. My mate controlling four Circs. Power and control, and she’s mine. Roane growled and forced himself to let go of his shaft. He was close to coming and wanted to wait. He’d spend inside his mate and nowhere else.

Derrick gripped her hips to help her with the pace. But he needn’t have bothered.

Caitlyn rode him hard while she sucked Hale off. Roane stepped closer to the bed, so close he could reach out and touch Hale if he wanted.

He couldn’t see Hale’s face, but he heard the male’s groans, his rapid breathing signaling he was close. It would have been impossible to last long under Caitlyn’s touch in the first place, but when she layered the room with those pheromones, she exacerbated the tension among them.

Derrick was the first to come as he yelled out and bucked under her. Hale came in her mouth, his ass squeezed tight as he pumped. She swallowed his load then left him and turned her attention to Zack’s flushed cock, then Ace’s. While she stroked them with her hands, she alternately sucked one, then the other.

“Caitlyn, yes, honey.” Zack moaned as he thrust inside her mouth. “I’m coming.” She pulled away and fisted his shaft, milking the copious seed that landed over her chest. He jerked at the same time Ace spewed, their seed mixing over her skin. She held them both, their flushed cocks leaking cum that she licked away with a sexy pink tongue.

Roane couldn’t handle anymore. His aggressive need to take what was his overwhelmed him. As if sensing he’d broken, the others stepped back. Roane lifted Caitlyn off Derrick, who rolled off the bed.

“Now it’s my turn.”

Her glassy-eyed gaze told him she’d fallen under her own sexual spell. She had yet to find release, so intent on absorbing the sexual fulfillment from the others.

The others gathered around the bed, two on one side and two on the other. They were hard, the scent of their mating heat still on them. Roane didn’t waste any time but pushed inside Caitlyn, his cock throbbing and huge.

She arched into him, her clit rubbing against his pelvis.

Not giving her anything but his all, Roane pounded inside her. As he thrust, he smoothed the cum over her tits, spreading the scents of his men over his female. One unit, one family. But she was his mate. Only his seed would bathe her pussy. Only his young would grow in her womb.

His excitement increased, more so when he glanced at his men jerking off over them.

The beasts’ arousal grew, all of them hungering for that plane of ecstasy, to produce more of their kind and cement their existence in the world.

Caitlyn scratched at his shoulders, her eyes wild as she neared her end. Roane wanted more. He wanted her complete submission.

He leaned down and sucked her nipple, the taste of Zack and Ace’s cum arousing over Caitlyn’s honeyed scent.

The others groaned and cried out as cum spattered Caitlyn and Roane while they mated.

Roane felt her walls tightening around him and pushed harder, rubbing against her clit as he sought her womb.

She roared her release as the others descended on her once more, kissing her wherever they could reach. Roane closed his eyes, his climax so close. Lips and hands plucked at his nipples, his mouth.

He moaned into a man’s lips as he shot so hard, he nearly passed out.

It took him a minute to find his breath, to realize the others had stepped away and watched with replete, peaceful eyes.

“That was fucking incredible,” Derrick rumbled in the sudden quiet filled with harsh breathing.

“It changed something,” Ace said softly. “I feel…”

“Tied. Bonded to Caitlyn now,” Hale finished. He knelt to kiss her on the mouth.

“Welcome to Circe’s Recruits, honey.”

The others smiled and nodded, and Roane slowly pulled out of his mate and collapsed next to her.

“Damn.” Ace wavered and sat his ass on the floor. “I’m dizzy. That completely sucked me dry. Holy shit.”

“You said it.” Zack slid down next to him, not even blinking when Ace settled his head against his shoulder, an unexpected show of closeness Ace normally avoided.

Hale sat on the edge of the bed next to Derrick. The two stared at each other.

“This still doesn’t mean I owe you any money. She took advantage of me.” Derrick had to clear his throat to get the words out.

“That little thing?” Hale nodded to Caitlyn, who’d changed back into her normal form.

Seeing that, the others did the same.

“Nothing little about her beast,” Derrick said with a small grin. “I still say you can’t trust women. But for Caitlyn, I’ll make an exception.” Zack raised a brow.

“And Kelly too.”

Ace yawned.

Roane rubbed his eyes, suddenly tired as hell. “I’ll fill Doc in on the gist of what went on here. But we keep this between ourselves. Right?” Everyone nodded.

“Wait.” Caitlyn sat up, gloriously naked.

Roane wished he had the energy to take her again, but for the first time in forever, he didn’t have a hard-on in her naked presence. “Honey?”

“This is all so new to me,” she began. “The change, Circs, the danger out there. But from the beginning, you’ve all taken care of me. Protected me.” Tears slid down her cheeks, disturbing him. “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all you’ve done for me. And this…” She waved a hand to include all of them. “I feel like I’m really one of you now, despite feeling like the star in a porn movie.” They chuckled, and Roane smiled at her blush. “I hate to be overly emotional, but I love you guys.”

“Aw, honey.” Hale smiled.

“Caitlyn, we love you too.” Ace stood with Zack’s help.

“It’s okay,” Derrick said in a thick voice.

The men were suddenly there again, hugging and petting her. Nothing sexual about it.

This time, their touch was all about comfort while Roane watched with satisfaction.

Derrick ended the lovefest with a groan. “Nothing personal, but if I don’t get this sticky mess off my skin in the next two seconds, I’m gonna be sick.”

“Hell.” Hale ran a hand through his hair. “This whole room smells like sex.”

Zack snickered. “No kidding.”

“Laugh it up. I’m not the one who has to sneak out of here in case Kelly’s around,” Roane drawled.

That took care of his amusement.

Ace and Zack shared a frown. “At least our shorts are still in one piece. Can’t say anything for our shirts, though.”

As the others grumbled and dressed, Roane took Caitlyn in his arms. She looked like a sleepy cat, her green eyes fogged with repletion and with an affection that deepened as she stared up at him.

“We really do love you, hellcat.” I love you.

“I know.” She smiled and closed her eyes.

She still hadn’t admitted what he’d been hoping to hear. Annoyed with the softer side of him longing for a declaration, he hugged her to him and closed his eyes. “Guys? Make sure to close the door after you leave.” He slid into sleep as the door closed behind them, right where he wanted to be.

Kelly nearly ran into Zack dragging Ace behind him in the corridor. Both men looked as if they’d been through the wringer. “Are you okay?” They wore shorts but no shirts, their muscled upper bodies making her want to fan herself from the sudden rise in her body temperature. Their tousled hair, sleepy eyes, and lazy grins looked out of place. She could have sworn she smelled…sex?

“Kelly. I thought you were off today. It’s Saturday, isn’t it?”Ace pushed away from Zack. He flushed, a becoming shade of bronze that highlighted his Native American ancestry.

She licked her lips, aware that both men followed the movement with more attention than it deserved. “I forgot my purse last night and realized I must have left it here.” Kelly should have kept her mouth shut, but she couldn’t help it. “What the hell have you two been doing?”

“Team meeting,” they said in unison, which prodded her doubt.


“Yeah.” Zack ran a hand through his black hair, a shade lighter than Ace’s. The movement showed off his large bicep.

Stop ogling him, Kelly. He’s not yours, she tried telling herself. But he could be, another part of her whispered. She turned her attention to Ace. They could be. Her mouth felt dry, and her heart raced, reminding her she was due for her monthly shot. Either that, or she was having a breakdown due to unfulfilled desire.

Ace froze. “Kelly?”

Scared that she’d taken an involuntary step forward, she dug her nails into her palms, welcoming the pain that freed her from insanity. Yeah, right. As if I could handle Ace and Zack. God, I can barely handle Stephen, and he isn’t half as captivating as either one of them.

Why the hell would they want me when they can have any woman at the snap of a finger?

“Um, sorry, guys. I don’t really have time to chat. Got a hot date tonight, and I need to get my hair done.”

“Date?” They said again as one.

It was ironic how in tune they seemed to be with each other’s feelings and thoughts, considering the way they constantly bickered.

“Tell Doc I’ll see him Monday. If he needs me sooner, he can page me.” She hurried away from the best male bodies on the planet, scooped up her purse sitting on the counter between the kitchen and the residential hallway, and nearly ran out of the house.

“I’ve gotta get Doc to up my meds,” she murmured and started her car. As she backed out of the driveway, an odd feeling made her stop. She put her foot on the brake and looked at the house, only to see Ace and Zack standing in front of the door. Hands on hips and scowls on lips. A pair made especially for me, that inner voice added with a purr. “God, now I’m rhyming. Badly. Time to meet Stephen and see if he can take my mind off you two.” She waved out the window, then tore out of the driveway. She raced toward her hair appointment, praying tonight might be the night she stopped fantasizing about a pair of annoying, sexually enthralling, out-of-her-league ex-Marines who weren’t even fully human.

If only it were that simple.
