“He’s bleeding,” I said. “He needs a doctor!”
Ryan aimed the gun at Matt’s head. “He’ll be dead if you don’t tie him up. Anyway, I didn’t whack him nearly as hard as I hit the captain.”
I bit back a curse and began to tie the rope — loosely. Ryan caught me. “Tighter, honey. If he gets free before I leave, he’s dead. And so are you.”
“You’re going to kill us anyway.”
“Not at all!” Ryan’s deceptively boyish face lit up with a grin. “I just want you indisposed while Josie and I get out of the country. After we’re gone, I don’t care what happens to you.”
Ryan sniffed the air. “Mmm... coffee. The aroma is magnificent down here” — he took a deep breath — “gives me a jones, you know?”
“Let’s go upstairs. I’ll pull you a fresh espresso.”
Ryan wiggled his gun like a naughty finger. “Nice try, Ms. Cosi, but I’m going to have to wait until I get to Williamsburg. There’s a great little all night spot off the bridge. Then I’ll pick up Josephine, who thinks we’re going on a short business trip, and we’re off on a private jet to... well, as long as Josie’s with me, it’ll be paradise...”
That’s when I knew. “Josephine Fairfield isn’t involved in any of this, is she?”
“No. She isn’t.”
“Then why did I find her glove outside of Michael Quinn’s apartment? Did she go there last night to throw herself at him?”
“No. After we left the pub and Josie passed out in her limo, I grabbed her glove and planted it there.”
“In case the lady gets homesick. You see, Josie didn’t embezzle millions of dollars from her company. That’s on me. But if the police suspect she attacked her old lover, well, that’s one more nail in her coffin. And once she understands that nothing but prison time awaits her here, she’ll be all too happy to keep the bed warm in my new hacienda.”
Oh my God... This guy is Glenn Duffy in a buttoned-down shirt. Deluded, lovesick, willing to do anything to obtain a woman... one who obviously wants someone else.
When I finished tying Matt, Ryan checked the ropes. “Okay, your turn.”
I resisted, but Ryan didn’t threaten me, he hit me with the gun. I bounced off the floor, and he flipped me over like a steer at a rodeo. He placed his foot on the small of my back while he bound my wrists tightly, then roped my ankles together. When he was done, I struggled against the bonds.
“I like to be thorough, Ms. Cosi.”
“Were you being thorough when you killed James Noonan?” I spat.
“I thought so.”
“What about the captain?”
Lane sighed. “He was my biggest problem. When James told me the captain obtained evidence of my little switch on the production line, I knew I had to pay the man a visit.”
“So you broke into his apartment and ambushed Michael with his own Halligan tool.”
“The captain didn’t have all the documents in his apartment, but — lucky for me — I found a copy of his brother’s cover letter stapled to this — ”
Ryan leaned over me, displayed a United States Post Office tracking slip.
“I knew the captain sent the package to this address, but I had to wait for it to arrive.” He stood up straight again. “You know, a lot of people give the post office a hard time, but their tracking system is really very efficient. I knew it was delivered today, so I stopped in to retrieve it.”
Ryan gathered up the letter and schematics, and stuffed them into a backpack. Then he pulled out a strange device. A large battery was connected to an alarm clock and a pair of plastic bottles filled with clear liquid. The whole thing sat on a piece of plywood the size of a small serving tray. He placed the device on the table and set the alarm clock.
“All done,” Ryan said, slipping the bag over his shoulders. “In a few minutes the Coffee Shop Arsonist will strike again.”
Ryan doesn’t know that crime is solved. It hasn’t made the news yet! “You won’t get away with this! The arsonists have already been caught.”
“So?” Ryan smirked. “The police will conclude this is a copycat. Bye, bye, Ms. Cosi.”
With the roar of the roaster hammering my ears, I couldn’t even hear the jerk’s feet on the stairs — but with that bomb ticking away, I didn’t bother waiting to make sure he was gone before I began to yell.
“MATT! MATT!” I nudged him with my bound up feet. “WAKE UP!”
Not even a groan. Now I was starting to sweat, from fear as much as the heat radiating from the thrumming Probat. I looked around, searching for something to cut the ropes. A rough edge, a knife, or —
A coffee grinder blade!
Tucker had been giving Esther lessons on how to use a metal file to sharpen our burr grinder blades. One of those blades was sticking out of a vice on the edge of the wooden work table. Was the thing sharp enough to cut through the rope around my arms? Could I even get to it?
One way to find out...
I rolled my body across the basement floor. When I felt my torso bump the table, I folded and turned, pressing my back against the leg. When I got my feet under me, I slid up the table leg and moved toward the vice. Balancing on my bound-together feet, I pressed the ropes against the sharp edge of the blade and started rubbing.
It took a few minutes — and lots of abrasions to my hands and wrists — but I felt the hemp snap! When it did, I tumbled, falling across Matt’s body. He moaned as I worked on my ankles. By the time I got the ropes off my ex, he was awake.
“What hit me?”
“A Halligan tool.”
“A what?”
“Never mind. There’s a bomb down here and it’s about to go off.”
Matt was on his feet like a shot. He stared at the device. “I don’t know what to do to stop it.”
“You don’t have to! The city’s bomb squad is right up the street!” I dug for my cell phone as I ran for the stairs. “Matt, come on!”
“Unlock the front door!” Matt cried.
“What are you going to — ”
“Just do it!”
I raced up the steps and across the Blend’s main floor. Ryan had left the door unlocked when he fled, and I yanked it open. Matt emerged from the stairway a second later, the bomb cradled in both hands like a harmless tray of cookies.
“Matt, you’re crazy!”
“I’m not letting the Blend burn.”
He bolted across the street, where a clothing store had gone bankrupt two months before. The space was being gutted and an enormous construction container sat in front of the building. That’s where Matt tossed the bomb. Then he turned and ran.
The device exploded, sending an orange and red fireball into the sky, but the core of the blaze (thank goodness) was contained inside the metal box.
In the firebomb’s glare, I spotted a black BMW parked down the block. Ryan Lane stood beside it. He’d been waiting to make sure his device went off! Now he was jumping into his car.
“Matt, look!” I pointed. “That guy’s the bomber.”
My Honda was parked in front of the Blend. I unlocked the door, slid behind the wheel, and started the engine. Matt got in beside me.
“I’m driving,” he said.
“No time to switch!” I replied, hitting the gas hard.
“Fine. I’ll call the cops.” But patting his pockets, Matt realized he’d left his cell in my Blend office.
“Reach into my pocket and take mine,” I said.
Ryan was speeding north on Hudson. He hooked a right on Clarkson Street just as the light turned red. I ignored the signal and followed, horns blaring behind me. He made another sharp right, but Matt managed to grab my cell despite the turns.
“Press six three times,” I told him.
“Not 911?”
“It’s my speed-dial code for Sergeant Franco.”
“That jackass!”
“Tell him you’re Joy’s father.”
“Joy? What does our daughter have to do with — ”
“Remember last year’s Christmas party? Remember when you told Joy to stay away from Franco? Bad idea!”
“Franco?” Matt said over the phone. “I’m Joy’s father — ”
“Tell him we’re chasing the guy who assaulted Captain Quinn and murdered James Noonan! Tell him the scumbag tried to kill us and now he’s fleeing the country!”
“He heard you,” Matt said, and held the phone to my ear.
“He’s on Delancey Street and coming your way!” I yelled. “He’s heading for the Williamsburg Bridge. Watch for a black BMW!”
“This is Manhattan, Clare,” Franco replied. “All the BMWs are black.”
“He has a big white NYC Fallen Firefighters Fund sticker on his bumper, and I’ll be right behind him in my red clunker. Where are you?”
“I just hijacked a pickup from the construction site. If your perp makes the bridge, we could lose him.”
“You have to stop him, Franco! Any way you can!”
I saw the bridge lights ahead. I was closing in on Ryan’s BMW, too, until a little green pizza delivery car cut in front of me. I braked to avoid a collision, and Ryan raced toward the ramp.
The delivery car sped up, too. It was hard to see Lane’s BMW past the big Jackrabbit Pizza sign on top of the little green car, and I looked for a way around him. That’s when Franco’s dirty yellow pickup shot out from between two other vehicles and T-boned Ryan’s BMW!
The delivery car was so close it slammed into the BMW, too. And I ran into both of them. Time crawled as I watched my hood flip open and the safety glass shatter. The shoulder strap bit into my chest, my nose flirted with the steering wheel, and my cell phone flew out of Matt’s hand and right through the windshield.
Then everything got very quiet. Matt and I exchanged stunned glances. Finally, we popped our doors.
Franco, in construction clothes, stood next to the BMW, a handgun aimed at a moaning Ryan Lane.
“Are you okay?” he asked, glancing our way.
“I’m fine,” I said.
“I was fine,” Matt replied, “until I found out you’re dating our daughter.”
“Come again?” Franco said without shifting aim. Suddenly, the door on the pizza car opened and the driver took off at a run.
“Hey, you!” Franco shouted, but didn’t try to follow, his aim stayed true.
I pointed to the wrecked pickup. “I’m sorry, Detective. Did I just blow your cover?”
“Yeah,” Franco replied. “But you also solved my case.”
I didn’t understand what the man meant until more police arrived, Sully among them. The older detective eyed my totaled Honda and turned to me. “You have insurance, Clare?”
“Not enough to buy a new car...” But Mike was cleared. The cost was more than worth it.
Then Sully joined Franco, who tucked his gun away and pointed to that little pizza delivery car, a green Nissan. The vehicle was shattered in the front and rear. But Franco was more interested in the illuminated Jackrabbit Pizza sign on the roof, now broken loose from the car and lying on its side.
“Check it out!” Franco whacked Sully in the arm. “I told you the drugs were in the pizza car!”
A tidy hole had been cut into the Nissan’s roof, a cover for the hole now swung loose on its hinges — and stuffed inside that hollow, lighted sign were dozens of plastic bags. Franco began yanking them out and opening them up. They were filled with club drugs.
Sully nodded, looking pretty pleased. “That delivery driver left the construction site when you grabbed the pickup. I think he thought you were chasing him.”
Franco shrugged. “Hey, man. Whatever works.”
Under other circumstances, that kind of slapdash philosophy might have given me pause. But considering the events of the past few days, I had to admit —
“I couldn’t agree more.”