Chapter 12

Jessica listened to Sed’s heartbeat beneath her ear. She didn’t think he was feeling much for her. She couldn’t hurt him yet and that was okay. He’d eventually get tired of her using him like a piece of meat.

And what a delectable slab of prime rib he was.

God, she’d forgotten how perfectly their bodies responded to each other. She hoped it took a while to exact her revenge, because she was very much enjoying this little game.

“You want to go somewhere?” he asked.

A shiver raced down her spine at the sound of his deep voice. She looked up at him. “Like now? It’s late.”

“Isn’t Las Vegas the city that never sleeps?”

“I think that’s New York.”

“Right. This is Sin City.” He grinned wickedly and combed his fingers through her hair as his gaze caressed her face. “I thought you might like to take a walk down the strip with me.” His eyebrows lifted suggestively.

Her breath caught. “Sightseeing?”

“Maybe a little.” His gaze locked with hers and he grinned that sexy grin that made her body throb. “When our eyes are open.”

Her heart raced out of control. She hadn’t toured a city with Sed in over two years. The possibilities for public encounters in Las Vegas were endless. “I have a skirt in my car.”

She squirmed off his lap, scooped her clothes off the floor, and headed for the small bathroom near the back of the bus.

Eric wolf-whistled as she darted past him in the nude. She stuck her tongue out at him before shutting herself in the bathroom. She cleaned up in the sink and hurriedly dressed in her jeans and T-shirt.

There was a knock at the door. “I’m coming in,” Sed called.

Sed squeezed into the tiny bathroom and turned on the sink tap. She backed into the nook between the toilet and the shower. The man completely dominated the small room. He completely dominated everything. Jessica knew he couldn’t help it, but it still irked her. Since he’d become famous, his influence spread beyond his personal sphere, which made him more infuriating. She felt like a washed out shadow whenever she was near him. Except when she was fucking him. Only then did she feel his equal.

“You’re glowering at me.” He was looking at her reflection in the mirror as he washed traces of their joining from his body.

“No, I’m not.”

“Yeah, you are. What did I do wrong now?”

“Nothing you can help.” She moved to stand behind him and ran her hands up the contoured muscles of his belly and chest. “You’ve been working out.”

“Just some free weights and lots of push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups.”

“All those ups are really paying off. Sexier than ever.”

She rested her cheek against his back and inhaled the unique scent of his skin. Like everything else about this man, it never failed to turn her on.

“Maybe we should go sightseeing tomorrow,” he said, covering her hand with his. “We should get a hotel room for the night. There’s no privacy here. I want to be alone with you.”

“How about we tour a few places, get a room when we get tired, and then continue our tour tomorrow?”

He looked at her over his shoulder and smiled. “You always were brilliant.”

She kissed his shoulder and moved around him to exit the bathroom. “I’ll be back soon.”

Jessica left the bus and hurried to the parking garage where she’d left her car. From her trunk, she grabbed a suitcase of clothes and the bag that contained her cosmetics and personal necessities, and then hurried back.

Sinners’ fans had cleared out, and with them, the security guards. No problems getting around the barrier this time.

She found Sed leaning against the bus. His wide-brimmed hat was tilted low over his brow, his pretty blue eyes hidden behind a pair of dark sunglasses. He wore black leather pants, a white T-shirt, and a long leather duster.

“It’s pretty warm out here for a coat,” Jessica said, an eyebrow lifted at him.

“I’m willing to suffer for style.”

She laughed. He reached for her suitcase, but she sidestepped him before he could take it from her. “I’ve got it.”

He sighed and followed her onto the bus empty-handed.

Eric wasn’t the only band member on the bus now. Trey rested on the sofa, watching TV with his sultry emerald-green eyes more closed than opened. He glanced up when Jessica walked past.

“Jessica?” he said incredulously.

“Hey, Trey. How have you been?”

“I’ve been better,” he said quietly. “Head is killing me.”

“Do you need me to take you to the hospital?” Sed asked. “That dickhead bouncer really whacked you a good one.”

“I’m all right,” Trey insisted. “I just need quiet. The other bus is too noisy. I feel a little better already.”

Jessica bent to kiss Trey’s cheek. “You sure, sweetie? We can take you to the E.R.” She ran a finger down his lightly freckled nose.

“I’m good. I just need to rest. Quietly.”

“Eric will keep an eye on him,” Sed said.

“Eric? You’re kidding, right?” Jessica said.

“Well, Brian’s not here and Jace keeps taking off, so who else is there?”

“Dare? He is his brother.”

“Guys, I said I was fine. Just shut up, get the fuck out of here and leave me alone.”

Jessica and Sed looked down at Trey. “He’s fine,” they said in unison.

“I’ll go change clothes now.” Jessica carried the suitcase to the back bedroom and knocked on the door. A moment later, Eric opened it.

He wore nothing but a pair of black boxer briefs and a smile. She tried to keep her eyes from drifting down to where the sexy V of his hipbones disappeared into his underwear, but failed.

“Yes, you can join us.” He pulled Jessica into the room by the arm. The girl on the bed covered herself with the heavy red comforter, but not before Jessica saw the huge vibrator she was plunging into her body. Eric still liked to watch, apparently.

“I need to change clothes,” Jessica said.

Eric nodded in agreement, settling both long-fingered hands on his hips, drawing her attention again to where it did not belong. This man was all cord and muscle. And in those low slung boxer briefs, one hundred percent distraction.

“Without you in attendance.” Jessica nodded toward the door.

“Hey, I was here first.”

“The only thing you should be watching right now is Trey. I’m worried about him.”

Eric’s teasing expression turned serious. “What’s wrong with Trey?”

“Brian said Trey was dizzy on stage tonight. And now, he’s lying around with a headache. I think he’s hurt pretty badly. Sed and I tried to talk him into going to the hospital, but he insists he’s okay.”

Eric grabbed his pants off the floor and hopped into them. “I’ll take care of him.”

He left the bedroom.

The girl on the bed growled in frustration. “What does a girl have to do to get laid around here?” She dropped the industrial-sized vibrator on the floor, climbed from the bed and searched for her clothes.

Jessica tossed her ancient hard-shell suitcase on the bed and popped it open. “It’s not usually this crazy around here.”

“Hey, aren’t you that bitch who yanked Margo’s hair for sucking Sed?”

Jessica riffled through her suitcase until she found the flowing skirt and form-fitting top she sought. A little wrinkly, but it would do. “You might as well spread the word. Sed’s mine for the next two months. I won’t put up with any of you slutty groupies touching him.”

The young woman slid into her lilac-colored thong and matching tiny bra. “I think that’s his decision, not yours.”

“He likes it when I’m possessive. Run along now.” Jessica removed her T-shirt and contemplated if she should wear a bra. The twisted styling of her top’s bodice had plenty of support and it had a single tie around the neck. Her straps would show and she had no idea where she’d packed her strapless bra. Deciding against any undergarments, she slipped the green form-fitting top over her head.

The other girl had finished dressing and left the room, slamming the door soundly behind her. Jessica shrugged and changed into her bold-patterned, loose skirt. She topped off the outfit with three-inch strappy sandals, several bangles, and an anklet. She was putting on her make-up when Sed entered the room.

“What’s taking you so long?”

“Almost ready.” She applied tinted lip-gloss with her little finger.

“Always worth the wait. Damn, you look hot.”

She grinned at him. “You’re the one who looks hot. Are you sure you want to wear that coat?”

He winked at her. “I’m sure.”

She fluffed her hair with her hands and checked her reflection in the mirror before approaching him in the doorway. “Let’s go.”

He grabbed her hand and dragged her through the bus. They passed Eric sitting on the couch with Trey’s head resting on his thigh. Eric pressed a finger to his lips. Trey was fast asleep.

“We’ll be back sometime tomorrow,” Sed whispered.

Eric winked at them as they hurried past. Jessica stumbled down the steep bus steps, but Sed caught her before she fell flat on her face.

“Slow down,” she complained. “I can’t keep up with you in these heels.”

“I’ll carry you.” He scooped her into his arms and smiled down at her. “Where to first?”

“I’ve already seen all the casinos. You pick.”

Still carrying her, he cut across the parking lot, headed toward the wide sidewalk along the Vegas strip. His long strides covered ground quickly.

“Wanna go see the fountain at the Bellagio?” he asked.

She’d hoped he’d make that request. She loved the giant fountain. With its water jets choreographed to music, it was a moving work of art. Romantic. She knew from experience that it was lonesome to watch it alone. But tonight, she wasn’t alone.

“I’d like that. Can you put me down, please?”

He paused and lowered his head to kiss her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him in return. When they drew apart, he set her on her feet and took her hand.

“Let me know if you get tired,” he said, as they started up the sidewalk. At the far southern end of the strip, the crowds were relatively thin. They’d make good time for the first few blocks.

“It’s only about a mile and a half to the fountain.” She loved to walk along the strip, look at the extravagant casinos, and watch the menagerie of ever changing people. “

“A mile and a half is a long way in those shoes.”

“If you weren’t so tall, I wouldn’t have to wear them.”

He wrapped an arm around her back, his fingers pressing into her waist. “It’s times like these I wish I was shorter like Jace. We’d be more height compatible then.”

Height compatibility did have distinct advantages, but so did the strength of a big man. She admired the wide cut of his shoulders for a long moment before the name Jace sank into her addled thoughts.

“Damn. Speaking of Jace, I’m supposed to give him a message from a friend of mine. I keep forgetting.”

Sed fished a cell phone out of his pocket. “Do you want to call him?”

Jessica shook her head. “I’ll tell him tomorrow. I don’t think Aggie is working tonight anyway.”


“She’s a dancer at the club I used to work for.”

“Dominatrix chick with long black hair?” Sed pointed to his head. He also had black hair, though he kept it very short—like a military recruit.

“How’d you know?”

He laughed. “Lucky guess. A thousand bucks says Jace already picked up your message in person.”

Jessica grinned. “Don’t expect him to be able to move for a couple of days then. When’s your next show?”

“Not until Tuesday. We’re heading to Phoenix.”

“We’ll have to go sightseeing together there, as well.”

His hand flattened over her belly as he drew her closer to his side. “We’ll go sightseeing in any city you want. Let’s catch a cab. I don’t want you to wear yourself out with all this walking.”

Was he thinking of her comfort or her sexual stamina? It didn’t matter to her either way. She smiled. “Okay.”

Inside the cab, he took her hand. When had he gotten so affectionate? Tender kissing. Holding hands. He’d never been like this when they’d been engaged.

“So how’s school going?” he asked, a little too nonchalantly.

Her heart skipped a beat. Why did he want to know? He’d never wanted her to go in the first place.

“It’s all right. I do have this one professor who hates my guts and won’t give me a break.”

“Why would anyone hate your guts?”

Jessica shrugged. “She just doesn’t like me. She failed…” Jessica cringed. “She failed me on my final paper. Totally has it in for me. That’s what Beth thinks.”

“She’s probably jealous of your gorgeous legs.” He slid her skirt up to reveal her thigh. A little further to expose her mound. His fingers brushed over the curls he found there.

Jessica tugged her skirt down and rolled her eyes at him. “Give me a break.”

“And who’s Beth?”

Jessica smiled. She hoped Beth was having a nice summer. “My roommate.”

“You have a roommate?”

She couldn’t figure out why he looked so astonished. “Why wouldn’t I?”

He shrugged. “Too proud to split the rent.”

She scowled at him.

He scratched behind his ear. “Forget I said that.”

“I’m not too proud to split the rent. Splitting the rent is fine.”

“You’re yelling.”

Of course she was yelling. Why wouldn’t she be? “No, I don’t want someone to take care of me like I’m incompetent and boss me around and tell me how to live my life, but—”

He covered her mouth with one hand. “You’re still yelling.”

She slapped his hand away. “Let me finish.”

“Don’t be mad.”

“Don’t tell me how to feel.”

He pulled her onto his lap and sank a hand into her hair to tilt her head back. His mouth claimed hers. She stiffened and tried to twist away, but his free arm tightened around her body and pinned her against his chest. He kissed her until she was clinging to his shoulders like a drowning kitten.

He drew away and looked down at her with a self-satisfied grin. “That’s better.”

God, she hated him sometimes. She gulped several deep, calming breaths. She needed to get a grip and quickly. He was turning her game against her and playing by his own rules. She had to regain control of this situation before she lost herself to him.

“You’re so sexy when you’re pissed,” he whispered into her ear. “I couldn’t help myself. I had to kiss you.”

She slapped his chest. “You’re such a jerk.”

“I know.” He cupped her jaw and brushed his thumb over her cheek. “Forgive me?”

No, but she could pretend. Her hands slid down his hard chest. “Kiss me again.”

He hesitated, looking leery of her intentions.

“Sed, please,” she whispered breathlessly. “I want you.” That wasn’t a lie. She did want him. She also wanted to beat the crap out of him.

He leaned forward in the seat and claimed her mouth, his tongue brushing her lip tentatively. Her hands moved around his body beneath his coat. She slid her fingers up under his shirt, stroking the smooth skin of his back.

He shuddered and tore his mouth from hers. “If you keep that up, I’m going to offend our cab driver by fucking you right here.”

“Do you want me?”

His tugged her closer. “Always.”

She squirmed in his lap, his cock growing hard against her hip. Yeah, that’s the condition she wanted to keep him in. His hand moved under her skirt and up the inside of her thigh. She opened her legs for him. He hesitated, but when she spread her legs further, he took her cue and plunged two thick fingers into her swollen pussy. She shuddered and rocked against his hand, driving his fingers deeper.

“You wanna come right here, baby?” he murmured. “I’ll take you there.”

His thumb brushed against her throbbing clit and she sucked in a deep breath. Damn, she’d forgotten how sexy it was to do this kind of thing in public.

Unexpectedly, his fingers withdrew and he removed his hand from beneath her skirt. Confused, Jessica followed Sed’s glare to the front seat. Their driver had lifted his butt out of the seat so he could see what they were doing through the rearview mirror. He wasn’t watching the road at all. When he noticed they were staring at him, he cleared his throat and settled back down in his seat. “The Bellagio, right?”

Sed nodded curtly.

The cab driver did a U-turn near the end of the Vegas strip so he could drop them off in front of The Bellagio. The final sounds of the song accompanying the fountains faded as they stepped out of the car.

“I think we missed it,” Sed commented.

“It starts over every fifteen minutes at night. What time is it?”

“Almost midnight, I think.”

“I hope we didn’t miss the last show.” She took his hand and led him through the crowds. She rounded the edge of the semi-circular man-made lake that housed the fountain and headed toward the hotel.

He laughed. “Where are you going? I thought we were going to watch the fountain before we found a room.”

“If we go around to this side we can see the Eiffel Tower at the Paris Hotel across the street. It’s beautiful when it’s all lit up at night.”

Sed glanced over his shoulder. “Oh, wow. You’re right. Spectacular.” He hesitated. “So do you come here often?”

“Yeah. I love this fountain. Especially at night.”

“With another guy?”

She paused and glared up at him. “Is that any of your business? You can’t tell me you haven’t been banging every girl who will spread her legs for you.”

He bit his lip. “You’re right. It’s none of my business. I’m just glad I’m here with you now.”

He drew her against his body and lowered his head to kiss her again. It was as if he were starved for her mouth. He never used to kiss her this much. Not that she minded. Just… why?

She clung to the hard muscles of his chest beneath his soft cotton T-shirt. Thinking about what was soon to come made her thighs quake. He broke the kiss and gazed down at her in the low light. They kept the area around the fountain dim so the streetlights didn’t compete with the fountain lights. That was good, because they’d need the cover of darkness.

He bent his head and whispered in her ear, “Are you ready for me?”

“Yeah. Hot, swollen, and dripping wet.” As if he hadn’t felt it for himself in the back of the cab.

He growled. Her nipples tightened.

He led her to a sparsely populated expanse of the thick concrete fence surrounding the fountain. She stepped onto the short ledge and found it difficult to gain the leverage required to stand on her own. Sed moved directly behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist to assist her. His long coat enveloped the sides of her body, cocooning her in his warmth. His scent, mixed with the heady aroma of leather, engulfed her. The sound of his pants unzipping made her belly quiver in anticipation.

“Lift your skirt for me, baby,” he whispered. “You won’t believe how hard I am until you feel this inside you.”

“Show me.” She carefully lifted her skirt in the back, but not the front, so anyone who happened to notice them wouldn’t see what was going on under Sed’s black leather duster. They’d look like any couple cuddled against each other watching the fountain.

He leaned forward, his rock hard cock seeking entrance into her body. When his gentle probing found her eager opening, she bit her lip and pressed back against him. He filled her slowly, his growl of torment making her nipples tighten. Jessica stepped off the ledge, taking him deep. They gasped in unison. He stepped forward, pinning her against the smooth stone railing, and drove himself deeper still. Ah, God.

The lights in the fountain flashed on as water spewed into the air and the gentle music swelled in the background. The water swayed in perfect synchrony to the song, the beat maintained by lights flashing beneath the surface of the water.

Jessica rose onto her toes and then rocked back on her heels again. Sed couldn’t thrust into her, like she wanted. Only her limited movements allowed any stimulation between their joined bodies.

“This is a beautiful song,” Sed whispered.

“Yeah.” She forced her eyes open to watch the arcing water, moving in time with the music. “Celine Dion.”

“Yeah.” He sang the romantic lyrics into her ear, two octaves lower than the famous diva. The sound of his incredible voice in her ear, singing words that would make any girl’s heart melt, was almost as spectacular as having his cock buried inside of her in public. Almost.

“I’m surprised you know the words to this song,” she whispered, hoping she looked inconspicuous as she climbed back up on the concrete railing in front of her and slid up his cock.

“Near. Far. Wherever…” he sang quietly.

She stepped off the barrier again, driving him deep. He leaned forward, pressing deeper.

“Ah, Sed,” she whispered.

“…heart will go on.” He paused in his singing. “God, Jessica. This is too much.”

“Do you want to stop?”

His hand slid up under her top, his strong fingers caressing the bare skin of her belly. “No. It just makes me want to throw you in that water and tear into you like an animal.”

She grinned. “I’d like that.”

She leaned over the banister, drawing him out of her slightly. He leaned back and then took a step forward, thrusting deep into her. She bit her lip, stifling a groan.

Jessica caught movement out of the corner of her eye. One of a pair of young men pointed at her and whispered something to his friend. The second guy’s eyes opened wide and he whispered something back.

“I think those guys over there are watching us,” Jessica murmured.

Sed wrapped his arms around her, drawing her against him. “Do you think they can tell what we’re doing?”

“If they can see my face, I’m sure they’ve figured it out. You feel so good inside me. I can’t hide my pleasure.”

“I want to see your face.”

“When the song ends we’ll find a room.”

They watched the fountain’s performance, sometimes standing still, sometimes moving together and apart, never finding a tempo, but always in tune with the sensuality between their bodies. He continued to sing into her ear. Every nerve ending in her body came alive, tingling with excitement. Nothing existed on Earth but Sed’s body, his intoxicating voice, and the gushing water of the fountain.

The song ended and the water fell still with a gentle splash. The area around the fountain went dark. Using the darkness as cover, Sed thrust into her vigorously, his tongue lavishing a pleasure point behind her ear, his breath stirring the fine hairs along her neck. His hands massaged her breasts, rubbing her nipples against the fabric of her shirt until she thought she’d go mad. Her back arched as her body trembled with release. She came so hard her legs gave out on her. She clung to the railing, biting her lip to keep from crying out.

The street lamps around the fountain flickered on. Sed pulled out and quickly shoved his rigid cock into his pants, while she rearranged her skirt.

She took his hand, her face flushed. “Let’s go find a room.”

“Let’s go to the Eiffel Tower.” He nodded in the direction of the brilliant white lights engulfing the pointed tower across the street.

“I think it closes at 12:30.”

“Then we’d better hurry.”

Her pussy throbbed with renewed excitement as her mind raced through possibilities. She trotted after him toward the pedestrian bridge at the end of the street, giggling at his enthusiasm. About halfway across the bridge, he deposited her on his shoulder and took off at a run. She laughed and let him carry her, holding her skirt down over her thighs so passersby didn’t get an unexpected view of her bare ass. He didn’t set her down until they reached the entrance of the Eiffel Tower replica at the Paris Hotel and Casino.

“We’re getting ready to close,” the attendant told them. “It would be better to wait until tomorrow. If you go now, you’ll just have to turn around and come right back down.”

“That’s fine.” Sed handed a hundred dollar bill to the young man and took the escalator to the elevator entrance, ignoring the photographer who wanted to take their picture.

They were the only ones waiting to go up, though when the elevator opened, at least a dozen people got off to leave. After the car cleared of tourists, Sed tugged Jessica into the glass-walled elevator. He pushed the up button and when the door closed, he backed her up against the wall. She pretended his proximity didn’t affect her.

“The view on the way up is spectacular,” she said, but she wasn’t admiring the view outside. The scenery inside the car held a grander appeal. She reached up and removed Sed’s sunglasses so she could look into his sky-blue eyes. She tucked his shades into his pocket, never taking her eyes from his. His eyes glazed over with desire as he stared down at her.

“Let me out of my pants,” he urged. “I need to be buried inside you again.”

She unfastened his pants and his cock sprang free.

Sed grabbed her thigh and lifted her leg to his waist before guiding himself into her body. He groaned as he thrust up into her. He took her hard and fast, grinding into her and grunting his enthusiasm with each penetrating thrust.

The rapid raising of the elevator car made Jessica unsteady. She gripped his shoulders and leaned her back against the railing so she didn’t lose her balance as she strained against him. One of his hands stroked her naked thigh, the other tangled in her hair. He pulled her head back and sucked on her throat.

The car began to slow as it neared the top.

Sed sighed remorsefully and pulled out, tucking his abused cock into his pants again.

When the elevator door slid open, they were standing innocently side-by-side holding hands. Sed guided her around the crowd of people waiting to get on the elevator and led her to the observation deck. A few people stood gazing out of the tower at the bright lights of the strip below, but most waited at the elevator to leave the closing attraction. Sed pulled Jessica to a deserted corner and shielded her body from the thinning crowd with his body.

“You know I can’t control myself around you,” he said.

She was counting on it.

His hands moved under her skirt, massaging the globes of her bare ass. He lowered his head to kiss her. He thrust his tongue into her mouth and she sucked it deep. He pulled her closer, grinding her pelvic bone against his—crushing his cock between their bodies. His fingertips ran down the crack of her ass until he found the puckered flesh he sought and dipped the tip of his ring finger inside her. She jerked and tugged her mouth away from his.

“I want to swallow you,” she whispered. “We need to find a room immediately.”

He glanced over his shoulder and looked around. There was no one there but the two of them. His hands moved to her hips and eased her down. She peeked around his body to ensure herself that no one was nearby and then crouched down in front of him. A cool breeze fluttered under her skirt and drew her attention to the hot ache between her thighs. Why was it always like this with him? He made her so wet and needy. Another reason to hate him.

And want him.

Sed’s hands gripped the wire cage surrounding the observation deck as she freed his cock from his pants and drew him deep into her throat.

His head fell back, his hat tumbling to the ground as he groaned in that primeval way that made her pussy clench. She clutched the leather encasing his muscular thighs as she sucked him, drawing her head back and then taking him deep into her throat again. She bobbed her head faster, sucked harder, knowing he needed release.

“Ah, Jessica. Ah, yeah. That’s perfect. Everything you do to me. Perfect.”

“Excuse me, sir. The observation deck is closed now,” a hesitant voice said behind them.

Jessica paused, her heart racing in her chest. Public engagements always excited her, but getting caught? Not so much.

Sed glanced at the female attendant over his shoulder. “I’ll give you a thousand dollars if you forget I’m up here for twenty minutes.”

“Oh. My. God,” she said, her pitch and volume increasing with each word. “Sed Lionheart. I’m your biggest fan!”

Jessica released his cock from her mouth and stood up. Sed let go of the wire fencing to wrap an arm around her, drawing her against his chest and poking her in the belly with his erection.

“We’re kind of busy,” Jessica told the star-struck young woman.

Her gaze moved from Sed’s face to Jessica’s. “I thought you were alone,” she murmured. Her eyes widened in sudden realization. “Oh. You can’t do that here. The deck is closed. You have to go down now.”

“I was going down,” Jessica told her.

Sed tossed his head back and laughed, his arm tightening around Jessica’s body. Jessica’s hand slipped between their bodies and wrapped around his cock. He jerked, his breath catching in his throat. Poor guy was about to explode. Her hand shifted to his balls, finding them hot and full. He shuddered.

“Sweetie, I’ll autograph something for you if you just disappear for about twenty minutes,” Sed said hoarsely.

“I saw your concert tonight,” the girl said, her gaze stuck to Sed like superglue. “How’s your throat?”

“Still a little sore, but it will get better. So, Eiffel Tower Girl, do we have a deal? Leave us alone for a few?”

“Yeah, I’ll pretend like I didn’t see you for twenty minutes or so, but I want your shirt.”

“You’ve got it.”

“And a thousand dollars.”


“Like, right now.”

Sed shrugged off his long leather coat, allowing it to fall to the ground, and pulled his shirt over his head. He threw it at her. The young woman caught it, cradled it against her chest, and lowered her face into the fabric to inhale his scent. She sighed, her eyelids fluttering in bliss.

Jessica’s nostrils flared.

“I’ll pay you later,” Sed promised. “Go away now.”

The attendant nodded and disappeared around the corner.

“I really hate your fans sometimes.” Jessica noticed they were entirely alone now. All the other tourists had left.

“If someone else had caught us, we’d have to leave.”

“Good point.”

He untied the string at the back of her neck and pushed down her bodice to expose her breasts. “I’ve been wanting to do that since we left the bus.”

He lowered his head and sucked her breast into his mouth, his tongue working against her rigid nipple. Her free hand moved to the soft, short hair on the back of his head, while her other hand slowly stroked the length of his cock.

He released her aching breast from his mouth. “Grab hold of the fence behind you.”

The fence? What did he have in mind? She lifted her hands over her head and held onto the thick chain-link wire fencing with both hands. “Like this?”

“Yeah. Hold on tight.” He gripped her hips and lifted her feet off the ground. He stretched her body out in front of him, settling his hips between her legs.

“Can you hold on like that?” he asked.

“For a little while.”

“Let me know when your arms get tired.”

He surged forward, filling her with one deep thrust.

Her back arched involuntarily. “Ah, God, Sed.”

He supported most of her weight with one hand under her lower back, the other under her hips. She wrapped her legs around his hips and gripped the fencing tightly as he thrust into her.

“Lean back,” he whispered.

She walked her hands down the fence several rungs. When she opened her eyes, the Las Vegas strip came into view upside down. Below, she saw headlights of countless cars, an ambulance flashing red and blue lights in the distance, and the spectacular casinos lit in all their glory. Despite the view, she couldn’t keep her eyes open. He felt too good to think of anything but his thick cock filling her, receding, filling her again. In this glorious, yet acrobatic, position, he rubbed against her G-spot with each penetrating thrust. Her arms began to tremble with fatigue, but she didn’t want him to stop just yet. She was so close.

“Sed,” she called. “Fuck me hard. I wanna come. I wanna…”

He thrust into her harder, his fingers digging into her flesh as he pounded against her.

“Oh. Oh. Oh, yes,” her vocalizations grew louder and more needy with each thrust. Her excitement and pleasure built and built and built.

Her entire body convulsed as she came. He almost dropped her and had to strengthen his hold as she screamed into the night. She shuddered violently as ripples of pleasure spread from her pulsating core, down her thighs, and up her belly and back. He refused to relent. Kept pounding into her—harder, harder, oh God, yes, harder—until another orgasm shook her and another. She knew she was chanting his name at the top of her lungs, but couldn’t stop. As her fourth orgasm pulsated through her, he thrust deep and held still, waiting for her to regain her bearings. When her body relaxed, Sed squatted and lowered her feet to the ground.

“You okay?”

She released the fencing with one hand and rubbed her face. She laughed, somewhat maniacally. “You could say that. Wow, that was…”

“…amazing.” He pulled out with a wince. “Can you stand? I don’t think I can hold you that way much longer. I’m getting tired. I guess I need to work out more.”

Most guys couldn’t hold her like that for fifteen seconds, much less fifteen minutes. She used the fencing to pull herself to her feet. He stood before her and cupped her face, kissing her tenderly. He stroked the bare skin of her upper arms. “Turn around.”

She never minded him bossing her around at times like these. She trusted his sexual inventiveness far more than her own.

She turned to face the Vegas strip. He moved behind her and pushed her skirt up around her waist. Gripping her hips, he entered her again, this time from behind. He had to bend his knees to penetrate her, because even in three-inch heels, she wasn’t tall enough to accommodate his height. He caressed her buttocks and belly as he thrust into her slowly and rhythmically. As he had yet to come, she knew he had to be dying, yet he still considered her pleasure first, building her back to the pinnacle methodically.

It was time for her to regain control.

She bent forward slightly, changing the point of friction between their bodies.

He groaned. She rotated her hips, and bent further still, squeezing his cock tightly within her body.

“Jessica, that feels…”


“Yeah.” His breathing became sporadic as his thrusts quickened.

That’s better. Lose yourself. She bent further, her hair brushing the ground in front of her now. Squeezed harder. Relaxed. Squeezed. “Uhn. Uhn.” He punctuated each thrust with groans and gasps.

Come hard, Sed. She clenched her vaginal muscles even tighter to increase his stimulation. Think of nothing but me. She slowly straightened her back, changing their point of friction again. When she stood completely upright, she slowly bent forward again.

His strokes became rapid and shallow, his breathing chaotic, his groans low and primal. His hands gripped her hipbones, trying to hold her still as he continued to pound into her. Faster. Faster. Harder. Oh, yes. He thrust deep and then paused.

“Hold still, hold still,” he pleaded. He took several deep breaths and then began to move more slowly. Deeper. Gyrating to increase her pleasure.

She grinned. There was nothing better than a lover who held back for as long as possible. She put her hands on her knees and rotated her hips to the left and then to the right, grinding him inside her. And there was nothing more fun than trying to make him come.

“Jess. Jess.”

She rotated her hips to the left again. With a primal growl, he grabbed her hair and pulled her upright. He lunged forward and pressed her body against the fence, thrusting into her vigorously, repeating incoherent words into her ear.

He grabbed the fence with both hands. Metal rattled loudly as he strained against her and shuddered violently as he let go inside her at last.

“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck,” he shouted. “Oh God, Jess. Jess…”

There was nothing sexier than when this man, who was always in command, completely lost control.

His body sagged against hers, crushing her into the fencing. She allowed him to catch his breath for several minutes before she complained.

“Sed, I can’t breathe.”

“Sorry, sorry,” he panted. “I don’t think I can pull out yet. Give me a minute.” His lips brushed against her hair at the side of her head. He leaned away from her slightly, giving her just enough room to take a decent breath, but kept himself buried inside her.

“You have to leave now,” the Eiffel Tower attendant said from behind them.

Sed sighed and pulled away with a stuttering gasp. He tucked his slackening cock into his pants while Jessica straightened her skirt and pulled her top up to cover her breasts. She tied the strings behind her neck. Sed retrieved his leather coat from the ground and slid into it.

His naked chest and stomach, which showed between the sides of his duster, drew Jessica’s appreciative attention. Yummy.

Sed located his hat and crammed it onto his head. Walking unsteadily, he dug his wallet out of his pocket and fished out multiple hundred-dollar bills. He handed them to the young woman.

“Thanks for your discretion,” he said. “Worth every penny.”

She flushed and shook her head. “Keep it. I don’t want your money. I do want your autograph.” She handed him a black marker and the shirt he’d given her earlier.

Sed signed the stretched fabric against his thigh and handed the shirt back to her.

“And can I have a hug, too?” she asked, smiling hopefully.

Sed glanced at Jessica for approval. She knew he had to indulge his fans on occasion, so she shrugged.

He attempted a weak, one-armed embrace, but Eiffel Tower Fangirl wouldn’t settle for that. She wrapped both arms around his waist and rubbed her face against his shoulder. The young woman trembled from head to foot and continued to cling to him long after he’d dropped his arm.

Jessica tapped Fangirl on the shoulder. Not because that pang in her chest was jealousy: no, she just knew that Sed was exhausted and ready to head back to the hotel. “You’re done,” Jessica insisted. “We’re leaving now.”

Fangirl’s head swiveled slowly and she glared pure hatred at Jessica. Jessica wouldn’t have been surprised if the petite brunette started spewing split pea soup in her face.

“No one asked you, Jessica.”

Jessica’s eyes widened.

“Yes, I know who you are. You’re the stupid bitch who broke Sed’s—”

Sed covered the young woman’s mouth with one hand and chuckled uneasily. “I’ve got to go now.”

He pulled free of Fangirl’s embrace, took Jessica’s hand, and stumbled toward the elevator. Once they were inside and on their way down, Sed leaned against the wall.

“How did she know my name?” Jessica asked.

He shrugged. “Probably read it in a tabloid or something. Don’t worry about it.”

How could she not worry about it? Some demon-possessed fan girl knew her by name and probably had it in for her. Jessica fiddled with the bracelets on her wrists. She wondered how many other Sedric Lionheart fans thought she was a stupid bitch. Because Sed could obviously do no wrong. And why did she care anyway? She knew what a self-centered jerk he was, even if every other person on the planet was clueless.

Sed wrapped an arm around her shoulders and tugged her closer. “I can’t wait to get you to a nice, comfortable bed,” he murmured. “Nothing but missionary position for the next several days.”

She smiled and snuggled closer, her hand resting on the warm skin of his belly. Yes, that was what she needed to focus on. Their sex-only relationship. Not these unfounded feelings of hurt over Sed’s ridiculous fans. Who cared what they thought of her? “Missionary? I’ll believe that when I see it.”

Sed kissed her on the forehead. “You know what I hate about you?”

She scowled, some strange emotion stealing her breath. “What?”

“You know me too well.”

“You know what I hate about you?”



“Oh yeah?”

She nodded.

He chuckled. “Baby, if that’s how you show your hatred, I can’t wait to see how you show you care.”
