Jack had finally pulled that dreadful dildo from Betti's cunt. Kathy could see with some relief he hadn't popped her daughter's cherry – not yet, at least. Jack had let Betti fall to the ground, having untied the restraints that bound her wrists to the overhead dangling rope. She fell to the floor, her body shaking with awful sobs.

"Please, no more, no more, I can't move," the girl cried.

Jack grinned down at the helpless girl, nudging her with his toe, then turning to the hapless mother, who was still wiping his cum from her lips.

"Here, you beat some sense into her," he said, handing Kathy his belt.

Kathy looked at him, wrinkling her forehead and feeling as if he had just asked her something in Russian. Cocking her head to one side, she stared uncomprehendingly at the young man, feeling a little sick. She knew she wasn't capable of such cruelty to anyone, especially her own daughter.

"You heard me, you beat the little slut!" Jack hissed, her eyes narrowing. "Or I'll do it. And you know what I can do."

Standing there, hesitating, Kathy knew she could only cause her daughter more harm if she didn't obey Jack. Her fingers closed about the belt buckle, feeling the cold through her fingers. It was an awful sensation, one that made her a little wild and queasy at the same time. Betti was looking tap through her tousled blonde hair, staring wild-eyed at her mother. An uneasy feeling churned in the pit of Kathy's belly. She raised the belt, cocking her arm, then brought the leather down sharply across her daughter's bare back. Screaming from the pain, Betti jerked her legs outward and rolled onto her back.

"That's the way! Harder, harder!" Jack demanded while the other guys drew close.

Kathy stepped forward, spreading her legs apart a little farther for support as she looked into Jack's eyes and thought he resembled an attacking wolf. She had to do it.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Betti," the woman murmured.

She brought the belt down again, this time the black leather cracking across the girl's naked tits. Betti shrieked, her body jerking and twitching as she crawfished back to get away from her mother. Kathy followed, bringing the belt down repeatedly.

Again and again, the belt whistled through the air, smashing against the girl's reddening flesh and bringing out more purple welts. Each time, the girl cried out in an agonized scream, crawling on all fours, doing anything to get away from the hurting belt.

Jack encouraged the woman, kicking her at times, goading her with obscene remarks.

"That's it! Whip that little bitch! Harder and faster, slut! Remember, she brought this on herself," Jack reminded the mother. "And remember, she's here 'cause she wanted to be here. Make the little bitch know she's gettin' a beating!"

It was incredible! Soon Kathy found herself caught up in the contagious sadism of the perverts around her. As much as she tried to resist, she found herself catching the fever of this hellish excitement. For a change, she was inflicting punishment on some poor soul, even if that soul happened to be her own daughter. "Agh! No more, Mother. Oh God, no more!" Betti begged.

But Kathy discovered she couldn't stop. The excitement poured through her like liquid fire, inflaming her veins as she smacked the black leather again and again against her own daughter. She felt a warm flush flooding her cheeks while flames of incredible goodness licked up her thighs and up into her cunt. Her arm rose and fell faster and faster as she slashed the leather belt against Betti's flesh.

The girl's shrill screams of pain were intoxicating. Shaking the hair from her eyes, Kathy followed her crawling, sobbing daughter around the garage floor, spit frothing around her mouth as she hammered the belt like a whip against the girl's vulnerable flesh.

"Okay, lady, okay, that's enough. You don't wanna kill her, do you?" Jack said, grinning.

Kathy stopped, her arm hanging down, the belt trailing on the floor like a huge black tongue. She stood there like a dumb animal waiting to be ordered about.

There was something shoved in her cunt now. Looking down, Kathy saw it was the same dildo that had tormented her daughter. But now when Jack turned on the switch something more than simple pain shot through her.

She dropped the belt, falling to her knees as her head dropped backward. Shocks filled her cunt, shocks that made her clit twitter while her big tits stood out.


He had on those rubber gloves again, gloves that made sure he wouldn't get shocked while the low current bit into her swelling cuntlips.

Kathy sank to the floor, her body swaying drunkenly as she started to bite into her lower lip. Groans of anguish and delight seeped from her throat. Jack followed her down, keeping his hands on the dildo, then taking it out and flicking it off. Kathy fell forward, catching herself just in time before striking the cold floor. A low groan came from the crumpled body of her daughter.

"So, I see the little cock-sucker's coming back alive. Not bad, baby. You got a good old lady here. She knows how the fuck to beat a little snot like you."

Kathy knelt there, glad that her daughter was recovering. She looked at the young men around her and felt her anger rising like lava. How she would punish them for all this, punish them in a war they would never forget! But for now, she had to be silent, to give in to these animals. "Please, please…"

Betti was stirring on the floor. She was still dazed by her ordeal, her hands tentatively rubbing over her sore, injured flesh as she curled her legs up into a fetal position and hugged her knees.

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry," Kathy sobbed.

"Don't touch me!" Betti shrieked, dragging her welt-covered body away from her mother.



The men laughed at the exchange, Jack pushing Kathy down to the floor while he moved up to Betti and slapped her hard across the mouth.

"That's no way to talk to your old lady," he said with a hard laugh. "You gotta show some respect. Shit, after everything we've done to you, I thought you would've shown at least that, especially to her."

Betti lay there mute, her mind racing out of control. She felt nothing but hatred and fear as she scanned all those around her. Jack was nudging her again, pressing his boot toe up against her inner thigh. Betti could see her mother's worried look as she knelt there on the floor, covering her mouth in shame and horror.

It was when the hard black leather pressed against her pussy that the girl crawfished back, beating her hands against the offending boot.

Jack kept pursuing her while the others watched with growing interest. Her bare ass skinned across the uneven floor, her hands reaching back while tiny whimpering sounds escaped from her throat.

"Please, no… don't…" She shook her head form side to side, swinging her arms back a little farther. When Jack kicked her cunt lightly with his boot at her protest, Betti jerked backward, fireworks going off in her head. The girl ached from her pussy to her shitter from that blow. She wanted to crawl away and hide, to rub the sore spot still aching from the booting. But Jack obviously had something else in mind.

"Come on, baby, that's the way, crawl, crawl," he whispered.

The next time, the boot missed its target, whistling past her cunt and catching the girl in the ribs. Betti let out a howl, rolling onto her belly as she stretched out her hands and tried crawling away.

"Oh God, no, don't… don't… uhhh!"

Betti heard a hard slap following her mother's second protest and guessed one of the men had silenced her. She deserved it, Betti thought glumly, remembering what Kathy had done to her. Betti was on her own now. On her own, fighting for life and her cherry. And when she felt his boot wedging between her asscheeks, the toe bruising her asshole, Betti let out another cry: "Ohhhhh, no, no, no!"

"Let's get her up again. C'mon, Joe forget the old bird for a while. You can get her to suck your cock later."

There was no elaborate tying scheme this time. Joe was too used by the thought of fucking Kathy to do a good job. Still, he followed orders, grabbing Betti from behind and dragging the screaming teenager backward until she felt her spine crashing against one of the support beams in the garage. In a moment, Betti found herself standing, her heels pressed against the base of the support while Joe quickly bound her wrists to the wood. Betti cringed as she felt the line biting into her bruised wrist flesh.

Joe swore at the loss of time with Kathy, kneeling behind the complaining teenager and roping her ankles tightly against the support beam. He was purposely twisting the rope around more tightly, digging the hemp into her flesh and making her writhe her shoulderblades and ass against the wooden beam. Her legs and thighs hurt, and the wood pressed uncomfortably into her back. She felt her asscheeks clenching against the splintery wood as Joe finished his job and rose, pinching her right nipple for added fun.


"Better than playin' around in the school pool, right, man?"

"Yeah. Always wanted to fuck around with these two," Joe said, wiping his nose with one finger.

Betti was disgusted. To think all those times she had visited Tina, Joe was plotting… this! Jack was busy in one corner of the garage, returning and producing something in his right hand that made the blonde teenager blink uncomprehendingly at first. She saw several brightly colored objects lying next to one another. Narrowing her eyes and blinking them dear, Betti realized they were long firecrackers. "This'll make you think twice about talkin' back to your old lady. That means you could finally wind up talkin' back to us, and that ain't good."

"No, no, I'm sorry, no, no!" she babbled, rocking her body as best she could, her flesh bulging out over the rope bonds.

She trembled and strained, bawling with horror as Jack took one of the firecrackers and twisted it in slowly, slowly, screwing the cylinder into her cunt. The girl felt her pussy go into tremors of need, the tiny muscles spasming and rippling with delight. Betti threw back her head, staring wide-eyed at the ceiling. She couldn't believe this! They were going to destroy her cherry, her last bastion of innocence. Her heart beat wildly while her pulse exploded in her skull. A second pushing sensation in her asshole told the girl she was finished. Jack was inserting two firecrackers into her shitter, pushing them deep into her ass until only the long white wicks remained dangling out.

For good measure, he inserted a second firecracker into her pussy, just below the first one.

"Now, then, we watch," Jack said.

Betti jerked her head around and saw Joe had her mother down on the floor, the woman's head bobbing back and forth in a rhythm Betti sadly knew too well.

"No, please, oh don't…"

Her voice grew weaker as her pussy muscles worked over the firecrackers, the movement drawing them in an inch while juice started to wet down the gunpowder. Oh, if only she could extinguish the fire before it got started, she would save herself. Betti concentrated, her face darkening as Jack flicked open his lighter and lit the two wicks in her cunt.


It wasn't working. The flame was too hot, too intense. She could feel the shower of sparks raining into her pussy. At nearly the same time, Betti felt something terribly hot and stinging on her asscheeks. Yes, yes, he had lit the wicks of the firecrackers shoved up in her asshole! Two fires, both of them bright and hot, were roaring to her goals.

Betti bawled and screamed, her toes curling against the cold concrete while her hair splashed over her narrow shuddering shoulders. Her tits giggled against one another while her thighs ridged, the flames growing closer and closer to her ass and cunt.

"Ahhhh, owwwwwwww!"

The fires were rapidly approaching their destinations now. The heat was spreading across the girl's lower ass slope and singeing her asscrack. At the same time, Betti could smell the pungent aroma of her cunt hairs as several of them burned and blackened from the approaching heat. She banged her head against the beam behind her, her wrists slipping in blood as she pulled insanely against the rope bonds. In the end Betti tensed, her mouth moving in prayer as the heat penetrated her pussy and shitter like a licking, tingling tongue.

For a moment, she thought the wicks might not work. The sparking fires sputtered, hesitated for a moment. Perhaps her ass and cunt had made the gunpowder in the firecrackers too moist for ignition. But then the flames sprang back into life.

"No… owwwwwww!"

Four sharp bangs, one following atop the other, echoed through the garage, followed by Betti's ear-shattering shrieks.

Thousands of fiery needles ripped through her pussy and asshole, making her body bounce violently against the support beam. She jerked her hips while the scalding fire began to ignite more of her cunt hairs.

Jack laughed, putting out the small flames with the back of his right hand. But Betti continued to feel the agony long after the fires had been extinguished. She screamed and flinched, letting out another loud shattering cry before she slumped forward in a faint.

Joe threw water over her body and she awoke with a start. Her mother, she saw, was on the floor, creamy cum drooling from her halfopened mouth.

Jack reached between Betti's thighs, sticking two fingers up into her cunt and feeling the bunched cherry flesh with the callused tips.

"Damn! That's one strong cherry, baby. Gotta take it!"

"No, no, don't!"

He unfastened her wrists, making sure the ropes around her ankles still held. Backing away, Jack let the girl fall to the floor, her legs drawn back behind her. Betti managed to catch herself before her head struck the cement, her arms hurting from the resulting fall. Jack was behind her in a moment, stroking her sides with his hands, his fingers caressing her thighs until he came down to her ravaged ass. Reaching around, the pulled the blackened firecrackers from her pussy and shitter, making the girl wince with pain. She was so sore there, so very sore.

"Okay, baby," Jack said.

She heard his pants coming down, felt the weight of his body pressing against hers as he held her and started jabbing his prickhead up against her cunt. Betti flinched as the pounding cock struck her cunt again and again in spite of her violent protests. Jack held her hard, his hands reaching around and squeezing her tits while his hips drove in inexorably. She could feel her pussy widening, the tender cuntlips stretching itchily as the mushroom-shaped cockhead fucked in.

Betti opened her mouth as if that would ease his prick in. She gasped, feeling his cockmeat burning through her body, touching her cunt. It was so odd having something that big, that hard, that hot burrowing into her pussy.

And then the pain began, more concentrated than the pain from that awful set of firecrackers had been. She threw back her head, a long low moan escaping from between her lips as her muscles bulged against her sweaty flesh. Her hair matted over her face as she gave another moan.

She felt something tearing deep in her pussy, something ripping in two, and she knew exactly what it was. Screaming, trying to pull her ankles from the rope still holding them to the support beam, Betti felt her cherry tearing.

"Yeah, man, she's doin' it! Man, I'm inside!" Jack growled, tossing his head and fucking his cock all the way into the girl's pussy. "God… oh, God!" Kathy cried, covering her face and rocking back and forth as she finally came to and saw her daughter being raped in front of her. "No, no…" Betti let her head drop down, her fingers clawing at the floor while that rodding cockmeat frictioned again and again through her newly plowed cunt. The awful hurt, the throbbing pain drove up into her brain. Now all her defenses were gone. She was nothing more than a slut, just like all the whores she had looked down on earlier. He was all the way in her cunt now, his balls slapping up against her ass while his fingers pinched and crimped her nipples.

When Betti groaned in protest, Jack only laughed, fucking her harder, rocking his hips from side to side so she could feel his cockbone more. The girl sobbed again, biting down on her lower lip until she could taste blood. Yes, oh God as she could feel something else happening to her, something so shameful she could have laughed with embarrassment. Lust, good hard lewd lust was boiling in her, taking her breath away as she crouched there dog-style, being fucked by Jack. Yes, yes, he was raping her just as Tina had been raped earlier. Only now Betti realized how much fun it could be, in spite of the pain. The young girl found herself enjoying the horror, wallowing in the degradation as she pushed back and rolled her ass hungrily against his flat, rippling belly.

"Hey, the little slut digs it! Man, that's it!" he exclaimed, slapping her ass hard with his opened hand and fucking in all the way. "That's it, baby! Roll that sweet ass up against me." Lust boiled up in her like lava while her clit was stung with another round of spasms. His prick ground her insides. The bruising, ramming cock tore at her clit in a seemingly endless attack as he fucked farther into her snugging cunt.

Jack thrust down, his body hugging hers while he grabbed both tits and squeezed and kneaded them.

She could tell he was firing his cum load into her pussy. Throwing back her head again, she felt her cunt aching while her clit shivered and shuddered. She exploded, feeling herself become one hot, wet, milking cunt. Her belly ballooned out while her thighs tensed until they cramped. Gouts of his cum sizzled through her bubbling cunt, burning into her pussy walls like acid as the two of them grunted and came together.
