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FRIDAY, 10:05 PM

It wasn't Patrick Farrell. When Byrne had gone through the files at the hospital, it had all fallen into place.

Besides being treated by Patrick Farrell in the St. Joseph's emergency room, the one thing that all five girls had in common was the ambulance service. They all lived in North Philly. They all used Glenwood Ambulance Group.

They were all treated first by Andrew Chase.

Chase had known Simon Close, and Simon had paid for that proximity with his life.

On the day she died, Nicole Taylor was not trying to write P-A-R-K- H-U-R-S-T on her palm. She was trying to write P-A-R-A-M-E-D-I-C.

Byrne flipped open his cell phone, tried 911 one final time. Nothing. He checked the status. No bars. He wasn't getting a signal. The patrol cars were not going to make it in time.

He'd have to go it alone.

Byrne stood in front of a twin, trying to shield his eyes from the rain.

Was this the house?

Think, Kevin. What were the landmarks he had seen the day he had picked her up? He could not remember. He turned and looked behind him. The van parked out front. Glenwood Ambulance Group. This was the house. He drew his weapon, chambered a round, and hurried up the drive-
