Washington, D C.

In reply refer to number N/P16/2117.

August 31, 1945.

From: The Director, Broadcast and Recording Division.

To: The Officer-in-Charge, Security and Public Information.

Subject: Commander E. J. Richardson, U. S. Navy; tape recording by

Reference: (a) Article 1074(b) Bu Pers Manual (b) Sec Nav Memo of 11 Aug. 1945

Enclosure: (A) Transcript of subject recording

1. A transcript of a tape recording made by Commander. E. J. Richardson, U. S. Navy, who was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor on August 30, is forwarded herewith as enclosure (A).

2. It is not believed that subject recording can be of use during the forthcoming Victory War Bond Drive mentioned in reference (b) without severe condensation of the material. Subject failed to confine himself to pertinent elements of the broad strategy of the war, and devoted entirely too much time to personal trivia.

3. Subject to the foregoing comments, a verbatim transcript is forwarded for review. In accordance with provisions of reference (a), subject tape will be retained for such future disposition as may be directed.

