Russian Army Corps at the beginning of the autumn 1813 campaign*

Army of Bohemia

Army Corps of General Count Peter von Wittgenstein: 43 battalions, 19 squadrons, 4 Cossack regiments, 92 guns: total strength = 31,913 men

First Infantry Corps: Lieutenant-General Prince Andrei I. Gorchakov

5th Infantry Division: Major-General V. P. Mezentsev

Brigade: Perm Infantry Regiment; Mogilev Infantry Regiment

Brigade: Kaluga Infantry Regiment; Sevsk Infantry Regiment; Grand Duchess Catherine’s Battalion

Brigade: 23rd and 24th Jaeger regiments

14th Infantry Division: Major-General Gothard von Helfreich

Brigade: Tenge Infantry Regiment; Estland Infantry Regiment

Brigade: 25th and 26th Jaeger regiments

3rd Heavy and 6th and 7th Light Artillery batteries

Second Infantry Corps: Lieutenant-General Prince Eugen of Württemberg

3rd Infantry Division: Major-General Prince I. L. Shakhovskoy

Brigade: Murom Infantry Regiment; Reval Infantry Regiment

Brigade: Chernigov Infantry Regiment; Selenginsk Infantry Regiment

Brigade: 20th and 21st Jaeger regiments

4th Infantry Division: Major-General D. I. Pyshnitsky

Brigade: Tobolsk Infantry Regiment; Volhynia Infantry Regiment

Brigade: Kremenchug Infantry Regiment; Minsk Infantry Regiment

Brigade: 4th and 34th Jaeger regiments

5th Heavy and 13th and 27th Light batteries

1st Hussar Division: Lieutenant-General Count Peter von der Pahlen

Grodno, Sumi, Olviopol and Lubny Hussar regiments

4 Don Cossack regiments

6th and 12th Horse Artillery batteries

Reserve Army Corps of the Grand Duke Constantine: 47 battalions, 87 squadrons, 3 Cossack regiments and 182 guns = 43,498 men

Fifth (Guards) Infantry Corps: Lieutenant-General A. P. Ermolov

1st Guards Division: Major-General Baron Gregor von Rosen

Brigade: Preobrazhensky Guards Regiment; Semenovsky Guards Regiment

Brigade: Izmailovsky Guards Regiment; Guards Jaeger Regiment; Marine Guards Battalion

2nd Guards Division: Major-General I. F. Udom

Brigade: Lithuania (Litovsky) Guards Regiment; Life Grenadier Guards Regiment

Brigade: Pavlovsky Guards Regiment; Finland Guards Regiment

2nd Guards Heavy and 1st and 2nd Guards Light batteries

Third (Grenadier) Corps: Lieutenant-General N. N. Raevsky

1st Grenadier Division: Major-General P. N. Choglokov

Brigade: Count Arakcheev Grenadier Regiment; Ekaterinoslav Grenadier Regiment

Brigade: Tauride Grenadier Regiment; St Petersburg Grenadier Regiment

Brigade: Kexholm Grenadier Regiment; Pernau Grenadier Regiment

2nd Grenadier Division: Lieutenant-General Prince Karl of Mecklenburg-Schwerin

Brigade: Kiev Grenadier Regiment; Moscow Grenadier Regiment

Brigade: Astrakhan Grenadier Regiment; Fanagoria Grenadier Regiment

Brigade: Siberia Grenadier Regiment; Little Russia Grenadier Regiment

33rd Heavy and 14th Light batteries

Reserve Cavalry: Lieutenant-General Prince D. V. Golitsyn

1st Cuirassier Division: Major-General N. I. Preradovich

Brigade: Chevaliers Gardes; Horse Guards

Brigade: His Majesty’s Life Cuirassiers; Her Majesty’s Life Cuirassiers

1st and 2nd Guards Horse Artillery batteries: Colonel Kozen

2nd Cuirassier Division: Major-General N. V. Kretov

Brigade: Ekaterinoslav Cuirassier Regiment; Pskov Cuirassier Regiment

Brigade: Glukhov Cuirassier Regiment; Astrakhan Cuirassier Regiment

3rd Cuirassier Division: Major-General I. M. Duka

Brigade: Military Order Cuirassier Regiment; Starodub Cuirassier Regiment

Brigade: Little Russia Cuirassier Regiment; Novgorod Cuirassier Regiment

Guards Light Cavalry Division: Major-General I. G. Shevich

Brigade: Guards Dragoon Regiment; Guards Lancer Regiment

Brigade: Guards Hussar Regiment; Cossack Guards Regiment

Lancer Division: Major-General Baron E. I. Müller-Zakomelsky

Chuguev Lancer Regiment; Serpukhov Lancer Regiment; 2nd Tatar Lancer Regiment

Ataman Cossack Regiment and 2 other Don Cossack regiments

1st Don Cossack Horse Artillery Battery

Reserve artillery:

1st Guards Heavy Battery; 1st, 14th, 29th, 30th Heavy batteries

Marine Guards artillery detachment: 1st, 3rd, 10th, 23rd Horse Artillery batteries

Army of Silesia

Army Corps of Lieutenant-General Baron Fabian von der Osten-Sacken: 24 battalions, 30 squadrons, 12 irregular cavalry regiments, 60 guns = 17,689 men

10th Infantry Division: Lieutenant-General Count Johann von Lieven

Brigade: Iaroslavl Infantry Regiment

Brigade: Crimea Infantry Regiment; Belostok Infantry Regiment

Brigade: 8th and 39th Jaeger regiments

16th Infantry Division: Major-General S. Ia. Repninsky

Brigade: Okhotsk Infantry Regiment; Kamchatka Infantry Regiment

27th Infantry Division: Lieutenant-General D. P. Neverovsky

Brigade: Vilna Infantry Regiment; Simbirsk Infantry Regiment

Brigade: Ternopol Infantry Regiment; Odessa Infantry Regiment

Brigade: 49th and 50th Jaeger regiments

Cavalry: Lieutenant-General I. V. Vasilchikov

Brigade from 3rd Dragoon Division

Smolensk Dragoon Regiment; Courland Dragoon Regiment

2nd Hussar Division: Major-General S. N. Lanskoy

Brigade: Belorussia Hussar Regiment; Akhtyrka Hussar Regiment

Brigade: Aleksandria Hussar Regiment; Mariupol Hussar Regiment

8 Don Cossack regiments; 1 Kalmyk and 1 Bashkir regiment; 2 other Cossack regiments

Artillery: Major-General A. P. Nikitin

10th and 13th Heavy, 24th and 35th Light, and 18th Horse Artillery batteries

1 company of pioneers

Army Corps of General Count A. de Langeron: 53 battalions, 37 squadrons, 176 guns = 43,531 men

Sixth Infantry Corps: Lieutenant-General Prince A. G. Shcherbatov

7th Infantry Division: Major-General F. I. Talyzin

Brigade: Pskov Infantry Regiment; Moscow Infantry Regiment

Brigade: Libau Infantry Regiment; Sofia Infantry Regiment

Brigade: 11th and 36th Jaeger regiments

18th Infantry Division: Major-General P. E. Benardos

Brigade: Vladimir Infantry Regiment; Tambov Infantry Regiment

Brigade: Dnieper Infantry Regiment; Kostroma Infantry Regiment

Brigade: 28th and 32nd Jaeger regiments

Eighth Infantry Corps: Lieutenant-General Count E. de Saint-Priest

11th Infantry Division: Major-General Prince I. S. Gurelov

Brigade: Ekaterinburg Infantry Regiment; Rylsk Infantry Regiment

Brigade: Elets Infantry Regiment; Polotsk Infantry Regiment

Brigade: 1st and 33rd Jaeger regiments

17th Infantry Division: Major-General Georg Pilar von Pilchau

Brigade: Riazan Infantry Regiment; Beloozero Infantry Regiment

Brigade: Wilmanstrand Infantry Regiment; Brest Infantry Regiment

Brigade: 30th and 48th Jaeger regiments

Ninth Infantry Corps: Lieutenant-General Z. D. Olsufev

9th Infantry Division: Major-General E. E. Udom

Brigade: Nasheburg Infantry Regiment; Apsheron Infantry Regiment

Brigade: Riazhsk Infantry Regiment; Iakutsk Infantry Regiment

Brigade: 10th and 38th Jaeger regiments

Detachment of General A. Ia. Rudzevich: 15th and 13th Infantry divisions:

Brigade (15th Division): Vitebsk Infantry Regiment; Kozlov Infantry Regiment

Brigade (15th Division): Kuriia Infantry Regiment; Kolyvan Infantry Regiment

Brigade (13th Division): 12th and 22nd Jaeger regiments

Tenth Infantry Corps: Lieutenant-General P. M. Kaptsevich

8th Infantry Division: Major-General Prince A. P. Urusov

Brigade: Archangel Infantry Regiment; Schlüsselberg Infantry Regiment

Brigade: Staroingermanland Infantry Regiment

Brigade: 7th and 37th Jaeger regiments

22nd Infantry Division: Major-General P. P. Turchaninov

Brigade: Viatka Infantry Regiment; Staroskol Infantry Regiment; Olonets Infantry Regiment

Brigade: 29th and 45th Jaeger regiments

Cavalry Corps: Lieutenant-General Baron Friedrich von Korff

3rd Dragoon Division: Major-General A. N. Berdiaev

Tver Dragoon Regiment; Kinburn Dragoon Regiment

1st Dragoon Division: Major-General N. M. Borozdin

Moscow, Kargopol, Mitau, New Russia Dragoon regiments

4th Dragoon Division: Major-General G. A. Emmanuel

Kharkov Dragoon Regiment: Kiev Dragoon Regiment

1st Mounted Jaeger Division: Major-General S. D. Panchulidzev

Chernigov, Arzamas and Seversk Mounted Jaeger regiments

2nd Mounted Jaeger Division: Major-General Count Paul von der Pahlen

Livonia and Dorpat Mounted Jaeger regiments

Irregular cavalry

5 Don Cossack, 3 Ukrainian Cossack and 1 Kalmyk regiment

Artillery of Langeron’s Army Corps:

2nd, 15th, 18th, 32nd, 34th and 39th Heavy batteries; 3rd, 19th, 28th, 29th, 32nd, 33rd and 34th Light batteries; 8th Horse Artillery Battery and 2nd Don Cossack Horse Artillery Battery; 3 pioneer and 3 pontoon companies

Army of the North:

Army Corps of Lieutenant-General Baron F. von Winzengerode: 29 battalions, 48 squadrons, 20 irregular cavalry regiments, 96 guns = 29, 639 men

Detachment of Lieutenant-General Count M. S. Vorontsov

21st Infantry Division: Major-General V. D. Laptev

Brigade: Petrovsk, Podolia and Lithuania Infantry regiments

Brigade: Neva Infantry Regiment: 44th Jaeger Regiment

31st Heavy and 42nd Light Artillery batteries

24th Infantry Division: Major-General N. V. Vuich

Brigade: Shirvan and Ufa Infantry regiments

Brigade: Butyrki and Tomsk Infantry regiments

Brigade: 19th and 40th Jaeger regiments

46th Light Artillery Battery

Cavalry: Major-General Count Gothard von Manteuffel

St Petersburg Dragoon Regiment; Elizavetgrad Hussar Regiment; Iakhontov Volunteer Cavalry Regiment

5 Don Cossack, 1 Bug and 1 Ural Cossack regiment

Detachment of Major-General Harpe

Navagin, Tula, Sevsk infantry regiments

2nd, 13th, 14th Jaeger regiments

3 Combined Grenadier battalions

Cavalry detachment of Major-General Count Joseph O’Rourke

Nezhin Mounted Jaeger, Pavlograd Hussar, Polish Lancer and Volhynia Lancer regiments

6 Don Cossack, 1 Siberian Cossack and 1 Bashkir regiment

Cavalry detachment of Major-General A. I. Chernyshev

Finland Dragoon Regiment; Riga Dragoon Regiment; Izium Hussar Regiment

5 Don Cossack regiments; 4 guns of 8th Horse Artillery Battery

Army Corps artillery

31st Heavy, 42nd and 46th Light Artillery batteries; 8 guns of 8th Horse Artillery Battery

Army of Poland:

Commander: General Levin von Bennigsen: 43 battalions of army and 27 battalions of militia infantry: 40 squadrons of army regular cavalry, 10 regiments of irregular cavalry, 7 squadrons of militia cavalry: 198 guns = 59,033 men

Advance Guard: Lieutenant-General E. I. Markov

16th Infantry Division: Major-General M. L. Bulatov

Neishlot Infantry Regiment; 27th and 43rd Jaeger regiments

13th Infantry Division: 2nd Brigade: Major General Ivanov

Saratov Infantry Regiment: Penza Infantry Regiment

Cavalry: Major-General S. V. Diatkov and Major-General N. V. Dekhterev

Orenburg and Vladimir Lancer regiments; 1st Combined Hussar Regiment; 1st Combined Lancer Regiment

4 Don Cossack regiments, 1 Ural Cossack regiment, 4 Bashkir regiments

1 regiment Siberian Cossack militia and 1 regiment Penza militia cavalry

Artillery: 16th Heavy, 56th Light and 30th and 10th Horse Artillery batteries

Right Flank Army Corps: General D. S. Dokhturov

12th Infantry Division: Major-General Prince N. N. Khovansky

Brigade: Smolensk Infantry Regiment; Narva Infantry Regiment

Brigade: Aleksopol Infantry Regiment; Novoingermanland Infantry Regiment

Brigade: 6th and 41st Jaeger regiments

26th Infantry Division: Major-General I. F. Paskevich

Brigade: Ladoga Infantry Regiment; Poltava Infantry Regiment

Brigade: Nizhnii Novgorod Infantry Regiment; Orel Infantry Regiment

Brigade: 5th and 42nd Jaeger regiments

13th Infantry Division: Brigade of Major-General Axel Lindfors

Velikie Luki Infantry Regiment: Galits Infantry Regiment

Cavalry detachment: Lieutenant-General E. I. Chaplitz

Combined Dragoon Regiment: 1st and 2nd Combined Mounted Jaeger regiments; 2nd Combined Lancer Regiment; Taganrog, Siberia and Zhitomir Lancer regiments

Artillery: 26th and 45th Heavy, 1st and 47th Light, 2nd Horse Artillery batteries

1 company miners

Army Corps reserve artillery: 22nd Heavy, 18th, 48th, 53rd Light, and 9th Horse Artillery batteries

Left Flank Army Corps: Lieutenant-General Count P. A. Tolstoy

Militia Corps of Major-General N. S. Muromtsev

4 regiments of Nizhnii Novgorod militia infantry; 1 regiment of Nizhnii Novgorod and 1 regiment of Kostroma militia cavalry; 1 Ural Cossack regiment

52nd Heavy and 22nd Horse Artillery batteries

Militia Corps of Major-General Titov

3 regiments of Penza militia infantry; 1 regiment of Riazan militia infantry and 1 regiment of Riazan militia jaegers; 1 regiment of Riazan militia cavalry; 2 squadrons of Kazan militia cavalry

64th Light Artillery Battery
