Marie had tried to change her thinking. She had tried to deny the powerful dark feelings stirring in her.

Cindy had become more and more distant in the past week, jumping each time the phone rang and looking stricken. The girl had been missing school lately, pretending to be ill when Marie knew it was something else.

But Cindy wouldn't tell her what it was.

Marie bit her lip, feeling as if she were losing her daughter.

But other thoughts made her feel restless while her daughter pouted upstairs.

Marie had vowed she would never go back to Brad again. He had hurt her in ways she never had dreamed possible. She was sorry she'd answered his ad, but now the woman was less sure of her vow.

Now Marie could only think of the growing glow between her legs each time she thought of die big hunk who had marred her. Each time she looked at her whipped naked body in the privacy of her bathroom, Marie thought of the lash and licked her dry, pouty lips. He had touched same deep chord in her, one that perhaps had been better left alone. But once struck, that chord was taking over her life.

And even when she stood there on Brad's porch that evening, her fingers clenching and unclenching, Marie knew she could turn around and run. Yet, when she rapped once against the wooden door, she knew she had done a daring, naughty thing.

At first Brad seemed polite, almost chivalrous as he took her sweater and invited her to take a seat, making small talk. But soon the conversation took a sharp turn, his voice sounding more commanding.

Marie pushed herself back in the chair, finding her breath coming in sharp pants as she dug her fingernails into the soft blue material of the couch.

He pulled her roughly from the sofa, shoving her through the kitchen door, down the stairs, finally to his playroom. There was little ceremony in the way he'd stripped her to her bra and panties. Marie feeling her heart beating wildly as she stood there, giving in to the feelings racing through her body.

It was when her wrists were bound behind her that the woman had second thoughts about what she'd done.

Brad turned around, commanding Marie to sit on a small three-legged wooden stool reserved especially for her. There were rattling sounds, sounds that caught her attention.

Turning, Marie saw the man had taken out some toys, as he called them, from the cabinet. He dropped them – a clinking pile of leather and buckles. He held a short thick black leather strap.

Moving toward her, he bent down, slipping the cold strap around her ankles and buckling it tightly. Her toes began to tingle, and Marie wondered if she would be able to keep her balance once off the chair.

He went back to the pile. He found a thick leather collar with a strap that ran down the back.

As he tightened the thing around her throat, Marie tilted her chin up, opening her mouth and drawing in air to feed her bursting lungs. Marie started to move on the stool, leaning forward.

Brad barked for her to remain still while he finished.

Brad slipped the leather strap through her wrist cuffs, the strap surprisingly pliant considering its thickness. There was a buckle that the big man tightened now, drawing her wrists up, up along her curving spine.

Marie winced, her shoulders starting to hurt as her arms were bent back and up from the tension. He stopped just when she thought she would faint from pain.

A crotch strap came next.

Brad slipped the wide belt around her narrow waist, drawing the buckles back until the woman drew in a raspy breath from the resulting pressure. He ripped down her panties, leaving them puddled around her ankles while he took the vertical dangling strap and brought it roughly between her legs.


Marie jerked her ass up from the stool, feeling his right hand pushing her up from the seat while he drew the leather band through her legs and up against her ass. He pulled it down hard, gently spreading her cuntlips with the fingers of his free hand. He was pulling, rubbing it up into her tumid cuntmeat until Marie closed her eyes and felt her body dissolving away in a glow of pleasure. She had a vision of being ripped in two by the strap.

Marie screwed her eyes shut, her chin trembling as she felt herself growing more and more helpless. She felt like a child who was being punished, and there was nothing she could do.

Brad cinched the strap a little more tightly, securing it finally with a last tug.

Marie found herself standing now, bent slightly forward from the waist, her big tits gently lifting from her upper chest.

Brad returned to his toy pile, returning once more with two small gold rings. She watched with amazement as he opened them, bringing them up to her nipples and letting them snap shut over the nubs.

Marie stiffened, feeling the cold metal biting into her flesh. Her fingers worked against her palms as she fought down the desire to scream because of the piercing pain. Brad was very adept at what he was doing. He gave the small rings several short, tentative pulls to make sure they were on securely. Then he produced a short length of chain from a small white envelope. His thick, sensuous lips were smiling now, making his ruggedly handsome face look almost friendly.

Marie felt confused, watching, as he clipped one end of the small chain to the left nipple ring, then to the other ring. She felt her tits being squeezed tightly together, the nipples tugging and distending against the surrounding areolas. It was more irritating than painful, Marie thought, feeling a dull throbbing agony.

Brad smiled. He was holding an enormous chrome ring with straps hanging from either end.

She backed away, ever conscious of the strap making her leg movements awkward at best.

Shaking her head, Marie started begging Brad to take that thing away.

Brad was insistent, grabbing her head and holding it while jamming the ring in her mouth. It was stretching her mouth, fitting just behind her front teeth. Straps held it in place, attached securely behind her head.

Marie swallowed had, cold beads of sweat breaking out on her forehead. The gag came next, a heavy inflatable ball that the big man squeezed through the opening provided by the ring.

Brad started pumping into the ball, squeezing a small bulb and watching as the woman's eyes widened as the pressure increased. Marie jerked in her bonds, working her chafed wrists against the cuffs while she strained her legs against the leather strap. She could feel the leather band cutting into her cunt, sliding back and forth between her swollen cuntlips as the ball-gag stretched her jaws more and more.

When she thought her jaws would surely shatter from the pressure, Brad stopped pumping, retightening the ring straps until once again her teeth touched the steel ring. By now the ball in her mouth was growing larger again as Brad gave the bulb three more quick pumps.

She groaned, wondering if she could even swallow.

Brad detached the bulb, then led her away from the stool, back toward the small pile of toys on the floor. He made her stand there for a second, fishing out a small lead chain and attaching one end to the collar around her throat. He was pulling her head down, leading her about the room like a puppy on a leash, telling her to heel and watching with obvious pleasure as Marie followed him about helplessly.

Her tits swung out and jiggled against one another, the gold rings pinching her nipples while the chain kept her tits pressed against one another. It was almost as if they had been pierced by those terrible things.

He began pushing faster, looking back and grinning as Marie struggled to keep up.

She hobbled, her knees rubbing against one another, her thighs straining as she walked as best as she could.

When Marie stubbed her toes painfully against a two-by-four that rested on the basement floor, she found herself pitching forward, unable to keep herself from falling. She screamed through the ball gag, feeling her throat throbbing from the pressure as she crumpled to the floor, striking her forehead against the cold concrete.

Marie was stunned, seeing bright stars exploding behind her eyes while a throbbing pain seemed to shatter her skull. She could feel Brad trying to jerk her to her feet, pulling and tugging at the chain, gagging her, as the leather collar pressed against her windpipe.

Fighting through the fog of unconsciousness that threatened to swirl about her, Marie managed to tuck her legs under her naked ass and struggle to a sitting position, rolling forward and pushing up until her thighs cramped.

Brad pulled up on the chain, watching her face turn bright red as the leather collar strangled her more and more. Marie's eyes widened while her nostrils flared, her lungs burning. Her tits slapped against her chest as she struggled to get on her feet once more. It would be the only way she could live, she thought, fear crashing through her like an icy wave.

"There, that's better," he said with a grim smile, dropping the lead chain from her collar and watching the woman gasp with relief.

Brad reached down between her legs, checking the straps and finding them greased with her hot cunt juices.

"Not bad, baby, not bad. You really dig havin' this pressin' up right against you, don't you? Man, you're hot, real hot. No wonder you called me up. Bet you couldn't get here fast enough," he said mockingly, tracing her swollen cuntlips with the backs of his fingers, then jabbing three in and twisting them around and around like a drill.

Marie closed her eyes, feeling her cunt shuddering around the penetrating fingers while her knees shivered against one another. The leather straps cut deeper into her cunt, making it throb and ache while the rings in her nipples bit into the sensitive nubs deliciously. Curling her toes, Marie felt faint with pleasure, biting down on the gagging rubber ball while her head swam with wonderful delight.

Brad rubbed his chin thoughtfully, then pushed the woman back to the floor.

Marie grunted from the force of the fall, her spine hurting. She saw that he was back at his little toy pile, pulling out a wide leather strap and snapping it right in front of her. At first she thought he would strike her with it. But it was yet another belt, one that he slipped around both bound legs, then drew up around her ribcage until it fastened her upper thighs to her torso. Marie was doubled over, feeling herself drawn more tightly than ever into a small, compressed ball. It was getting more and more difficult to move. And yet the restraints, the discipline, was turning her on more and more.

She felt her cunt creaming, the leather straps working back and forth against her dark-red pussymeat while the juices trickled from her fuckhole and leaked into her shitter. In a moment she felt Brad attaching her wrist cuffs to a clasp ring at the center of the new strap so that her wrists were fastened not only to the collar strap but to this new belt as well.

Brad slipped away for a moment, drifting from her vision. Then he returned with a stepladder.

She watched him climb it, his arms stretching high above his head, disappearing in the shadows. There were shuffling sounds. Then Marie pulled her head back as she saw two long thick ropes descend from the ceiling.

"Gotta get you off the floor. It ain't good havin' your ass on concrete. Didn't your mother ever tell you that?"

Marie felt him doing something to the ring behind her wrists. He was threading the ropes through the metal loop, securing them with a double hitch knot before he stepped back to a small green box attached to the nearby wall.

Brad flipped a switch.

Immediately Marie heard the sounds of an electric winch. She was being lifted from the floor, the tension puffing her arms back until she thought she could feel something pop in her shoulders.

Marie wanted to scream with pain as her arms and chest throbbed with agony. But the ball-gag filled her mouth, making even breathing difficult!

She rose from the floor, the straps snugging more tightly than ever against her bound body while she swung slightly.

When she was eighteen inches from the basement floor, Brad stopped the winch, walking slowly toward her and running his fingers up and down the rope. Marie looked up at him. She couldn't believe how every part of her body throbbed with pain. And how those straps sliced into her cunt-flesh! It was all she could do to keep from fainting as the pain in her thighs and shoulders was overwhelmed by the pleasure spasming in her pussy.

Brad was pleased. He jabbed a strong, thick finger between her swollen cuntlips. She could feel herself blushing furiously and writhing against the embarrassment. But it felt good. The restraints were caressing her, hugging her tightly like the arms of a lover. He was fucking her pussy with his finger now, jabbing it back and forth, pushing it deeper while rubbing his thumb over the nub of her clit.

Marie twisted in her bonds, writhing against her restraints while the hot throbbing in her pussy grew more and more concentrated. Just as she thought she would surely climax against the rodding finger, Brad withdrew it.


Marie sagged against her bonds, feeling the pain once more in her arms and shoulders. Her body cast a long bent shadow on the floor as she tried to find some position, any position, that would ease the throbbing pain in her body.

For a second Marie didn't know what caused the awful hot agony between her shivering legs.

Shaking the loose blonde hair from her eyes, she saw Brad standing there with what appeared to be a small leather whip! He lashed the same spot that his finger had been caressing moments ago.

Marie shook her head, struggling against the leather, trying to draw her legs together.

The whip came down again, hissing through the air, biting into her cunt and thwacking against the leather straps, forcing her pussy open.

Marie jerked, feeling her muscles tearing while her spine seemed to snap from the force of his killing blows.

Brad was enjoying himself immensely, glad that he had finally drawn out such a violent reaction from her. He snaked the lash above his head, then brought the black leather down until it smacked against her ass.

Marie shouted through the gag, her jaws aching and threatening to shatter against the prodding ring while her flesh burned from the beating.

She screamed again and again as more blows fell on her clit. Sparks seemed to shower into her pussy, her cunt buckling from the heat.

No human being could stand this kind of agony, she thought, tears welling up in her eyes. "Yaghghghghfhhhffff!"

The whipping seemed to be lasting forever. He paused for a second, rubbing the leather over her ass, then smacking it sharply into her shitter, making the tiny opening wink shut protectively while her bowel lining kinked painfully. Then the whipping was concentrated on her crimson ass and cunt.

Brad brought the whip down between her thighs, purposely letting the leather barely touch her clit. It was that teasing, biting sensation that was driving Marie wild.

She bucked her body in time with the whipping blows, the sounds of the leather smacking against her sweaty flesh, arousing her as her ass glowed nearly as hotly as her cunt.

The whip came down against her nipples now, making the rings bite more angrily into her tits.

Marie's eyes rolled back into her head, her clit swelling as her cunt throbbed angrily. She jerked in her bonds, jumping up whenever she felt Brad bringing the whip down between her legs and smacking the leather over her clit.

Marie could stand no more.

She threw back her head and let out a gagged, baleful cry. Every inch of her body was throbbing with climax, her cunt writhing while her clit rubbed against the leather dividing her pussy. The rain of blows increased while her frenzy reached its peak, her cunt clamping hard against the strap.


It was over.

She sagged in the leather, her mind exploding, then growing dim as she fainted in the spasms of her cum.

Brad smiled.
