
As soon as I got this gig, I messaged Julia Goldberg, longtime editor of the Santa Fe Reporter. Yes, Julia would know where the bodies were buried. She climbed on as associate editor, and generously shared her vast experience as a journalist in this high desert town.

In addition to the talented team of Santa Fe Noir writers who went above and beyond their roles as contributors to share their secrets, I got early and invaluable input from the booksellers at Collected Works and op.cit.

Fellow noir editor Susie Bright consulted and cheered me on from Santa Cruz, and Akashic Books publisher Johnny Temple offered his understated advice and dark brilliance.

Thanks to Jess Clark, Cecile Lipworth, Maia Swift, Max Gore-Perez, China Martens, Rhea Wolf, Megan Moodie, Megan Kruse, Karin Spirn, and Michelle Cruz Gonzales, for your insights and support. And to my wife, Deena Chafetz, who makes the best red and green chile there is, for also keeping the wood-fired hot tub at a perfect 110 degrees.

— A.G.
