I had underestimated Vinnie. When I stepped out Of the motel room he drove up and opened the door for me. "They're going crazy in Parsons' house, boss," he reported. "The whole club is there and they're drinking and partying like the world's gonna end tomorrow! They've got the money all over the floor like a carpet and if you want to take it back, now is the time to strike."
"Good man," I said, getting into the passenger seat. "But first drive to this address." I told him the street and number that I'd found in the phone book next to "Parsons, Rita, Psych." We had to ask directions all the way, but at last we saw the house she lived in, a Victorian mansion set on top of a hill overlooking the woods. There was a widow's walk on the roof, and I was willing to bet the Moorehead school was visible from there. I parked the car some distance away and, following Vinnie, snuck through the bushes to get to the house unnoticed. There was no way of knowing whether Laurel was in the house or not; we had to take our chances. Vinnie was very clever at moving through the undergrowth, a skill picked up during his voyeur years. In the minimum of time he brought us to the side of the house, and I peered carefully over a window sill to get my bearings.
The house seemed empty of people. Not a sound could be heard. Inside it looked cozy, expensive, and bookish, and as we circled the place it became clear that Rita Parsons liked the finer things in life. Also, she was an out-and-out dyke. I saw statues of naked women, paintings of them, and framed photos. When we clambered up on the balcony and checked out the bedroom we saw a variety of dildos lying about on the bedside table, and there were men's clothes in the wardrobe. Silently we tiptoed through the bedroom, keeping our ears peeled for the slightest sound. Not till we were at the bottom of the stairs did the first faint sound reach us. It was a tiny scream, and it seemed to come from below us. Vinnie and I looked everywhere to find an entrance to a cellar. There were no doors, no trapdoors, no way of getting below the ground floor.
"Hey boss, come over here!" Vinnie whispered. He had his ear pressed to the join of two bookcases. "You can hear better here!"
I listened until another faint scream arose and, sure enough, it was much clearer there than in any part of the house. "Remember those horror movies?" I said to Vinnie. He nodded and started to push and pull at nearby objects in the hope of finding the lever that would open the door for us. The trouble was that there were hundreds of likely objects within range and, without the guarantee that one of them would work, it was silly to try them all. We stood at that crack for a few minutes, listening and trying to decide what to do. Then the sounds stopped.
"Quick, hide behind those drapes!" I hissed. We waited with bated breath. Suddenly the bookcases swung apart and a woman stepped through them. She was tall and severe looking, a bit younger than the headmistress, but just as angular. When she was halfway into the room she placed the flat of her hand on the breast of a copy of Venus de Milo, and the wall closed again. And, since she was alone, Vinnie and I thought it safe to launch our attack.
She screamed when we grabbed her, and in the next few seconds she almost stabbed us to death with her pointy elbows. She was hitting us everywhere with those formidable weapons, and I finally had to overstep the boundaries of propriety by socking her in the jaw. That kept her quiet for long enough to make her see reason. "Let's take a look in your cellar, sister," I said roughly.
"Who are you!"
"The housing inspector. We suspect you have boarders." Vinnie thought that was funny but Rita didn't. She informed us that if we wanted to go into the cellar we should find our own way down there. "Okay," I said, going over to the Venus and rubbing the same tit, "we'll do just that." Nothing happened. The bookcases stared back at me implacably. Rita gave me a stony look that infuriated me. "Tricky, eh?" I glowered. "Okay bitch, if you want your nose broken just keep on playing with me."
"I'm going to cab the police as soon as your man friend lets me go," she threatened. "There's a law against breaking into people's homes, you know."
I didn't answer her. An idea had taken place in my mind. If the left tit closed it… wouldn't the right tit open it? I tried it and there was no response. But when I examined the statue more closely I noticed a slight departure from the original. This Venus had a clitoris! And that little knob, symbolically, opened the door for me. Rita cursed under her breath and resisted Vinnie's efforts to take her down the stairs. I gave her a little push, and that knocked the underpinning out from her mulish conduct. She lay at the bottom of the stairs, moaning in pain, and not far from her lay someone else who was also in pain.
The girl was nude and disheveled. It looked as though she had been flung down on an army cot covered in a grey, torn blanket. Even though her face had been bruised and she hadn't been washed for a number of days, it was easy to tell that she was extremely beautiful. Her ripe tits poked straight up from her chest, and her fine facial features couldn't be concealed by any amount of dirt or bruises. She didn't look up when we came down. When I checked her eyes I found she'd been heavily drugged.
She wasn't unconscious, though. Just as we turned back to help Rita to her feet, Laurel started to scream at us. "Get out of here you fucking animals! Go on, fuck off! You're ugly, your breath stinks, your mother sucks rats, I want you to drop dead!" A string of insults followed and Vinnie and I looked at her in astonishment.
"What have you done to her?" I asked Rita.
"Oh, it's just a drug," she shrugged. "It's an hallucinogen that tends to produce paranoid reactions. She'll snap out of it eventually."
"Why should you want to give her a drug like that?"
"To make her insane, boss," Vinnie said knowledgeably. "I heard the Sapphite's saying something about the girl going crazy. Now it makes sense."
"Jesus," I said, staring at Rita in wonder. "Wow, you're really a nasty piece of work, aren't you!" She looked away, her mouth set in a grim, straight line. "No, really, you have to admire real evil," I went on, pulling her face back to me. "And I'm going to give you your reward for being so good at being bad." I looked at Laurel again. Her face was twisted in mindless rage, and Vinnie had to hold her down with all of his strength to stop her from attacking me. I pushed Rita back against the wall and said, "I've got your number, you man-hating bitch! You've never been properly fucked and that's why you're such a mean, cold frigid bitch!" She sneered back at me and laughed. "Yeah!" she snarled, "that's right… and I never will give it up to a dirty guy like you!"
I would have left her alone but I noticed that her nipples had become erect under the thin fabric of her blouse. Her cheeks were pink and she was breathing heavily. Then I got it! The broad wanted a good dicking but she didn't know how to admit it! Fine by me. My cock was hard and ready for a little pussy action! No problem! I was actually going to enjoy making this bitch beg for more when I got through with her.
"You want me to fuck you… don't you?" I asked, pulling her close to my chest and ripping open her sheer blouse to expose bare tits with rather large nipples. I leaned down and took one of the hard buds into my mouth. It tasted good, kind of sweet, and became even more erect as my tongue washed back and forth across it. She moaned deep in her throat while trying to push me away at the same time. I knew she was hot, hotter than she'd probably ever been in her entire life and there was no way I was gonna stop now!
She brought up her knee and tried to get me in the balls but I just pulled her tighter against my body. I could feel her pelvic bone pushing against the hard ridge of my dick and I used her own motion to rub her cunt hard against my cock. She moaned again and her eyes closed!
"Tell me you don't want to feel this big dick of mine sliding up your tight hole!" I said roughly into her ear. "Go ahead and tell me you don't want me to stretch that hot pussy of yours wide open and fill it with a fat, hot cock. If you tell me… I'll stop right now!"
Keeping her eyes tightly closed, she pulled me closer to her, moaning like a cat in heat. I quickly unzipped her skirt and let it drop to the floor. Her underpants were lace and I could see her bush right through them. Going by the kind of underwear she had on, I realized she'd been looking for a good fuck for a long time but couldn't bring herself to get over her hatred of men to get it! I slipped two thick fingers into her writhing cunt and felt just how wet and slippery she was down there. My finger found the nub of her clit-it was hard. She pushed against my thumb, rubbing her sensitive love button up against my fingers. I dropped to my knees and spread her pouty labia lips wide apart. They were fleshy and soft to my touch. I could feel her legs tremble as I softly used the tip of my tongue to trace the line of her slit from top to bottom. It was wet! Very wet!
Pushing the tender skin taut, I made her clit pop out. It was big, bigger than any woman's clit I'd ever seen! I knew the minute I used my tongue and lips on it she'd probably fall to the ground so I moved her to the sofa and made her sit on the edge of it, her legs splayed wide apart.
She didn't protest but used her own fingers to open her cunt this time. I got down on my hands and knees and went to work on her clit, pulling it into my mouth as if it was a tiny prick! It was certainly big enough to suck and I pulled and tugged until it must have grown at least another inch in my mouth! Wow, the cunt juice literally began to pour from her hole as I worked her clit, covering my face with sticky juice. She smelled tangy and musky, ready for anything! Her clit throbbed between my lips and now I really used my tongue to flick every surface of the super-sensitive flesh nub.
"God, eat me!" she cried out. "Eat my cunt, suck it dry! Stick your tongue all the way up my cunt hole! Let me cum! Don't stop… do it faster!" Her hips bucked up and down against my face and I had to hold onto her hips tightly or she'd have tossed me off her altogether! I drove the tip of my tongue deep inside her slippery slit, shoving the thickest part of it as far into her hole as possible! She appreciated it and wriggled even harder on my face, actually fucking my tongue with her hot snatch! I grunted, lost in the ecstasy of her hot twat all over my face. I could have stayed between her thighs forever. She was driving me crazy with lust and I ate her out as I'd never eaten a woman in my life!
"Ready for some cock?" I asked her, my lips dripping with her juice. "Yeah!" she breathed, "I'm ready for anything you want to do!" I pushed her down on her back and got out of my clothes. My dick was rock hard and ready to plunge deep inside her web-lubricated cunt. Getting on top in the missionary position, I used the head of my dick to part the fleshy folds of her labia and slid right in to the hilt. Her tits heaved and she sighed deep in her throat, grabbing me around the waist with her strong legs and pulling me even deeper into her wet channel!
"Fuck me, you stud!" she growled. "Fuck me so I can't walk for a week. Fuck me like I've never been fucked before!" I used all my strength to slam into her tender hole. "More, harder!" she brayed. I thought to myself that maybe I'd taken on more of a wildcat than I could handle. But no. As I kept up the speed, ramming my big dick as far inside her as possible, her cunt muscles began to convulse, gripping me tightly as she started to climax. It didn't take but about thirty good, hard strokes to get her off. She probably hadn't had a good fuck in years!
"Cum, baby!" I urged her. "Cum for me. Make my dick wet with you cum juice!" She squealed and came even harder. She liked dirty talk. "Now," I said as I pulled my cum-soaked prick out of her gaping hole, "I want you to suck me off so I can cum, too. I want you to taste your pussy juice all over my fat prick. I want you to deep throat me and make the jizz explode out of my balls!"
She sat up and opened her lips wide, grabbing my cock with two hands and stuffing my meat inside her lips like the hungry cocksucker she was! My cock swelled and the cum filled it to the tip. I knew it was only a matter of seconds before I would explode in her mouth. She sucked hard and I started to shoot my thick cream right down her throat! After she swallowed it all, I dressed her and we took the women up the stairs and put them into the car. He drove Laurel to the hotel, where Peggy took the girl under her wing. And, with Rita wrapped in a blanket and tied with a long piece of rope, we drove to the school to do a little gate-crashing.
At this point I realized we'd been dealing with amateurs all along. We had under-underestimated them, taking them for teeny-bopper's and academics instead of seeing them for what they were, criminal dilettantes. There were no guards posted, no warning bells, life in the school went on as usual except that the headmistress was occupied with a small group of girls. When Vinnie and I drove toward Parsons' house we saw droves of girls walking from class to class, holding their books clutched in front of them, chattering, carefree. No one would think they were in the thrall of a cruel oligarchy of dykes, and yet they were just that. Those same normal-looking girls had worked as virtual prostitutes for the Sapphite's! It made me angry to think about it… although I did experience a little patch of glee for personal reasons. What made me boil, though, was the thought of Peggy all scratched up, Laurel spaced out, and Parsons abusing little Linda. That was beyond the pale.
Before we entered the house I peered in through the window Vinnie pointed out, and there, in full daylight, were the Sapphite's in the throes of an orgy! My eyes bugged out at the sight of them rolling about in all that money, even though Vinnie had prepared me for it. I just couldn't understand anyone treating money so irreverently! They were drunk, crazy drunk, laughing and crying and screaming, all of them naked and in a knot of bodies and limbs doing God only knows what. "Let's go," I said to my trusty chauffeur.
We kicked the door open and stood on the threshold to await their reaction. They didn't notice us. It looked as though they were all sucking each other's cunts, but it was hard to be sure. They were groveling and rutting and crawling about in the one mess of flesh, groaning and crying out, groping, licking, touching, spilling sweat and pussy juice and spit over the money. I locked the door. It was an old-fashioned lock, the kind that required a big key to turn it. I slipped the key into my pocket and walked past the writhing orgiasts and did the same to the door at the other end of the room. Now they were trapped. The only way out was through the windows, and that was a fifteen-foot drop.
"Good afternoon, ladies," I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm. As one they stopped their lovemaking and a dozen pairs of eyes stared up at us. I smiled but no one returned it. Miss Parsons was the first to collect herself. She unraveled her person from the heap and staggered over to the liquor cabinet, where she poured herself a couple of fingers of Scotch. She downed the drink in one gulp and refilled it. Then, holding the glass lopsidedly, she came toward me.
"What do you want, private dick?" she said. The girls tittered at that pun. "You want the money? Well, you can't have it. Good afternoon to you, sir." She turned her back to me and motioned for her girls to continue what they were doing. Defiantly they started to eat each other again, stopping only when the headmistress passed the bottle around. Was this what their parents were paying through the nose for?
"I want the money," I said calmly, "and I want it in nice, neat bundles of five thousand dollars."
"We'll have to launder it first," said Parsons to her girls. She moved her feet apart and stood perfectly still, slightly bent over. The next thing I knew she was pissing on the money, a wobbly trickle of piss failing down from her cunt to all that lovely money! The girls cheered and made to join her. But that's where I drew the line.
"The first one to piss on the money is going through the window," I said.
"Go ahead, Linda," said Miss Parsons to her slave. The girl nodded, slightly pale, but she spread her legs in her prone position and let a stream of piss arch out from her blond pussy. I was onto her in a second and picked her up by a wrist and an ankle. Her piss splattered against my legs and over the money, and I was dead serious about throwing her through the window. But then an avalanche of girls overwhelmed me.
It was like a wet nightmare. Naked bodies covered me, there were pussies in my face, tits in my hand, women reaching for my cock; only their intentions were bad! They wanted to hurt me. I got up like a bear from a pack of dogs and shook them off. "Before you try that again," I hissed furiously, "you'd better take a look at what my partner has in his hand."
"What? His cock?" quipped Miss Parsons. But then she saw the snub-nosed revolver that he was holding and her sense of humor left her. The girls stared at Vinnie with wide-open eyes. They hadn't seen guns before, apparently. And while they were in shock I took off my clothes, in order to take my revenge for Peggy and Laurel.
"Eat it, Miss Parsons," I said quietly, "and remember to be gentle or that hair-triggered gun is going to ventilate you."
"All right," she said, looking defeated and yet intrigued, "don't get mad, I'll do anything you say."
"And get your slave to do the same for my man, that's a good girl." I stood in the center of the room, arms akimbo, looking down at the tall, angular woman kneeling down before me. She wasn't very good technically, but it excited the hell out of me to have her in that position. No longer the aloof spinster, the leader of the dykes, but a sexy, contrite woman who wanted to please me and only me. Her mouth was surprisingly capacious so that she was able to take my whole cock inside. Lack of experience prevented her from making the best of that, but I was quite happy to let my stiff cock rest inside that palpitating, warm, moist environment. "While you girls arc waiting," I ordered, "you might bundle the money into piles, just as it was when it arrived here."
Very reluctantly they carried out my commands. The bibs were crumpled, many of them were wet, but they were still valid currency, and that was all Mrs. Van de Kut would care about. When I was sure they were sincere about doing my bidding I let my attention focus on the blow job that the headmistress was giving me. She kneeled before me stiffly, uncomfortable, looking at her girls now and then to see if they were laughing at them. And if one of them caught her eye, Miss Parsons gave an apologetic shrug.
"Hey, what's the matter, aren't you loving it?" I said suddenly. "Come on, bitch, suck it dry! You know you like it, don't try to tell anyone different. Come on now, big sucks, lick it, eat it!" I grabbed her head with both hands and started to fuck her face with long, steady strokes. She made protesting noises but didn't dare to draw back. Now it was starting to get to me. I fucked her mouth the way I fucked a good pussy, taking my time over it, stopping when it became too tempting to release my load, and entering from all sides to get the full benefit of her warm, wet flesh.
When the novelty wore off I told one of the girls to eat my ass. What the hell, I wouldn't get another chance like this for a long time, I might as web make the best of it. The girl wasn't at all happy about her assignment, but I insisted. She started off slow, just kissing my buttocks and licking only those parts furthest away from my asshole. I held on to Miss Parsons' head with one hand and reached behind me with the other to get hold of the girl and press her right into the split between my cheeks. She stiffened and offered sullen resistance, so I reached behind me with the other hand as web and forced her to go down on my ass. Miss Parsons kept sucking as if in a trance, so I leaned forward and set my feet further apart to give the girl all the access she needed.
Shyly, she let her tongue drift down to my asshole, took a quick taste, and pulled away. I pulled her closer and once again she tried. Each attempt resulted in greater familiarity and willingness. Eventually she put some heart into it, sucking my ass with ingenuous zeal. It felt too nice! With Miss Parsons' mouth enclosing my cock and the girl's tongue sneaking up my asshole I felt my whole body revving up, getting warmer and tenser by the second. "Yes, that's the way," I groaned, driving my dick down the headmistress' throat and then shoving my ass back into the girl's face. "Give it to me good. Suck it, lick, eat, you bitches! Make me happy! It will get you off too! Oh Jesus, that's nice, keep going, harder now… that's it… now slowly, stick your tongue in further, hey you, come over here and lick my balls!" A girl hurried over and sat between my legs, wedged between the women, to look up and open her mouth wide. She took my balls inside the way people eat rollups, and she held them there.
"Hey boss! Take the gun, will ya, I'm about to blow!" Vinnie's strangled cry snapped me out of the dense euphoria, and I looked around just in time to see the gun coming at me. Miss Parsons let go of my cock and made a jump for it but I just beat her to it.
"No you don't!" I yelled, pulling her face back on my cock. "Just keep sucking and forget the gun!" She smiled and opened her lips wide to accommodate as she sank back to her knees and took my cock into her mouth at once. The girls seemed to have learned a lesson from that incident. They were still busy picking up the money but I noticed they were sticking close to me and my three lovely suckers. It occurred to me that they were waiting for me to lose my bearings when I blew, and then to snatch the gun from me. Well, if that was their plan they were in for a disappointment. I had once shot a man through the leg while his wife was giving me a blowjob, and I told them so. They eased back toward the walls and I subjected myself to the final phase of this triple treat.
Warm wet mouths suckled all my privates and sent buzzes of pleasure through my body. Not long now. I started to hear my own groans as if from a distance. My hips drove my cock into Miss Parsons' mouth with jerky, impatient motions. The girl sucking my ass was getting involved with it now and had her tongue so deep inside me that I wondered if she kept it robed up when she wasn't using it. And the one with my balls in her mouth let her spit brew about my flesh to amplify those wild tingles into full fledged pleasures.
"Go to it!" I yelled suddenly. "Suck as hard as you can, yes, yes, eat it, oh Christ that's nice, nnngggghhh, aaarrrgghhh, unh!!" And out it poured, cream galore washing about in Miss Parsons' mouth, dribbling out from between her lips and sliding down her throat. After the first couple of blurts I turned my attention to the surrounding girls and merrily waved my gun at them to remind them who was on top. "Suck me dry, Miss Parsons, and you two keep eating me until I tell you stop." I let them go at it for another five minutes, until the others had finished packing the money back into the bag. The bundles weren't neat but I was reasonably sure that all of it was there.
"Thank you one and all," I said, pushing the women away and putting my clothes back on while Vinnie covered them. "Now, I want you to come with us, Miss Parsons. The rest of you can go and thank your lucky stars or something."
"You're forgetting one vital element; Mr. McCanoczek," sneered the headmistress. "If you take me and the money my associates will surely dispose of Laurel Van de Kut."
"If your sister can undo her ropes and find her, I'm sure she would," I said agreeably. "However, if you want to see your sister again I suggest you come with us." Her mouth fell open and her eyes stared at us dully. She was so shocked that when I opened the door she just walked out, naked as she was, with sperm stains trailing down her chin. Vinnie followed us with the gun and the money. Once back in the car I put the headmistress into the back seat with her sister, saying that I was sure they had tons to talk about. They looked at me like cobras about to strike.
Much later, when the Parsons sisters had been turned over to the police, the reward money was snug in my bank account, and Laurel was convalescing in her own room, Mrs. Van de Kut invited me for a drink in private. After the second one she asked if she could do anything for me, and her lecherous tone indicated that she wanted me to want something. But I was drained, empty, my balls were no bigger than bee bee pellets, and for once in my life I was more interested in talk than sex.
"Well, all right," she said, looking away in a huff, "I won't take it personally, I know you're not a virile man. But you really ought to see a psychiatrist about your inability, Mr. Mac."
"It comes and goes," I said with a shrug. "And right now it's gone. But if you're any good at faith-healing, laying on of hands and all that, you might perform a miracle." Her disappointed look gave way to one of delight, and a moment later our professional relationship turned into a lecherous one. And as far as I was concerned, it was a fitting conclusion to my most sex-sodden caper.