Scorpion Shards began as a small idea, but rapidly evolved into a trilogy, this being the first of three books. Along the way there were a great many people whose support and expertise made this book possible.
First, I’d like to thank the regional and scientific experts I met on-line through Prodigy, who lent an air of authenticity to the story. In Alabama, Matt Dakin, David Camp, Louis Davis, and R. D. McCollum. In the Midwest, Vicki Erwin and Tammy Hallberg. In Boise, Marilyn Friedrichsmeyer and Bradford Hill. In the Northwest, Rick Reynolds, Kim Guymon, Carol Hunter and Jerry Morelan. And the astronomy and scientific experts, John Winegar, Laura L. Metlak, Frank Sheldon, Charles Mielke, Stephen Kelly, and Paul Erikson.
Thanks also to Kathy Wareham, Diane Adams, and Scott Sorrentino, whose comments on early drafts helped to shape the story.
My deepest gratitude and admiration to Kathleen Doherty, who believed this book into existence; to my wife, Elaine, who blesses my life with more love and support than I could have wished for; and to my sons, Brendan and Jarred, who made me a whole boxful of Creepy-Crawler scorpions, to paste on copies of the book.
My only disclaimer is that the star Mentarsus-H does not really exist. But if it did, then this might be what happens . . .