They struggled through the debris and found a side street, but there were dozens of enemies waiting, so they turned and double timed it. They rounded another corner and came into contact with a half-dozen enemies.

Coley and his men were caught by surprise, and one of the Germans under von Boeselager fell to gunfire. The Kraut had managed to loose an entire clip in their direction. The aim was bad—however, not bad enough to save von Boeselager’s man. He spun to the side, clutching at his shoulder.

Higgins kicked the first man in the chest. He fell back into the other soldiers. Audley dug a grenade out from inside his jacket and pulled the pin.

“Go!” he yelled, and tossed the pineapple.

They were only a few yards away when the explosion ripped the Germans to shreds.

Von Boeselager stopped and pointed at a German half-track taking up half the road. He said something in German to his men, and they changed course. Dozens of enemies found them, and closed in from two directions.

“There, a truck,” von Boeselager told Coley.

He nodded, and staggered toward the vehicle with his men close behind.

Someone stepped out of a doorway and shouted at Coley, but he couldn’t make out the words. Then he noticed what the guy was holding.

“Take cover!” Coley screamed.
