Chapter 3

' T" aaaand hooooP The masthead lookout's powerful hail stopped all work on deck. 'Land ahoy — one point t' loo'ard!'

In the van of the convoy, Trajan's lofty masts gave the best height of eye and they sighted Barbados first. A string of flags jerked up her signal halliards and news of her landfall spread fast around the eighty ships of the convoy. It had been five weeks since they had left England, with only a brief stop in Madeira. The .men in the maintop, engaged in the endless task of tarring down the standing rigging, broke into excited chatter. Kydd listened from his position at the aft rail.

'Where's this'n?' demanded Larcomb, his face animated.

'The Barbadoes, in course!' said Carby, an older hand. 'This 'ere is the first port o' call fer the Caribbean — ev'ry other o' the islands are t' looard. Includin' the Frenchie ones,' he added.

Kydd watched the grey blur on the horizon grow
