WELL, MOLLY WAS RIGHT.AGAIN. She dresses so outrageously the crowd in church was more shocked to see her in a traditional white wedding dress than they would have been by that red dress I wanted her to get. But I know Hunter would have liked it since he’s always saying how red’s his favorite color. Molly said that’s why she was wearing red underwear and garters, and she packed her red cowboy boots. (I refuse to think about the wedding night. So not my business.) But today I think everyone liked her red stiletto heels the best. (I could live with being like Molly when I’m older.)

One of the bridesmaids, along with me and Molly’s friend Liza, was Hunter’s best friend’s wife, Lacey.

It turned out that Lacey had a surprise of her own when her gown didn’t fit at the last minute because of her expanding waistline. Worse, she had to keep sitting because of her morning sickness (in the afternoon!) during her last-minute fitting.

If Hunter has turned into an icky, in-love, sappy guy, his best man, Ty, is worse. The guy hovered over Lacey until she told him to get a grip and leave her alone. At least until the “I do’s” were over. Then they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. (Blech. It was gross to watch but I hope I meet a guy who loves me that much one day.)

Robin was the maid of honor and she looked beautiful as always. Dad gave Molly away and I wasn’t the least bit jealous. (Okay, maybe a little.) Then he spent the rest of the day with Sonya. They were also very lovey-dovey. These days I feel like I’m surrounded by PDA.

Molly’s mom showed up-wearing a cream-colored dress! If I were the bride, I’d be so pissed, but Molly didn’t seem to care. She even seemed glad her dragon-lady mother had flown in from Europe, even if she brought a man who called himself Count Something or Other.

As for me, I got to dance with Dad and then with Hunter. They both had smooth moves. Then Seth asked me to dance. Even though he stepped on my feet, I had fun.

I’m almost afraid to jinx it, but Molly’s right, life is good. As I heard her say to Hunter, they’d taken the long, hard route to get here, but in the end, hopefully they will all live happily ever after. With a few normal bumps along the way.

Yeah, I can live with that.
