
SLADE STOPPED IN front of the glass door of Kinnections and took in the festive white lights and artistic sign. Scrolled in purple and silver, it promised passersby a “happy ever after” rolled up in excitement, hope, and mystery.

Temper snapped his jaw up like a well-trained karate kick. A bunch of con artists selling dreams that didn’t exist. To him, it was worse than those emails promising a cut of a million dollars for a small standard fee. Worse than identity theft. In his estimation, the true evil lay not in stealing money, or goods, or even services. No, this was theft of the heart—a blatant lie to the lonely and broken to heal them with a ghost image of the perfect man or woman.

He wouldn’t allow such scum to tear his sister apart.

Slade pushed open the door and strode in.

The woman at the main desk seemed surprised to see a client, as if the cheery bell warning her of his entrance hadn’t worked. His gaze dismissed her as the receptionist, but he refused to waste his time moving up the chain. He switched into his lawyer voice that brooked no refusal. “I’d like to see the manager, please.”

One brow arched. Yes, she was perfect for the first appearance of a matchmaking agency. Her hair was magnificent, so blond it was almost white, hanging past her shoulders in pin-straight strands that shimmered like corn silk. Her wide blue eyes assessed him with a thoughtful air, as if deciding whether or not to call her boss. Not a deep blue like the ocean, but more of a cornflower, so light her features seemed to blur in a type of angelic radiance. He shook himself out of his trance and wondered what the hell he was doing thinking in corn terms about a woman he didn’t intend to have a conversation with.

“Can I ask what this is about?”

Smooth and mellow, her voice teased his ears like a wisp of smoke before vanishing. He wanted to hear more, but the whole meeting was beginning to freak him out. He cleared his throat and looked over his gold-rimmed glasses. “None of your concern,” he clipped out. “Please get me your manager.”

She crossed her arms in front of her and studied him with a thoughtful air. “If this is regarding a client, we won’t be able to give you any information. We adhere to confidentiality agreements.”

He snorted. “Convenient way to try to avoid lawsuits, huh?”

“Having a bad day, sir?”

Was he amusing her? He drew himself to full height and leaned over her desk. His court presence was well known to be deadly, but this slip of a woman dared mock him? “Now I am. I’m sure it will get better once I speak with your boss.”

“Okay. Go ahead.”

He let out a short breath. “Can you please get her?”

“I’m already here.”

He barely concealed his jerk but fought through giving her the satisfaction. Slade knew two things well in life: the law and the way people worked. He’d used both to live quite successfully and remain mainly unscathed.

He blanked his features to hide any emotion. “I see. Somehow I’m not surprised.”

Her pale pink lips tightened. Ah, good-bye amusement. Hello irritation. Much better. “Why do I suspect you’re rarely surprised?”

Her correct assessment threw him off. “Because I’m not. People are quite predictable if given certain circumstances. Take love, for instance. The promise of something Disney has made into a fortune with kids’ movies is like the Holy Grail. They’ll fight, steal, and pay money they don’t have for the opportunity of believing in a mirage.”

He waited for a feminine temper tantrum and got . . . nothing. A gleam of interest sparked in her eyes. She waited him out, taking her time studying his appearance and making her own judgment. Oh, yeah, this one was good. There wasn’t a man alive who wouldn’t put himself in her hands, and not a woman who wouldn’t want to be like her. The perfect combination to sell love.

“You seem a bit jaded for thirty, sir.”


“Ah, I see. Well, let me try to clear something up immediately. At Kinnections, we use a wide variety of services to help a person find a companion. What that means to him or her is subjective. Some want friendship, some want sex, and some want the crescendo of music playing when their eyes meet. I’m not here to judge. Our job is to try to get our clients what they want in a safe, consensual environment.”

He clasped his hands in front of his chest and tapped his thumbs together. A favorite position with the jurors, giving the appearance of relaxation with full control. He eased his voice to a conspiratorial tone. “A lofty ambition. And if it doesn’t work? Do your clients get a refund?”

Her chair squeaked. “No, they sign a contract up front agreeing to the terms.”

“Convenient. I must give you credit, ma’am. You have a nice setup here. The businessman in me respects it. But I have one question I’m dying to know the answer to.”


“How do you sleep at night?” Finally. Her muscles tightened, and Slade circled his prey for the kill shot. “You’re selling something that doesn’t exist. Do you take responsibility for the broken relationships and hearts you created along the way? Is there a disclaimer clause for divorces that occur from your matches? Do you like taking a lonely woman’s hard-earned savings while she keeps pouring money into a search that never gives her what she wants?”

The blond half rose from the chair, fists clenched, anger pouring from her figure in choppy waves. Triumph coursed at finally breaking the hard shell of pretense. Get someone angry, push their buttons, and you get the truth. Tricks of the trade. Slade waited for the long tirade with a bite of enjoyment he rarely experienced out of the courtroom.

Those luscious lips opened. Then shut. She dragged in a deep breath, closed her eyes, and seemed to do some type of meditative thing. When she opened them, she seemed calmer. Her hypnotic voice sang in his ears and promised him earthly and heavenly delights. God, what sounds did she make during sex? Moans? Husky whispers? Screams?

What the hell was that thought?

“You’re good. You almost got me to lose it, but I’m working on my anger management skills, so I win this round. I’m very sorry.”

“Sorry for what?”

A touch of gentleness lit her eyes. “For what happened to you. You were obviously hurt by a partner. Man or woman?”

Slade yanked his hands up and broke his position. “You think I’m gay?”

She clucked her tongue. “No need to be embarrassed. We match all kinds of sexual interests at Kinnections.”

His breath choked him. “I’m not gay! And stop poking around in my head—I’m a master and know all about manipulation games. No wonder my sister fell for this charade.”

She frowned. “Sister?”

“Jane Montgomery. She signed up with your agency last week. I’m sure you remember her.”

The hot blonde tapped her finger against her lips. Slade noted the lack of stylish nail polish in favor of clear. A definite contradiction to her American cheerleader looks. “Of course. We’re very excited about working with Jane.”

“And she will no longer be working with you. I came here to tell you personally to shred her file and do not contact her again.”

She had the audacity to look puzzled. “Why would you do that? We’ve already spent some time going over her wants and needs, and she’s enthusiastic about starting to date.”

Obviously this woman needed therapy. Or reality counseling. He spoke slowly, as if talking with one of his dim-witted clients strung out on too much extramarital sex. “Jane is sensitive and quite emotional. You may have a misguided idea of helping, but you will shatter her self-confidence, and I won’t allow that. She’s had a hard time in the past. If you continue to see her as a client, you will destroy her.”

The woman crossed her legs like she had all the time in the world and was contemplating what to order for lunch. Slade noted the sleek black pantsuit, tuxedo jacket, and stylish low-heeled boots. No nonsense, but chic comfort. The silver hoops flirted with her hair, and the silver cuff bracelet gleamed. He wondered what type of underwear she preferred, and then sliced off the thought as cleanly as with a surgeon’s scalpel. Holy crap, he needed to get laid. It had been way too long.

“You seem quite protective. But I’m sorry I’ll have to decline your request. Again, our client information is confidential, and I think we can help Jane here. I do appreciate your concern and promise to go slowly and carefully with her dating experiences.”

Slade clamped down hard on his impulse to circle around the desk and tell her just how dangerous screwing with his sister’s head would be. Instead, he turned on his inner switch and fell back into business. Cold, clinical, and dependable. He’d tried to be nice. Now, he’d get what he wanted the hard way.

“I think you misunderstood. I’m not asking you. I’m telling. You will shred Jane’s file, inform her you will not be able to help, and never contact her again.”

Fury shimmered from her figure. “Make me.”

Again, surprise hooked him on the chin. Huh? Make her? Was he trapped in a bad Western? He lowered his voice to a silky drawl. “I can, you know. Make you. My sister has had enough heartbreak in her life, and I’m not going to allow you to deceive her with a mirage. If you don’t willingly cut off her account, I’ll draw up a legal suit to sue. I’ll publicly drag out all your secrets and make sure you’re buried so deep in papers, Kinnections will be bankrupt by the end of the year.”

He ignored the pang of guilt for stooping to threats, but he needed to protect his sister at all costs. Slade watched the stream of emotions flicker over her face. Anger. Frustration. Fear. Resolve. Good. At least he’d walk away from this encounter and this woman who disturbed him and get on with his life.

“Ah, shit, you’re a lawyer.”

She spat out the word like it was dirty, but he was immune to the standard reaction. “Correct.”

“A divorce lawyer, no less. No wonder you’re screwed-up.”

How had she known? He stiffened and adjusted his suit jacket. “Now, will you agree to my proposal?”

She tilted her head and studied him. Used to being on the opposite end, he tried not to squirm and held her bright blue gaze. “No.”

He blinked. “Huh?”

“I don’t negotiate with terrorists, Mr. Montgomery. This includes bullying divorce lawyers who think they’re God. I’m not stupid. I have a team of my own lawyers who will match every paper for your paper. Sure, you may get us some bad publicity, but all PR is good for business. There’s another issue you haven’t considered: Jane’s wishes. I don’t think she’ll forgive you for overstepping your brotherly boundaries and telling her what she can and can’t do. She may be a bit shy, but she’s not a pushover. How do you think she’ll react when I tell her the truth about this little meeting?”

The tables tipped, curved, and readjusted. She was much feistier than she looked, and damned if she wasn’t right. Jane already kept him at a distance, determined to show him she’d make it on her own. This may break the final, fragile bonds holding them together. Slade recalculated his loss-to-profit ratio and thought quickly. There had to be another way to help his sister without alienating her and keep his eye on Kinnections to make sure they didn’t screw up. The idea took root, and though he searched for any other options, Slade realized he was truly screwed. There was only one way left, and it was a wooded, thorny path he wished he didn’t have to travel.

“It seems we have reached an impasse, Ms.—”


“But you must understand I don’t intend to walk away until I know Jane is safe.”

Her features softened. “I didn’t get in this business to hurt people, Mr. Montgomery. I came here to help them. Hopefully, to put them on the path of love and happiness. Unfortunately, if one opens up to love, it can mean heartbreak. But it won’t be because we didn’t do our best and try.”

His lips tightened. “Lofty ambitions don’t make screwing with people’s heads acceptable. There’s only one way I’ll be able to test your theory and your business model.”

“What’s that?”

“Sign me up as a client.”

She jerked back. Satisfaction coursed through him. Finally. He was back in control, just the way he liked it. “Excuse me? That’s impossible.”

“No, it’s not. If you can find me love, you win. I’ll back off and be your biggest advocate. Hell, I’ll use your agency to help my own clients, and Kinnections will explode.”

She lifted her hands in the air in supplication, then let them drop back down to her thighs. “Our clients need to be open and willing to find their soul mate. There’s a lengthy process, and you’d fight us every step of the way. It’d never work.”

“I can try.” A sense of calm settled over him. “I’ve dated endlessly and can never seem to find the woman meant for me. If she’s out there, I’d like to find her.”


He considered her challenge. “I’d like to have children one day,” he said slowly. “A companion. A friend to grow old with. Who wouldn’t? I don’t believe it’s out there, but I’m willing to let you prove me wrong. If you think you can handle it.”

She tucked a wayward strand of hair behind her ear, and for the first time since he walked in, she looked completely scattered. About time. “You’d need to go through relationship counseling. Have intensive interviews and screenings with me. Be willing to engage in social events. This is ridiculous, Mr. Montgomery. And I have no time to waste.”

“Neither do I.” He locked his gaze on hers and refused to release her. “Take it or leave it. If you don’t, I’ll know you’re a scam artist and I won’t care about Jane’s reaction. I refuse to let her get hurt so that you can put money in your pocket. If you do take me on, and I see the value in this matchmaking agency, it’s a win-win for both of us. I’ll help you grow your client list and tell everyone I know. What do we have to lose?”

“How about my sanity and sense of humor?” she grumbled.

“Funny, I figured you’d lost those a while ago.”

She glared at him with suspicion, as if suddenly wondering if he had a real sense of humor. Slade wondered why he was enjoying this conversation so much. He was getting tired of being around two types of women: angry and bitter or needy and clingy. Hell, his work had become his full-time lover, and wasn’t that sad in the prime of his life? Of course, he didn’t expect Kinnections to work, but maybe he’d get out of his rut and mend his relationship with Jane. If they both were going through the process, he’d be able to keep a close eye on her. Yes, this was definitely a win-win.

“You’ll need to fill out paperwork and pay the fee.”

He raised a brow. “Of course, Miss Seymour. I didn’t expect anything less.”

“Kate.” Her name spilled reluctantly from her sulky lips. “My name is Kate.”

It suited her. Strong, classy, and full of punch. Simplicity on the outside and complexity on the inside. He reined in the poetic thought, half humiliated at his ridiculousness, and cleared his throat. “Slade. I’ll be looking forward to working with you.”

She fumbled with the stack of papers and shoved them into an envelope. Wrote a few things down on her pad. Then handed it to him. “Fill these out and get them back by the end of the week. I’ll need to schedule you a session for a one-on-one with me by next week.”

“How much is the initial fee?”

“One thousand dollars. All fees are clearly stated in the contract.” Her tone came out slightly mocking. “I’m sure you’ll study the clauses carefully and inform me if there’s a problem.”

He took the envelope and wondered briefly why she didn’t want to shake his hand. Then shook off the thought. Whatever. He needed to get out of here.

“I’ll be in touch. Good-bye, Kate.”

The roll of her name on his tongue was sweet and spicy hot. He hurried out the door without a glance back and wondered if he’d just made the biggest mistake of his life.

KATE UNCLENCHED HER FINGERS and let out a breath. The aftereffects of all that male energy still swarmed around her. What had she agreed to? The man was completely critical of the process, ornery, and had the potential for lethal charm known to good lawyers. She couldn’t believe that Jane came from the same pool of genes, though her brother’s protective instincts toward family gave him extra points.

“Now that one is gonna be a challenge.” The husky purr drifted toward her ears. Her close friend and co-owner of Kinnections, Kennedy Ashe, strolled on her four-inch heels without a wobble, her smart pink plaid business suit screaming elegant perfection. She tapped a matching pink nail against bow-curved lips, her eyes dancing with humor. “The fun I can have with him. You did good, Kate. I sensed the violence within, but you never broke. Arilyn would be so proud. Are those meditation techniques to control your temper working?”

Kate grabbed her bottle and began to fill it from the cooler. “Funny. Don’t mention I never watched the DVD; you’ll hurt her feelings. My instincts screamed for me to turn him down, but I don’t want to risk a lawsuit.”

“Smart. We just broke a hefty profit, so let’s not screw it up. And the man is a drool-worthy specimen. Our female clients will be clamoring to secure an introduction.”

She pressed the button and watched the icy stream trickle into the jug. “I know. We’re right on target, it takes about three years for a business to solidify and begin making money. Of course, all the PR and ten weddings helped. Those are solid percentages in this industry.”

“Maybe Bravo will finally give us a show instead of The Millionaire Matchmaker?”

Kate laughed. “No, thanks. All I need is the world focused on why the owner and head matchmaker can’t seem to keep a relationship. Hell, I can’t even get to date three. It’s the curse.”

Kennedy rolled her eyes and examined her cuticles. Her rich dark hair sparkled with subtle caramel highlights. “This drama again? Your family’s not cursed. Your mom was happily married until your dad passed, and she never lacks for a date. You’re just stubborn.”

“I’m past sad and diving into pathetic. My last date was a nightmare. I set him up with the busboy and now they’re happy.”

“You did it again? Girlfriend, what is it with you and restaurants? You drove Paul into the waitress’s arms last week.”

Kate guzzled the water and tucked her hair behind her ear. “I have no choice. When she handed me the menu, I got the sizzle thing and saw how they looked at each other. They were perfect together. I needed to be the bigger woman.”

“He was a gorgeous doctor who wanted to settle down. Next time, be selfish. Setting them up for a late-night drink was creepy, Kate. And you didn’t even charge him!”

Gloominess hovered. “I know. Sorry. Anyway, I made a decision. No more dating. I’m done.”

Her friend tapped her foot against the polished floor. “Don’t be ridiculous, we’ll go bankrupt if our poster child is the crazy cat lady. Or dog lady, in this case. Maybe you can start wearing gloves. That’ll stop your impulses.”

“And look like an OCD germaphobe? No thanks. Madonna and Michael Jackson are the only ones who sported that look, and I have no wish to morph back to the eighties.”

Kennedy shuddered. “Yeah, you’re right. The fashion was a complete crime against humanity. And the hair.”

On cue, the bell chimed again and the third member of their crew floated in. Arilyn Meadow was the symbol of a walking fashion disaster Kennedy worked hard to transform. Unfortunately, their friend was quite happy and centered living in organic cotton, yoga pants, and animal-free dyes, which excluded most makeup. “Hi, guys. What are you talking about?”

Kennedy gave her a pointed look. “What not to wear.”

Arilyn laughed. The delicate sound matched her soothing voice, perfect for her counseling career with their clients. She was a flower child stuck in today’s society, but still managed to turn heads with her hip-length strawberry blond hair and soulful green eyes.

Kate looked at her friends and down at her usual outfit. Black pants, black tee, jacket, and boots. It was easy, professional, and comfortable. One clotheshorse was enough in the group, and Kennedy pounced on any designer items she could snatch up for a deal.

Odd, the three of them were so different, yet the moment they all connected in college, it was as if they were meant to be together always. Like a family. Completely dysfunctional. In a good way.

Kate spent most of her life running from her family gift/curse and trying various jobs that never worked out. Something always seemed unsettling, as if she wasn’t meant to be there, so it was easy to move on to the next project. But when her friends grouped all their skills and backgrounds together, the idea of a matchmaking service in their town took root and flowered. Plenty of nasty thorns and weeds along the way, of course. But Kate could honestly say they had found their foundation and Kinnections was growing fast.

Kennedy used her talents as the main social events coordinator. She ran all the events and functions within the company, handled makeovers, and was in charge of all marketing. Arilyn used her degree in counseling to carve out a niche as relationship advisor, meeting with all the clients to deepen their experiences and counsel them on a variety of issues holding them back from love.

Good thing she had the touch, or she’d probably end up being the weak link in the group. Of course, she preferred to complete a match based on a variety of their services rather than a random shock along the way. Other than her partners and family, no one knew about her secret, and she intended to keep it that way. The moment news of a witchlike skill went public, they’d be stalked by the press and discredited in their own town.

She shook off her thoughts and leaned her hip against the desk. “What’s on the agenda for today?”

Kennedy ticked off the items on her mental list. “I have makeover screenings with two of our clients. Need to meet with the Purple Haze bar about our next cocktail party. Then I’m jumping out early for my date.”

Kate raised a brow. “Anyone good?”

“We shall see.”

“Did you find him through Kinnections?”

“Nope. I did this on my own and damn proud of it.”

Arilyn sighed. “First dates are so rich with hope and intention.”

Kate snorted. “And awkwardness, drama, and disappointment.”

“Remember the code. Never use negative energy when speaking about dating. It could leak back into our company.”

Kate would have liked to laugh off her friend’s comments but learned early that Arilyn’s sense of positive vibes was key for success. Maybe they were all witches after all. “Sorry. What do you have going on?”

Arilyn stretched her long arms out and flexed her fingers. “Counseling Gary on his social fears. Then I need to work on some of the computer programs and update our client base. Some of our clients made connections with profiles they found interesting and want a phone call arranged.”

It always amazed her that Arilyn had the brain of a geek god when it came to computers, tucked neatly behind her holistic image. It was a lethal combination that drove Kinnections to compete with some of the high-profile match agencies.

“Sounds good. I have a light load also, so maybe I’ll catch up on the endless paperwork and get out of here on time tonight.”

They floated to their respective offices. Kate tried to concentrate on paperwork and not think about Slade Montgomery. Instinct urged her to take the chance on a lawsuit because the man radiated danger. But she’d never been a coward, and she wasn’t about to start now.

No problem.

She’d handle him.
