The year 2011 was a very difficult one for me and my family, and getting this book written, revised, and through the whole process was a bigger team effort than ever before. It’s impossible to quantify my appreciation for even the seemingly small things people did to help me bring this off, but the following is, I hope, at least some measure of recognition.

Thanks to:

Armando Marini for help with the rivers and estuaries of Rhode Island and for letting me steal his wife for a month—including her birthday.

Michael Kinsella for help with small craft routing across the Strait of Juan de Fuca.

Cherie Priest for lunches and being there.

Elizabeth Rose-Marini, for being the best and most patient sister in the world.

Jacque Knight for agreeing to be bad.

Rosanne Romanello for sympathy and help beyond the call of any publicist.

Richard Foss for the guest room and wonderful conversations and for being gracious about my forgetting to mention him in the previous book for suggesting the Ley Weaver.

Robin MacPherson for beta reading, good suggestions, and common sense as well as, y’know, friendship.

Julie, Judy, Peggy, Jacqueline, Aliza, Kirsten, Mita, and the rest of the folks at the Swedish Hospital MTC in Ballard for everything.

Shawn Speakman for carrying on.

Kelli and Lance Zeilinski for the BBQ.

John and Susan Husisian—you rock.

The fabulous staff of Murder by the Book in Houston, Texas, and Duane Wilkins, Fran Fuller, JB, M’E, Christelle, Synde, and the rest of the booksellers who keep on pimping my books—I love you guys.

Jon Jordan for letting me graciously off a hook.

Jen Jordan for being . . . well, Jen.

Mary Robinette Kowal for being utterly wonderful and so much more, and Rob Kowal for much help and even more help after that.

Laura Anne Gilman for professional advice and personal charm, plus the occasional kick in the head.

Janna Silverstein for help and letting me hide in her home.

Sally Harding for picking up my professional pieces and being a wonderful friend as well as a fabulous agent.

Anne the Amazing Editor and the rest of the crew at Roc—you make me look smarter than I am.

Janet, Carolina, Linda, Mario, and my unknown copy editor who corrected my Spanish.

Chris McGrath for Oh My God gorgeous cover art. Again.

The Minions for picking up the promo slack when I couldn’t and for being the best minions in the world. No evil overlord could ask for more.

Paul Goat Allen for saying wonderful things in very public places.

Mario, Caitlin, Mark, Richelle, Jeanne, Jaye, Nicole, Chuck, the Rainforest folks, Nova, Sandra, Jilli, Bruce, Arinn, Erin, Blake, Charlaine, Toni, Dana, Patrick S., Shanna, Cat R., and the rest of my mad writer friends.

Diana Rowland for mutual venting and being amazing.

My husband, Jim, for pirates, cutlasses, dogs, passion, compassion, and heaters as well as all the other things that are too numerous to list.
