Jason Kirk, that sunny day at Amazon in July 2015 sparked all of this. Thank you for your words of wisdom and inspiration. I’m eternally grateful.
Thank you to the best agent in the world, Tamar Rydzinski. Without your guidance, Secondborn would not have been possible.
To the staff of 47North and Amazon, it is a great honor to work with all of you. Thank you for making my dreams come true.
Tom, Max, and Jack, you are my heart. “I love thee best, oh, most best, believe it.”
Mom, thank you for always reading my manuscripts before anyone else and giving me your strongly worded opinions. Honesty is love.
To the Four Horsemen of Facebook, no one gets me like you ladies do. Where would I be without you?
Amber McClelland, thank you for always being a shoulder to lean on (or cry on?) when deadlines loom nearer. You have the best take on life. I’m grateful for your friendship.
Dad, may you be at peace.
Thank you, God, for Your many blessings.