Jo Ann Henderson guessed that it would be a mistake to go out with Phil. Now, grappling with him in the front seat of his car, she knew it was. To make matters worse, the car was parked in her very own driveway.
What if her eighteen-year-old son, Paul, were looking out the upstairs window and saw this casual date pawing his mother's breasts? What would the boy think?
"Phil, please don't!"
"C'mon, honey. We been out together three times now. Don't ya think it's time we made it?"
"No, I don't," the beautiful raven-haired woman replied.
"Shit, Jo Ann, you're a woman… thirty-five yearn old! Don't tell me you don't want a little cock now and then!" He moved his hand back to her breast and, for the moment, she left it there.
Yes, it was true. She did want some cock. But not in the front seat of a car, and not with a man who was almost a stranger. Jo Ann was a woman who needed a lot of sex, all right, but on her terms. She had gone the other way during a ten-year marriage to Paul's father, Jack. Since their divorce, she had gone through a few unsatisfying affairs and she didn't want to start another one with Phil.
Just then the man beside her jammed his hand up under her skirt. The movement was so fast Jo Ann couldn't stop his hand from probing between her thighs until his fingertips had reached her wet, nylon-covered cuntlips.
"Dammit, Phil, I said no!" She squirmed around in the seat but couldn't stop an involuntary shudder of desire as one of his fingers slipped into her pussy, carrying the material of her panties along with it.
"C'mon, honey, I know you want tote fucked. Jesus, you're shakin' like a leaf and your pussy's wetter than hell!"
"Leave me alone!" Jo Ann spat at him, clawing at his face.
"The hell I will! I'm gonna get me a little tonight, even if I have to rape your ass!"
That did it. Visions of the last night with her husband danced through Jo Ann's head. She wasn't about, to let this stranger violate her own body as her husband had years before.
She managed to reach behind her and get the car door open. Before Phil could stop her, the tall brunette was outside on the driveway and slamming the door in his face.
"Go to hell, Phil! I don't need you or any man!"
With tears in her eyes, she ran into the house. As she struggled up the stairs, the incident in the car made her relive that last dreadful night with Jack.
Jack had been drinking heavily for over a year. Much of his drinking problem was caused by Jo Ann's extreme success in her job and Jack's failure in his. It made him jealous of all the men she worked with… in particular, a handsome Italian salesman named Rico Sabrelli.
It had finally gotten so bad that Jack was openly accusing her of having a wild affair with Sabrelli.
The whole thing came to a head one evening when Jo Ann had returned after an especially hard day and had gone directly upstairs to take a shower.
She was massaging her legs under the warm water when she heard Jack stumble into the bedroom. She could tell from the shuffling sound of his footsteps that he was drunk. He pushed open the bathroom door and stared at her belligerently through glazed eyes.
"Washing your cunt clean of Sabrelli's load?"
Jo Ann sighed heavily. "Look, Jack, I'm not in the mood for a fight tonight. I'm very tired. I…"
"I'll just bet you are. I've heard that son-of-a-bitch has got a cock to his knees… I guess that would make anybody tired!"
Jo Ann looked at her husband evenly. "I think you ought to sleep it off in the living room tonight."
Jack walked to the tower door, clenching his fist. "Look, baby, you're my wife and I'm horny. I want some cunt tonight and I want it now!"
Jo Ann calmly turned around and began rinsing off the soap, but she could feel Jack's hostility. She rinsed quickly, turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. She could see through the bathroom door that he had undressed and was standing in the middle of the bedroom floor, stroking his thick cock.
"Just what in hell does he think I am?" she mumbled to herself.
She reached for a towel. He watched her as she dried her voluptuous body. She wrapped the towel around herself and went into the bedroom to get her nightgown hanging on the back of the closet door. As she passed Jack, he roughly grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her to him.
"Jack, don't, I…"
"Shut up!"
He slid his arms around her waist and held her tightly. Then he roughly pressed his mouth against hers. He reeked of Scotch, and Jo Ann pushed her face away from his.
"What's the matter, cunt? Aren't I good enough for ya? Or do you only do it with Dagos?"
"Jack, don't! You don't know what you're talking about. Now, please, just leave me alone!"
"Don't pull that crap, with me. I knew how you like your cock, lady. And you're getting it from somewhere!"
"Jack, I'm not fucking Rico or anyone else!"
He backhanded her across the face, knocking her to the floor.
"Jack, don't… please, don't! Paul will hear you and he's liable to come in!"
"Good," the drunken husband slurred. "The kid's ten. He's old enough to find out what fuckin's all about!"
He climbed on top of her and pushed his thick cock against her pubic hair. Jo Ann struggled, but he was too strong for her. He held her down by pressing her forearm against her throat. Jo Ann thrashed beneath him. Her hands clawed at the air. She cursed and pleased with him to let her up, but Jack was only getting stifled.
She opened her mouth wide and started screaming. Jack bit her hard across the jaw, knocking her cold. He savagely pushed his big prick into her pussy in one hard thrust.
He pressed his palms over her tits, jamming his cock in and out of her cunt. It had been so long since they'd had any sex that his climax built up almost immediately. The muscles of his neck stood out like cords. He fucked her harder and harder until his climax became unbearable. He made one final downward plunge and his cock began shooting.
Stream after stream of hot male jism jetted into her until he had finally emptied his load. The relief of the orgasm sobered him up a bit. When he pulled out of her, he felt guilty for what he had done. He didn't realize until that moment that he had knocked her out.
He went into the bathroom and soaked a hand towel in cold water, brought it back and placed it over her face. She stirred and opened her eyes.
"Get out of here," she said quietly. "And I mean now. Or I'll call the police. You can get your dirty clothes some other time. But right now you get your ass out of here."
"Jo Ann, I'm sorry." Jack started sobbing. "I don't know…"
"Get out of here, Jack!"
He slowly began putting on his clothes, mumbling apologies, as Jo Ann pulled herself to her feet. Her tits and cunt ached. She staggered into the bathroom and threw cold water into her face. Jack followed her in and tried to touch her. She swung around quickly.
"I'll kill you if you stay, Jack. I swear I'll kill you!"
Her eyes blazed like burning coals. He backed out of the bathroom and left the house.
Jo Ann turned on the shower again and crawled under the steaming hot water. She sat there on the floor of the shower wondering how she would ever get through the next day's work. The following morning she had started the divorce action. Jack didn't try to stop her, and six months later he was killed in an auto accident.
Jo Ann had tried to explain everything to her son. Ho seemed to understand so well that she thought perhaps he had heard or seen everything that had happened that night.
She hoped with all her heart that he hadn't.
Paul Henderson was naked, stroking his cock into hardness at the mental image of his mother getting fucked. He had also just witnessed the man in the car playing with his mother's big, beautiful tits. He wished she would let him play with them like that. The boy had wanted to squeeze and fondle them ever since he could remember.
When he heard his mother enter her room, he softly slid from his bed and crossed the hall. Her door was partially open and light came through the crack. He had just reached the door when he heard a soft, zipping sound.
Putting his eye up close to the narrow opening, he peered into the interior of the room. His mother was changing her clothes, and not more than five feet away from him.
Jo Ann stepped out of her dress and laid it on the bed. Paul's young cock jumped in his hand as he saw his mother's beautiful body in only bra and panties. He thought that she was sexy, but seeing her nearly nude filled his mind and body with more desire than he had ever felt for any of the young girls at school.
Jo Ann unfastened her bra first, and as she turned to place, it on the bed, he saw the full firm mounds of her breasts standing proudly out from her chest. Her long black hair hung forward over her shoulders as she leaned over to slip down her panties.
Paul felt his heart pounding as he shifted his gaze to her smooth, curvaceous buttocks. The twin cheeks were like two, softly ripened melons waiting to be squeezed, and the smooth white crevice that divided them was deep and mysteriously inviting.
Jeez, he thought in rapt wonder, his mother was ten times more sensual than any girl he'd ever seen, and he found himself wishing that she would turn around so that he could get a look at her pubic hair and, maybe, the lips of her pussy too!
Her hips flared out smooth from her narrow waist, and her belly was flat and youthful. He had never thought a woman of thirty-five could look so sexy.
Jo Ann dropped her panties. She had to turned toward Paul. Placing the brief garment on the bed, she remained facing him.
The boy had only a moment to satisfy his desires as she picked up a robe to slip on. But he saw clearly the silky smooth triangle of soft pubic hair that curled out from between her thighs. It looked perfect nestled there at the base of her smooth white belly. When she lifted one leg to slip her foot into a slipper, he got a glimpse of her pink, hair-lined pussy lips. The sight was so arousing to Paul that he knew he would have to have some relief, and quickly.
Silently, he moved back into his room and headed for the bathroom to jack off.
Jo Ann was physically ready for bed. Mentally, her emotions and desires were churning. Even though Phil had barely touched her in the car, he had turned her body on. She wanted a hard cock so badly her whole body ached.
She wondered if Paul was awake. Perhaps talking to him for a while would take her mind off sex long enough so she could sleep. She glanced at herself in the mirror as she moved across the bedroom. The robe she wore was of a very sheer material. So sheer that the dark round orbs of her nipples, the thrusting outline of her huge breasts, and the dark bushy triangle could be seen through the gown.
"Paul?" she whispered as she slipped into the bedroom. "Paul, are you awake?"
A light was on in the bathroom. It played across an empty bed and, as she moved into the room, she heard groans coming through the door to the bath.
She moved into the bathroom doorway and gasped at what she saw. Her young son was leaning against the cabinet with one hand. His other hand was wildly pumping his young cock.
He looked up when she gasped. "Mom! I… I… couldn't help it!" He knew he should cover his hard prick from his mother's eyes, but seeing her tits and her cunt through her flimsy gown made him forget that she was his mother, she became just a beautiful woman with a desirable body.
Jo Ann stood in the doorway, hardly breathing, her eyes glued to her son's cock. Suddenly, several realizations dawned on her. Paul was a very big boy for his age, far from a child. She had no idea that boys matured as quickly as Paul had obviously matured. She also realized that the boy wasn't really embarrassed. In fact, it was quite the opposite. His eyes warned freely over her heavy, jutting tits, drinking in the splendor of her huge, dark nipples.
As his eyes studied every part of her, Paul's hand moved involuntarily up and down on his prick. Jo Ann knew that she should make some sort of excuse and back out of the room, but she couldn't. She was fascinated.
She tried to lift her eyes to his face, but they kept returning to his cock and balls. His prick was rigid, the dark head oozing from the foreskin in front of his pumping hand.
"Oh God, Paul…" Jo Ann exclaimed, knowing that standing there, gazing lovingly at her son's cock was wrong, but knowing she couldn't help it.
Suddenly all the frustrations of the past five years boiled up inside her body.
She wanted him. She wanted her son's cock and she couldn't help it. And somehow Paul sensed it. He moved to her and reached up to one quivering breast with his hand. He squeezed the luscious tit and pressed the nipple with his thumb.
"Paul – no, Paul," she gasped. "It isn't right!"
"I… I can't help it. You're so beautiful, I… I…"
"I want to do it with you, Mom."
Jo Ann almost fainted. What was he saying? What was she doing? Why didn't she get out of there?
Because she liked watching him pump his prick like that. That's why she stayed. She found herself wanting to reach out and do it for him.
His hand continued to stroke up and down the rigid shaft, giving his mother full view of his glistening prick. She watched, fascinated, as the boy pumped his cock into a bigger and thicker erection. The foreskin gradually slid back to reveal the bright red meat of his cockhead.
"Oh, God," Jo Ann moaned, saliva gathering in her mouth. The more she looked at his cock, the more her pussy tingled. She could barely resist moving her hand down between her thighs and finger-fucking herself.
Then she gasped and blushed at the same time. Her pussy was dripping juice. She could feel the sticky fluid on her inner thighs.
She was getting turned on by the sight of her son playing with himself! It was depraved, she told herself. I'm depraved. And yet it's happening and I can't stop it!
She was imagining her own hand curled around his cock, her head being lowered until his throbbing meat slid easily into her throat. Her breath was coming in gasps and she felt the lips of her pussy swell with hot desire.
And the boy, too, was beyond stopping.
His mother's near-naked body was having the same effect on the boy as his cock was having on her. She was an incredibly beautiful, voluptuous woman, with great, heavy tits, and a beautiful pussy. He wanted to touch and suck her tits. He wanted to run his cock up and down in that dark forest of pubic fur.
God, he wanted her. He wanted to fuck her. And something in the way she stared at his cock told him that maybe she wanted to fuck him, too.
He started moving closer to her. She didn't move. She just stared at him as if she were afraid of him.
Jeez, he thought, those tits. They were like huge, creamy pillows. He longed to suck them, play with them. He could almost feel the tips of those long, dark nipples in his mouth.
"Baby, baby," Jo Ann breathed, "this isn't right. I'm your mother, and it's not good for you. You should have a girl your own age."
"I don't want anyone but you!" he cried fiercely. "You're the most wonderful woman in the world and I-I love you. Don't you love me?"
Her body was screaming. She wanted him, she wanted his cock, and suddenly nothing else mattered. Jo Ann now became the aggressor. She reached between them and wound her fingers around his stiff prick.
"I want you, too, Paul."
Her touch surprised him and he lurched back as if in fear. "Jeez…"
"Don't be afraid, baby. I'm going to give you everything you want. We're going to do everything together."
The hard hot feel of his young shaft of jerking flesh enclosed in her fingers spurred her on. Her moist parted lips caressed his ear as she cooed sweetly. "This is going to feel so good, Paul. This is going to be just heaven…"