
Gideon stood in Matthew's drawing room, sipping a glass of champagne, and reached out to touch his hand to his wife's back. His wife. Who stood next to him, laughing at something Carolyn said. His wife, who looked absolutely radiant and still clutched the wilted daisies he bought her. His wife, who had refused the fancy wedding bouquet Sarah had waiting for her and instead insisted on being married carrying the strangled flowers Gideon had given her. His wife, who turned to look at him with all the love he could ever hope to see shining in her eyes.

Matthew's butler approached Gideon. "Excuse me, sir, there's a gentleman to see you. He's waiting in the foyer. Said to tell you his name is Jack."

Gideon went still then nodded. After excusing himself to Julianne, he followed the butler from the room. They were halfway down the corridor when a door on the right opened, and Lady Emily emerged.

"Oh!" she exclaimed, clearly startled to see him. "I didn't know you were… I wasn't expecting…" Her face turned scarlet. "I'm just returning to the party." She hurried off.

Curious, Gideon stuck his head through the doorway from which she'd emerged. It was the library. And in the middle of the room stood Logan Jennsen. Brushing his finger over his bottom lip and looking as if he were in some sort of trance. Interesting.

Gideon cleared his throat. "Is there a problem?"

Logan turned toward him and frowned. "Ten minutes ago I would have said no. Now… I'm not so sure." He approached the doorway and gave Gideon a hearty clap on the back. Gideon noticed Logan's hair appeared a bit disheveled. Very interesting. "Nothing I can't handle," Logan said with a small smile. "But I definitely could use a brandy. See you back in the drawing room."

Gideon continued to the foyer, where he found himself staring at a very nattily dressed Jack Mayne.

"Could you excuse us for a few minutes, please?" he asked the butler.

After the servant withdrew, Gideon said, "What are you doing here?"

"Heard there was a wedding." He flashed a grin. "Was going to come in through the window and surprise ye, but decided this were better. More proper. And I wanted ye to have this." He held out his hand. In the palm rested a plain gold band. "I know it ain't fancy, but it were yor mother's. Thought ye might like to give it to yor bride."

Bloody hell, a damn lump clogged Gideon's throat. With all the servants in this house, you'd think they'd be able to keep up with the dust. He took the ring and slipped it into his pocket. "Thank you."

"Yor welcome. Congratulations, son. I wish ye every happiness." He tentatively extended his hand. Gideon hesitated, torn between what he knew his father was and the fact that, regardless of it, he was still his father. He reached out and shook his hand.

"Heard ye caught that murderin' ghost robber. Good for you. Nasty business." He shot Gideon a speculative look. "Surprised ye didn't think I might be yor ghost."

Actually, the thought had crossed Gideon's mind, but he'd quickly discarded it. "You're many things, but you're not a killer."

Jack nodded. "Glad ye know it. After all, a man has to have his standards, ye know."

"Yes, I know."

Silence stretched, then Jack said, "Well, I guess I'll be goin'."

"Before you do-I met a couple of friends of yours," Gideon said. "Will and Perdy. They told me some interesting things about you." He fixed a steady stare on Jack. "Were they true?"

To Gideon's amazement, Jack appeared to blush. "Wot they say?"

"About you helping people."

Jack shrugged. "Oh, that. That's nothin' but a hobby of mine. Just tryin' to be neighborly."

Gideon could tell there was more to it than that, and the realization hit him with a shock. "You really are helping people."

Another shrug. "I suppose."

Suspicion instantly set in. "Where are you getting the funds and supplies to help them?"

A devilish gleam lit Jack's eyes. "Ye probably don't want to know the answer to that, Son. You bein' on the wrong side of the law and all."

Gideon shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. "You know, there are other ways to get money from rich people to help your cause."

"Oh? How's that?"

"Have you ever considered asking them for it?"

Jack's expression was so nonplussed, Gideon had to laugh. "No, I can see that's never crossed your mind."

"Don't be daft," Jack said. "Why would they just give it to me?"

"Because, believe it or not, some of them are very generous. And kindhearted. If you ever decide you'd like to do things legally and would like some help, let me know."

Jack nodded slowly, then more vigorously. "I'll do that. You bet I will. And now, I'll let ye get back to yor wedding."

Gideon watched him walk toward the door, his emotions in a whirl. Just as Jack reached for the doorknob, he asked, "Would you… would you like to come in? Meet my wife?"

Jack stilled. And then it seemed as the dust affected him as well, as his eyes turned misty. "I'm touched ye'd ask, Son. I'd love to meet her. But today's yor day. For you and her. We'll do it some other time. I'll be in touch. In the meanwhile, don't do anything I wouldn't do." After a final devilish grin, he was gone, closing the door quietly after him.

"There you are," came a soft voice behind him.

He turned and saw Julianne walking toward him. "We've been married less than one hour, and already you've deserted me," she scolded with a smile. "Whatever am I going to do with you?"

He snatched her into his arms and gave her the kiss he'd been dying to give her since they arrived. When he finally raised his head, he said, "I can't wait to show you all the different things you can do with me."

"Oh, my," she breathed against his lips. "I knew life with you would be an adventure." She brushed back his hair. "Did I hear you talking to someone?"

"Yes. My father." He took the ring from his pocket. "He gave me this. It was my mother's. Would you like to wear it as your wedding ring?"

"Oh, Gideon. It's lovely. Yes, I'd be honored to wear it." She slipped off the borrowed ring from Sarah they'd used during the ceremony, and Gideon slid the band in its place.

She looked at the plain, thin gold band as if he'd offered her the crown jewels. And bloody hell if he didn't fall in love with her all over again.

"I love you," he whispered. "If I had to sum it all up in one word, it would have to be happy. I'm just so damn happy."

She smiled into his eyes, hers filled with love and joy. "And if I had to sum up in just one word what you are, what you've done, what you've given me, that word would be everything. Absolutely… everything."
