"You didn't expect to see me, did you, Rick?" Dee said angrily. "Well, I'm onto you, and I want to know what you're doing to Jay. I just watched through the window and saw everything he did with that girl. You'd better have a good explanation."

"I think you'd better come in," Rick said grimly.

As he ushered her into his living room, Dee got a better look at him. Except for a little gray at his temples, he looked pretty much the same – a hunk. He was tall, dark-haired, and very good-looking, not to mention nicely built. It was no wonder she'd gone ape over him when she was a teenager.

But that was a long time ago and she'd learned a few things since then. One big thing she'd learned was not to trust men. After all, look what Rick had done to her. He'd gotten her hooked on him and his fucking, then dumped her without a word, leaving her with a baby to support. She'd hardened her heart toward him.

"I'll explain everything, Dee," he said. "But I think I could use a drink first. How about you?"

"Well, yes, I could use one," Dee admitted. "Is it still vodka and tonic?" Rick asked with a slight smile.

Dee stared at him. "You remembered," she said wonderingly.

"I remember everything about you, Dee," he said, going off to make the drinks.

Dee sat on the couch and waited. The room was nicely decorated and everything looked neat and respectable. But she still looked at Rick with hostility and suspicion as he handed her a glass and sat down next to her. What kind of depraved human being would lure his son into sex with a strange girl, biding the whole affair from the mother?

"All right, Rick," she snapped, "let's have it. Why did you get Jay involved with that girl? And who is she?"

"Okay, Dee," he said, "here's what happened. Leaving you was a mistake, I knew that almost right away. But my pride held me back from apologizing and then I got involved with a girl. I didn't love her. I loved you. But she got pregnant and I felt I had to take care of her and the baby. As soon as the baby was born, she ran off and left me with the kid."

"Serves you right."

He smiled grimly. "I suppose that's true," he went on. "Anyhow, that baby was Tori. I raised her. I went away to another city to work, but recently I was transferred back here. One day Jay and I bumped into each other on the street. I invited him home to get acquainted. He and Tori met and fell in love. That's about the size of it."

Dee digested all that and said, "But Rick, that means Jay and Tori are half-brother and sister!"

"That's right," he said.

"But that's incest," she exclaimed. Then she blushed hotly. Who was she to be complaining about incest? Quickly she went on, "Just because they're in love doesn't mean they should be allowed to have sex. I can't understand why you allowed it."

"Dee," he said, grinning ironically, "I couldn't control them, any more than you and I could control ourselves when we were that age. Don't you remember how it was with us?"

Dee blushed all the way down to her toes. She remembered, all right. How could she ever forget? When she and Rick met as teenagers, they'd almost fucked each other to death. It was all they thought about, all they did. She couldn't even remember how either one of them had managed to graduate. All she remembered from those years was the endless horniness they had for each other.

"Yeah, you remember," Rick said softly, "and so do I. That's why I've always kicked myself for walking out on you, Dee. We had a terrific thing going. I was a damned fool. But I still love you, for whatever that's worth."

Before Dee could answer, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. It was as if all the years had vanished and she was a teenager again, hot blooded and wild about her man. She melted against him. Her lips opened to let in his tongue. As his big hot tongue probed her mouth, she creamed through her panties and jeans.

Not a damned thing had changed. She still couldn't resist Rick. She found herself shivering and moaning as he kissed her. Her tits swelled up and her nipples went stiff, as hot arousal coursed through her body. She tried to tell herself that he'd hurt her before and could do it again, but her body wasn't listening. Rick finally broke the kiss, his eyes hot and lusty.

"Jesus," he breathed, "it's just like it used to be. We'd better go to my bedroom."

"Rick," she gasped in protest.

But he wasn't listening. He just carried her effortlessly down the hall, into his room, and set her down on the king-sized bed. As be turned to close the door, Dee started to slide off the bed, but then he was back, pinning her and giving her another mind-blowing tongue-kiss. Again she melted against him.

He pinned her down by lying half on top of her. He was a big man and she couldn't budge him. Pretty soon she wasn't even trying. She just lay there creaming like crazy and feeling her tits swell with lust. His big hands closed over her sensitive tits, squeezing possessively.

"Dee," he panted, "Christ, you drive me wild."

"I want to know something, Rick," she said hoarsely. "If you care about me so much, how come you didn't come back?"

"Only one reason," he said, "Tori. I was afraid you wouldn't have me back with an illegitimate kid. But I can't stay away from you now, Dee. Somehow we've got to be a family." Dee didn't answer. There was too much to think about, and she wasn't thinking very clearly. Rick was unbuttoning here blouse and pushing it out of the way. He reached around her with one hand and unhooked her bra, then pushed it aside also.

"Jesus," he breathed, "you're just as gorgeous as ever."

He stared hungrily down at her lust-swollen tits and long erect nipples. Then his gleaming tongue flashed out and Dee gasped with pleasure as he whipped it over her sensitive engorged nipples. She creamed steadily and uncontrollably, soaking her crotch. A few more seconds of this and she wouldn't be able to resist a thing he did to her.

Why resist? When their love-making was over, she'd be able to think clearly again, and she'd make an intelligent decision about her future, whether to go back to him or not. Meanwhile she might as well enjoy his fantastic fucking. It had been great when they were kids and it could only have gotten better with experience.

"Ohhhhh, God," she moaned hoarsely as his lips slid down around her left nipple.

She lay there almost sobbing with excitement as he sucked her tits. That old trick of his still drove her wild. She pushed his T-shirt up and ran her fingers through the thick coarse hairs of his chest. Wantonly she ground her swollen mound against his fly. She felt his cock, huge and hard as steel, just as she remembered it. She ached to feel it in her cunt.

Dee reminded herself that this man had behaved like an asshole to her and Jay. But he'd grown up since then, he was sincerely sorry for what he'd done, and he wanted to make it up to them. He wanted to reunite the family. Dee liked that idea very much. She especially liked the idea of her and Rick becoming lovers again!

He sucked her nipples into total rigidity, leaving them glistening with his spit. Then he started undressing her. He drew off her rumpled blouse and bra, then her tight slacks. Dee lay there in just her lacy bikini panties, trembling with horniness. Rick stood up, towering over her, and started tossing his clothes in every direction. She watched hungrily.

Off went the T-shirt, the sneakers, the jeans. His jockey shorts were obscenely tented. He eased them down over his massive hard-on, and Dee almost moaned with lust when his stiff cock snapped free of the garment. It was just as gorgeous as she remembered it, long and steelhard and as thick as her wrist.

Fucking with her son had been a fantastic adventure, but it would never be as good as making it with the father. Dee realized that now. Jay looked and acted so much like his dad, that perhaps she'd really been looking for Rick when she seduced the boy. It was Rick she'd been after all along.

Now she had him. Naked, his giant cock weaving lewdly in front of him, he bent over her, grasped her panties, and slipped them off. He petted the hot blonde fur of her bush, and Dee whimpered with need. Her pussy was on fire, and it was soaked with her molten cream. Even if she'd still hated Rick, she couldn't have turned him down now.

But she didn't hate him any more. He'd grown up and so had she. She held out her arms to him, and he slid onto the bed and rolled on top of her. Dee opened her legs wide, and he sank down between her hot silky thighs. The coarse hairs of his powerful chest enveloped her erect nipples. She felt the massive hard head of his cock pressing against the creaming mouth of her cunt, and she felt like she'd come home after a long journey.

"Yes, darling, yesssss," she breathed. "Get into me. Fuck me."

"Oh, Christ, will I ever," Rick groaned. "I never fucked anybody as good as you, Dee. You're the only one I want."

She felt his massive cock head spreading her cunt lips wide. It felt like she was taking a cannonball. But her nervousness soon vanished, replaced by wild excitement as he eased his huge hard cock into her famished little pussy. She'd been craving that sensation for so many years.

"Ooooo, Rick, honey, yessss!" she gurgled. "Christ, so fuckin' tight," he panted. "Your pussy's as tight as when we were married, baby." No wonder – it hadn't been used since then.

There hadn't been anything in there but her slim finger. Until a few days ago she hadn't been fucked in all that time. But her tiny cunt expanded eagerly to take Rick's big rock-hard cock and she soaked his cock meat with her thick scalding cream.

"More," she sobbed, "give me all of it."

"I'm trying, honey," he chuckled, "but you're squeezing me so tight I can hardly get it in."

Dee realized that she was using her cunt to squeeze his cock, she was so greedy far it. She laughed and reined, and then Rick pushed the rest of the way into her, filling her cunt deliciously. Dee clung to him, sobbing with excitement as his massive prick throbbed against every inch of her velvety hot fuck tunnel. He stayed still for a while, savoring their reunion, while Dee whimpered, and shivered and creamed.

"Let's not ever be apart again, honey," he said.

"But Rick," Dee teased, "we'll have to stop to eat and sleep."

"No, silly, I mean let's get married again," he laughed. "And let's just fuck about three fourths of the time."

"Deal," she grinned.

But they were too horny to go on joking. Rick slid his hands under her lustily churning little ass and gripped it tightly. He started sawing his long stiff cock up and down in her cream-slick pussy and she arched her body to take the fat column of cock meat as deep as she could get it. Each deep thrust was ecstasy to her.

"Unnnhhhh, Rick, yes, fuck me," she moaned. "Fuck me forever, honey, don't stop."

"I don't intend to, baby," he panted. "I'm not letting you go again."

As she enjoyed the hot pleasure of being fucked, Dee forgot about everything else. She forgot why she'd knocked on Rick's door in the first place, and she forgot that her son was somewhere in the house, making out with Rick's daughter, who was also Jay's half-sister. She wasn't conscious of anything but the deep thrilling thrusts of Rick's cock in her greedy little cunt.

Meanwhile Jay and Tori were taking a break in their hot fucking and Tori had gone to get them some soda and snacks. Throwing on her robe, she paddled down the hall to the kitchen. On her way she poked her head into the living room to see if her father had fallen asleep in front of the TV as he often did. She was surprised to find the room empty.

That was odd, because Daddy always stayed up to lock the door behind Jay when he left. Then Tori heard some weird noises from down the hall and she traced them to her father's bedroom. The door was closed, but she could hear moans and groans and muffled hoarse voices. Curiosity overcame her and she dropped to her knees and peeked through the keyhole.

"Oh, wow! Fantastic!" she breathed.

Daddy was in there making love to a gorgeous blonde lady. Tori was delighted. Daddy was such an attractive guy and so lonely, she'd always hoped he'd find a nice lady friend. This one sure was a stunner, tall and blonde with gorgeous big tits. She and Daddy were fucking slowly, deeply, and sensuously.

"Mmmmm, Rick, darling, that's so damned good," the woman moaned.

"It always was good with us," he said adoringly.

Tori frowned, puzzled. It sounded as if Daddy and this pretty woman had known each other a long time, so how come Tori hadn't seen her before? The two of them were so obviously hot for each other, moaning in bliss each time Daddy thrust his cock into the woman's cunt. How could Rick be so crazy about a woman Tori had never heard of? The teen was consumed but curiosity.

Not only that, but she was getting very aroused as she watched the couple fuck. She'd never seen Rick's cock before, and her eyes got huge as she observed that enormous prick in action. The pretty blonde moaned hoarsely, in obvious bliss, each time Daddy sank his massive cock into her cunt. Tori almost moaned, too.

It was so exciting to spy on them, but she remembered that Jay was waiting for her, and she reluctantly tore herself away from the keyhole and went back to her bedroom.

"Hey, Tori, is everything okay?" Jay asked anxiously. "You were gone so long."

"Sorry about that," she grinned, "but I stopped to watch something. Daddy's got a girlfriend. They're in his room getting it on. I looked through the keyhole and watched them."

"No shit?" Jay said gleefully. "Wow, I wish I could watch. It'd be neat if we could both watch them."

Tori's grin broadened. "I know how we can do that," she said. "Come on – and be real quiet."

Jay nodded and hurried after her. Tori led the way to the guest room, which was connected to her father's room by a big walk-in closet. The teenagers crept into the closet and eased the door open just a crack to look into Rick's room. They had a good view of the scene, Jay looking over Tori's head.

"Oh, Jesus!" he gasped. "It's my mother."

"Your mother?" Tori exclaimed in a hoarse whisper.

Both kids gawked. Jay could hardly believe his eyes. How had Mom gotten into the house and what about all that bitterness she'd expressed towards his father? She sure didn't look bitter now. Her pretty face was contorted with pleasure as she took the relentless deep thrusts of Rick's massive cock.

"Ohhhhh, darling, yessss," she moaned, "fuck me forever!"

Tori felt a little envious of the beautiful blonde woman who used to be married to her dad. She wished she had such a tall curvy body and magnificent big tits. Dee was a beautiful woman and Tori was just a teenager in comparison. She had to admit she felt jealous, too, about the attention Dee was getting from Rick.

He seemed wild about her.

"Baby, baby," he crooned, fucking into her faster and harder as his excitement mounted.

"Ohhhhh, Rick, you're fucking me so damned good," Dee sobbed.

Jay realized he was clenching his fists. He was actually jealous of his own father. He wanted his gorgeous mom all to himself, and that was crazy. Dee needed a lover her own age, and who was a better candidate than Rick? They'd made up and forgotten the past, obviously. Jay knew he should be glad for them.

He glanced at Tori and saw the same frown on her face, and he knew she was feeling jealous also. Then he noticed the pearly pussy cream running down her thighs. Tori might be feeling jealous, but she was also feeling very aroused as she watched the older couple fucking.

She noticed where he was looking, and she grinned, then stood on tip-toe to whisper, "I don't know why, but it turns me on like crazy to watch them."

Jay grinned and nodded. He felt the same way. In fact he could practically feel his jealousy and Tori's melting away, replaced by hot excitement, as they spied on their mom and dad. The lust was so hot between Dee and Rick that their kids couldn't help catching it. Jay's cock began to stiffen and rise and Tori started rubbing her pussy.

"Ooooo, darling, fuck me real hard now," Dee was moaning, "Fuck the living shit out of me, Rick!"

"You haven't changed, baby," he laughed, "you're as horny as ever."

"And so are you, Rick," she laughed back. "Now cut the chatter and fuck my brains out."

"Just what I had in mind," he growled.

Tightening his grip on her hot little ass, he fucked into her like a pile-driver. Her tall curvy body shuddered with the impact, and their bellies slapped together loudly. It looked like a harder fucking than any woman could take, but Dee responded with wails of delight, and she fucked back at him, jerking her hips to his hard rhythm.

"Unnnhhhh, yessss," she hissed, "that's it you big bastard, fuck me as hard as you can!"

Jay's cock rose to lie flat against his belly, rigid as steel. He heard a horny little whimper from Tori and looked down to see her rubbing a stiff finger over her clit in a vain effort to dampen her hot horniness. Grinning wickedly, he slipped behind her and snaked his arms around her. He grabbed her wrists, pulling her hand away from her pussy. He slid his stiff middle finger onto her clit.

"Oh, shit, yes," she whispered.

Jay masturbated the girl as they spied. He rubbed his thick finger back and forth over her clit giving her delicious buzzes of pleasure. She soon soaked his jerking finger with her molten pussy cream. His stiffened cock throbbed against her back. But all the while they never took their eyes from the scene on the bed.

"Fuck it to me, fuck it to meeee!" Dee was wailing.

Rick was fucking her so hard now, the king sized bed was rocking and creaking. The kids could hear the slap-slap of bodies and the obscene wet sucking sound Rick's massive cock was making as it reamed the thick cream from Dee's cunt. Impulsively the pretty blonde threw her legs around Rick's back and locked them there.

Now she could take his pounding prick to her molten depths, getting every inch of it. She howled in ecstasy and soaked his cock meat again and again with her uncontrollably spurting cream. Her eyes were screwed shut in ecstasy, her teeth flashing in a horny grimace. Jay had never seen his mother so horny, not even at the height of their fucking.

But he didn't feel jealous now, just lusty. He was getting turned on like crazy as he watched his parents fucking. He could tell that Tori was equally excited because she was creaming all over his hand as he played with her clit. The horny teenagers were so excited that they were hardly breathing as they watched Dee reach a body wracking climax. Suddenly she was bucking and writhing and screaming with ecstasy.

"Unnnhhhh, Rick, you're doing it to me, I'm coming!" she wailed. "Unnnhhhh, my God, whaahhhhh!"

Rick felt her little cunt going vise-tight and fiery-hot around his pistoning cock. Her cunt was sucking at his cock meat, just as it used to do when they were teenaged lovers. It excited hell out of him, and it thrilled him that her cunt was just as tight as always. No way was he letting his hot-pants ex-wife out of his life again.

He fucked her hard through her climax, wanting her to know that he could give her what she needed in bed. They were right for each other and always had been. Dee seemed to know that as she sobbed and convulsed her way through the powerful orgasm. She'd hardly finished before Rick drew his dripping cock from her cunt.

"Oh, no, honey, don't stop!" she moaned. "I won't," he leered, "I'm just gonna turn you over."

He flipped her effortlessly into the doggy position and Dee gurgled lustily and sank her nails into the bedspread. She felt his hot hands closing around her hips, then the massive head of his cock spreading her cunt lips and cramming her cunt. As he pushed into her, she wailed hoarsely.

"Ohhhh, Rick, yesss, get it into meeee!" she said.

In the closet, Tori whimpered with excitement as she watched her dad's enormous, thick cock easing into Dee's cunt. She wondered what it would be like to take a cock that size and to fuck an adult male like Daddy, who was so experienced. She loved Jay, but she sure wouldn't mind a little adventure with her father.

Jay was remembering how searing hot and deliciously juicy his mothers cunt was. He loved Tori, for sure, but that didn't keep him from wanting to glide his engorged cock into his mother's smoking little pussy hole. He just wished he was in Rick's place right now, easing his cock meat into her, sheathing his cock in that juicy slick flesh.

However, relief was right in front of him. He grasped his engorged prick and slid it between Tori's thighs, coming at her from behind. She gurgled eagerly and creamed all over his cock. He wedged the swollen head into the little juicy pit of her cuntal opening and penetrated her about an inch.

"Shit, yes," she whispered, "stick it in me, Jay, fuck me."

"We have to remember to be quiet," he warned.

"Yeah, yeah," Tori whispered impatiently, "just fuck me."

Stifling moans of bliss, Jay glided his rigid cock up his girlfriend's smoking little pussy hole. He put his arms around her and pulled her tight against him, fucking her from behind. Tori gave soft little gurgles of bliss as his rigid prick reamed her hot pussy.

Meanwhile Rick was easing the last inch of his giant prick into Dee's cream-spurting cunt. On her hands and knees, clawing the bed, she moaned with delight as he started to fuck her in hard quick thrusts. Her big tits swung wildly, almost grazing the bedspread, and she shivered with ecstasy.

"Oh, yeah, honey, fuck hard," she cried. "Fuck me as hard as you can Rick."

Rick didn't have much choice by then. He was maddeningly horny and his balls felt ready to explode. He hammered his meat into her, watching her creamy-skinned tits swing heavily back and forth and feeling her scalding cream soaking his cock. They were fucking just as hotly as in the old days and he knew they belonged together for good.

"Unnnnhhhh, darling, fuck meeeee," Dee wailed, "never stop fucking me, Ricky!"

Her wanton, hoarse cries of excitement spurred Jay to fuck Tori harder and harder. There was something so wickedly arousing about spying on the older lovers, Jay just couldn't keep his cool. He hammered his stiff cock into Tori's blazing little cunt and she bit her lips to keep from squealing with bliss.

"Ohhhhh, Rick, I'm gonna come," Dee was groaning. "I'm gonna come so good, honey, so damned good."

"You and me both," he growled.

Dee closed her eyes and felt herself rocketing into orbit. Rick's pounding cock was setting off a powerful explosion of pleasure in the very depths of her cunt and it was flaming out to rock her whole body.

"Unnnnhhhh, honey, unnnnhhhhh, I'm coming!" she screamed.

"Take my load, Dee, aaaaagggggghhhh!" Rick roared.

He hammered his boiling jizz into her, and she sobbed in bliss. She still loved this man in spite of everything, and she could never let him go now. They rocked, together in a delicious mutual climax. Then as they were starting to come down from their pleasure, there was a sudden racket from the closet.

"Awwwwwww, fuck, shit, awwwwwww!"

Jay howled.

"Ooooo, honey, I'm coming, whaahhhhh!" Tori wailed.

The teenager stumbled from the closet, and Tori went to her knees, Jay fucking her furiously from behind. Dee and Rick put two and two together, then looked at each other and burst into laughter.

"I'm afraid we're a bad influence on the kids, honey," Dee said.
