Ash had found the cave with Eva’s help and climbed down. In the first tunnel he smelled sweet smoke and carefully continued further inside. Jac’s voice grew louder the closer he got to the innermost chamber.
He stopped on the threshold and stood, captivated by the words she was reading. The story that was unfolding. A mesmerizing tale.
As Ash stood there breathing in the scented air and listening to her hypnotic voice, he felt as if he were falling into a dream. Something was making him dizzy.
He had to hold on to the wall to keep himself upright.
Lucifer’s words were so enticing. What an astounding idea to trade one soul for another. Especially with one who didn’t have any desire to live. Was it possible? Had Hugo done it?
Ash thought of Naomi while he listened to Jac reading. He pictured his brother’s beautiful, sad wife, who’d hated this island. Who’d wanted only to go back to London. Who needed his help. Needed Ash to help her make her escape.
How Ash hated Theo for not taking care of what he was so lucky to have. For causing her such distress. Theo didn’t deserve her. Couldn’t be trusted with someone as special as Naomi. Hadn’t done the right thing.
And now she was gone. And it was all Theo’s fault. Always his fault. Always.