He hadn’t gone to Cami’s apartment before, but now he was desperate.
“Where’s Faye?” he demanded when she opened the door.
“You haven’t been watching the news, have you?” Letting him in, Cami waved her arm toward the flat, wide-screen television on the wall above the fireplace.
A newscaster somberly gave his report. “The San Diego Police Department has made an arrest in the murder of Judge Victor Montgomery. There are no details at this time, but Chief Causey will be providing a statement at four-thirty this afternoon. Sources say the killer surrendered to authorities early this afternoon at the downtown precinct. Wait-” The attractive newscaster was looking at something off-screen. “We have just learned that the alleged killer is female, possibly a minor.
“To repeat this breaking news, an arrest has been made in the homicide of Superior Court Judge Victor Montgomery. We’ll be broadcasting Chief Causey’s press conference live at four-thirty. Stay tuned to the station that brings it to you first, Channel Seven.”
Cami hit the remote. “You see? It’s over. We’re safe and Faye will be happy in her padded room.”
“Safe? You think we’re safe?”
“Faye would never turn me in,” Cami said with complete confidence.
He didn’t think Faye would either. Cami had such tight control on Faye that the girl didn’t even know it.
Had Faye heard what the bitch said this morning? Is that why she’d confessed? To protect him?
The thought of Faye being locked up disturbed him. She’d never survive imprisonment. She hated shrinks and doctors and anyone who poked at her.
He thought of her scars. They’d run test after test. Blood tests, psychological tests, medical tests. She’d sacrificed herself for him. Not for Cami, for him.
“To save you, she needs to confess.”
Faye must have heard. He didn’t need to hear the report to know she put all the blame on herself, Skip, and Robbie. Skip and Robbie couldn’t contradict her. They were dead.
But he wasn’t stupid. The police would verify everything she said. Julia Chandler had already spoken to Tom Chase, had been trying to talk to Michelle O’Dell. Could they put all of it together?
He could disappear tonight and no one would be the wiser until he was far beyond the reach of the U.S. government.
Faye wouldn’t break. She would never give him up. She’d kill herself first. It was his fault. Cami’s fault. They’d used her, used Faye’s weaknesses and passions and fears to get her to carry out their plan for vengeance. Justice.
And in the end, justice no longer meant anything to him. Sure Garrett Bowen was dead, but the one person he loved was behind bars.
He had to find a way to get her out. If he had to spend every last dime, break every law, whatever it took, he was going to protect Faye.
“I know everything.” Cami stared at him, eyes hot and narrow.
He should have seen her rage when he first came to the door, but he’d been too worried about Faye to fully take in how close to the edge Cami was.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“You slept with her. You wouldn’t fuck me, but Faye? You were all over that ugly bitch.”
“Don’t say that. Faye worships you. She did everything you told her to.”
“Of course she did,” Cami snapped. “She wanted to be me. She wanted my body, my face, and I thought she wanted my life. I see you preferred fucking the ugly duckling over the swan.” She threw a pile of papers at his face. No, not papers. They were photographs of him and Faye in bed. Of her cutting him. In their rawness they were ugly, distorted, fuzzy. The crude images hardly conveyed the exquisite high, the perfect beauty he’d experienced in Faye’s arms, under her knife.
“Why are you jealous? I never cared that you were screwing Skip. And who else? Probably every man who crossed your path. I heard about you throwing yourself at that guy at Bowen’s party. You think you’re the only one with spies?”
“Well, my spies are dead, and so are yours.”
“Don’t you lay a hand on her.”
“I won’t have to. One night locked up and Faye will take care of it herself.”
Cami paced, furious he’d chosen Faye over her. How could he? How could he even touch that bisexual cunt?”
She made the call.
“It’s me,” she said. “He’s going to cause trouble.”
“Didn’t you see the press conference? That little psychotic bitch confessed to everything, implicated Skip and Robbie and no one else. We’re fine. Everything is done. Justice has finally been served.”
“You need to do something about him.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Cami.”
“Don’t call me that anymore! I hate that name.”
“If anyone has become dangerous, it’s you.”
“Don’t start. You were going to shoot Bowen in his office, in front of witnesses. You’d be in prison if it weren’t for-”
“You owed me, Cami. You still owe me.”
“I’m free. And if anything happens to me, you’ll be sorry.”
“Are you threatening me?”
“You bet I am. I learned from the best, didn’t I, Mother?”
“I’m not your mother.”
“If you harm a hair on my head, everything will come out. Everything. I want him taken care of. He’s been fucking Faye.”
A long pause. “Are you certain?”
“Very certain.” Cami stared at the photos in front of her. Took one and began to tear it into tiny pieces.
“I’ll do it in my own time in my own way. We need to let things die down a bit.”
“Don’t make me wait too long.”
Cami slammed down the phone.
No one would make a fool of her.
She picked up another photo and slowly shredded it, making the pieces so small no one could see the paper had once been a picture of something.
Dillon admitted Faye Kessler to UCSD’s downtown psychiatric ward while Connor drove Julia home. She’d insisted she was fine to drive herself, but didn’t argue because she was exhausted.
Connor turned off his truck’s engine in front of her house. “Come here.” He unbuckled her seat belt and pulled her across the bench seat and onto his side.
He held her tight against him. She released a pent-up breath, the tension beginning to work itself from her muscles.
She kissed him on the cheek. Then found his lips. A gentle kiss, a hint of passion. “Will you stay the night?” she asked, her heart beating fast. Last night he’d been worried about her safety; tonight he had no reason to stay.
No reason except for her.
He held her face, kissed her. “I was hoping you’d ask.”
They were walking toward the house when headlights rounded the curve leading to Julia’s home. Connor frowned and stepped in front of Julia as a dark Mercedes squealed into the driveway, braking only inches from Connor’s truck. “What the hell?”
“Crystal,” Julia said.
Crystal Montgomery jumped from her fancy car and strode purposefully over to where Julia and Connor stood at the bottom of the porch stairs.
“Where’s my daughter?” she demanded.
“She’s safe,” Julia said.
“She was released from the hospital and no one told me. She was transported out of state and no one told me until after the fact.”
“I have temporary guardianship until Victor’s murder is solved. You know that.” Julia was not going to allow Crystal to intimidate her.
Crystal tried to push past Connor, but he stood firm.
“Get out of my way.”
“You’re not wanted here,” Connor said.
“It’s okay,” Julia said, but didn’t invite her inside. “Let her talk.” When Crystal didn’t say anything, Julia put a hand on her hip and raised her eyebrow. “Well? Did you come here for any reason other than to yell at me?”
Crystal was surprised. Julia had always been gracious, almost formal, relying on etiquette and manners when she didn’t like someone. But Julia had already resolved to bring Emily into her home, no matter what she had to do. Even take on Crystal Montgomery.
“I know what you’re doing,” Crystal said.
“You do?”
“You’re trying to get Emily’s money. Victor was right about you. You just wanted control of the purse strings, not what was best for Emily.”
Julia should have been angry, but instead she laughed at Crystal’s ridiculous accusation. “Victor came to me twice trying to gain control of Em’s trust. I said no. I will not be bullied. Emily will have her money to do what she sees fit with on her eighteenth birthday. And you’re just furious that your free ride is almost up.”
“How dare you? I don’t need Emily’s money.”
“Don’t you? You’ve been receiving a sizable allowance from Emily’s trust that will end in thirteen months. Then you’ll need to live on your inheritance. And considering the lifestyle you’ve grown accustomed to, I don’t think it’ll last.”
Julia stepped in front of Connor. “Did you know that Victor raped Emily? That he molested her?” Julia took another step toward Crystal. “He hurt her under your roof and you forced her to take his name. You never cared about her, never cared about anyone but yourself and Matt’s money. It’s over. Don’t bother to return to the Chandler Foundation. I’m buying you out.”
“You can’t do that.”
“I control the board, Crystal. I’m a Chandler. I can do whatever I want. I’ll make it worth your while. You walk away quietly, without fanfare, without dragging Emily through the mud, and I’ll match the inheritance Matt left you. Cash.”
She saw the greed in Crystal’s eyes warring with embarrassment and anger.
The greed won.
“I’ll have my attorneys contact you.”
“I want custody of Emily.”
It was an automatic answer, without passion or pain.
“I’ll continue your child support allowance until she’s eighteen.”
“Until she’s twenty-one,” Crystal countered.
“Nineteen. And you know it won’t hold up in court if you push me. Do you want to spend your money fighting me for custody?”
“I’ll think about it,” Crystal snapped. “You’re a bitch, Julia.”
“So are you.”
Crystal reddened, turned around, and left.
“Good riddance,” Julia said.
“Are you okay?” Connor asked, taking her hand.
“For the first time since Matt died, I know I’ve done exactly the right thing for Emily. And me.” She turned to him, kissed him. “I’m better than okay.”
Holding her hand, Connor led her into the house. He kissed her again and again, her face, her neck, her shoulders. She pushed the door closed, reset the alarm, and dropped her purse and briefcase in the entry, wrapping her arms around him.
Connor’s breath was hot on her neck, sending bolts of lightning down her spine, bringing a moan to her lips.
“Julia,” he whispered in her ear, her name sounding so sexy coming out of his mouth. He walked her backward until she found her back up against the wall, Connor’s body pressed full against hers, his erection hard against her stomach.
She rubbed against him, wanton and sexy, wanting him now. Without giving herself time to think, to change her mind, she unzipped his jeans. He gasped, buried his face in her hair when she touched him.
“Oh, sweetheart.” He kissed her ear, her neck, her lips. Hard and driving, his lips pinned her against the wall, his tongue dueling with hers. His hands fisted around her skirt, pulled it up around her waist, his fingers grazing over her upper thighs.
She pushed his jeans down past his hips, stuffed her hands down his boxers, and squeezed his firm butt, her nails digging into his flesh, pushing him into her, trying to bring them even closer together.
“Now,” she gasped, her voice sounding low and odd to her ears. “Right now.”
Connor wanted to take Julia to her bed and make love to her properly, but more than that, he wanted to be inside her. Now. Her seductive order was all the permission he needed.
He pulled her thong aside, bent his knees, and guided his hard dick into her. She gasped as he entered and he paused, his entire body quivering as he tried to maintain control.
Julia kneaded his ass and pushed, forcing him fully inside. She gasped, her breath coming hot and fast against his neck. Her athletic body writhed between him and the wall. As he eased back, she pushed him back into her.
“Oh, like that,” she said. “Just like that.”
Her demands turned him on; he’d do anything to give her pleasure. The wall was unyielding; every time he withdrew a fraction, she pulled him back. They developed a perfect rhythm that didn’t last long. Her breaths took on a higher pitch as he moved faster within her. Sweat glistened on her perfect skin, mingling with his, the scent of sex and desire caressing his mouth and nose.
He dared to look at her, her eyes closed, her mouth open, cheeks flushed. She gave herself completely over to him, no inhibitions. He kissed her hard as he thrust into her one final time. She clutched him, her body shaking with her own release.
“Julia.” He kept her there, holding her up, catching his breath while peppering her with kisses.
“Take me to bed,” she whispered.
He picked her up. She wasn’t expecting it and grabbed on to him, a shocked smile crossing her face.
He’d never laid his eyes on a more beautiful, sexy woman. Her hair had fallen completely out of whatever tie she had it in. Her skin moist, flushed, glistening. Those eyes-their dark green appeared black in the dim lighting. And he’d never get enough of that fine mouth. He paused while walking up the stairs just to kiss her again.
Julia almost melted from the sweetness of Connor’s spontaneous kiss.
She’d never done anything like that before-sex up against the wall. But she hadn’t wanted to wait. A primal desire, a need, had welled up inside her as soon as he touched her and she’d wanted him right then, right there. The wall just seemed like the right place at the right time.
Now they could go slowly and fully explore.
He laid her on her bed, looking at her with a mixture of awe, desire, and love. Love? No, she was mis-reading that. Maybe she was projecting her feelings into his expression. She’d loved Connor Kincaid from the minute they’d been thrust together during the Crutcher investigation five years ago. The way he’d kissed her then. The way he touched her now. She hoped, over time, that they could fix their problems and create something special. But Julia wouldn’t rush it, didn’t even know if she dared dream it. For now, they had tonight.
She was still dressed, but Connor had lost his jeans before coming up the stairs. She started to unbutton her blouse but he pushed her hands aside.
“Allow me.”
He bent down. With his teeth he unfastened the top button of her shirt. His tongue circled the tender spot between her breasts. She swallowed, her mouth dry.
He moved to the next button. Bit it. Pulled it from its hole. Used his tongue to push the fabric apart, his mouth feathering kisses along the edge of her lacy white bra. She breathed deeply, let out a sigh.
His teeth unfastened the third button. She arched her back, wanting to pull the shirt over her head and dispense with the teasing. At the same time, she wished she had a dozen buttons so she could enjoy his exquisite ministrations. She reached for him, grabbing his hair in her hands, rubbing his shoulders. She wanted to touch him everywhere all at once.
He ran his tongue under her bra, just missing her hard nipples. She squirmed, wanting to feel his mouth on her breasts, his hands on her hips, his penis deep inside her again.
Pulling back, he bit open the fourth button.
Connor was enjoying the slow torture. Julia’s face glowed, her body responded, her hands never stopped moving. He kissed her stomach, circling slow, wet kisses down, down to her navel where he darted his tongue in and out to mimic lovemaking. She moaned, her hips moved off the bed, and he ran his hands under her shirt, undid the front clasp of her bra, and watched her breasts pop free.
The fifth button took a little too much time, his own breathing becoming labored as teasing Julia also gave him intense pleasure. He was too rough and the button popped off into his mouth. He moved up her body, kissed her, shoved the button in her mouth with his tongue. “Sorry,” he whispered.
She spat out the button and laughed. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled Connor into a hot, wet embrace.
He pushed the blouse and bra off Julia’s shoulders, his hands finding her full breasts, his thumbs circling her nipples in time with the kiss she lavished on him. The playful moment soon transformed into a passionate need, the need to be naked, the need to be as close as possible.
Connor broke off the kiss and sat up, straddling her. He pulled off his T-shirt and Julia stared at his dark, hard, muscled chest. She reached up and touched the short, curly hair in its center, her thumbs rubbing his nipples with the same strokes he’d given her only moments before. His body tensed and he closed his eyes as her hands massaged his chest.
“Take off my skirt,” she said, the material bunched up around her middle. He turned the material, found the zipper, and slid it down. The sound was nearly as erotic as what was to come. He pushed the skirt over her hips, taking her panties with it, and then his mouth was on her toes. Kissing, sucking, teasing. Slowly, too slowly, he kissed her ankle. Calf. Under her knee. His tongue trailed along her thigh, higher, higher, small circling motions giving her a taste of what was to come.
His hands kneaded her muscles, not leaving one inch of skin untouched, unloved. Between his mouth and his hands, Julia thought she was going to die of the most painful pleasure known to woman.
He blew kisses into her moist center and she gasped, arching her back, physically begging him to taste her, to give her the pleasure she was on the verge of spilling.
But he barely skimmed his lips across her sensitive path, instead planting his mouth on her navel.
He moved constantly, touching, kissing, licking. She writhed beneath him, hands in his hair, his chest, his beautiful hard muscles. Being in bed with Connor was better than she’d dreamed, the reality superior to the anticipation.
Tonight they could forget the past, the lines they’d drawn in the sand five years ago. This night they could enjoy what they both had wanted for so long, what they’d waited for, what they needed.
For now, now, she had him, and she was going to show him how well they fit together.
Connor was ready to enter Julia for the second time that night, his body tight and hot, Julia moving beneath him. He kissed her, and she pushed him away.
For a split second he thought he’d done something wrong. But there was a half smile on her face, and she rolled over so she was on top.
In a sudden move, she slid onto his dick, fully sheathing him. He froze, fearful one move might set him off. She sat on him, her heavy breasts rising and falling with her own restrained passion.
She made love to him.
Her arms came down, one on either side of him. She controlled the pace-slow, steady, easy. Her lips were swollen from their earlier kisses, red and lush. He leaned up to taste them.
The light touch of lips on lips made Connor’s heart flip. He grabbed her hands, held them tight on either side of his head. Julia’s eyes stared into his, open, dark, full of lust and love, need and want. Their faces were mere inches apart; her eyes never left his. He swallowed, feeling a connection he’d never felt with another woman. With each easy, languid movement, Julia was drawing him in. Deeper, deeper, until he was falling into her eyes, lost, his orgasm building as his heart swelled. The quiet, unhurried lovemaking brought him to a level of sensuality he had never experienced.
It was the woman he was with, not the act of sex, that made this moment so incredible.
It was as if Julia saw the realization cross his face, because at the same time he knew no woman could fill his heart like Julia, she rolled over, pulled him on top of her, and whispered, “Make love to me.”
He did. In and out, touching her, kissing her, never breaking eye contact. Her breath came in gasps, their hands entwined, and they were coming together, a long, languid release that left them satiated and complete.
Connor kissed Julia lightly, the same way she’d kissed him at the moment he realized there was something more between them than he’d accepted before.
He spooned her into his arms, held her close, vowing he’d find a way to keep her always with him, where she so obviously belonged.