Monday, October 29
Before he could make it to breakfast, Cody got a call from Kate Winters. She was in a panic.
“I’m sorry, Captain,” she started. “I may not make it in this morning.”
“What’s wrong, Kate? Pressure getting to you already? It’s a little early to be claiming a mental health day…”
“Song didn’t come home from the E.R. this morning. She didn’t even call. It’s not like her to disappear. In all these years it hasn’t happened once. I just-”
He and Charley changed directions and headed for the Loft. “Kate, it’s all right. You stay put. I’m sure there’s a simple explanation.”
“She always comes straight home from her E.R. shift. I’m usually sound asleep,” Kate said, her voice on the point of breaking. “When I called them, no one had seen her this morning-but they’re the day shift. I finally got someone to tell me she hadn’t timed out yet. That makes no sense at all.” She was making a heroic effort to keep her voice steady.
By this time Cody was at his desk. “Look, I’m sending Ansa and DeMarco right away,” he said. “Ansa can stay at your place waiting, and DeMarco can go with you to the hospital to check it out.”
“Thanks,” Kate said.
Cody’s intercom buzzed. “Got a visitor, Cap,” Rizzo said. It was seven fifteen.
“Who the hell is it at this hour? I haven’t even poured my coffee yet, for chrissakes.”
“Says he has an appointment with you. To talk about the Melinda Cramer case.” He hung up before Cody’s swearing burst his eardrum.