Walking back out into the warehouse was an assault on our senses. The explosions continued and the animals were in a wild panic, screaming and howling as they ran to and fro trying to escape the loud noise and hails of brick.

“My first London investigation,” I said, “and I’ll be blown up before I see the end of it.”

“Sorry to have dragged you into this,” said Watson, over-thinking things as usual.

“Don’t worry,” I told him, “at least it will save me having to do the paperwork.”

“What have you done?” Mitchell was screaming. “What have you done?”

He ran to the laboratory, Holmes and I hard on his heels.

There was a roar from the end of the corridor and Kane stood there, his mouth wide open as he growled his animal hatred at us.

“Gun!” shouted Watson. Holmes, not even breaking his stride, threw his revolver to him and darted into the laboratory after Mitchell.

“Stand down!” Watson shouted, pointing the gun at Kane. “Or I’ll drop you where you stand.”

Suddenly the wall to his left cracked as another explosion took its effect. He fell to his right, the gun tumbling from his hands.

“Watson!” Leaving Holmes, I ran to help him but the explosions had taken their toll on the structure of the old warehouse and the crack in the wall was only the beginning. With a soft crunch, the ceiling sagged and before I could get to the fallen doctor, there was a hail of bricks and plaster as the lot came caving in before me. “Watson!”

“He’s a goner, man,” said Challenger behind me. “If the bricks didn’t get him, that damned dog soon will.”

The passageway was impassable, we were sealed in and Watson was sealed out.
