

THIS BOOK WAS awhile in the making. I would need to throw a luau to have room enough to thank all the people who helped with it. I’ll start with thanking Maeona Mendelson who opened her little black book, and thus opened Hawaii for me. I am grateful for what I learned from Honolulu lawyer and activist Bill Kaneko about the loss of civil rights for Americans of Hawaiian ancestry during wartime. And another friend of Mae’s, University of Hawaii religion professor George Tanabe, offered great insights into many topics ranging from aquaculture to O-bon. Finally, thanks to June Shimokawa, who shared her memories of her father’s wartime internment.

Another new and dear friend is Liz Tajima, who did everything from introduce me to Hawaii Japanese to help with this manuscript. I’m also glad to have interviewed Professor Ginny Tanji of the University of Hawaii and her focus group: Andy Tanji, Richard, Emily and Philip Tanimura, Jean Toyama, Ginine Castillo and Colleen Kimura. Great information on Leeward Side life came from Betty Shimabukuro, features editor at the Star-Bulletin, who also introduced me to librarian Cynthia Chow of Kailua. Through Cindy I made friends with the terrific Hawaii writer Deborah Atkinson, who I thank for her insights on water sports and Hawaii schools. I learned so much about real estate from Cori Meyers of Kapolei Realty, and Patrick M. Cummins, a partner in Hawaii Land Consultants and an expert in the intricacies of land ownership in Hawaii.

The Kapolei Police were so helpful regarding my questions, and the entire staff of the archives department of the Japanese Museum of Hawaii were extremely gracious to an unknown drop-in scholar, sharing documentation of the immigration experience and connecting me with community member Sidney Kashiwabara. I’d also like to thank Marji Hankins for explaining the importance of Transpac, and at the Transpac Yacht Club, Ray Pendleton and Rich Roberts for giving me the access and information needed. In the Kapolei area, my home base for both summers, I am grateful to Retired Officer Kane from the Honolulu Police Department for sharing his knowledge of native plants, and Kevin Won of the Honolulu Fire Department. Management at the Halekulani and Hale Koa hotels in Waikiki were very kind to answer many questions and check out the rooms. Doctors Nancy Withers and Ken Hirsh, thanks for the introduction to Tamashiro Market, and more. Kyoko, Gary and Brian Vogel helped make my family’s stay in Hawaii more fun than we even expected, as did Vanessa MacDonald and her friends.

In the US, I thank my new writers group in Minneapolis, Judy Yates Borger, Maureen Fischer, Stan Trollip and Gary Bush for their uncomplaining help with this manuscript and its revisions. In New York, I am indebted to my agent Vicky Bijur for finding a happy home for this book with editor Amanda Stewart and publisher Edwin Buckhalter at Severn House. It’s taken a long time to get Rei to England, but she’s there now! And I close as always with many hugs and kisses to Tony, Pia and Neel Massey, who were with me all the way from plantation villages and lush Hawaiian gardens, to the less obvious thrills of writing and proofreading.

If I left anyone out, please accept my apology for the oversight, and I promise you a plate of tofu-scallion pot-stickers at the Little Village Noodle House.


Sujata Massey
