Dear Mrs. Brandon,

Thank you very much for your letter. What a story you have to tell!!!

As one of Derek’s gardening “chums,” I could not agree more with your sentiments that he is an all-round good egg. I was delighted to learn that Lord and Lady Cleath-Stuart are naming a new avenue of trees on their estate “Smeath Walk” after him. He deserves no less!!!

It will be my absolute pleasure to organize a society “day out” to Letherby Hall for the “opening ceremony,” and your check should amply cover our expenses. I assure you, Derek will be none the wiser, until you land the “surprise” on him. I should think he won’t believe his eyes!! Meanwhile, “mum’s the word.”

I look forward to meeting you on “the day.” Meanwhile, stay well and no more adventures!!!

Yours very kindly,

Trevor M. Flanagan

President, EHHS

P.S.—Are you the “Rebecca” who gets into such trouble in Derek’s book? Don’t worry, your secret’s “safe” with me!!!
