Chapter Eighteen

Julian saw him the minute he put the sedan in park. Jeremy stood in the doorway to a small structure, his thin frame seemingly too gaunt to cause any real damage.

How wrong he had been.

Jeremy smiled as he jogged down the steps. He looked excited, as though Julian were a welcome guest, not a victim. Everything seemed oddly normal except for the oddly shaped gun in Jeremy hand. God, was Danielle already dead? He wouldn’t accept that possibility.

“Welcome, Julian.” Jeremy stopped feet from him. Far enough that Julian would have to jump to get him. Far enough that he would have time to shoot him.

“You wanted to get me here. Well, I’m here. Now, you will let Danielle leave here unharmed, or we will have trouble.” He used his darkest voice, the one assured to get every sub in a five-mile radius on his or her knees.

And he could see the impulse written on his face. Jeremy wanted to do just that. Unfortunately, it looked like he’d tamed his impulses. Jeremy pulled the gun out, and now Julian could see it was no ordinary gun. He braced himself because he had the feeling this was going to hurt. He cursed himself for not keeping a gun in his car. If he survived this he was applying for a concealed license, and the next time someone freaked out on him, he would just shoot the bastard.

Jeremy held the gun level to Julian’s torso. “I don’t think that works for me, Sir. I think I would rather give you a dose of your own medicine and see how you like it.”

A spark flared from the end of the Taser. The darts shot out of the end of the Taser and lodged into Julian’s chest. He lost all control in an instant. He hit the ground, knees first, his chest falling after, and he shook. There was no control at all, merely the random spasm of every muscle in his body. He tasted dirt as his muscles shook violently for what seemed like forever. Julian tried everything. He commanded his body to do his bidding, but in the end he had no control. Pain screamed along his nerves until finally, blissfully, the pain ceased, and he was left quivering, all his strength sucked away.

“You’re so big, Julian. I didn’t want to get too close. These darts can get you from fifteen feet away. I had to modify the output. I upped the ampage.” Jeremy reached down, and Julian felt the pull on his dress shirt. His body flipped over at Jeremy’s command. The darts from the Taser were still in his skin. Jeremy began to pull him. “You’ll forgive me, but I didn’t think you would actually cooperate with me.”

Julian tried a snappy comeback. Tried to tell the fucker he’d never cooperate, but he couldn’t seem to make his limp noodle jaw move. He was pulled along the ground like a sack of shit, and his only vision was of the sky above him. It was blue and pure, so unlike his situation it was perverse. He should be lying out by the pool at the ranch, Danielle and Finn at his side. Again and again he tried to make his arms move. His frustration boiled. What good was he to Danielle? He’d intended to trade himself for her or at least throw his body in front of hers and take whatever came their way. He was useless like this. His eyes burned with the knowledge that he’d gotten her into this.

“Don’t bother,” Jeremy said, a malicious glee in his voice. “With the electricity you just took, it should be awhile before you get function back. By then I’ll have you nice and secure. You like bondage, Julian. I couldn’t use metal cuffs, but I think you’ll like the ones I bought for you.”

“Ffffuuuckkk offff,” Julian managed to stutter. He was finally able to clench his fists. He rotated his feet in a very deliberate manner. Yes, he was getting control back. In a moment, he would pull the Taser darts out of his flesh. He would reach out and grab the little fucker’s legs. He would pull his ass down and beat him until he was dead, and then he would get Danielle, and he was never going to let her go. He would wrap her up in the tightest contract he’d ever written. He would never, never tell her how much of his heart she and Finn held. He would be their Master, their lover. He would never, ever let them go, but he couldn’t love them. He couldn’t afford to love them. To love them was to ache the way he was aching now. Why couldn’t he just let them go? He wished he could, but they were essential now. Somehow, they had wormed their way in. How could he handle it? People died. People left. They all left in the end. But if he wrapped them up, he could keep them. He could hoard them, like gold. They were precious. He’d gotten them into this position.

He looked up and saw the beginnings of the roof. He felt his head bump against something hard. Stairs. He moved his knee, flexing. Almost time. Just another minute and he would kill Jeremy. He would enjoy it. He would let the beast that lived inside him out and have his way with the prick. He would be covered in blood by the time he was done.

There was that horrible crackling sound as Jeremy struck again. His body convulsed as lightning flared through his system. Hated tears leaked out of his eyes and down his cheeks. Every muscle convulsed from the pulse sent through the darts, and he heard his own animal groan. He’d never felt so helpless, so vulnerable. It was like acid in his gut as he struggled to regain control.

Make it stop. Please. Please. Please.

The begging in his head felt toxic. He held it in. He wouldn’t give anyone the satisfaction of hearing him beg. Not ever again. He’d begged his uncle. He’d gotten on his knees and begged to be allowed into his home with his aunt and cousins. He’d so wanted to be a part of a family. He’d cried that day. His uncle had sent him away.

He would never beg again.

His body sagged in exhaustion as the shock finally stopped flowing through his system.

“I can do this all day, Julian.”

Jeremy knelt beside him, Taser in hand. Julian wanted to shrink back, to crawl away like a wounded animal, but he couldn’t move again. Control was so far away. Jeremy’s hand came out and caressed his face.

“Isn’t that what you used to say while you fucked me? ‘I can do this all day, slave.’ I dream about those words at night. I longed to hear them for so long. So I want you to know that I intend to make our last day together memorable.”

His eyes were big and soft as though he was talking to a beloved lover rather than a victim. Julian hated the word, but victim was the only way to describe him. God, what had this psycho already put Danielle through? Was she even fucking alive? Please, please let her be alive and whole.

Jeremy got up and resumed his previous occupation of dragging Julian’s dead weight into the shack that would probably be the location of his death. He heard the door open and the soft sound of a woman crying. Danielle?

“Oh, god, Julian. Julian. What have you done to him? You asshole.”

That was Danielle. He’d never heard her curse. It sounded a little savage. His sweet little Danielle sounded like a warrior. His head turned as Jeremy pulled him, and he was able to see her. She was bound and still in her clothes from this morning. At least it appeared Jeremy hadn’t raped her. God, he hoped not. He tried to reach a hand out to her. He’d promised to protect her. There was no contract between them, but she’d taken him into her body, into her heart. It was contract enough, he suddenly realized. He was the one who had broken the promises their bodies had made. First he’d said words meant to hurt her, meant to make her feel small and inconsequential. Then he’d gotten her into this mess. He’d be the reason she died.

Tears streaked down her face. “Please leave him alone.”

Jeremy dragged him along. “I can’t, dear. He’s the reason we’re here.”

Julian felt his torso being dragged up against something solid. A wall perhaps. He could still see Danielle, and now he could see Lexi huddled in a corner. She was so still. Her black hair fell over her face, and she didn’t move at all. Lucas was going to be devastated. Lucas might not survive losing her no matter what their current relationship status was. Lucas loved her.

Like he loved Danielle. Like he was coming to love Finn.

Time, he needed more time. If he had just had a little more, maybe he could have made it work. His hands were brought up one by one, and he felt the hard plastic wrap around his wrists.

“I love you, Julian.” Danielle’s voice eased over him, the only soft thing in a world that seemed so full of pain.

He wanted to give those words back to her. He’d never said them aloud since that day his uncle had sent him away. He’d used them that day. He’d told his uncle he loved him in hopes of getting what he wanted. Now he wanted to say them, to shout them, but his voice was mute. His mouth was a useless thing.

“Please don’t hurt him again,” Danielle begged. Her hands were over her head attached to a hook in the ceiling. He could see where the ties were too tight. Her wrists were chaffing. She would be bruised.

If not for him, she would be safe somewhere.

A third woman cried next to Dani. Julian stared at her briefly. She had the same features as Danielle, but there was something weak about the slim woman. Her sister. She looked different without the mask of cosmetics. She didn’t matter. Danielle mattered, and Lexi mattered. He knew he was a bastard, but he would let this woman die in order to save the other two.

Jeremy sighed as he walked up to Danielle. “Poor girl. She thinks you care about her, Julian. She doesn’t understand that you would have come here for any of your slaves.” He gave Danielle a pitying glance. “You see the Master is serious about his contracts. Those contracts mean more to him than the actual slave. He doesn’t have a heart, but he does have an enormous sense of responsibility and guilt. Which is precisely why I know this is going to hurt him.”

Jeremy slapped her across the face with brutal force. Julian managed to kick his feet weakly in a show of protest. Danielle gasped, her head snapping back. There was an angry palm print across her delicate skin when she looked back. Rage churned in his gut, and the vile taste of bile was in the back of his throat.

A thin trickle of blood was on the edge of Danielle’s mouth. She spit it out and turned back to Jeremy. “Is that the best you have?”

Don’t. Don’t tempt him, little one. Cry and plead with him.

Jeremy stared at her for a moment. “Interesting. I chose her because I thought the man was a pain slut. He had that look about him. She looks so soft. I thought it would bother her. But if you like it…”

Jeremy crossed the room. There was a bag on the table, and he reached into it. Julian watched in horror as he pulled out a baton.

“Don’t.” Julian managed to push the words through his lips.

“Don’t what?” Jeremy asked with a smile on his face.

“Don’t hurt her.”

He shrugged a little. “It’s not what you think it is. I’m not going to beat her with it.”

Danielle was shivering. “I know what it is. It’s a cattle prod.”


Jeremy knelt down to get at eye level. “I’m going to use it on your cow, Julian. I’ll warm her up a bit, and then I’m going to shove it up her ass. We’ll see how much she can take.”

He had lied to himself. He’d promised to never beg, but now he knew he’d do anything to spare her. “Please.”

Jeremy’s face lit up.

“Julian, don’t. I can handle it.”

Danielle, so sweet, so brave.

The words were bitter, but necessary. “I’ll do anything. Please.”

“Begging like the dog you are. I’m surprised. You really will do anything to keep up your end of a contract. It’s your Achilles’ heel.” Jeremy set the prod down and came back with a dog collar. Julian lay passive as it was clicked around his neck. It chafed and bit into his skin. “You’re my dog now. Good puppy. And I’m still going to hurt her.”


Just like before, it didn’t matter. Begging didn’t work. Pleading didn’t work. And still he tried.

“Please leave her alone. I’ll come with you. I’ll do what you want. I’ll be your fucking dog.” He’d never felt so small, but watching Danielle die would be worse.

“Oh, yes, you’ll do everything I say, Julian. I’m the Master now.” Jeremy flicked on the cattle prod. The sound sizzled through the air menacingly.

It was nothing compared to the scream that came out of Danielle’s mouth.

* * *

Finn heard the scream. It seemed to echo through the forest.

“Holy shit,” Jimbo said beside him. “That sounds like Dani.”

He started forward, but Finn stopped him. He understood the impulse. He wanted to run through the fucking forest like a barbarian and kill everything in his path, but he had to control it. He had to stop and think it through. The worst thing he could do was rush in without any knowledge of what was going on. The old Finn would have blustered his way in and probably gotten himself caught in the same web. The new Finn held his breath for a second. Julian was out of commission for all he knew. He could only count on himself. He was their best shot.

“How many windows are there in this place?”

Jimbo checked himself, too. “Two. There’s a big window on the side facing us and a smaller one in the back. If you’re thinking about sneaking in through the small one, don’t. We’re both too damn big. Though we oughta be able to shoot through it if the target is visible. But what if she’s already gone?”

Finn refused to believe it. “I don’t think so. Julian couldn’t have been there long. I think this Jeremy person wants to torture him before he kills him. The way to torture Julian is to hurt Dani. He’ll play with her for awhile.”


Fuck was right. It tore him up that Dani was being hurt. She would have to take it while he set up her rescue. After, he’d love her so much she’d heal. Dani was strong. She’d had to be.

The hunting cabin came into view as he and Jimbo quietly slunk through the trees. Every sound made Finn wince. He had a rifle in his hands. He could see the big window, and what he saw made his heart clench. Dani was clearly visible. Her back was to them.

“Is that Val, too?” Jimbo’s soft whisper held a note of desperation.

“It looks like it.”

A long, tortured sigh came from Jimbo’s throat. “Damn it. When the time comes, I’ll take care of Val. She’s a bitch, but damn it, she’s kind of my bitch. I don’t know why, but I got a thing for her. If we make it out, I’m going to make sure she understands.”

Poor guy. He didn’t envy anyone who had the hots for Val.

A slender male figure came into view. Jeremy. He could see him through the glass. His hands stroked Dani’s hair almost lovingly. Bastard. He’d pay for touching her. Finn strained, but he couldn’t see Julian. Was he even here yet?

“Hand me the binoculars.” Finn held out his hand for the slim binoculars. Jimbo’s truck had proven to be a treasure chest of hunting aids. He kept rifles and ammo, knives, vests, and binoculars. Finn looked through the binoculars. He could see Dani’s lovely form hanging limply. Jeremy had some sort of baton in his hand. Finn stared for a minute before his gut churned. He passed the binoculars to Jimbo. “Is that what I think it is?”

Jimbo’s face went white. “Cattle prod.” He brought the binoculars down and put his hand on Finn’s shoulder. “It’s actually good news. Unless he modified it, it won’t kill her. It hurts like hell, but she’ll be fine.”

“How the hell do you know?” The thought of someone treating his Dani like a cow had him clawing at the rifle. Jeremy was too close. He’d never make the shot without hurting Danielle.

“Hell, Finn, I’m a redneck. You think I’ve never been hit with a cattle prod? That’s a regular Saturday night around here. My point is we have a little time.”

Finn nodded, now happy he’d spent his childhood on the outside if cattle prods were regular weekend toys around here. His mind raced. “We need a distraction. I need to get Jeremy to a place where he’s not so close to Dani. If he just moves to the left I can get him.”

“Yes, can you use that rifle?”

“Of course.” On that Finn was completely confident. The only time his father had spent real time with him was on the shooting range. He’d never liked hunting, but he’d always had a fondness for target practice. “Three years as the 4-H Sharpshooter.”

“That’s what I like to hear. Now I’m going to give you a distraction. When that bastard heads for the door, be ready.”

“What kind of a distraction?”

Jimbo shrugged. “I thought setting off some firecrackers right outside the door oughta scare the shit out of him.”

“Why the hell do you have fireworks? They’re illegal here.”

“That never stopped a redneck from celebrating.”

Jimbo set off, silently making his way toward a shed on the back of the property. Finn got into position and prepared to wait.

He promised himself he wouldn’t miss.
