Siren in Bloom Texas Sirens - 6 Sophie Oak

For Shelley Bradley—who is sitting somewhere plotting revenge...I hope I caught your bratty, sweet, lovingly loyal spirit. My life would be so much less without your friendship.


Deer Run, TX

Leo stared at her. She stood in front of Aidan O’Malley’s desk, leaning against it, her lovely body tense. Her glossy, black hair hung in a long wave over her shoulders, her brown eyes tired. She was so fucking gorgeous, but he couldn’t believe the words that had just come out of her mouth. “What did you say?”

Her eyes slid away from his as they often did when he put that hard tone into his voice. It was one of the sure signs of a submissive. He’d taken one look at Trev’s sister two years before and his fucking heart had flipped. And then he’d found out she was married.

“I said you should leave.” The words came out quietly, but there was power behind them. “You should go back to Dallas.”

Leo crossed his arms over his chest and stared down at her. What the hell was she thinking? The last couple of days had been hard. She was worried about her brother, and Leo believed she had every right to be. Trev McNamara had come back to Deer Run after a long absence, and someone wasn’t happy about it. “You think I should leave when someone is obviously after your brother? You’re the one who called me down here. You got me up in the middle of the fucking night because you were sure Trev was slipping.”

Dark, midnight-black hair shook. “No. He’s strong. You did an amazing job with him, Leo. He won’t slip up. I know that now. I trust him. I was wrong to bring you here. You should go back to Dallas.”

“When all these people are harassing Trev? Sweetheart, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” He softened, everything inside him responding to Shelley’s obvious despair. It was there in the slump of her shoulders, the tightness of her eyes. He’d made a study of this woman. He’d greedily taken her in every time he got near her. When she would visit her brother, he would make excuses to see her, and then he would stare at her like a student studying a work of art.

She sniffled, and he couldn’t handle another second of it. He reached out and pulled her into his arms. God, it felt like the right thing to do.

She was stiff for a moment, but then she melted into him, her arms going around his waist.

It was the first time he’d really touched her. He inhaled her scent, the citrus of her shampoo, the clean smell of the soap she used. He sank his hands into her hair.

He was done. He’d seen what her husband was really like. He wasn’t going to let her marriage vows to a man who behaved like Bryce Hughes hold him back. He was crazy about her.

Fucking hell. He loved her. After all these years, a failed marriage, and countless flirtations, he’d finally found her.

“Shelley.” He whispered her name. God, he even fucking loved her name. “Baby, it’s going to be all right.”

Her head tilted up. Her eyes were bright with tears. What the hell had that monster put her through? Bryce Hughes was a son of a bitch who was about to get the full treatment. He would call in some investigator friends, and by the time Ben and Chase Dawson were done, Leo would know everything about Bryce Hughes. He would know every dirty little secret, and he was damn sure there were many. Something about the man was dirty right down to his core.

Her lips trembled. Leo knew he shouldn’t, but his decision was made. Her marriage didn’t matter. Hughes had given up rights to his wife by treating her like shit. He would have Lucas start divorce proceedings immediately, so it wouldn’t matter if he had this one moment with her.

He lowered his lips to hers. A little gasp escaped her lips, a soft, submissive sound that had Leo’s cock tightening. She was everything he could want. And all he had to do was take her.

His fingers sank into her hair, pulling it back slightly. He took her mouth, letting his tongue run across those plump, sensual lips, demanding entry. Her body pressed to his, and her mouth opened with a sigh. Leo invaded, the taste of her heady and encompassing. He inhaled her. After years of longing, this was what he needed. He needed to sink into her, to know that she was his. His tongue found hers and he dominated, taking over, slanting his mouth again and again. He thrust his tongue deep, in a naked imitation of what he wanted.

She gave as good as she got. Her hands tightened on his shoulders, fingers sinking in. If he hadn’t been wearing a shirt, he would have little half-moon indentions on his flesh, and he would have shown them off proudly. He wanted to bear her mark, even as she would bear his. Her ass would be red from his hand, his paddle, his whip. He would make her his submissive, his wife.

Oh, she was going to be his wife.

“Baby, I’m going to take such good care of you.” He ran his hands down her back and found the round globes of her ass. He cupped that gorgeous rear and pulled her close, letting her feel just how much he wanted her. “I won’t let him touch you again. Lucas can draw up papers today. As soon your divorce is final, we can get married.”

She seemed to come out of her daze, her eyes widening and those chocolate brown orbs glistening. “Leo, no.”

He pulled her closer, slightly afraid that if he let her go, he could lose her. “Shelley, you have to leave him.”

Her head shook, and her hands came down from his shoulders to press against his chest. “No. I’m not leaving Bryce. I’m sorry. You completely misunderstood me.”

The words didn’t penetrate. He couldn’t quite make himself let her go. “He’s not good for you.”

She sniffled, but an air of resolve descended over her. Her shoulders straightened and set, her chin coming up in a stubborn tilt. “He’s my husband, Leo.”

“He doesn’t have to be. Baby, I know you’re scared, but I’m going to take care of you.” She had to understand. Bryce had her terrified.

But she didn’t look terrified. She looked annoyed. “Leo, you have to stop. This was a huge mistake. Please let me go.”

She pushed at his chest again, and he had no choice. He released her and took a step back. What the hell was going on? For years he’d watched her. He’d caught the way she’d looked at him. He couldn’t have been mistaken. She felt the same way he did. Didn’t she?

Leo forced his hands to his sides, and he took another cautious step back, hoping distance would bring some sanity back to the situation. “Tell me you don’t want me.”

He wouldn’t believe it until he heard it.

“I can’t.” She smoothed back her hair. “I want you, Leo. I just don’t want to leave my husband.”

“You want an affair?” The very thought turned his stomach. The reason he’d never laid a hand on her was his deep distaste for cheating. He flirted. He flirted all the time with unavailable women, but he would never actually touch one. His own wife had divorced him after she’d had an affair with a coworker. Shelley couldn’t be saying that.

“No.” She turned away, staring out the window that overlooked the vast O’Malley Ranch. “I don’t want that. I’ve never cheated on Bryce, and I never will.”

Thank god he hadn’t misjudged her. He took a deep breath. “I understand. I’m sorry. This got out of hand. Look, it’s my fault. I had a rough night. Let’s take this slow. The first thing we can do is sit down and talk to Lucas about your options. He isn’t a divorce lawyer, but he knows enough to advise you. When the time is right, we’ll find an excellent divorce attorney for you. And we won’t touch again until you’re comfortable.”

It was better this way. Everything would be aboveboard.

She didn’t turn, merely stared out the window. “I’m not getting a divorce, Leo.”

“What? Shelley, Bryce is dangerous. Something is going on with him. I don’t know what it is yet, but I will find out.”

Now she turned, and there was a cold look on her face. “Don’t. Leave him alone, Leo. I’m not one of your patients. Stay out of my marriage.”

“Did he say something to you?” Had Bryce threatened her? “He can’t hurt you.”

“He has never raised a hand to me, Leo. Get that through your head. You’re seeing what you want to see. You’re a good-looking man. I can’t help but be attracted to you, but I’m not going to ruin my marriage over what would only be a short-term fling. We’re from two different worlds.”

“Are you telling me you want to stay with Bryce?” He couldn’t believe it. Bryce was a douchebag, and Leo was pretty sure he was involved in something criminal.

“Is that so surprising? I married him.”

“Do you love him?” He searched her face. It was as blank as a doll’s.

“That doesn’t matter, Leo. I have to live in this town. I’m not leaving here. Bryce and I make sense. I like our life. I’m certainly not going to give it up. What could you offer me? Do you want me to live at a BDSM club? I can’t do that.”

He felt like she’d punched a hole straight through his chest and ripped his fucking heart out of his body. This was about money? This was about lifestyle? She didn’t want him because he worked in a club? “I guess you’re right. I can’t offer you what Bryce can. Bryce is rich.”

She nodded. “Yes, he is. I have a big house and the respect of everyone in the community.”

He doubted that. Oh, the house was big enough, but he’d heard rumors about Bryce’s infidelity. He would bet there were a lot of people in this tiny piece-of-crap town who felt sorry for her. But if this was what she wanted, who the fuck was he to take it from her? After all, he was an idiot with a PhD who worked in a BDSM club.

He took a deep breath, seeking that place where he found peace. He’d learned long ago to let go of the things he couldn’t control. He couldn’t force Shelley McNamara to love him. Hughes. He had to start thinking of her that way. She was Bryce Hughes’s wife. And that was right where she wanted to be.

“I wish you well. Please let your brother know I’m always here for him.” He let the real meaning lie there between them. He would always be there for Trev McNamara, but they were done. He wouldn’t take her phone calls. He wouldn’t answer her e-mails. He was through.

She nodded and turned back to the window, dismissing him utterly.

Leo walked out of the room, a coldness settling around his heart. He wouldn’t try again. He’d been wrong to try this time. He would go home and do what he did best—help others find peace and happiness.

There was neither in the world for him.

* * *

The minute the door closed behind her, Shelley broke down. She thrust her fist over her mouth to muffle the sound, or the sob would have echoed through the house, giving away the game she was playing.

She’d lied. God, she’d lied about everything.

Tears coursed down her face.

She wanted to run after him, to beg him to stay, to take her away with him. She’d never loved anyone the way she loved Leo Meyer. She’d known it the minute she’d met him.

And she loved him enough to keep him alive.

Bryce was a monster. She knew that now. She could still feel his hand punching her gut. He’d laughed when she’d fallen to the floor and explained that he wouldn’t touch her face because it was too pretty. He needed a pretty wife since she’d been useless in every other way.

And he’d explained that he would kill Leo Meyer if he caught her even thinking about him again.

Shelley let herself sink to the floor.

She’d done what she had to do.
