"Nosy?" Jackie whispered, wrinkling her forehead as she stood in the stall, smelling the stale piss and shit that hung over the air like a fetid perfume. And old?

Jackie winced, her shaking knees braced against the stall wall. She was young – at least comparatively, and experienced. Never would she have carried on the way Nancy had, pushing the dog away when all he wanted to do was satisfy her and himself at the same time.

Jackie shook those insults from her, looking back down at the animal and seeing that he was nearly finished cleaning his cock and balls.

That's it for the night, Jackie thought. It would be another fuckless evening – the third in a row for her. Her damned nieces! Jackie closed her eyes, squeezing them so tight that bright, yellow lights popped in front of her. They had done this to her, left her high and dry with a burning cunt, while the dog lay there licking all those delightful bumps and knobs she remembered so well. She was alone. Alone in the barn with nothing more to do than turn off the light and creep silently back to the house.


There was a sound nearby. Jackie froze. She lowered herself back to the floor of the stall, flattening herself against the wooden partition and waiting to see a shadow cross her body.

With sighs of relief, Jackie realized what it was. The horse! Her nieces had made mention of it even while they were rolling around in the straw with the pooch. He was whinnying, stomping in his stall at the back of the building. Perhaps he had sniffed her scent and was growing nervous at her odor. She would go back there and calm him down, and then leave for the house.

Stepping from the stall, Jackie picked her way down the corridor, looking down into the next stall, her eyes meeting those of Bodego. He didn't seem at all surprised to see her there. In fact, she thought, he had probably smelled her and hadn't bothered to acknowledge her presence. Jackie sighed, letting the dog go back to his licking and she made her way to the horse.

He was in the very last stall. He was jerking his head up and down when she came into view. The beast froze, his big, brown eyes widening as he took her in.

"Don't worry, boy. I'm not going to hurt you. I swear I'm not."

Jackie had never seen a more magnificent beast in her life! He was so handsome the way he stood there – so arrogant, so cool, while his tail swished jerkily from side to side. His ears were pointed forward, cocked to catch every sound she made. His shiny, black coat shivered with nervousness. He whinnied again, his nostrils snorting while he jerked his head up. Jackie could hear him pawing the ground, looking at her as if he couldn't quite make up his mind whether she were friend or foe. Jackie knew she could end this little stand-off by simply turning and walking quietly away. But she wanted to stay to make friends. She talked softly in gentle tones, this time tentatively stretching out her hand and spreading her fingers in front of him. The animal stretched his neck out a bit, sniffing at her fingers, watching her carefully.

"See? I'm not going to hurt you. No one's going to hurt you around here."

He seemed to be listening to her, his snorting and whinnying having stopped. Moving forward, touching him for the first time with her fingertips, Jackie wondered if he had heard her nieces squealing and groaning in the next stall. Had he realized what they were doing? Was there a kind of inter-species language that transcended all others – especially when it came to the grunts and cries of female delight as they were being tongued and fucked? Jackie shivered at her questions, uncertain of the answers.

She brushed the backs of her fingers up and down the horse's head, feeling how warm and slick his coat was. How handsome, how wonderful he was! The hot, tight feeling in her cunt came back again, a renaissance of feeling, and this time for a beast far bigger than Bodego! Looking about, Jackie found the stall padlock and opened it, swinging the door forward and stepping into his stall. He moved back, his back dipping slightly while he turned his head, eyeing her with that nervousness again. She would have to calm him, or he could rear up and stomp her to death with those killer hooves.

"Nothing to worry about, boy. Oh, God, wish I knew your name! Just calm down. I won't hurt you, I promise," Jackie whispered.

She kept talking, her voice steady, even soothing. He pushed his head against her tits, licking the rounded tit-mounds through her blouse. It was a sudden move, one that made Jackie nearly jump from her skin. She hadn't counted on doing anything with the horse. What could she do anyway?

She thought of having the beast fuck her… but how? He was so big he would certainly kill her! But there could be no denying the tremor passing through her cunt, making her clit curl once again as her pussy-juice began to flow. Jackie's fingers moved up around the buttons of her blouse, unfastening them, pulling open the garment.

"I don't know what I'm doing! I really don't!"

She felt her breathing become more and more labored. The horse was watching her, his eyes seeming to grow large as she slipped the blouse from her shoulders and let it float to the stall floor. Unbuttoning her skirt, she unzipped it as far as she could, then wriggled from the confining garment.

Jackie stood before the stallion only in a bra and panties, surges of delightful sexual arousal exploding again and again in her cunt. It took little at this point in the evening to arouse her. The dog, her nieces, and their delightful fucking spree right in front of her had taken care of arousing her. Now, all Jackie had to worry about was satisfying her lust.

"Ohhhh, nice, boy, nice horsie!"

If only she could lean against the horse, Jackie thought. Feel his powerful body against hers, pressing against her tits, rubbing up against her nipples. Surely there would be no harm in that, no harm in letting him touch her that way. He couldn't object to that. She would have to take off her bra and panties, but no one would be here. No one would come back to the barn and see her. She could do as she pleased, and no one would be the wiser – just she and Bodego and the horse.

Jackie liked that idea. Reaching around, she unsnapped her bra, sighing as she felt her tits tumbling from the cups and slapping gently together. Reaching up, she rubbed her palms over her tit-nubs, enjoying the scratchy feel that sent shivers racing through her body. It was wonderful, so wonderful, feeling so free. Next came her panties. The silky rub of the material over her thighs, her ass, her knees, her ankles made her breath catch once more.

Stepping from her panties, Jackie looked up at the stallion, feeling a surge of electricity race through her cunt, sparking out in sputters through her clit. She was unsure of what to do, moving forward slowly, still talking to the beast easily.

He looked on with mild curiosity, snorting occasionally, shaking his head while his tail swished. The woman put one hand to her throat, wondering what on earth she was doing.

"Nice horse."

Jackie moved one hand up, touching the horse lightly on his side. He whinnied, but remained in one place, his flesh quivering under her hand. She continued moving her hand around, caressing the animal's long, black mane. He was handsome, all right. Her brother-in-law had done the right thing in buying this beast. He would be perfect for studding some mare in rut, some female horse prancing about the yard, cocking her tail at him, arousing the male beast until…

Jackie shrugged, feeling that rush of cunt-heat blast through her pussy a second time. Bodego and the girls had done quite a job in arousing her. She rubbed her pussy up against his side, almost embracing the muscular stallion. She felt his hard muscle through his skin.

Gasping, Jackie moved her fingertips along his powerful sides, feeling his muscles tighten, then quiver under her gentle caress. She laid her head gently down against one side, closing her eyes and feeling like she were floating inches above the floor. He was so good for her! Jackie thought for one mad moment that perhaps he was excited as she was, that he wanted her as badly as she wanted him. Was his flesh growing warmer? Was he trying to tell her something, something she couldn't understand because of her unfamiliarity with horses?

"Easy, boy, easy…"

She rubbed her fingers along the stallion's side, tracing the rounded contours of his thighs, his sides, his ribcage, his hindquarters. More than once, the woman felt his tail swishing playfully up against her hand while the horse continued to shiver at her touch. Again, Jackie thought of those stories of women in Mexico who took on donkeys for dollars, letting the animals rape them while drunken sailors and Marines hooted and shouted from the bar crowd. This was better, though, far better. She wanted the beast for her own pleasure.

She sighed again, pillowing her tits against the stallion's side and rubbing her nipples back and forth over his slick flesh. He wasn't moving much now. He seemed to be waiting for something – perhaps for her to do something more. Jackie shivered at her thought. What more could she do? It would take at least one more person for her to do anything with the horse. How could she position herself? But perhaps he could do something for her.

Moving forward, keeping her fingers touching the stallion's sides, Jackie walked until she was nearly in front of him. She slid her fingers up, up to his proud head, then added pressure, trying to force his head down. Her cunt burned! Would the horse understand her move? Could he do anything about her hot, wet pussy?


The stallion spread his forelegs apart slightly, dipping his head and lolling out his flat, pink, wet tongue. Jackie nearly fell to the floor as the beast began licking her up from the knees, his tongue touching her flesh, then sliding up her inner thighs. Jackie wrapped her fingers through his mane to keep her balance during the long, hot drag of his tongue through her cunt-bush.

Jackie steadied herself, leaning heavily against the stallion and spreading her thighs just a little more. He was doing it again, lapping her, as if her pussy were a salt lick. He bobbed his head, drawing his tongue through her cunt-hair and halving her pussy easily with the strength and breadth of his tongue.

Jackie trembled, shivering against the big, powerful horse while her toes curled into the soft straw. That touch – that hot, wet licking touch against her cunt was enough to bring her off. She grabbed onto the animal's sides, holding herself up while her brain whirled about in her head.


How wonderful! Jackie thought. First the dog, now this! It was almost too much to ask for.

The beast was making soft, whinnying sounds, shaking his proud head every now and then while his tail flicked across his back. Jackie straightened her legs, parting her thighs just a little more and bending her knees. He was moving his tongue down into her cunt again, peeling back her wet pussy-meat with his tongue. He nuzzled her cunt with his muzzle as he sniffed at her hot pussy.

Jackie wrinkled up her face, her pulse leaping through her throat. It was too good to stand! The force of his tongue, of his muzzle, was making her so very, very weak. Jackie nearly dropped to her knees, feeling them knocking together. She leaned heavily against the black stallion once more while he licked and lapped, his bobbing head nearly knocking her to the ground. She was reeling, grabbing anything for support, while the stallion licked deep into her cunt-meat.

"Oh, yes, horsie! Yes… oh, God!"

There was a wild, forceful difference between his tongue-fucking, and the one she had endured with Bodego. The horse lapped his tongue down deep into her pussy, drawing his tongue up, up to her clit, then licking back again slowly, methodically, driving her to climax. Orgasm! Cumming! The thought sent fiery chills rushing up and down Jackie's spine, flames of incredible goodness licking up into her cunt.

She drew back from the horse, looking with heavy-lidded eyes at the animal's cock. His cock was so big, so thick, so long! His prick was bigger than anything she had seen in her life! And yet, its very size made his cock all that more delicious for the young woman. She licked her lips, moving away from the beast's tongue, one wild thought rattling around in her head suddenly.

"Oh, horsie, you're going to like this!"

She dropped to her knees, still keeping her hands in touch with the stallion's sides. He snorted nervously, unused to having a presence under his belly. Unsure of exactly what to do, Jackie raised one hand up, keeping the fingers of one hand brushing against his soft belly, while she stroked the insides of his legs nearly to his hooves.

Jackie moved her hand back up in a caressing movement, her cunt still burning, her heart pounding like mad while her head spun, as if she had just downed a stiff martini. Gradually, the animal quieted, shaking his head and snorting through those large, black nostrils. Jackie caught movement from the corner of her eye. Looking around, she saw it.

His prick! Oh, God, his cock was so huge, so very thick and fat and long! Her cunt went into spasms, her wet cunt-walls slapping against one another while her clit seemed to burn with a life of its own.

She couldn't fuck the animal. The position was all wrong. But… but she could take that cock in her mouth. To have something that big and thick in her mouth made her salivate with excitement!

Still caressing his hindquarters, Jackie scooted over on her knees, the straw scraping against her flesh and making her wince. She moved slowly, deliberately, careful not to startle the animal. Jackie knew she was in a dangerous position and could get hurt if the stallion were to start stomping about the stall suddenly.

Bringing her face under his belly, she stared at his fat cock as it wagged invitingly inches from her mouth. It was almost as if the animal sensed what she was contemplating and was doing his best to accommodate her. Jackie was grateful.

Tilting her head forward, she opened her mouth as far as it would go. Her jaws ached somewhat as she parted her lips and stretched them around his fat, black, bulbous prick-head, careful to keep rubbing her fingers over the horse's belly and legs to keep him quiet.


It was good having a cock between her lips again, just as it had been wonderful having Bodego fucking her cunt days before! She could feel the horse's black, ridged, glossy cock-head pushing over the top of her tongue, making her cheeks puff out. She breathed more shallowly, her head bobbing back and forth.

Jackie couldn't stand it any longer, leaving her cunt unattended. Dropping one hand from the stallion's belly, she laid it in her lap, sticking two fingers into her sticky cunt and twisting them around and around until she felt her pussy-muscles grab at her fingers. She was close, so very close!

The heat increased as she wriggled her tongue sexily around the animal's fat cock, pushing her head up until she felt his rounded cock-tip brushing over her tonsils. Jackie swallowed hard, inhaling sharply through her nostrils while keeping as much of his prick in her mouth as possible. The stallion stomped his hindlegs nervously, stopping after a moment and snorting heavily. His sides heaved mightily as he shook his mane, obviously excited by the hot, wet feeling sloppily engulfing his prick.

Jackie twisted her mouth around and around, flicking her tongue, doing everything to excite the beast above her while drawing her fingers in and out, in and out of her grasping cunt. It would take little, she knew, to get off now. It was only a matter of moments before she would cum. The woman bobbed her head up and down, up and down more sexily now, feeling the silky sweep of her long, blonde hair against her tits and belly. She could taste that salty, bleachy flavor of cum – the same taste she had savored years before when she sucked her husband dry.

Jackie slowed her movements for a bit, the buzzing, spinning flashes exploding from her clit nearly knocking her to the floor. She sighed deeply, letting out a tiny groan. She flicked her tongue back and forth over the wide groove separating the two hot, black balls at the tip of his meaty prick.

Now, she thought. She would do it now, would bring him off while that fire stinging her clit stayed.


She hadn't noticed the sudden change in the stallion's breathing, nor his jerky movement to the rear. Suddenly, Jackie felt her mouth bloated with a hot shot of horse-cum, her tonsils slimed with jism while the white thick fluid frothed around the stretched corners of her lips. She pulled away, coughing, gagging, one hand on her throat while the other stretched in front of her. She blindly groped her way from under the horse's belly.

How she managed to twist her way out and get to the opposite end of the stall, Jackie had no idea. Spitting out the cum, she threw her head back, gasping in lungfuls of air while the black stallion jumped and reared in the narrow quarters. More than once, she feared he would surely kill her with his hooves. But he was too engrossed in his own climax to notice the terrified woman cumming her brains out against the stall wall.

"My God! What am I becoming?" Jackie whispered.

She gathered up her clothes and stumbled from the stall. She remembered to lock the gate, shambling away from the still-neighing horse. Jackie finally collapsed in the stall where she had watched her nieces fondling and fucking the dog.

Bodego had been sleeping, and now he reared his head, blinking his eyes at her.

"Oh, no! No, not now… not now!" Jackie groaned, scooting back while keeping her clothes over her cunt. Having been satiated by Claudia and Nancy, Bodego simply sniffed at her, then laid his head back over his forepaws and dozed.

"My name is Jackie. My name is Jackie," she repeated to herself, wondering when this roller coaster ride she was on would end.
