
Thanks to Emer Martin, for reading an early draft of this novel and providing great encouragement and pertinent criticism.

To Robin Robertson, who kept faith with me on this book’s journey — a more convoluted one than we’ve both grown accustomed to over the years.

To Katherine Fry for her great wisdom and incredibly sharp eye.

To everyone at Random House UK in the publicity, rights, sales and marketing teams, who really have given me phenomenal support over the years.

To Tam Crawford, for splitting Ally and I’s sides in the Cenny, with his tales of breasts and budgerigars.

To Kenny McMillan, the original purseman.

To Jon Baird for his Doric.

To Trevor Engleson at Underground management, and Alex, Elan, Jack and everyone at CAA for being in my corner in Hollywood, and Greg and Laura at Independent Talent for the UK representation.

To friends and family in the great cities of Edinburgh, London, Dublin, Chicago, Miami, Sydney and Los Angeles. You keep me going. It really is your fault.

I need and want to thank my friend, the late, great Davie Bryce, of the Calton Athletic Recovery Group in Glasgow. This inspirational man might no longer be with us, but he’s the reason that so many people, who otherwise wouldn’t be around, now have a life to get on with.

Most of all though, thanks beyond words to Beth, for all her love.

Irvine Welsh, Chicago, October, 2011
