“No one warned me that Valiant was here. He’s the meanest and most deadly of our kind. I would have gone to see him before I brought you here if I’d known. Anyone else we could handle but he’s…” Brass shrugged. “One mean son of a bitch.”

Trisha moved now that her terror retreated. She walked to Harley. “Bend down and let me take a look at that.” She glanced at Moon. “Are you hurt?”

“I’ll live. I know how a football feels though when it’s thrown and it ruins that sport for me.” He turned and headed downstairs.

Harley leaned down a little and removed the wet rag. Trisha examined his wound and softly cursed. “You’re not going to need stitches but I need to clean and bandage it.”

“Fuck.” He blushed. “I mean darn.”

Trisha chuckled. “Cuss away. I would have said worse if someone did that to me.

What did he hit you with?”

“The door.” Harley’s gaze fixed on Brass. “You might want to call and order a new one. Valiant tore that one off the hinges and threw it at me. I tried to dodge the thing but the corner of it struck my forehead. The coffee table didn’t make it either. On a high note, we no longer have to chop wood if Trisha wants a fire tonight. We can just use the fifty pieces of coffee table on the floor.”

Brass sighed. “I’ll call for a first-aid kit too so Trisha can bandage your boo-boo, Harley. Do you mind, Trisha? We still don’t have a doctor at Reservation.”

“Just get me what I need. Do you need me to give you a list of supplies?”

“No.” Brass didn’t look happy. “I’m sure what we keep inside our first-aid kits will have everything you could possibly need. I guess I’ll go downstairs to evaluate the damage and afterward, I’ll call the front office and inform them of what we need.”

“Thank you.” Trisha smiled at Brass. “For everything.”

“Hey,” Harley groaned. “I took a door to the head. Where’s my thanks?” Trisha laughed and reached out to touch Harley’s arm and give it a slight squeeze. “Thank you.”

“She touched me.”

Harley stuck his tongue out at Brass, teasing him, and made Trisha laugh.


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“Don’t you have something to do?” They could be childlike but she appreciated their playful traits.

“I’m on it.” Brass walked downstairs. He muttered the entire way down.

Trisha had Harley sit on the bed. “What did he say?”

Harley grinned. “Something about having to eat crow when he calls and Slade finds out there has already been a problem here when we just arrived.”

Trisha walked inside the half bath and grabbed a hand towel. She returned to the bedroom to apply a new wet compress to Harley’s bleeding head, holding it there. Brass wasn’t the only one who dreaded how Slade would react when he found out there’d already been an incident at the cabin.



Chapter Fifteen


Slade was so mad he saw red. He stood at the gate of the house that Valiant had been given. Slade heard a door slam and seconds later the mostly naked Valiant casually strode down his porch steps to approach the gate.

“Slade. Why are you out here? You could have called if you needed something.”

“What were you doing?” Slade opened the gate and stepped inside. He was ready for a fight if Valiant got pissed about Slade entering his yard without permission. “I was told you didn’t hurt the woman but I swear to God if you had, I’d kill you myself. You were out of line going after her,” he growled.

Valiant crossed his arms over his chest. “I smelled a human. That cabin isn’t far enough away and I was pissed. Justice said that no humans were allowed here.”

“Well, you went through two of our people to reach her so you knew very well that she was supposed to be here. That cabin isn’t inside your personal territory. You had no authority to attack our own people.”

Valiant shrugged, saying nothing.

“I’ll kill you if you go near her again,” Slade threatened with a snarl. “Are we clear?

I know you are friends with Tiger but damn it, I won’t permit you to hurt that woman.

You stay away from her and don’t go near her again. Do you understand me? You are not to touch one hair on her head.”

“I won’t go near her. I already discussed this with Brass. She’s one of us as far as I’m concerned.”

Slade glared at Valiant, slightly confused by the other man’s remark. “She’s not one of us but she’s a good friend to Species. She works for us. Justice and I trust her.”

“She’s one of us now, isn’t she? I smelled her myself. She was very brave and didn’t even scream when I scented her stomach.”

“You what?” Slade exploded. “You got that close to her? You touched her?” He advanced.

Valiant growled and sank into a crouch. “Stop or we will fight.”

Slade halted his angry approach but he almost shook with fury. “You touched her?”

“I kept my word to Brass and didn’t hurt her. I wanted to scent her when he told me the news because I didn’t believe him. They both agreed to allow me to get close to her. It wasn’t an attack.”

“He allowed you touch her?”


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Slade would kick Brass’ ass at his next stop, the cabin. Valiant was unstable and anyone with a brain shouldn’t have let Valiant anywhere near Trisha. If he’d been there, he would have killed the big Species for even trying.

“I didn’t believe she was pregnant. Now I know she is.”

Shock tore through Slade. “What?”

Valiant slowly straightened from the crouch. “Pregnant. Didn’t someone tell you?

The woman is carrying a child. That is why Brass brought her here to safety—from humans.”

The anger seeped out of Slade and pain tore through his chest instead. Trisha is pregnant? His knees felt as though they were going to collapse under him. His heart pounded and the rage started to seep back into him. She’s pregnant! A haze of emotions gripped him, mostly murderous ones, that some guy had touched what was his. The idea of anyone doing that nearly sent him over the edge of insanity.

“Justice ordered them to bring her here to protect her from her people. Justice thinks when the humans find out she is carrying a mixed breed they might try to harm her. I have to agree with him. Humans are erratic and hostile for stupid reasons. There’s something about her scent against the skin that makes her different. It must be the baby inside her, changing her chemistry.”

“The father is New Species? Are you sure?” Slade ground out the words, his bitterness and rage growing by leaps and bounds.

“Scent her yourself. She smells different. Human and of us faintly but enough that I am sure. I have smelled pregnant human women when the military assigned a bunch of them to bring us food and supplies where they kept us. They knew we wouldn’t harm them if they breached the territory they gave us. Nothing is as defenseless as a pregnant female. I know the scent of one well but this one smells different. I couldn’t detect a difference until I pressed my nose against her skin. It must because she is barely pregnant. When the months wear on it will probably become easier to notice from a distance.”

Slade stormed out of the gate toward his Jeep. His anger knew no bounds. Someone should have told him that Trisha had been sent to Reservation because she carried a New Species baby. The Jeep engine roared to life and Slade punched the gas. The tires squealed in protest but he didn’t care about the noise. Now things were making a lot more sense. He was killing mad.

* * * * *

“Someone is coming fast,” Moon yelled in warning. “It’s one of our Jeeps.”

Brass threw down his cards and flashed a grin at Trisha. “It’s about time they sent those supplies.” He glanced at his watch. “They are actually half an hour earlier than they estimated on the phone.”

“I’m starving. I hope they sent some good food.”



“I’m sure they did.” Harley winked at her. “A pregnant mamma should eat lots of junk food. I call dibs if they send any candy bars. I love those things.”

“I’m the pregnant one.” Trisha laughed. “That means I get first dibs on everything.”

“Meany.” Harley stuck out his tongue, tossed down his cards and stood. “I better help carry things inside. The faster we get it put away, the faster we can get to the goodies they sent.”

“It’s Slade,” Moon yelled seconds later. “He is really coming fast.”

“Shit,” Brass sighed from the doorway. “He’s very angry. I can see his teeth bared from here.”

“Why?” Confusion gripped Trisha. “It wasn’t our fault that Valiant attacked.”

Brass turned at the door. “You might want to go upstairs, Trisha. I think it might get ugly.”

Trisha frowned and rose from the couch, walking to the door instead. She pushed Brass out of her way and stepped out onto the porch to watch the Jeep with Slade came to a sliding halt by the cabin. Slade left skid marks as he locked up the vehicle to stop it.

It didn’t take hyper senses for Trisha to smell burned rubber as Slade turned off the Jeep engine and leaped from of the driver’s seat. He reached Moon first and snarled at him.


Moon didn’t budge. “Is there a problem?”

Slade lunged. He grabbed Moon by his vest and shoved him hard, out of his way, and advanced. Fear grew instantly inside Trisha after realizing Slade seemed beyond pissed. She actually backed up and bumped the cabin wall next to the doorway. Brass sprinted suddenly, going down the porch stairs, and met Slade head-on.

“You allowed Valiant to touch her?” Slade yelled. “He’s unstable and could have killed her.” Slade decked Brass in the face with his fist.

Brass landed on his ass. He growled and tried to climb to his feet but Slade turned, throwing a kick to Brass’ chest. It knocked Brass flat onto his back on the grass. Slade snarled, showing teeth, as Harley inched toward him.

“Stay out of it unless you want me to kick your ass too. This is between us.”

Harley stopped, lifted his hands and backed up. “Okay.”

“Stop it,” Trisha demanded. She tried to rush down the stairs to reach Brass, worried he’d been hurt badly, but Harley grabbed her arm to prevent her from leaving the porch.

“Stay out of it,” Harley ordered softly. His arms locked around Trisha’s waist gently. “You could get hurt. Sometimes our males fight to blow off steam. This is about dominance and we can’t interfere.”

Trisha was stunned. It wasn’t sane and it sure wasn’t something she wanted to stand by and watch. They needed to stop. Someone could get hurt. Harley refused to release her though when she struggled.


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Brass rose to his feet. He growled and launched his body at Slade. In horror, Trisha watched the men go at each other. She’d never seen two New Species fight before. It looked to be a combination between a dog fight and a no-holds-barred kickboxing match. It became clear within minutes that Slade was the better fighter. He punched Brass in the face and threw a kick that sent Brass sprawling onto his stomach. Brass groaned but didn’t get up. Slade panted, obviously still enraged.

“You thought you could protect her?” Slade snarled. “You can’t even protect yourself against me.”

Brass lifted his head, looking a little dazed, and blood smeared his mouth. He turned his head to glare at Slade. “Someone had to try to protect her.”

“Well, you can’t.” Slade marched toward the cabin.

Moon had edged around the fighting men until he stood guard at the bottom of the porch steps, blocking Slade’s path to Trisha. Harley suddenly released Trisha and leaped down the porch steps to stand next to Moon. Both men appeared tense.

“Move,” Slade snarled, stopping just feet from the men.

“Why? You are upset and aren’t being reasonable.” Harley kept a calm tone in his voice. “You hurt Brass over being angry with Valiant. We didn’t know he was here or Brass would have gone to talk to him before he picked up the scent of a human. You are one of our best fighters and you knew you could take Brass alone. You could take both of us one-on-one too. We know that. But you’ll have to take on both of us at once if you wish to upset Trisha. Your fight isn’t with her.”

Slade’s dark-blue gaze locked with Trisha’s. He panted hard and seemed so enraged that it scared her. She never thought she’d be afraid of Slade, especially after their time alone in the woods, but she’d been wrong. She was terrified of him.

“I knew you were attracted to Justice more than you admitted to me. I would not have avoided you if I had known you were so hot to have a Species male in your bed. I thought I was protecting you,” Slade growled. “Being with one of us puts you in danger. You went through too much and I didn’t want you to be with me out of gratitude for saving your life. I knew only time would give us a chance.” He shook his head. “I could kill you. I told you that you were mine. Mine!” he snarled. “You can stay here and have your bastard but I better never see you again. You don’t have permission to leave the cabin while Justice hides you and his love child under my nose.”

Slade spun and stormed away. Trisha locked her knees so she wouldn’t collapse on the porch. Slade thought she was pregnant by Justice? Her mouth opened.


He ignored her completely, as though she hadn’t spoken, as he jumped in his Jeep.

“Slade?” Her voice rose.

He turned his head and sheer rage showed on his features. “You’re dead to me, Doc. Don’t ever say my name again. I regret ever speaking to you and I wish I’d never touched you.”



The Jeep roared to life and he threw it in reverse.

“Slade? You need to listen to me,” Trisha yelled. “It’s not Justice’s baby!”

He stomped on the brake and turned his head back, curling his lip. “Brass? You should have picked someone stronger, Doc. He just got his ass kicked and I didn’t even break a sweat. I bet he says your name though, doesn’t he?”

Trisha managed to take a step and grab the porch railing to keep standing. She was mad now. “It’s not his baby either. It’s yours, you stupid son of a bitch!” She yelled the information at him. “You might have been able to beat up Brass but at least he’s here for me. He never abandoned me when I needed him the most and he doesn’t lie to me by swearing he’ll come back for me but instead runs away as if he’s a big coward, the way you did. And that bastard you referred to is a great way to title your own baby. I hate you.”

She saw his expression change as emotions crossed his features with rapid speed.

Anger, shock, and finally he paled before his expression returned back to rage mode again. He shut off the Jeep and climbed out. His features became unreadable when he stomped toward Trisha. Brass managed to get back on his feet and he staggered into Slade’s path.


Slade growled at him. “Move.”

“Don’t do this,” Brass urged softly. “Do you want to upset her enough to make her lose the baby? She’s been through enough.”

Slade’s gaze jerked to Trisha. “The baby is really mine?”

She fought tears. “You mean ‘bastard’, don’t you? Go to hell, Slade. Yes, the baby is yours in the biological way. In every other sense the baby is mine and mine alone. Don’t worry though. In the last weeks I’ve learned exactly what to expect from you so stay away from me just the way you have been. I waited a week for you to call or come see me. When you didn’t I was even hopeful for another week. Then you took this job and didn’t even have the decency to tell me you were leaving. You just left. I hate you for that, I really do, and I will never forgive you. You lied to me and you just blew me off.

Well, I can do that too. Leave me alone and stop beating up my friends, because they actually care about me.” She took a ragged breath, fighting the urge to cry. “They don’t make me cry. They don’t abandon me or break my heart.”

She turned and fled inside the house, running for the stairs. She barely made it inside the bathroom before she threw up. When it was over, she washed her face, brushed her teeth, and finally braved opening the door. She was afraid Slade would want to confront her again but it was Moon who sat on the edge of bed.

Slade stood in the yard in absolute shock. A baby. It wasn’t possible. Species couldn’t impregnate females. They’d been sure of that. Mercile had tried too hard. They would have figured out a way if it were feasible. Trisha wouldn’t lie to him though. He knew she wouldn’t intentionally mislead him about something that important.


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“Happy now?” Brass spit out grass from between his teeth, brushing off dirt. “You upset her.”

Slade glared at the other male. “I didn’t know.”

“You weren’t around to find out. You haven’t been anywhere near her since her retrieval. I take it that’s when you bred with her?”

Trisha is carrying my baby. He tried to allow the news to sink into his still-shocked brain.

“You had her and left her. I’ve heard of stupid moves before but that is one of the worst. You may be able to take me in a fight but never get into a battle of intelligence with me. I’d kick your ass,” Brass said before storming toward the side of the house and the water hose.

Slade stood there feeling numb, staring up at the house. He wanted to go after her, wanted to talk to her, and would even beg her forgiveness for the harsh words but he didn’t even know where to start. He’d called her child a bastard.

Why am I always fucking up so bad around her? Damn it! His chin lowered to his chest and pain gripped him. He was his own worst enemy. Every time he opened his mouth he seemed to push away the woman he loved by saying something that pained or hurt her.

He turned, stumbling toward the Jeep, knowing he needed to cool down and think.

He had to figure out a way to make this right. He jumped in the driver’s seat but his hand hesitated. He didn’t want to leave her. He couldn’t. He let his hand drop but then reached for the key again. Anger and pain gripped him. He couldn’t seem to do anything right when it came to Trisha. Perhaps he didn’t deserve her but he wanted her so badly it made him feel bitter at the concept of losing her forever.

He started the engine and slowly drove away but he’d return. He’d shower, change his clothes and calm down. He’d think clearer and find a way to fix the mess his temper and jealousy had created.

A baby. Trisha is having my baby. A warm feeling spread throughout his chest.

* * * * *

“He left.” Moon studied her. “Are you well?”

“I totally lost it.”

He nodded. “I saw and heard.”

“How is Brass?”

“Harley is outside, hosing him off with water but he’ll be fine. His pride suffered the most at being beaten but Slade really is one of our finest fighters. I told Brass there is no shame in getting his ass kicked by the best. There should only be a sense of shame when you lose to someone weaker.”

“I’m so sorry this happened.” Trisha wiped at tears.



Moon stood and slowly approached Trisha. “It is not your fault. Slade deserved your harsh words. He had sex with you and disappeared afterward. It is his shame to carry, not yours. You are a gift, Trisha. Any man would be lucky if you cared about him and allowed him to touch you the way he did but he threw it away. He was stupid to do that. Lie down and rest. The supplies arrived a few minutes ago and we will bring you dinner soon. Think of your baby and don’t worry about Slade or anything else. We will take care of you. I’m sure once Slade cools down he will return to talk calmly with you. We made him see the good reasoning in leaving you alone until he calms. He didn’t want to but his brain started functioning again. I think he was such a dick because he was insanely jealous, believing you had allowed someone else to touch you.

He wouldn’t have been such an asshole if he didn’t care about you and he must care a lot since he was such a big one.”

Trisha didn’t protest when Moon tucked covers around her after she lay down and he pressed a kiss to her forehead. Trisha smiled at him.

“Thank you. I’m impressed, by the way.”

“About what?”

“I think that’s the most I’ve ever heard you say at one time.”

Moon grinned before he returned downstairs. Trisha tried to relax. It wasn’t easy.

She was still upset by what had happened.

Well, Slade knows about our baby now. She’d fulfilled what Justice had asked her to do and it had been a disaster. She fought tears. She hadn’t dreamed in a million years that she’d end up screaming the news of fatherhood at a man whose baby she carried and she’d called him names on top of it all. Just…crap!

Was Moon correct? Slade had been an extreme asshole. If he didn’t care he wouldn’t have reacted so violently to the news of her being pregnant. It had really hurt when he’d instantly assumed she’d slept with Justice. Maybe he thought she slept around with men regularly. He didn’t know her at all if that was the case.

The whole “mine” thing remained stuck inside her head. He’d said she was his when he’d attacked Bill at the camp where she’d almost been raped. Then when they were outside he’d screamed at her that she knew she was his but if he considered her that, why had he abandoned her? He’d said something about protecting her and it was just confusing when she tried to make sense of his words. He wanted to give her time?

He’d said only time could have given them a chance or something close to that. Time for what? For me to feel used and stupid for thinking something meaningful happened between us?

She heard the stairs creak a short time later and wiped away her tears. Harley walked upstairs carrying a glass of milk and some food with him. A spoon peeked out of the bowl.

“I brought you milk for the baby and soup for your upset stomach. Moon told me you were sick enough to lose your last meal. I’ll bring you chocolate-chip cookies if you hold all this down. They sent a large bag of them. I told the guys to at least save you one.”


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Trisha smiled as she sat up. “Just one?”

“Maybe two. You are eating for two people now.” Harley grinned at her. “You be careful with this. It’s hot. I don’t want you to get burned.”

Trisha stared at him with gratitude. “Thank you for being my friend.”

“A friend? I thought we could elope to Vegas and have Elvis marry us.” His gaze sparkled as he teased. “I had it all worked out too. We could buy some mangy mutt, buy us a rusty old RV, and find some city dump to live next to. I hear it’s a great place to find furniture.” He lifted up the material on his arm and exposed his thick biceps. “I had a spot picked out here to have your name tattooed on me and I thought I could have my name tattooed across your ass. That way I could actually say I owned your ass.”

Trisha laughed. Moon walked upstairs and sat on the edge of the bed holding a plate with a few pieces of buttered toast. He set it down on the bed next to Trisha so she could easily reach it.

“It’s not her ass you have your name put on, Harley. You have her tattoo it on her arm so when she forgets your name, it’s right there. We all know how memorable you aren’t. She’d have to be a contortionist to see your name on her ass.”

“If she’s a contortionist,” Brass called out as he climbed the stairs, “then she’d have to marry me instead. And you never have Elvis marry you. That’s a bad omen if I ever heard one. Everyone knows marriage started by a dead guy ends in a dead marriage down the road. And speaking of road, she’s high class and don’t forget it. You don’t buy some rusted-out RV. You buy a fifth-wheel travel trailer and live in style. That way you can unhitch it and not have to remove the patio every time you need to go somewhere.”

Trisha wanted to flinch when she saw Brass’ face. He had bruising to his cheekbone and jaw, cuts all over, and there was swelling near his eye. He held her worried gaze and winked. “I’m still incredibly good-looking.”

She laughed. “Yes. You are.”

Moon sniffed suddenly. His gaze turned to Brass and Harley. They sniffed too.

Three pairs of eyes turned to the window before they glanced away.

Trisha tensed. “What do you smell?”

“It’s nothing to worry about,” Moon muttered. “Just a hint of a storm outside.”

“Oh. I hope the roof doesn’t leak.” Trisha glanced up at the slanted wood beams of the ceiling and back at the guys. “The cabin seems pretty solid though, even if it is outdated inside.”

“I’m sure it won’t, Trisha.” Brass motioned to her food. “Eat up.”

Trisha ate while the men kept teasing her. She laughed, listening to them get more outrageous about funny marriage scenarios. She saw them glance at the window a few times. It had grown dark outside. The window remained open but she didn’t see any flashes of lightning or hear rain.



Trisha finished all of her soup, ate both slices of toast, and finished off her milk.

Moon took her dishes.

“I’ll bring you cookies and some more milk but I’m going to take a jog first. I enjoy a good run at night. Can you wait for your snack?”

“Yes. Thank you.”

He smiled at her and disappeared downstairs.

“I know,” Harley chuckled. “You could marry me and we could go live with your parents. I hear that humans living with their in-laws always have a successful marriage.”

Brass smacked his forehead with his palm. “Where do you hear this backward bullshit? That’s a surefire way to kill a marriage.”

Trisha laughed. “You’d run for the hills or worse if you ever met my parents and would probably buy a gun and shoot them. I don’t want to be married to a guy who’s doing twenty-to-life in prison.”

“Yeah.” Brass nodded seriously. “Then she’d have to divorce you for cheating on her inside the state pen.”

“Cheating on her?” Harley looked confused for a second and grimaced.

“That’s…just wrong! I am attracted to females.”

“It depends on who you ask. I heard once that some men find true love behind bars.” Brass winked at Harley. “You do have a nice ass. I’m sure I’m not the only man who will see it that way.”

“I’m never bending over in front you again.” Harley flipped Brass off. “And that’s not an offer. I have way higher standards.”

“Enough,” Trisha laughed. “You guys are starting to make my stomach hurt. Why don’t we give my tummy a break and pick up our card game? I was kicking some serious ass.”

“You were not.” Harley stood. “I’ll get the cards.” He strode to the stairs. “We were letting you win.”

“He’s a sore loser,” Brass whispered.

“I heard that!”


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Chapter Sixteen

Slade turned when Moon crept up next to him. The wind picked up. Slade hooked his thumbs inside his jeans pockets, having gone home and changed before he’d returned.

Moon took a deep breath. “Are you enjoying standing out here listening to us cheer her up?”

Slade said nothing.

“You really upset her when you made nasty accusations. She treats us as though we are brothers and I can promise you there is nothing between her and Justice. I’ve been on her security detail for weeks and she just hangs out with us when she’s not working.

I knew she was sad but I didn’t know why until today.” He paused. “You shouldn’t have left her the way you did. Why would you do it? She’s amazing.”

Minutes passed. “I was afraid that being with me would endanger her. It made sense at the time but it was all for nothing. I feared for her safety above my desire to be with her. I’ve put her in much more danger now that she’s carrying my child. She’ll be a target for the hate groups and I unknowingly put her in more danger by not being there when she needed me.” Slade’s voice softened. “I also wanted to give her time to make certain how she felt about me but I really needed it myself too. Does she know I’m out here?”

“No. We told her we scented a storm coming. It is hard to want something very much when we have learned anything we value gets taken from us.”

Slade silently agreed.

“She thinks you used her for sex and you don’t care about her. She is carrying your child and hurting. Do you realize she is a miracle?”

Slade turned his head to glare at the other male. “Of course I know, damn it.”

“But you left her alone.” Moon shook his head in disgust. “I wouldn’t allow anything to stand in my way to be with her if I were lucky enough to find a woman similar to her who cared for me, especially not my own fear. I know all about loss with our shared past. I know how terrifying it is to feel anything because it opens us up to the possibility of deep pain.” He took a breath. “I would risk anything for a woman I loved.”

“She was attacked for her association with us. I believed being with me would only increase the danger. It wasn’t just all about my fear of growing attached to her.”

“She knew the risks when she took the job. She is smart, Slade. Homeland had been attacked before she arrived and it can happen again. She watches the news, sees the protestors spew their hatred of us to anyone who will listen when they make their 156


threats, yet she still came to us. She allowed you to touch her knowing what Ellie and Fury faced and still do. She was present when Fury took the bullets meant for his mate.

You may have believed you were being honorable but you were wrong. She’s already in danger and the degree doesn’t matter. What does matter is having a strong male at her side to protect her if someone tries to harm her. You failed in that.”

Pain lanced through Slade at the truth of the words. “She won’t forgive me.”

Moon glanced at the house. “You need to make her understand how much you care and that you’ve learned how much she means to you.”

Slade glanced at the cabin. “Any ideas on how to do that?”

“Actually, yes. I’ll go inside and talk to the guys. I’m sure they will do what I say.

They care about Trisha and want her to be happy. I believe you can make her understand if you love her as much as I suspect. It might not sit well with Brass though because he is very close to her as a friend. Stop growling. There is nothing between them.”

“What do you have in mind?”

“I am going to talk to them and we will camp outside tonight after she goes to sleep. You are going to go in there to get your female back when she is alone.”

* * * * *

Trisha turned over on the bed and came up against a warm body. Her hands touched hot, bare skin. She gasped as her eyes flew open but it was too dark to see anything. She’d fallen sleep at some point and the men had gone downstairs. She scooted back.

“I guess the floor was too hard for you? You better be dressed from the waist down,” she warned the guy sharing her bed. She wished she had their keen sense of smell or sight to determine which of the three she spoke to.

“Mmmm,” the voice murmured softly. The body adjusted closer and an arm slid over her waist.

“Hey,” Trisha protested and shoved at his chest. “Roll to the other side of the bed. I don’t mind sharing but I’m not a body pillow you can curl around.”

He didn’t put space between them. “I’m trying to get some sleep, sweet thing.

You’re making it impossible to do with you pushing on me.”

Trisha gasped and tried to sit up, her hand fumbling for the lamp on the nightstand.

The arm moved from around her waist and she twisted away. Her fingers brushed the base of the lamp and almost knocked it over in her haste. She blindly reached for the switch and pressed. Light blinded her for a few seconds.

She turned and gaped at a bare-chested Slade. Tan, muscular skin was revealed to his waist where the sheet pooled and covered the rest of him. She wasn’t sure if he wore pants and didn’t want to know. The fact that he was in her bed shocked her.


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“What are you doing?” She couldn’t believe he was sprawled on her bed. “How did you get in here?”

“I strolled inside the front door I helped fix after you fell asleep.” Slade rested on his side. He propped his head on the palm of his bent arm and smiled at her. “Turn off the light. It’s the middle of the night and I want to hold you.”

Trisha gawked at him. “You leave me high and dry and now you want to hold me?

You dare climb into bed with me? Are you for real?”


“Have you lost your mind? I haven’t. Get out!”

“Come here, sweet thing.”

Trisha tried to scramble out of bed but Slade gently grabbed her, hauling her flat onto her back on the mattress. He pinned her under his big, warm body, careful not to hurt her when he did it. Two things became instantly clear to Trisha. One, Slade was totally nude. And two, he was aroused since she could feel the thick, hot erection bump against her inner thigh. They were skin to skin where her nightshirt had ridden up. She sucked in a breath, beyond stunned that he’d dare pull that kind of stunt.

“I missed you.” His beautiful gaze studied hers and his voice came out gruff.

I want to hate him for sounding sexy and looking so attractive. Remember—he abandoned me. That wasn’t hot or sexy. It was mean and cold. “You knew where to find me.” Trisha flattened her hands on his chest, pushed with all her might, but he didn’t budge as she glared at him. Her teeth clenched. “I’ll yell for help if you don’t get off me.”

“I hope you have a really loud voice because I sent them away. I wanted us to be alone. This time I didn’t want to have to put my palm over your lips.”

Memory was instant of the last time he’d done that to keep her quiet while he fucked her. Her body instantly responded when her belly quivered and she hated it, wanting to hate him. She glared into his eyes.

“You left me and now you want me back? Is that what you’re saying? For how long this time? Do I wake in the morning and what? Not see you again for weeks? Maybe months? No. Get off me, Slade.”

He shifted his weight to make certain he didn’t crush her stomach and cupped Trisha’s face. “I was scared. You frighten the hell out of me and that’s the truth.”

“Scared?” She took a deep breath, trying to calm, and resisted the urge to smack him. She was tempted. “So you were afraid? Of what? You’re a foot taller than I am and outweigh me by a good hundred pounds or so. What did you have to be afraid of?”

“Being with me puts you in more danger. That was the main reason I stayed away from you. You nearly died in the woods, could have died when the SUV crashed, and I didn’t want to be the cause of more assholes targeting you.”

She just stared at him, trying to take in his words. It didn’t matter though because he’d hurt her. She wasn’t about to allow him to do it again.



“It was more than that though. I’ve had a lot of time to think. I never dared to allow myself to get attached to anything or anyone. I saw too many die and too much pain. I never owned anything, could never count on anyone being there in the next moment, or even the next day. They used it against me if those assholes who kept me prisoner realized I cared about another person at the testing facility. Hell, they used it against all of us to try to control us. I know you can’t really understand what a lifetime of that does to a person but I can tell you that it messed me up bad. I’m screwed up. I was afraid of what I wanted from you and that you might not return those strong emotions. I wanted to give you time but I’m the one who needed it. I thought if I walked away that I would stop thinking about you and that you would be safer without me. I said you’d be better off if I wasn’t a part of your life. That’s not what happened.”

His honesty surprised her and some of her anger seeped away. She didn’t know how to respond but her heart melted a little at the sincere look he gave her, the obvious pain sounding in his voice, and she had to concede he’d had a really screwed-up past.

He admitted that readily, acknowledged he had flaws, and it softened her resolve to remain angry.

“You promised you’d come to me but you didn’t. You hurt me, Slade. You wouldn’t even talk to me. How do you expect me to stop being angry and hurt?”

“I planned to come to you straight after I returned to Homeland but I had to go to a meeting first. Justice demanded it. I heard them saying how and why you’d been targeted by humans. I started to think about how I’d feel if you were killed because we were together. I freaked out, Doc.”

“Stop calling me that. My name is Trisha. Use it.”

His fingers brushed her cheek. “And I told you that I’ll only call you Trisha when I’m inside you.” His face lowered. “And I want inside you in the worst way. I want to taste you and feel you. There’s so much we’ve never had the opportunity to do. I want you to moan my name and I want hear you scream in pleasure. I need to show you how much you mean to me and how much I’ve missed you. Please let me.”

“Please, Slade.” She locked her gaze with his. “Don’t do this to me. You hurt me when you promised you’d come back for me but you didn’t. I had to kill two men and I had faith that you’d come help me but you didn’t. Two other men had to save me yet I still had hope that you’d show up. I needed you. I was worried sick until they told me you’d been found alive. I waited for you to come to me when they said you had arrived back at Homeland but you blew me off.”

“I did come back to you when you fired at those assholes. I heard the shots but I realized Flame and Smiley reached you before I could. I wanted to save you but you didn’t need me.” He paused. “I also didn’t wish you to see me the way I was at the time. I’d killed a lot of men. I was afraid you’d see the blood, that it would make you rethink being with someone capable of that much violence, and that you wouldn’t believe that I’d never lay a finger on you to cause you pain. I’m not fully human and…”

He paused, a pained expression lining his handsome face. “It was for the best if you 159

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didn’t see me that way. Just trust me on that. I want to be a male you’ll want, not one you’ll fear.”

Her resolve softened even more. He’s insecure about what he is and how I see him. He’s not such a hard-ass after all. She took a deep breath. “Slade, I know what you are. I know you’re not fully human but I accepted that. I was torn up inside over killing those men.

I just wanted and needed you after I killed those men. You just walked away from me as though I meant nothing. I don’t know how you could do that if you care about me.”

“You were safe. That’s what mattered most to me. I was sure I’d scare you in the condition I was in at the time and I decided to go back into the woods instead to find the rest of those assholes and make sure they were no longer a threat to you. I believed it was the right choice at the time. I made a mistake.”

“You gave me your word and you lied to me.”

“I’m so sorry. It seemed like the right decision at the time. I was also too out of control to hide my possessiveness of you. Anyone there would have known we’d bonded.”

“So you didn’t want anyone to know about what happened between us?” Anger and pain shot through her. “Well, guess what? Now some people know. I bet that just really humiliates you. I know, it’s not PC for New Species to sleep with a human, is it?”

“What is PC?”

“Politically correct. Some of you guys have sworn to never touch humans. It’s— Oh hell, get off me. I also hate to break this to you but your guys took one whiff of me and knew I’d had sex. At first they thought I’d been raped. I wouldn’t tell them a thing except I hadn’t been. I left your name out of it even after I got pregnant but Justice remembered how I smelled that night I was brought back to Homeland. At first he thought the father was Brass but when I told him I’d never touched him sexually, Justice knew it was you. You were the only strong scent left on me.”

“Don’t speak words that I did not say or even think. I’m not ashamed of you, Doc. I don’t care about what is PC. I was trying to protect your human nature. I know human women are very private about their sex lives and being with me put you in greater danger. Ellie and Fury are proof of that. I was also trying to protect you from what Ellie and Fury went through when they got together. Everyone bugged them about their sex life and hell, every time Fury touched her it seemed as though someone accused him of hurting her. That’s why I didn’t want those men to guess what had happened between us and I wasn’t sure if any humans were involved with the rescue who would witness us together.”

“I trusted you once and now I know I can’t. I―”

Slade’s mouth came down on hers and his lips brushed hers. He spoke against her lips. “I’m bad with words, sweet thing, but trust this.” Then he forced her mouth open under his.

Trisha tried not to feel but it was Slade kissing her. She wanted and loved him despite the pain he’d caused her. She’d always known her attraction to him wouldn’t be 160


easy, him being New Species, her not being. They were worlds apart but when he touched her all those differences seemed to melt away until it was just the two of them.

Her hands splayed on his chest, enjoying the warm feel of his skin as she started to kiss him back. Her mouth parted wider, admitting his hungry eagerness to bend her to his seduction. A moan escaped from the back of her throat.

Slade’s hands caressed her and his body turned, shifting hers with his, until they faced each other on their sides. His mouth never left hers, his tongue coaxing her passion higher. His hands gripped her nightshirt at the waist and material tore. He freed her breasts to cup them with his palms. Strong fingers kneaded her softer flesh.

Trisha broke away from the kiss, breathing hard. “Slade?”

“Don’t tell me to stop. Please? I need you. You have no idea how much I want you, Trisha. I have hurt from how much I’ve missed you. I’m dying for you.”

His head lowered, his tongue rasped over her breast, and all thought left her when his mouth closed over her nipple. He sucked in hard tugs that made her stomach clench, her desire burn brighter, and he nipped her lightly with his teeth. Trisha’s entire body jerked from the sharp pinch of pleasure that jolted straight to her brain as a result.

She moaned louder, running her hands along his chest to his shoulders, and dug her fingernails into his skin where they curved. Her mind warned to push him away but instead she pulled him closer.

Slade tore his mouth away from her breast. Trisha protested with a whimper. She ached from wanting him and her eyes opened to discover Slade watching her face closely. The passion in his heated gaze turned her on more. He appeared a little wild, ruggedly handsome, and the fangs peeking out between his parted lips did wonderful things to her.

“You’re so beautiful.” He rose to his knees on the bed, releasing her, but reached for her again quickly as if he couldn’t stand not touching her. “I don’t want to hurt our baby.” He smiled. “I’m happy about us creating one, by the way.”

Trisha allowed him to pull her up to her knees. Slade easily turned her body in his strong arms just by lifting her until she faced away from him and her back pressed against his chest. He rid her of the destroyed nightshirt, just throwing it aside. His hands skimmed down over her breasts, before his mouth nibbled at her neck. His lips, tongue and teeth teased and taunted the sensitive skin.

Trisha moaned when his teeth bit down. He wasn’t breaking the skin or hurting her but the pinch of his bite felt incredibility erotic. His tongue stroked the skin trapped between his teeth before he moved to other spots on her neck, lightly teasing her with soft nips. His hands slid lower to pause at the curve of her hips.

There was a tug of the material against her skin when his thumbs hooked into the sides of her panties. Slade ripped them from her body easily and tossed them away from the bed. His hands traveled lower and around the inside of her thighs until he gently gripped them.


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“Open more for me, sweet thing. I want to touch your pussy. I can smell how hot you are and I want to feel. The memory has tormented me and kept me up every night I haven’t been with you.” He growled the words.

She moved her knees farther apart. She sucked in air and held her breath when Slade’s hands slowly slid up her inner thighs, wanting him to get to the good part right away. She’d wanted him far too long for him to drag it out. She wanted him to touch her, needed it, ached for him to make love to her. She began to breathe heavily and wondered if she’d die if he didn’t touch her soon. His fingers found her vaginal lips.

They were slick with desire and he parted them with two fingers, rubbed her slit, and homed in on her swollen clit.

Trisha moaned loudly and pressed her head back against his shoulder. “Yes.”

“Yes,” he growled from behind her, giving assurances that he didn’t plan to stop.

“I’m never letting you go again, Trisha. Never. You’re mine.”

His fingers parted enough to capture the sensitive nub between them, rubbing and tugging softly. Trisha moaned louder, ground her ass back against his thighs, and could feel his heavy, hard cock pressed against her lower back. Her nipples tightened until they ached.

“Please? I need you,” she whispered. “Do that but I want you inside me too.”

“You’ve got it,” he growled, his voice deep and animalistic.

The need that was clear in his voice just made her want him more. This was the Slade who turned her on, the man she wanted and had missed. He backed up a little, put his knees together between her spread thighs, and growled at her again.

“I’m going to fuck you, Trisha. I don’t want to hurt you though. I’m going to sit and I want you to ride me so you’re in control of how deep you take me.”

Slade slowly lowered to sit back on his heels and pulled her slowly down until she straddled him, facing away. One of his arms guided her hips while his other hand continued to stroke her clit until he grabbed the shaft of his cock instead.

Trisha looked down, the sight of him fisting the base of his thick erection made her wetter and more needy to have him buried inside her pussy. She gripped the top of his thigh to help keep her balance, tilted her hips, and eased down as he guided the crown of his cock right against her entrance. Trisha came down over his lap and Slade slowly entered her.

She cried out over how good it felt when he breached her pussy, the snug fit of their bodies as she lowered more, and the slight burn of being stretched open by something so rigid. Trisha turned her face against his neck and her back pressed tightly against his chest. She moaned, feeling his thick, hard cock sliding deeper inside her wet, welcoming pussy as her body fully settled down onto his lap until her ass rested over his thighs. She shivered.




“Easy, honey. Real slow, even if it kills me.” He had released his shaft to allow her to sit fully on him and that hand eased over her thigh, returning to play with her clit.

She whimpered, hurting to come.

“So warm, so tight,” he growled. “So mine.” His lips brushed her shoulder as he growled again against her skin. His fingers continued to tease her clit while he slowly started to rock his hips upward.

“Slade,” she moaned.

“I’m here, Trisha,” He rasped. His free hand ran up her stomach and cupped her breast to caress her sensitive nipple. “Fast or slow? Tell me what you want.”

“Faster,” she moaned.

Slade thrust up into Trisha with more force, strummed his fingers against the bundle of nerves between her thighs faster to keep pace with his thrusting hips. Trisha moaned louder. The sensation of him inside her while he rubbed her clit became amazingly intense. She gripped his thighs for something to cling to as he drove in and out of her faster and deeper.

Trisha nearly screamed when the climax struck, her vaginal muscles clenched tightly around the hard thickness of his cock. Waves of pleasure slammed her as he began to swell inside her. He slowed his thrusts to deep, violent jerks, and his entire body tensed. The hand released her breast, his arm hooked around her waist to lock her against his lap, and his body jerked violently under hers as he came.

“Trisha,” he snarled.

They stilled and that’s when Trisha noticed the heated feel of his semen as it spread inside her while he continued to come, filling her with his warm release. It seemed to go on for a good minute while they clung to each other. Her body quivered as Slade’s hands shifted on her body, both of them tightening around her waist, anchoring her on his lap more firmly. He brushed a kiss on the top of her shoulder. They were both panting.

“I missed you,” he breathed against her skin. “I won’t ever leave you again. Ever, Trisha. I’d rather die than be away from you. I swear to protect you with my life and I won’t mess up again. I learned how much you mean to me.”

She released his outer thighs to grip his arms at her waist. Part of her was afraid to believe him but she really wanted to. She loved him. Sometimes you have to take a chance.

You’ll never know if you refuse to at least give him one more shot. She bit her lip before blowing out a deep breath.

“This is the last chance I’m giving you. I mean it. I won’t give you another chance if you ever hurt me again. You pull another disappearing act and that’s it. I’ll be stick-a-fork-in-me done.”

He chuckled. “I won’t. I’ll just stay where I am right now. Between the frequent sex and the swelling afterward, I’ll be locked into you all the time. I could hold you this way forever.”


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“I have to eat sometime.”

He laughed. “I won’t starve you.”

“Good to know.”

“You’re going to need your strength.”

Slade held his Trisha until her body started to sag and he realized she was about to drift off to sleep. The swelling at the base of his shaft had receded. He adjusted his hold on her and carefully lifted her off his lap and onto her side. Her blue eyes met his and she smiled softly at him.

Emotions nearly choked him, making him unable to speak. She was so beautiful to him and so fragile. She carried his child within her womb. That fact still stunned and humbled him. She’d given him the ultimate gift. She’d given him her body and a future with her. His lips curved into a smile and he cleared his throat.

“I’ll turn off the light. You need plenty of rest, Doc.”

“Trisha.” Her lips pouted slightly with irritation.

“Sorry, Trisha.” He grinned. “Old habits die hard and in my defense, I’m no longer inside you.”

“You’ll use my name while you’re in my bed unless you want to sleep on the floor.”

“Fair enough.” Amusement and happiness mingled inside Slade. She’d taken him back, forgiven him, and he wasn’t sure he deserved it. He’d made a mess of things.

Good intentions aside, he regretted his choices. “I’ll turn off the light and we’ll sleep.”

She would have said something to him but instead, when her lips parted, a yawn came out. He turned off the light and reached for his woman. He pulled her lush body against his own, his arm wrapped around her waist and he spooned her from behind.

He couldn’t get close enough to her, didn’t want even an inch of space between their bodies, and she willingly allowed him to settle them onto their sides.

“I really missed you,” he confessed softly against her shoulder where he tucked his chin, breathing in her scent. “I thought about you constantly.”

“I missed you too and couldn’t get you out of my head. I hated it after you abandoned me.”

He inwardly winced at the painful tone of her voice. “I’m sorry, sweet thing. It won’t happen again. I swear that to you on my life. I made a stupid decision but it won’t happen again. I’ve smartened up.”

She lay still in his arms for long moments. “Are you okay about the baby?”

The uncertainty laced in her voice stung. He’d done this to her, made her question the bond between them. “I’m thrilled.”

“I am too but I’m scared.”

“I’ll protect you.” A flash of anger shot through him at the thought of her being in danger. “No one will hurt you. They will die if they try.”



Her small hand gripped his arm that was around her waist, her fingers tracing his skin. “That’s not what I’m afraid of. What if something goes wrong with the baby? Ever since I saw it on the ultrasound I knew I wanted it, Slade. There’s so much that could happen. I’m a doctor. I know that—”

“It will be fine.” He cut her off. “It’s our baby, a miracle, and life has been too cruel to me as it is. I refuse to lose you or our child. Fate has to give us a break.”

Her silence worried him but then she sighed. “Happy thoughts?”

He nuzzled her neck. “Yes. Happy thoughts, Trisha. We’re together and that’s what matters.”

He knew when she drifted to sleep. Her breathing changed and her fingers stilled on his skin. He pulled her a little tighter against his body, careful not to crush her, but wanted to wrap around her more. The woman inside his arms meant life to him…and death. He’d do anything to be with her and he’d kill anyone who attempted to come between them.


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Chapter Seventeen

“No,” Slade growled. His eyes flashed his anger. “I’ll stay and protect her. You go do my job at the construction site.”

Brass growled back. “I will not deal with all those humans.”

Trisha shook her head at the two men who were about to come to blows again. She sighed. “Boys? Could we please not have a fight inside the living room? We already lost a coffee table and I’m partial to the couch because it’s comfortable.”

“Give it up.” Harley chuckled. “They are so going to fight.”

Moon had his arms crossed over his chest, looking bored. He nodded at Trisha.

“Want popcorn?” Harley headed for the kitchen. “I love to eat it when I watch a good fight.”

“I’ll take some,” Moon grunted.

“Stop it,” Trisha sighed. “There will be no fistfights in the living room. At least take it outside to the yard if you two are determined to beat each other up. Slade? Do you hear me? Brass? Come on, guys. No fighting inside the cabin.”

Slade’s gaze shifted to Trisha. “I am not leaving you. Tell him to go deal with Justice’s projects. He can handle ordering a bunch of humans to build things on time as good as I can. They respond well when we snarl and show teeth. It motivates them to work faster to get away from us.”

Brass cursed. “I have no idea what projects need to be done. All I said was that you can leave to do your job during the day and I told you that you can stay with her at night.”

“She’s mine,” Slade growled. “You’re telling me when I can spend time with her?

Don’t even try it. You have no say when it comes to my woman.”

“I’m telling you that I can take care of her while you are at work. You have a job, remember? She doesn’t need four of us sitting here watching her. She’s safe in the wild zone. Valiant promised to talk to the others and that she would be protected by all of them. He assured me no humans would come near her.”

Slade didn’t appear convinced. “Do you need me to show you who can protect her better? Do you want me to wipe the ground with you again?”

“Enough!” Trisha yelled, finally losing her temper. She realized they weren’t exactly normal men but their dominating nature started to irritate her. She glared at Slade. “You, stop beating your chest and threatening my friends.” Her attention fixed on Brass next. “And you, stop baiting him.” She sighed, lowering her voice as she stared at Slade. “You do have a job to do and I’m fine here. I don’t see why you can’t go to work and come home to me at the end of the day.”



“Fine,” Slade snarled. “Choose your friend over me.” He stomped to the door.

“Slade? Stop thinking that way,” Trisha groaned. “That’s not it. Please just―”

Slade spun when he reached the door. “I will see you tonight.”

He stormed out and slammed the door. Trisha walked to the couch and threw herself down, cursing softly. She sensed three pairs of eyes on her and she looked back at each of them.

“Why did him saying that sound as if it were a threat?”

Moon grinned at Trisha. “Because it was.”

“Yeah,” Harley agreed. “You’re going to get it tonight.” He removed the popcorn from the microwave. “But I doubt he’d let us watch whatever it is he will be plotting to do to you to get even. I do enjoying watching porn movies though. I’m betting that it would be a good show. Too bad.”

“Porn?” Trisha sputtered, shooting Harley a glare. “That’s not funny.”

“He won’t hurt you but…” Moon winked at her. “I bet he’s going to think up something good to do to you. He’ll want to convince you to pick him next time if there’s an issue of you choosing.”

She frowned. “What does that mean?”

Brass laughed. “We are aggressive and competitive. It’s our nature. He’s going to probably do something that soothes his pride.”

“His pride? I wasn’t picking you over him. What do you think he’s planning? Come on, guys. I’m a doctor for goodness sake. Stop talking in riddles. What do you think he’s going to do to me?”

“My guess?” Moon grinned. “He’s going to turn you on until he makes you beg him to fuck you. He’ll want to show you who your body belongs to and why he’s your male. Then his pride will be fixed where you dented it.”

“He’s canine.” Harley chuckled. “I know what I’d do to a woman if I wanted to show her I was in charge. I’d mount her and―”

“Harley!” Brass snarled, giving him a dirty look. “Shut up.”

“What? I was just going to say I’d ride her until she couldn’t move.” He winked at Trisha. “Us dogs are hornier than hell and we can go for hours.”

Brass groaned and wore a disgusted expression as he glanced at Trisha. “Never ask a dog his opinion about sex. Big mistake.”

Trisha laughed. “I’m hungry. Is anyone else ready for breakfast?” She lifted an eyebrow at Harley and his popcorn. “That’s disgusting to eat this early.”

“Breakfast, hell. I had the night shift. I’m going to go to bed after I eat this. This is my midnight snack.”

* * * * *


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Slade stared at the desk and was certain Trisha had to be trying to drive him crazy.

He hated being inside, surrounded by walls, and the temporary office was nothing more than a large rectangular box on wheels. The entire place smelled of humans and although he was adjusting to the scent, he didn’t want to be around any, not trusting them completely. He turned his head to watch four of them working at other desks.

Two were on the phone, one sipped coffee, and the last one scratched his head while staring at blueprints opened up in front of him.

“Is there a problem, Richard?”

The human dropped his fingers from his hair. “Nope. I’m just trying to figure out how we’re going to finish this clubhouse to meet the deadline. I kept telling Mr. North that nobody can build something this size in just a few months. We have all the framing up but we still have a lot to do.”

“What will it take?” Slade sighed. He knew the answer already—more money to hire more men to work around the clock.

“I think we’ll make it but just pray for good weather. One bad storm front and we’re screwed. It will set us back.”

“Then what is the problem?”

The human hesitated. “We’ve been having a few issues of really bad luck.”

“Such as?” Slade cocked his eyebrow.

Richard bit his lip. “Someone has been screwing with the site.”

Slade tensed with alarm. “What kind of problems? What is going on? Why am I only hearing about this now?”

“I believed at first the stuff going wrong was just accidental. The crews are working seven days a week in twelve-hour shifts. I thought maybe one or two of them made mistakes because they were tired but it keeps happening. I’m beginning to think it’s not so innocent. This morning one of the guys got hurt because one of the ladders was messed with. He’s fine but we were lucky it broke immediately. It could have killed him if he’d climbed higher or worked on the third level. I inspected the ladder and determined someone purposely damaged it.”

“You should have informed me before now.” Slade lifted his phone. “I’ll send a few officers down there to keep an eye out. That should dissuade anyone from doing more harm.”


Slade nodded. He had been afraid something bad would happen. There were groups out there who would enjoy nothing more than to cause trouble. Having hundreds of humans at Reservation invited a way for some of them to sneak onto the property to give them the opportunity to do harm.

“I’ll order more security on all the working sites. I don’t want anyone to get hurt or be killed.” His finger had barely touched the numbers when the office door jerked open loudly. Tiger rushed inside.



“Slade? We have a problem.”

Slade studied Tiger. They had become good friends after they’d been freed from captivity. They had lived and roomed together with other males in a remote motel for the months that had followed until the New Species Homeland had been opened.

“What is it?”

“We’re missing human males.”

“How many?” Slade grabbed his radio, dropped the phone, and rose to his feet quickly.

“There are exactly fourteen males unaccounted for and we’re missing two work trucks. Just as you ordered, we count heads every hour and from last one, that’s how many disappeared. I talked to both gates and they didn’t leave. They are still here somewhere.”

“Son of a bitch,” Slade growled. “Attention,” he demanded into the radio, rushing for the door. “We have fourteen human males in two trucks unaccounted for. Find them quickly.”

Slade sprinted for one of the Jeeps with Tiger following. “Where do you think they would have gone?”

“I don’t know.” Tiger jumped in the passenger seat. “But we’ll find them.”

“Slade?” The voice on their radios spoke.

“He’s with me.” Tiger used his own radio to answer. “What is it?”

“Two trucks passed one of the security guards about twenty minutes ago, heading for the wild zone. It wasn’t questioned because a crew had been scheduled to go work on the electrical system along the security walls out that way. We double-checked and they weren’t sent out there yet. Whoever was spotted there shouldn’t have been in the area without an escort by our officers but the human guards didn’t know that.”

“Shit,” Slade growled. “Trisha is out there.”

Tiger groaned. “Why would she be? It’s not safe. Have you lost your mind? I thought we’d decided to set her up on the top floor of the hotel and have the access limited.”

“Plans were changed.”

“Is there a reason for that? A human has no business out there. The males have marked their territory and wouldn’t welcome her there despite her being female.”

Slade hesitated. “You could say that.”

“What is she doing out there? No humans are allowed inside the wild zone. How did you talk them into allowing her into their territory? They’ve become really territorial and they’d have smelled her pretty quickly.”

“Trisha is carrying my child. She’s living in cabin six.”

“Child?” Tiger gasped.


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Slade nodded, punched the gas, and turned the wheel hard. “She’s pregnant by me.

Justice sent her here to conceal her from the humans during her pregnancy. Very few of us know of her condition.”

“Son of a bitch.” Tiger seemed stunned. “So you’re going to be a daddy. Shit. You got her pregnant. What did she do to make that happen?”

“It was natural.”

“Shit,” Tiger growled again. “We can get them pregnant? Somebody should have told us that. I guess I better cancel my date with the woman from the city who inspects construction. I sure don’t want to be a daddy too. My life is hard enough to deal with on my own but a mate and child?” He shook his head. “Not interested.”

Slade shot him a surprised look. “I didn’t know you were attracted to humans. I thought you believed they were too fragile.”

“Yeah, well, some of them think I’m pretty cute.” He shrugged. “What’s a cute guy to do? I thought I’d try it. They are too fragile but it might have been fun to allow one to have her way with me a time or two.”

“The missing humans better not be anywhere near Trisha. I do want her and our child. Where are these bastards and what are they doing?”

“I don’t know.” Tiger unsnapped his gun holster to gain easier access to his weapon. “But we’ll find them.” He stood, gripping the frame of the windshield. “You drive and I’ll scent. We’ll find them together, faster.”

“I’m going to check on Trisha first. We have enough men to search for those assholes. I just want to make sure she’s safe.”

“Totally understandable. I’ll still keep my nose at work. I can at least radio the teams if I catch their scent.”

* * * * *

“Trisha!” Brass yelled.

Trisha jumped, nearly slipping on the wet tub floor. She grabbed the water handles and turned them off. The bathroom door slammed into the wall when someone threw it open. A stunned and naked Trisha gasped when Brass suddenly yanked back the shower curtain. He pulled her out of the shower by her arm.

“There are a lot of humans coming this way.” He released her and shoved her clothes into her arms. “Get dressed now. Be quick about it.”

Brass ignored her to step up onto the rim of the tub to peer out the small window.

Trisha tried to ignore the fact that she stood dripping wet and naked in the tiny room with him. She fumbled to figure out her T-shirt and yanked it over her head. The material clung to her damp skin. Fear motivated her not to complain about the invasion of privacy. He didn’t seem to even notice she was naked…besides ordering her to dress.

“What is going on?” She yanked up her cotton shorts. “Why would humans be inside the wild zone? Are you sure someone is coming? Aren’t they banned?”



“I see two trucks coming with many humans inside.” He jumped down and grabbed Trisha’s arm.

Trisha shoved her shirt down over her lower stomach as Brass hauled her into the living room. Moon and Harley had started to barricade the front door with the couch and they appeared really angry. Brass looked around the room and dragged Trisha toward the fireplace. He reached down, fisted the metal grate that covered it, and shoved it out of way.

“Get inside there.”

She gaped at the dirty fireplace. “Why? It’s really dirty.”

“The fireplace appears to be made solid with rock and mortar. Get your ass inside there now. Bullets shouldn’t go through it and it’s the best place I can think to put you.

We’d flee with you but I’m afraid it’s too late. They’d see us and use the trucks to chase us down. Protecting you and your baby is our priority. Get inside there now and curl into a ball.”

Trisha cringed but she lowered to her hands and knees. It wasn’t a comfortable fit but she sat on her butt in ashes with her knees drawn up tight against her chest. Her forehead rested on her knees and she wrapped her arms around her bent legs. She couldn’t lift her head all the way up without banging it into the flue. The interior of the fireplace wasn’t tall enough. She watched with growing fear as the three men prepared for the worst.

The cedar chest was pushed in front of the door with the couch. For good measure, Moon shoved a heavy side table against that. Harley ran to the kitchen table and flipped it over onto the floor facedown. The legs were snapped off with a little help from his boot and strong hands. He lifted the heavy, thick wood of the tabletop and ran for the windows near the door. He dropped it in front of the glass so only inches of sunlight showed at the top. He shoved the loveseat in front of it to keep it in place.

Brass rushed inside the kitchen to tear out the fridge from the hole where it sat and shoved it against the back door. It completely blocked the entire opening and he grabbed the stove.

“Gas line!” Trisha yelled.

Brass froze and peered at her. “Thanks. I wouldn’t have remembered.” He leaned behind the large appliance for a few seconds to remedy the potential problem before he tore the disconnected stove away from the wall. He shoved it against the fridge.

“The top floor should be secure,” Moon called out. “There’s nothing around it high enough for them to climb up there and they can’t leap the way the felines and primates do.”

“I have no signal.” Harley cursed viciously while he gripped a cell phone.

“Parts of the cabin seem to block it,” Brass informed him. “I had to walk around a bit to get service. Try by the base of the stairs. It seemed strongest there.” Something broke inside the kitchen.


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Trisha watched as Brass tore apart the counter, using his massive strength to just rip off a section, which he slammed over the single kitchen window. He turned, studied the kitchen for a second, before he hurried back into the living room.

“Get your duffle bag,” Brass ordered Moon. “Use the top floor to take out as many of them as you can. You’re authorized for deadly force. It’s my call and I’m making it.”

Moon nodded grimly and turned his head to stare at Trisha. “Should I take her up there with me?”

“No. She’s safer there, better protected from stray bullets. You’ll be drawing fire when you open up on those terrorists.” Brass glanced at Trisha and held her gaze. “Do not move your ass no matter what happens. Do you understand me? If one of us goes down, doctor or not, don’t move an inch. You think of that baby.”

Fear gripped Trisha when the trucks were close enough for her human ears to pick up the sound. Moon dragged out a duffle bag from a closet near the front door and tore it open. He hadn’t packed clothes inside the large, long bag. Instead he unloaded two rifles and gripped the hand of the duffle, taking it with him as he hurried up the stairs.

Harley walked to his bag and Trisha watched him unloading handguns and ammunition. He glanced at Brass. “Do you want the front or the back position?”

“I’ll take the back. Humans always seem to think they can creep up on us. I think the attack along the back side will be far worse and I’m a better shot.”

“Yeah,” Harley snorted. “We’ll see about that. I bet I can take out more of those terrorists than you can.”

“I’m sure they are just lost,” Trisha urged, hoping that was the case. “Please don’t shoot someone unless you have to.”

Brass met her gaze. “There are two trucks of humans trespassing inside the wild zone and Slade would never send them in this direction with you here. They would have a Species escort and Slade would have warned us to move you to keep you out of sight if they had permission. They are here to do harm. Keep your ass where you are.”

He grabbed a side table and shoved the lamp to the floor where glass shattered as it broke. He pushed the table near her to block the hole and trap her there.

“You move from that spot and I’ll blister your ass with a leather belt,” Brass growled at her. “Do you understand? You won’t sit for a week.”

Shocked, Trisha stared at him. Brass suddenly grinned and winked.

“I know enough about human children to know that’s an effective threat.” His smile died. “And I mean it.” He spun away, heading for the back wall of the cabin to a window.

Trisha heard brakes and engines died, letting her know the trucks had stopped outside. She heard male voices. It just has to be some kind of mistake. The guys are just freaking out and overreacting. They have to be. No one knows I’m in the cabin and no one is coming to hurt me or my baby. It is all just a big misunderst―



“Are any of you fucking animals inside there?” a male voice yelled from outside.

“Come out and let us put you out of your fucking misery.”

Laughter sounded and Trisha tensed. Okay. It isn’t a misunderstanding. They’re here to do harm. The men outside weren’t looking for her personally but instead were searching for any New Species they found. She locked her focus on Harley by the front window and knew he would be able to see them best. He looked calm to her. She felt anything but. Her terror mounted as the seconds ticked by, praying they’d just leave. She didn’t want Brass or the guys to get hurt protecting her.

“Let’s go in and get us some animal skin,” another jerk laughed.

“We will kill you where you stand if you come any closer. We’re heavily armed,”

Harley warned loud enough for them to hear his threat.

Male voices laughed from outside. “You hear that? One of the animals thinks we’d allow a dog or cat to chase us off. Spread out and shoot the son of a bitch. We’re going to show it who the masters are.”

Gunfire erupted, the sounds loud and horrible. Trisha’s gaze flew toward the loft when she realized that Moon had opened fire. Trisha stared in horror as Harley lifted his gun, pointed it out the narrow opening at the top of the window uncovered by the kitchen table, and fired his weapon. Her hands lifted to cover her ears. She heard multiple gunshots and men shouting outside though she tried to block out the sound.

* * * * *

“Fuck,” Slade roared.

“We know where they are,” Tiger spat, grabbing his radio. “We need help at the wild zone at cabin six. We have active gunfire. Our people are under attack.”

Slade snarled at Tiger. “Sit.” It was all the warning he gave before he twisted the wheel hard and the Jeep left the road. He had to violently spin the wheel again seconds later to avoid slamming into a tree.

Tiger cursed and grabbed hold of anything he could. Slade had left the pavement and drove at a dangerous speed through the woods. The Jeep bounced roughly, the ride nearly terrifying as they dodged obstacles and barely missed trees. Tiger held his breath a few times, thinking the Jeep wouldn’t clear between thick trunks a few times. One of the side mirrors didn’t make it when it slammed into a tree, exploded from the impact, and Tiger heard paint scraped off the side of the door.

“Don’t drive out into the open when we get there. We’ll sneak up behind them and take them out. They won’t hear us with all that racket.”

“Fuck that. I’m hoping to draw them away from her.” Slade snarled the words, too enraged to care what happened to them as long as they fired at him instead of at Trisha.

“I want them after me instead.”


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“They are humans,” Tiger growled. “They don’t fight that way. We won’t draw them off, at least not all of them. Listen to me. I know you are enraged but do what I say. You aren’t rational.”

Slade nodded, knew his friend spoke the truth, but he couldn’t seem to think past the fear of Trisha getting hurt or killed. He knew he’d left rational behind at the first sound of the gunfire when he’d driven off the road.


* * * * *

Trisha watched Harley flinch, jerk back and grab his bloody arm when a bullet struck him. He didn’t stop firing his gun though. He just gripped his injury for a few seconds before he ignored it.

She wanted to help him but knew it would be suicide to try to reach him. Bullets struck the cabin repeatedly and holes opened up along the wall by the door in a sudden flurry but Harley threw himself down at the last second. He crawled, cursed, and moved to a new location. He stood and began firing again. More bullets tore through the cabin walls as the men outside returned fire. A framed picture hanging on the wall near where the couch had been shattered from a bullet, sending glass raining down.

Trisha turned her head to check on Brass, who leaned against a thick support beam while he fired outside. He’d obviously guessed accurately that some of the men would try to sneak up along the back. Trisha heard a noise and stared at the kitchen as the countertop Brass had wedged against the window came crashing down. It hit the sink and slid to the floor. Trisha saw movement as the long barrel of a gun entered from where someone had obviously gotten the window open.

“Kitchen window,” Trisha yelled.

Brass dived for the floor and slid across it a few feet on his belly until he could see the kitchen. He twisted onto his side, gun in hand, and aimed. Brass shot the intruder in the head when a man attached to the barrel of the gun climbed through the window.

The body jerked before he collapsed with half of his body slung over the sink. Brass turned and blinked at Trisha before he dumped an empty clip from the handgun and shoved in a new one. He lunged to his feet to reach his post by the support beam again.

His gaze peered out the window he guarded.

“Tell me if you see anyone else, Trisha,” Brass ordered. “Don’t look away. You’re our eyes.”

Trisha mutely nodded but remembered he wasn’t looking at her. “I’ve got your back.” Her voice came out shaky but she knew he heard her when he didn’t repeat the order.

She stared in horror at the body draped through the window. Blood ran down the cabinet under the sink and pooled on the floor. She forced her attention away from the red and the grotesque sight of what was left of his head where pieces were missing. She 174


focused on the window opening instead. If someone used it to enter the kitchen they would be able to shoot at Brass and Harley. Their sole focus needed to be on the outside.

The shooting stopped suddenly and Trisha held her breath. She was afraid to look away from the window and she didn’t. The lives of men she cared about depended on her keeping a steady visual.

“They are reorganizing,” Brass growled. “How you doing, Harley?”

“Two hits but just grazes on my arm and lower leg. I’m good to stand.”


“Still here and fine. I’ve gotten six of them for keeps and winged two more. They are staying behind the trucks or sneaking through the woods to circle around. Right now they are huddled, probably trying to come with a plan to rush us. I don’t have a good shot from the back. The porch roof blocks my view.”

Brass lowered his voice to a whisper. “Ammo?”

“I’m good,” Moon called from above.

Harley hesitated. “Low.”

“Moon? Cover the front.” Brass kept his voice soft to prevent it from being heard by the men outside.

“Got it.”

“Harley, trade positions with me after you resupply. Hold the back while I fix the problem inside the kitchen.”

Trisha watched Harley limp to the bags on the floor. He shoved ammo clips into his pockets along the legs of his pants. She stared with worry at the blood trail he’d left when he walked . She wanted to tend to him. Brass hesitated inside the kitchen, swept his gaze around it, and crouched. He reached the dead man, grabbed him by his collar, and dragged him totally inside the cabin. He even took a second to check for a pulse.

He shoved the body where the stove had once stood to put it out of the way.

He stayed low to the floor when he grabbed the broken countertop and used it for a shield in front of his body when he rose and slammed the heavy piece back over the window. He turned, examining the kitchen. Brass moved, a loud noise sounded, and she watched as he turned, gripped the cabinets that housed the dishes and ripped them from the wall. There were three of them hooked together but he dumped the entire section of cupboards on top of the sink as though it weighed nothing. He studied it before spinning around to meet her gaze.

“How are you doing?” Brass moved toward her.

“I’m fine. Can I look at Harley? He’s losing a lot of blood.”

“You stay put.” He glanced at the bloodstained floor, lifted his gaze to where Harley stood against the back window and frowned. “Harley? Walk to Trisha.” Brass’

gaze returned to her. “You can treat him sitting on your ass right there. You don’t move from that spot.”


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Brass headed for the back window. Harley limped to Trisha. She shoved the table out of the way and she focused on the bleeding area. He’d been hit just under his knee on the outer side of his leg. Her fingers shook as she hooked the material of his pants with her fingers where the bullet had torn it open and widened the hole enough to see his bloodied skin. The bullet had grazed him but it was a deep cut.

Harley had a knife strapped to his thigh. She glanced at it first before she met his gaze. He watched her silently.

“Hand me your knife, please.”

He didn’t hesitate to pass it over, handle first. Trisha looked down her body, realizing she didn’t have a lot of clothes on. She gripped the bottom of her shirt and began to slice it. She took off four inches of the bottom and made a large strip and held up the knife, handle first, to Harley. He instantly reclaimed it.

“I would have shot Moon if I had known you’d cut off your clothes if one of us got shot.”

“I heard that,” Moon called out from above.

Trisha laughed as she wrapped the strip around his leg and tied it tightly. “That should hold it enough to slow the bleeding but it needs stitches.”

“It feels better already.”

“Let me see your arm.”

Harley crouched and twisted his big body to turn his shoulder her way. She quickly tore the thin material of his shirt to see the wound. It was a bloody mess. She hesitated.

“I need to feel to see how deep it is and it’s going to hurt.”

He nodded, not looking at her. “We have great pain tolerance. Go for it.”

Even though Trisha hated to do it, she eased her fingers into the ragged wound that was bleeding badly and instantly touched something there. Crap.

“I feel a bullet. I thought you said it was a graze.”

“I lie sometimes.”

Trisha used her fingertip to dig out the damaged bullet after realizing it hadn’t gone deep, feeling lucky that the projectile had gone through the cabin wall before it had struck Harley. It had slowed the bullet down significantly to prevent it from tearing completely through his body. She feared a big vessel had been nicked by the amount of blood seeping down his arm. She had to stop the bleeding and she knew he wouldn’t lie down flat for her to apply pressure until help arrived.

She could try to cauterize it but dismissed that idea. She asked for his knife again and cut off more of her shirt until the material was just under her breasts. She locked her teeth together, hating how she would have to hurt him.

“I’m packing the wound and afterward, I’m going to tie it off. The pressure from the filler will stop or greatly slow the bleeding but it’s going to hurt.”



“Do it but just hurry, Trisha. I need to be on my feet. They will open fire on us again at any time. They aren’t just going to go away as much as we wish they would.”

Trisha balled up a small piece of her shirt and packed it into the hole. It was extreme but she didn’t have a choice. She studied it, saw a decrease in the bleeding, and wrapped a strip tightly around his arm to hold it in place, before tying it off. Long seconds ticked past while she watched the bandage but the bleeding seemed to have stopped.

“Try to keep that arm as immobile as you can. This isn’t exactly a fix but more of an emergency temporary patch.”

He nodded, stood, and shoved the side table back in front of her to shield her from stray bullets. “Thanks.”

Harley retook his position by the front door while Brass stood by the back wall.

Suddenly Brass and Harley chuckled.

“What’s so funny?” Trisha glanced between them, wondering if the stress of the situation had finally gotten to them.

Brass looked relieved when he glanced her way. “We have company. The neighbors are on their way to welcome our guests. I can pick up their scents.”

“At least four.” Harley inhaled. “And Valiant is one of them.”

“Poor bastards,” Moon chimed in from above. “This is going to be interesting.”

Trisha just wanted it to be over. She wished she could see what was going on outside but bullets suddenly tore through the cabin again.

“Full frontal assault,” Moon yelled. “They are going for one of the trucks.”

“Trisha,” Harley yelled, running for her. “Get out of there!”

Trisha shoved at the table and knocked it aside. Bullets struck the wall near Brass as he loudly cursed. Harley suddenly gripped Trisha’s arm as she struggled to get to her feet and yanked her toward the stairs. He kept his body between hers and the front of the cabin. Bullets tore through the room from the front of the cabin, embedding in walls and glass shattered.

“Get up there,” Harley snarled.

He released Trisha at the bottom of the stairs. She ran and reached the top before she realized Harley hadn’t followed her. She turned and saw him lying on the floor at the bottom of the stairs. Brass rushed the fallen man, grabbed him with both hands, lifted and dumped him over his shoulder to pound up the stairs.

“Trisha, get on the bed,” Brass snarled at her, tossing Harley’s limp form on it first.

“Get behind him and stay flat.”

Trisha heard the distinct sound of an engine seconds before an explosion of noise boomed through the cabin so loudly it hurt her ears. She threw herself onto the bed next to Harley. The cabin shook as though an earthquake had hit—one sharp jolt of movement. She screamed, terrified, as wood snapped and groaned. More glass 177

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shattered and crunched from somewhere below them on the first floor. The sound of an engine seemed super noisy, as if it were next to Trisha.

“They breached the front wall,” Moon roared.

“Breached it hell,” Brass snarled back. “That truck is parked inside the living room now.”

Trisha saw that Brass took position at the top of the stairs where he’d thrown his body flat onto his stomach. He started firing at something below and gunfire became deafening to the point that Trisha covered her ears. She couldn’t look away from her friend though, too worried for him.

“Keep your head down, Trisha,” Moon yelled at her.

The engine died and someone screamed from below as Brass kept firing. He dropped a clip, snapped another one in and continued shooting after a pause of only seconds. Moon fired his weapon from the window.

Trisha’s heart pounded. Those men had driven a truck through the front of the cabin. Bullets tore up the floor by the bed where Trisha watched holes appear in the wood and continued on through the roof. Debris rained down. Trisha turned in to Harley’s still form and she grabbed him, clinging, until she realized her hand felt wet and warm on Harley.

Blood. He’s bleeding. She opened her eyes to stare in horrified shock at Harley, sprawled on his back. Her hand over his heart on his chest lifted and it was covered in blood. All hell broke loose around her as men yelled, guns were fired and the cabin continued to be riddled with bullets. Trisha hated feeling helpless as she stared at her bloodied hand, knowing if she sat up she’d be of no use to him with bullets slamming into her as well.

A loud roar sounded over the shouting, the gunfire, and the cabin being sliced apart by bullets. Trisha had heard that ear-splitting roar before. It sounded as if Valiant had entered the cabin.



Chapter Eighteen

Trisha felt hot tears running down her face when the gunfire ceased. She heard another roar, closely followed by something similar to a wolf’s howl. She lifted her head and watched Brass shove up from the floor. Moon hovered by the window grinning.

“You should see this. There’s about ten of ours out there now and they have the assholes. One son of a bitch is trying to run from Valiant. Oops. He thought he could flee from Valiant. Now he’s a flying…ouch. He was doing a bird impression but now he’s part of a tree. Well, he was until his body hit the ground. Now he’s dead.” Moon chuckled. “That had to hurt. It seems the last thing on his mind was bark.”

Trisha fought her way to her knees to stare down at Harley, realizing he wasn’t moving at all and instantly reached for his neck. A sob tore from her throat when she didn’t find a pulse. She frantically gripped his shirt and tore it open to examine a gaping wound on the left side of his chest.

“Oh no,” Brass gasped.

Trisha moved. It was hard to do on the soft mattress but she got beside Harley and she tilted his head to open up his airway. Trisha leaned over him, gripping his nose with one hand, supported him with the hand behind his neck, and covered his mouth to start breathing for him. She blew in air, shifted her gaze to watch his chest rise, and sat up. She released him to press her hands together over his chest above the wound. She counted in her head as she did compressions.

“Trisha?” It was Slade’s voice and he was close.

“Get help,” she gasped in air and blew into Harley’s mouth. She forced air into his lungs again. She did more chest compressions. “Life flight. Nearest trauma center.


“Trisha?” Slade was very near, almost as if he were on the bed behind her. “He’s gone.”

Trisha forced air into Harley’s lungs again. “No!” She refused to give up. He’d used his body to shield her to reach the stairs. He’d taken bullets protecting her and the baby.

No way would she give up on him. She’d saved patients with worse wounds before.

She kept going until she stopped, checked his pulse, and nearly collapsed with relief. “I’ve got a heartbeat.” She stared at his face to make sure he continued breathing.

Relief swept through her as he took a breath on his own and then another. His pulse was weak but there.

Trisha studied his chest to discover it was a sucking wound, telling her that his lung had been compromised. “Someone get me something plastic, now. A baggy, anything.

Hurry. His lung will collapse.”


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Someone handed her a new, folded trash bag and she went to work while Harley kept breathing on his own. She put pressure on the bleeding wound over his chest. She just had to be careful not to put too much weight down for fear of collapsing the injured lung. Forever seemed to pass as Trisha knelt over him until she finally heard a helicopter.

Arms gripped Trisha around her waist. “Help is here. They can’t see you, Doc. No one can. Let him go. Moon will hold that in place for you.” Slade held her, speaking softly against her ear. “Come on, sweet thing. You’ve done all you can do. They aren’t our people inside that helicopter, they are yours, and if you stay there will be too many questions.”

“Take her out the back window,” Brass ordered softly.

Trisha twisted her head to stare at Slade. “I’m the New Species doctor and he needs me.”

Slade hugged her harder against his body. “Think of the baby, Trisha. They can do for him what you could.” He lifted her completely away from the bed and hurried toward a back window.

Brass kicked out what was left of the window. Bullets had broken it mostly out but sharp, jagged corners had remained. Brass stepped through the window first and onto the porch roof, only to disappear over the edge. Slade gripped Trisha, turned her inside the cradle of his arms and bent. They barely fit through the opening but then they stood on the roof. Slade walked to the edge to peer down.

“Harley needs me. Put me down, Slade.” She frantically wiggled, trying to get a look at the bed and caught a glimpse of her friend laying still with Moon huddled over him. “Please? I’m a doctor!”

Slade seemed to be ignoring her as he spoke to someone else. “Can you catch her?”

“I can,” Valiant growled. “Drop her.”

Drop me? Trisha’s eyes widened as she stared at Slade, pulled from her frantic need to monitor Harley’s condition. Slade’s grim expression didn’t reassure her.

“Freeze just the way you are, sweet thing.” He lifted her out away his body to dangle over the edge of the porch roof and let go.

Trisha had a horrible sense of falling and grunted when two strong arms caught her around her upper back and behind her knees. Slade had dropped her about seven feet down into Valiant’s waiting arms. She stared in shock at the ferocious New Species. He spun and bolted into the woods with her clutched close to his massive chest. Panic hit her hard when he sprinted away with her. They reached a thicker part of the woods far from the cabin but he kept going.

“We’re far enough,” Brass stated, running alongside them.

“Take me back,” Trisha demanded. “I need to help Harley. I could do things a medic can’t during the flight.” She could still hear the sound of the helicopter. They’d 180


probably have a hard time stabilizing him and she wasn’t sure where the nearest trauma center was located. “I need to monitor him and—”

“Shut up,” Valiant snarled.

Trisha’s fear overrode her outrage at being taken away from her patient. She sealed her lips as the guy kept going with her held inside his massive arms, taking her farther from the cabin.

Valiant finally slowed and glanced down at Trisha, frowning. “You should eat.” He looked away, peering at their surroundings.

Trisha was thrilled to see Slade jog out of the woods behind them. He grinned.

“Clean getaway.” He approached Valiant and opened his arms. “I’ll take her. Thanks.”

Trisha met his gaze. “Harley needs—”

“The humans have him and you’re not going back.” Slade’s dark gaze narrowed.

“You can argue with me but it won’t change anything. You saved him and now it’s up to them to make sure he survives. Our priority is you and the baby. Harley knew it would be dangerous when he took the job and accepted the risks.”

Tears spilled down her cheeks. She wanted to protest but realized as she heard the helicopter growing fainter that they’d already scooped him up and transported him away. She couldn’t do anything more for him. She just had to hope that the life-flight crew were top notch and that his lung didn’t collapse. His heart could stop again. A hundred other things that could go wrong began to filter through her head until she pushed them back. She couldn’t do anything more for him and worrying about all the

“what ifs” wouldn’t do anyone any good. She was a professional and knew she needed to let it go until she heard news from the hospital.

Valiant transferred her from his arms into Slade’s. “Those men destroyed the inside of my house.” Valiant growled in anger. “I was out hunting and smelled them. They were gone by the time I reached my home but I followed them this way.”

“I’m sorry.” Slade watched him. “Thank you for the help.”

“She’s one of ours.”

Slade nodded. “Mine specifically.”

Valiant arched an eyebrow. “It now makes sense why you threatened to kill me for touching her. You should feed her more. She’s too skinny. You should at least be breeding a bigger one if you are going to be mounting a human. I can feel all her bones.”

“I’m not skinny,” Trisha protested softly, using one hand to wipe her face. She sniffed and her anger stirred. It may have been the stress and trauma but she felt insulted. “I needed to drop ten pounds before I got pregnant. I eat plenty too. You’re making me feel as though I’m not taking care of myself. I’m healthy to the point of having excess weight I could lose.”

Slade cleared his throat. “Where? I’m partial to your breasts and I love your ass just the way it is.”


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“You know I’m going to get bigger, a lot more so, in a few months, don’t you?”

Slade nodded. “I can’t wait to see you fat.”

“I won’t be fat,” she sputtered. “Pregnant is not fat.”

“Where should we take her?” Brass moved closer.

“You can take her to my home,” Valiant sighed. “Just for one day.” He shot Slade a warning look. “Only one.”

“Thank you. Your place is the closest and I need to stash her until darkness falls. I want to move her to my house unseen. It’s going to be a mess out there right now after this happened. In a few hours things will calm.” Slade shifted her in his arms. “I want her under cover quickly.”

Valiant nodded. “Even better. Let’s go.”

“You can put me down,” Trisha informed Slade.

He shook his head. “You are barefoot. Just wrap your arms around my neck and relax.” He suddenly grinned. “Unless you want me to put you on my back again.”

She wound her arms around his neck, remembering their time after the SUV crash and how the muscles of her thighs had ached for days afterward from clinging to him.

Valiant led the way with Slade following and Brass trailing behind.

“Where’s Moon?” Trisha twisted her head, searching but she didn’t see him. “Is he okay? He wasn’t shot too, was he?”

“He’s unharmed. He planned to stay with Harley.” Brass answered. “He’ll guard him while he’s inside the human hospital.”

“Will someone let us know how Harley is doing?” Trisha met Slade’s gaze. “Please?

I’ll worry until I hear if he made it.”

He nodded. “I’ll make sure you’re updated as soon as I have news on his condition.”

“Thank you.” She knew he would keep his word.

* * * * *

Valiant lived inside a large two-story house. Trisha stared at it, surprised. It was an old Victorian, in pretty good shape. Someone had lovingly restored the place unless it had been built to mimic an older house. Either way it appeared authentic and impressive.

“This is land we bought adjoining the old resort,” Slade explained. “An old woman lived here but her son had died. She was all alone and not doing so well. Now she’s in a retirement center with a full-time staff to care for her. We were able to buy up a lot of properties in the area that surrounded the resort. We paid them nearly twice the market price to make them happy.”

Valiant walked up the wide porch steps. The double doors were broken and Trisha winced. One of the stained-glass doors had been smashed and she knew it would be 182


impossible to replace. Brass used his foot to sweep the glass to the side as Valiant ushered them inside his home.

Trisha stared at the beautiful woodwork inside the nice entryway and at the hand-carved banister that led to the second floor. Her doubts of the real age of the home vanished. The beautiful woodwork shone with love and pride, craftsmanship that no longer existed except for the very rich. Valiant led them through double doors into a large living room. Trisha stared in horror.

“They wrecked most of the house,” Valiant growled. He walked to the overturned couch and straightened it. “Put her down there. Between the three of us we should be able to make her more comfortable.”

“I’m so sorry,” Slade told him sincerely. “We’ll help you replace what was destroyed.” He gently eased Trisha down to the couch before he moved away.

Trisha watched quietly while the men righted furniture. She was grateful no one had taken a knife to the antique furniture. Valiant left to retrieve a broom and a dust pan. It didn’t take the men long to clean up.

“Can I use your phone?” Slade glanced at Valiant.

“They didn’t damage the one in the kitchen. Use it.”

Slade disappeared. Brass took out trash. Valiant studied Trisha grimly as she watched him back.

“I saw what you did for Harley. I heard you say you are a doctor.”

She nodded. “I work at Homeland.”

“Did you ever work for Mercile Industries?” Anger made his exotic, cat eyes a scary sight.

“No. I never saw a New Species until after you’d all been freed. Slade was brought to my emergency room directly from the testing facility he’d been rescued from.”

He relaxed. “You look too young to be a doctor.”

“I started medical school at fourteen. I’ve always been kind of smart.”

“You really work at Homeland?”


Valiant smiled, all traces of his anger disappearing. “You are attracted to Slade?

He’s kind of gruff.”

She smiled. “He has his moments.”

“I hear some of our women are kept at Homeland. Do you take care of them too?”

“When they need me.”

“Will you do me a favor when you return there?”

“Yes,” she agreed instantly. He’d helped save her life.

His cat-like golden eyes narrowed. “Don’t you want to know what I want from you before you answer?”


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“You helped save my life and I owe you. What do you need from me?”

He hesitated. “I want a mate. Will you talk to the women and see if anyone is interested? It gets lonely out here. I want a big, sturdy woman. I’d prefer a feline mixed species but as long as she’s tough I wouldn’t be picky.” He paused. “I frighten most of my own kind. Our women don’t scare easily since they were raised in testing facilities. I bred with a feline female once inside while in captivity and she didn’t scream at the sight of me or beg the men who brought her into my cell to take her away. All the others refused me. Primates were especially terrified when were introduced to me.”

Trisha had to swallow and remember to keep her mouth closed. He wanted her to find him a girlfriend? She swallowed again.

“I can talk to them. There are about three dozen New Species women living in Homeland dorms. I’m just not sure how many of them are feline but I’ve seen some.”

He nodded. “I had heard that. Talk to them for me and tell them I am not as scary as I appear.” He suddenly stood. “Are you hungry?”

“A little.”

“I’ll get you some good food. Pregnant women should eat often and you need to do that more than most. You are too skinny.” He stalked out of the room.

Trisha hugged her waist and let the conversation settle into her thoughts. Valiant was one big man. If someone took her into his cell and asked her to have sex with him, she probably would freak out too.

She shook her head in disbelief. He seemed nice once he calmed and wasn’t snarling. Maybe one of the New Species would be interested in him but she didn’t envy that woman. He was just too big and ferocious. She didn’t believe he’d hurt anyone he was with but just the sight of him angry would be enough to scare the hell out of anyone dating him if he lost his temper.

Slade returned alone and sat on the couch inches from her. “I spoke to Moon.

Harley made it to surgery and he’s holding his own. All the men who attacked you have been taken care of but most of them died. The three who survived are being transferred to human authorities and will be questioned.” He studied her. “How are you holding up, sweet thing? Since you involved yourself with my kind your life hasn’t seen too many dull moments, has it?”

She hesitated. “I didn’t work for New Species when I met you the first time. You made me curious enough to want to send my résumé into Justice so I blame you.”

He smiled. “Really?”


“You’d think it would be the opposite. I grabbed you when I woke and pulled you into my bed. I pinned you under me and told you what I planned to do to you.”

She could feel heat warm her cheeks. “Yeah, well, maybe that’s what got me interested.”



Slade’s smile widened and he reached for her. His hand slid across her thigh to rub her leg. “What part interested you? I know I was sure I wanted to keep you under me for days.”

“That part kept me up nights, wondering what it would have been like if you’d had your way with me.”

He inched closer. “I haven’t had the opportunity to do that yet, sweet thing. I want to spend days with you under me.”

“You won’t pin her there on my couch,” Valiant growled.

Slade sprang back and his hand released Trisha. He smiled at Valiant. “Sorry. I didn’t hear you enter the room.”

“You were too concentrated on the female.” Valiant handed Trisha a soda and a banana-nut muffin. “It amazes me how soft our kind have grown since we were freed.

Once, no one would have been able to creep up on you before you were aware of them.”

“Once we were chained to walls and slept on mats on the floor. Once we were prisoners. Once is over.”

Valiant nodded. “True enough.”

“I have to go handle the fallout of what has happened.” Slade gave Valiant an intense look. “Is it okay if I leave her and Brass here with you?”

“Fine but remember you said you were going to take her out of my home tonight.”

Slade stood and his gaze met Trisha’s. “You’re safe here and I’ll be back in a few hours when the sun goes down. I’m going to take you to my house. Get some rest.”

“Okay. Hurry back.”

Slade smiled. “I will. I’ll come for you soon.”

Trisha cringed. She’d heard him say that to her before yet he’d never returned.

Instead he’d avoided her by accepting a job overseeing Reservation. She watched him go, realizing she had to learn to trust him or she would always be afraid every time he walked away from her. She didn’t want to live that way.

“Don’t look so fearful. You are safe here with me. You’re too skinny to draw my sexual interest, Slade has claimed you, and I’m too angry at what was done to my home to be aroused by your tempting female scent. He’ll be back for you.” Valiant growled low. “He knows I’d kick his ass if he left a human with me for more than a day. I have some cleaning to do. Relax. Sleep. Just don’t leave. There is a bathroom by the front door in case you need it. The intruders who breached my domain didn’t damage it.

Brass is going to help me right everything.”

“I am?” Brass stood in the doorway.

Valiant nodded. “I’m bigger and I say you will help me.”

“Works for me.” Brass winked at Trisha. “I’m going to go help the large feline clean up.”


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“I’ll be right here resting and not helping,” Trisha teased.

Brass chuckled before he turned and followed Valiant out of the living room. Trisha finished her muffin and lay down on the comfortable couch until she realized her hands were still bloody from Harley’s wounds. She’d been so distracted by all that had happened, she hadn’t noticed it before.

She stared at the dried blood and fought the urge to be sick. She stood and went in search of the bathroom, knowing it was a losing battle. Her stomach heaved and she barely made it in time before she lost her snack. Ten minutes later she stretched out on the couch. Exhaustion helped her fall asleep quickly.

* * * * *

“I’m glad to hear it.” Slade hung up the phone, his gaze meeting Tiger’s, and he blew out a deep breath. “Harley survived surgery. Justice sent a human team to back up Moon. Guard him with a few more of our men. He’ll be safe.”

“We’ve heard from the authorities. They wanted permission to go to the crime scene but Justice is handling it with Fury’s help. We can’t allow them to go into the wild zone and I had one of our males sent to retrieve all of the doctor’s belongings. We don’t want any trace of her left there in case the police manage to talk Justice into allowing them to see where the attack took place.”

“Thanks.” Slade leaned back in his chair. A hand lifted to run through his hair. “I could have lost her. Again.”

“But you didn’t. This is why I don’t envy you for having a human.”

“One day you might meet one you can’t resist.”

“Don’t make threats.” Tiger glared.

A grin curved Slade’s lips. “It’s not so bad.”

“You’re going to be a father. You’re biased. Your woman has given you a miracle.”

That reality kept making Slade’s heart race. “I am, but she is one to me before I ever learned of the baby that grows within her. I’m happy but worried. She’s not Species.

Humans aren’t as tough as our women. I think of all the things that could go wrong.”

“Stop. She’s a strong female of mind, if not of body. That matters.”

“She is pretty tough.”

Tiger snorted. “You should see your face.”


“Nothing. It’s just obvious that you care deeply for her. You look proud and happy.” Tiger stood to pace the office. “They are never going to leave us alone and just allow us to live in peace.”

Slade knew Tiger meant the humans who hated them. “I know but we can hope.

I’ve been told that people fear what they don’t understand. Perhaps with time they will learn more about us and see that we aren’t their enemy. We’ve even segregated our 186


lives from theirs for the most part to assure them they are safe. A lot of them fear we’re unstable or that we’d attack them without provocation.”

“Perhaps that is the problem. Maybe setting up our own living environments wasn’t the best way to have them accept us.”

“I don’t know but think of all the lives that would have been taken if they could attack and pick us off one by one. It may not be the best way to get them to accept us but it’s the best way for us to survive. They don’t seem ready to be our neighbors just yet. At least not all of them. Time is something we need to learn how to live with each other. Some Species hate humans. Remember the reason Reservation is necessary.” He blew out a deep breath. “I’m glad I don’t have Justice’s job. Mine is to finish Reservation, to make it a safe haven for our people and to protect Trisha. Anything beyond that is more than I want to think about right now. Trying to handle our own people is difficult enough without trying to deal with the humans too.”

“We’re going to have to tighten security again. I don’t know how we’re going to do it. Our men are already tired and overworked. We’re overrun with humans who may not be here just to do construction. Those males who attacked the cabin purposely took jobs seeking an opportunity to kill some of us. Justice is going to switch some of our men out to give them a rest. I’ll just be happy once we’re fully functional here and can close the gates to restrict which humans enter.”

“It won’t be too much longer.”

“I know.” Tiger leaned against the wall. “I’m just grateful your doctor wasn’t harmed and that she was able to save Harley. That was amazing. It would have destroyed you to lose her and hurt all of us if we’d lost him. Where are you on the whole issue of you being a danger to her? Do you still believe that you claiming her as your own will put her life more at risk?”

“I’ve learned that she’s in danger whether I’m a part of her life or not. She chose to work with us. She’s dedicated. I’m just happy that she’s decided to give me a second chance. I won’t let her down again.”

“I know you won’t.” A grin curved Tiger’s features. “Did you ever think you’d revolve your entire life around a human? Or a woman at all, for that matter?”

“No.” Slade grinned back. “But this time I’m happy that I was wrong. This is the good kind of surprise that life threw my way.”

“Don’t dump all the work on me.” Tiger growled. “I know you won’t want to leave her side but Brass did a fine job protecting her and I can’t finish Reservation without you. We’re a team. You can protect her and our people.”

Slade nodded. “Securing Reservation will secure her safety. It’s one and the same now.”


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Chapter Nineteen


Trisha didn’t have to look to know it was Slade who rubbed her arm. She opened her eyes and he smiled.

“Hi. Did you have a good nap?”

She couldn’t resist reaching up to cup his face. The guy warmed her in every way just by looking at him and appreciating his pure masculine appeal. She smiled back at him.

“It would have been better if you’d been sleeping with me and we were naked.”

Slade’s smile turned into a flat-out grin.

“I didn’t need to hear that,” Valiant growled.

“Crap,” Trisha sighed. “We’re not alone, are we?”

“Nope,” Brass stated.

Trisha’s hand dropped away from Slade’s face. “I’ll sit up if you move to give me room.”

Slade inched away, straightened and held out his hand to help her up. “It’s dark outside now.”

She glanced around the living room, remembering she was in Valiant’s home. The home’s owner sat on a chair not too far from her and Brass had stretched out on a lounge chair in the corner with his long legs spread out. Slade pulled her to her feet.

“Thank you for the hospitality and for helping save me.” She addressed Valiant.

“I’d say any time but I still have a lot of cleaning to do before my house is livable.”

He did smile at her. “It was nice killing humans.”

She just blinked. “I’m glad?” What can I say to that? She wasn’t sure. She hoped she passed muster on comebacks and figured she had when Valiant appeared amused. She turned her head and peered up into Slade’s face. “I’m ready to go.”

He insisted upon carrying her since she didn’t have shoes and Brass followed them to a waiting SUV parked outside. Brass opened the back door for Slade to deposit Trisha on the back seat. Both men climbed into the front.

“You need to crouch down when we drive closer to the main areas,” Slade ordered softly. “I’m going to park inside the garage when we arrive at my house. You can’t go near any windows or outside once we reach it. No one is to see you.”


“No buts,” Brass growled. “You are to stay hidden. You trust us with your life and we both agree that would be the safest. No one is to know where you are.”



“Fine,” she conceded, too shaken to argue the point. “Has there been any word on Harley?”

“He’s in critical condition but he’s tough and made it through surgery,” Slade informed her softly. “Moon is sure he’ll pull through. You saved him, Doc.”

“Good work, Trisha. I was sure he was gone.” Brass gave her a grateful look. “I would have been devastated losing my friend. He’s a brother to me in my heart.”

Trisha leaned back and relaxed, thrilled that her friend would survive. “He’s tough and we all know how tough all you guys are.” Her stomach chose that moment to grumble. She chuckled. “I’m starving.”

“We’ll get you fed when we get to Slade’s house.” Brass turned on the seat to continue to watch her. “We won’t be able to get your clothes to you immediately. The cabin is a total loss and I’ve been informed that they removed your stuff but it is damaged or dirty. I’m afraid you will have to wear Slade’s until we can get you more or have yours cleaned.”

“Loss is right,” Slade sighed. “Tiger sent a man out to pull the truck out of the living room and a large portion of the loft totally collapsed. The entire structure is unstable. Those assholes driving a full-sized work truck through the front of it just made more construction nightmares for me. It’s going to have to be leveled and another one built.”

“Is there anywhere else I’ll be stashed or will I be staying at your house for a while, Slade?” Trisha hoped he’d keep her close.

“You’re going to be living with me. The house is far enough away from the hotel area and the new buildings being put up that there’s no reason for anyone to come there. We just don’t want you peeking out windows or stepping outside just in case anyone gets nosy. At night we can take you for short walks outside to give you a break from being contained. We remember how it is to long to be outside. Brass is going to stay with you when I’m at work and Moon should be returning sometime in the next few days. Justice will send a replacement for him to the hospital soon. We didn’t want to bring in a new guard for you since the less people who know about your pregnancy, the better.”

“But all my guards will be New Species, right? So that’s totally safe. They wouldn’t leak any information about the baby.”

“True,” Brass agreed. “But Justice is playing it safe. You’re important to us, Trisha.

You are our first conceiving female.”

She frowned, not liking the term. “You make me sound as if I’m a horse.”

Brass turned to face forward in his seat. He mumbled something that made Slade laugh.

“What? That’s not fair. You know I couldn’t hear that! Come on, guys. Play nice with me.”


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Slade cleared his throat. “He said something to the effect that with our dicks it wasn’t a bad analogy.”

Brass laughed. Trisha rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Some people are full of themselves.”

Slade glanced back at her and his teeth flashed when he grinned. “Want a reminder when we get to the house? Maybe you’re forgetting my size and you need a visual reminder.”

“I’ve seen horses when I worked for a veterinary hospital. You wouldn’t be getting near me if you actually resembled one from the waist down.” She paused. “But you are larger than anyone else I’ve ever been with. Does that sooth your manly pride?”

Slade growled. Brass chuckled. Trisha grinned from the back seat until she was ordered to crouch down. It was dark outside, she didn’t see the reason for hiding, but she didn’t want the men to growl at her, something New Species seemed to love to do when they were irritated or emotional. Slade pulled into his garage and she heard the automatic garage door come down. He was the one to open the back passenger door.

“Are you going to sleep there or are you going to come inside the house?”

She flipped him off and sat up. Trisha glanced around the garage. It was a double garage and a Jeep sat on the other side of the SUV. It was a tight squeeze to get out until the door closed as Slade led her into the house.

“Oh. My. God,” Trisha gasped.

Slade spun around to face her. “What?”

She gawked at the kitchen. “You’re a slob!”

Trisha curled her lip at the piles of dirty dishes in both sides of the sink. The stove…

She forced her gaze away from it, guessing that would need to be power washed. The floor… Her feet were bare and she could feel the dirt. Her gaze flew to Slade’s, realizing he just watched her silently, frowning.

“You are a slob,” Brass groaned softly. “Ever hear of soap and water, man?”

“I’ve been working sixteen hours a day and sleeping six for the three weeks I’ve been here. Give me a break.” Irritation flashed on his face. “There’s not someone to hire to clean my house. I don’t get days off to do it myself.”

“Wow. You did this in just three weeks?” Trisha shook her head. “I can’t wait to see the rest of the house.” She hoped her sarcasm wasn’t too noticeable.

“You could sleep in the woods,” Slade teased. “At least there’s not a truck sitting inside my living room. You only lasted in the cabin for what? Twenty-four hours? It has to be torn down it’s in such bad shape. At least mine just needs cleaned.”

“Kiss my ass.” Trisha stuck her tongue out at him.

He suddenly grinned and his gaze raked slowly over her body. “I’d love to, Doc.”

He snapped his sharp teeth at her.

Brass chuckled when Trisha backed up.



“Keep those babies away from my backside.” She shook her head. “It wasn’t an actual request.”

“I don’t know how you sleep with humans,” Brass chuckled. “Way too fragile. One of our women would love being bitten.”

Slade nodded but he kept the grin in place. “I know but she’s cute. What could I do? She wanted me badly.”

“Stress on the word wanted.” Trisha shot him a dirty look and walked past him through a dining room.

“Uh-oh,” Brass chuckled. “Someone’s in the dog house.”

“I don’t have one.” Slade laughed.

The dining room was obviously not a room Slade ever used since it was basically clean, minus the dust issue. The living room was another story. It might have been a nice coffee table if she could see the surface but dirty dishes, empty beer and soda cans and an overflowing ashtray littered it. She frowned, studying Slade.

“You smoke?”

He shrugged. “Sometimes I do when I have a few beers. I’ve been trying to get past the horrible taste of them. Human male bonding seems to demand we drink some of them together after work and smoke too.”

“Well, please don’t while I’m here. The smell of cigarettes will make me sick.”

“I won’t smoke inside the house.”

“Smart man. It’s really bad for you.”

She glanced at the living room before she moved on. The downstairs contained a full bathroom, a family room that wasn’t used and an office that was. She opened her mouth but closed it after noticing every surface covered with papers or discarded drinks. It amazed her that a man owned so many dishes. She headed for the stairs when the main floor tour ended.

“Are we going to go look at every room?” Slade followed behind her.

“Yes. I want to know where I’m living and what I’m dealing with. I’m starting to miss the seventies.”

Brass laughed.

“What does that mean?” Slade glanced at them.

“I’ll explain later.” Brass snorted.

There were two bathrooms and three bedrooms on the second level. One of the bathrooms opened from the hallway. The second bathroom was located inside the master bedroom. It was a large room with a twin bed. She frowned at the small mattress and turned to glance at Slade but said nothing. She checked out the other two bedrooms next. One room had nothing more than a twin bed and a dresser. A weight set and a treadmill dominated the last room. She closed the door and met Slade’s gaze.


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“So where are you going to sleep? Brass gets the spare room and you only have a twin bed. I’m not sleeping on the floor. I guess you could sleep on the couch or on your weight bench.” She put her hands on her hips.

Slade blinked a few times, a confused look on his features. Brass chuckled and Slade shot him a dirty look before frowning at Trisha.

“I’m sleeping inside my room on my bed and you are sleeping on my bed with me.

I know it’s small but we’ll fit. Trust me.”

Her gaze roamed his body. She hesitated. “I’m not sleeping on the bottom. The only way we’re both going to share that bed is if one of us sleeps on top of the other. You’ll crush me.”

Slade suddenly moved. “Let me show you how it will work. Good night, Brass.

Make yourself at home. There’s plenty of food in the fridge.”

“Hey,” Trisha protested when Slade grabbed her. He ignored her objection as he scooped her into his arms. “What about dinner? I’m hungry.”

Slade growled. “I’m hungry too.” He walked into his master bedroom and kicked the door closed behind them. He strode to the narrow bed and gently lowered Trisha on top of it.

Trisha watched as Slade bent over, staring at her. She loved the passion that flared in his eyes. He did look hungry but it wasn’t for food. He wanted her. He tore off his shoes and socks before he dragged his shirt over his head. Trisha’s gaze slowly took in the sight he posed, appreciating his muscular arms and broad chest.

Slade growled at her again and yanked at the front of his pants to get them open.

“You could undress.”

“I could but I’d miss the show.”

His hands stilled for an instant but then he jerked his pants down his hips to kick free of them. He stood in his black underwear until he reached for the last item of clothing on his body. Trisha watched him shove the material down and bit her lip.

Slade’s cock was thick, engorged with blood to an impressive size that most men would envy, and his need for her was unmistakable.

He reached for Trisha’s shorts. She heard the material tear in his haste to tug them down her hips and legs. He threw them over his shoulder and just ripped her shirt open. It had already been destroyed when she’d cut pieces from it earlier to make strips for Harley’s injuries. She wasn’t wearing a bra and it caused a grin to spread across Slade’s rugged features.

“No underclothing, Doc? I’m shocked but really turned on.”

“I was taking a shower when those men arrived. Brass yanked me out and tossed clothes at me. My underwear and bra weren’t in the pile he shoved into my arms.”

Slade’s grin died. “He saw you naked?” He growled as anger seemed to darken his eyes.

“He was saving my life. I’m sure he didn’t even notice.”



“Trust me when I say he noticed.” Slade grabbed her ankles and tugged her down the bed until her ass stopped at the very edge. “Anyone would note every exposed inch of you.”

“Thank you.” She smiled and tried to sit up, wanting to kiss him.

He used his hand, placed between her breasts, and pushed her flat onto her back.

His hand slid down her belly, over her hip, and then both gripped her thighs to push them up. He spread them wide to gaze at the sight of her pussy. He knelt at the end of the bed to get a better look, licked his lips, and growled softly. Trisha looked down their bodies to stare at Slade’s aroused cock straining straight up inches from her pussy.

“Aren’t you even going to kiss me before you take me?”

“Yeah, sweet thing. I’m going to kiss you before I fuck you.” He pushed her legs wider apart and his heated gaze studied her body stretched out before him.

Trisha tried not to feel embarrassed over his intense interest in every inch of her, especially when he lingered while staring at her exposed pussy. He scooted back to lower his head and gripped the inside of her thighs to hold them open. His hands shifted enough that Trisha realized what he planned to do. His breath was hot against her thigh right before his tongue teased her clit with strong licks before his mouth closed over the bundle of nerves, sucking with firm tugs. She came unglued.

“Oh God,” she moaned.

His mouth withdrew from her sensitive flesh. “I told you I was going to kiss you.”

“I thought you’d aim for my mouth.”

He tilted his head, regarding her. “Do you want me to stop? I have to admit I don’t want to. I’ve been dying to taste every inch of you. Don’t deny me, sweet thing.”

“Do you want to die? That’s what will happen if you do stop. Please continue.”

He chuckled a second before his mouth and tongue returned. Trisha moaned louder as her fingers dug into the bedspread just for something to cling to while she arched her back. She thought she could handle the amazingly good sensations he created throughout her body with his mouth. That was right up until his tongue started to flicker over her clit rapidly and he started to growl deep enough to vibrate against it.

Trisha tensed, wasn’t even sure if she was breathing anymore, and she came—


Slade lifted his head quickly, gripped her hips, and pulled her toward him. His thick cock pressed against her pussy and he entered her slowly while she still reeled from the aftermath of the climax he’d just licked her into. She moaned as he pushed his broad shaft into her deeper, enjoying the feel of having her body stretched in a delicious way that left her feeling full and taken by the man she loved. His big cock felt amazing to her still-climaxing body.

Slade thrust into Trisha fast and deep, driving her over the edge of bliss again within minutes and caused her to cry out his name. Slade growled deep, pounded into her faster and threw back his head. She watched him bare his sharp teeth as he began to 193

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come inside her, swelling to the point of near pain, and he shouted out. His body jerked against her as he poured his heated release inside her.

Trisha smiled when she opened her arms to Slade and he collapsed over her chest.

They both panted while Trisha wrapped her legs around the back of his thighs and her fingers ran through his silky hair where his head rested between her breasts. His heavy breathing tickled her skin a little but she loved holding him too much to complain or ask him to turn his head enough to make it stop.

“I told you a twin bed would work,” he chuckled.

“Sure works for me in this position but I’m not sure how you’re going to sleep on your knees that way.”

Slade turned his head a little and moved. He flicked his tongue over the side of her breast, causing Trisha to shiver. Her breast responded instantly, the tip growing taut.

Slade opened his mouth, covered her nipple, and allowed his sharp teeth to scrape over it. Trisha arched against him. The erotic feel had her passion igniting all over again. He released her nipple and lifted his head to grin down at her.

“Want to go again, Trisha?”

“I do but I need food. How about we eat and pick up right here afterward?”

Slade laughed. “Let me run you a bath. You soak while I make us something for dinner.”

“Wait a minute. I’ve seen that kitchen. Maybe we should order takeout.”

Slade straightened. He twisted his hips a little and it lifted Trisha’s ass from the bed.

His hand slapped her ass hard enough for make her flinch but wasn’t painful.

“I won’t poison you and we don’t have takeout food anywhere near Reservation.

We also couldn’t trust them to prepare our food since we aren’t sure if they are friendly to us. I have plans that involve you being very much alive and healthy.” He grinned. “I think I can withdraw without hurting you now that the swelling is down somewhat.

Come on, Doc. Bath and food, in that order.”

Her legs clamped around his hips when he tried to withdraw his cock from her body. She glared at him. “Remember the rule? You’re inside me so calling me Doc isn’t acceptable. What’s my name, lollypop?”

He shook his head at her but grinned sheepishly. “Sorry, Trisha.”

“Lollypop?” Brass shouted from down the hall. They heard laughter.

Heat flooded Trisha’s cheeks. “He heard everything we just said and did, didn’t he?”

Slade shrugged. “It’s our hearing, Trisha.” He stressed her name. “It’s not really his fault, though he should have just laughed without making a comment.”

“Sorry,” Brass yelled from the spare bedroom. “Lollypop.”

Slade groaned as he gently withdrew his cock completely from Trisha. He stood and pulled her to her feet. “I’m going to have to kill him if he keeps calling me that.”



Chapter Twenty

Trisha looked around at the kitchen as Brass put away the last clean dish. Trisha sighed, rubbing her aching lower back with her hands.

“It’s finally clean.”

Brass frowned. “I told you to lie down two hours ago. You’re carrying a child. Slade would have helped clean this with me after he comes home tonight if you’d just waited.”

“I couldn’t stand it,” Trisha admitted as she opened the fridge and grabbed a soda and an iced tea, handing the soda to Brass. “Look on the bright side. He’ll be surprised when he gets home.”

“Or kick my ass for allowing you clean so much. Did we have to do the entire house in one day? You need to take it easy. Slade is going to blame me if something happens to you or that child.”

“Well, you couldn’t very well tackle all this alone and you did all the tough grunt work. You are the one who did all the scrubbing and heavy lifting.”

“You’re holding your back. Is it hurting?”

“A little.” She turned and suddenly sprinted away.

She could almost feel Brass on her ass when she ran for the downstairs bathroom.

She slammed the door, hoping it didn’t hit him in the face. She barely dropped to her knees before her lunch came up.

The door opened behind her. “I warned you, woman. You’re sick now.”

She couldn’t talk while that whole throwing her guts up thing stopped her. Brass gently gripped her hair and his other hand rubbed her back. She finally stopped when there was nothing left inside her stomach.

“Don’t follow me into a bathroom,” she groaned. “This is so embarrassing.”

“You are carrying a child. Morning sickness happens.”

“Not this early.”

“Maybe you are sick because you worked too hard today. Do not do it again, Trisha. I forbid you to lift another finger. Let this be a lesson.”

“That or I’m experiencing early morning sickness because nothing about this pregnancy is going to be ordinary. I wish some New Species women had given birth so I’d have an idea of what to expect. Maybe it’s normal to get morning sickness at this early stage while carrying a New Species baby.”

“I’m going to help you up. Are you done with being ill?”

She nodded. “I need a toothbrush and toothpaste.”


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Brass helped her to her feet by supporting her weight. “I’ll go get the things Slade brought for you this morning. I saw those things inside one of the bags. Are you going to be okay while I go retrieve them?”

“I’m fine. Thanks.”

She turned and studied her reflection in the mirror after Brass left her alone. She looked pale and drawn. Maybe I did overdo it today. She’d just wanted to clean the house.

If she didn’t know better, it almost seemed as if she had an uncontrollable nesting urge, something common that some pregnant women experienced. She also tended to clean when she was nervous or worried—both emotions she experienced.

Brass returned and opened up a new toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste. He stood there, refusing to leave, as Trisha scrubbed her entire mouth. She hated being sick.

When she was certain she didn’t have bad breath or a lingering smell, she washed her face. Brass handed her a towel, acting as though he were a lady in waiting. She grinned at that amusing concept, dried her face, and handed the towel back to Brass.

“Thank you.”

He nodded but suddenly bent, scooped her into his arms and straightened to walk toward the stairs.

“Put me down. I can walk.”

“You have outdone it and I’m taking charge. You’ll follow my orders.”

“I will not. Come on, Brass. I’m fine.”

“Shut up.”

“Kiss my ass.”

“I’m ready to spank it.”

“You don’t ever touch her ass,” Slade snarled. “What is going on here? Why are you carrying her?”

Brass turned with Trisha in his arms, staring at Slade, who glared at him. Brass tensed.

“She wanted to clean your house. I told her I would do it alone but she wouldn’t listen. She felt the need to help me. She just suffered morning sickness and I’m taking her to your room to rest.”

Slade’s anger faded and his gaze softened when it met Trisha’s. “Are you all right?”

“I’m fine. Can you have him put me down? He won’t listen to me. He thinks I can’t walk or something.”

Slade dropped the briefcase he carried and kicked the front door closed behind him.

He approached Trisha and opened his arms. “I’ll take her.”

“She’s all yours.” Brass handed Trisha over.

“I’m so lucky.” Slade laughed.

Trisha put her arms around Slade’s neck. “I’m not helpless, you know. I can walk and everything.”



“Shut up.”

“Kiss my ass.”

“And this is where you walked in,” Brass snickered. “See why I was threatening to spank her?”

“Yes,” Slade said, nodding, still staring at Trisha. “I’ll spank your ass and then kiss it.”

She laughed, not expecting him to be playful with her. She was glad he wasn’t angry that she’d cleaned the house and had probably overdone it. “That sounds kinky.”

He smiled and climbed the stairs. “Brass, will you please make dinner?”


“I’m going to shove her into the bathtub and try not to drown her for being so stubborn.”

“Good luck with that.” Brass laughed.

Trisha glared at Slade. “That’s not funny.”

“Sure it is.” He carried her into their bedroom. He finally put her down on the bathroom counter. “And next time you decide to clean the house while you’re pregnant I might not be joking about shoving you under the water.”

She watched him turn on the faucets, loving Slade’s bathtub. He had a garden tub and a separate shower. Slade tested the water and then turned toward her while the tub filled.

“How was your day, honey?” Trisha batted her eyelashes at him.

He grinned. “Fine, sweet thing. I’d ask how your day was but I already know. Do you feel better now that the house is clean?”

“Tons, minus the whole tossing my guts up part.”

He winced. “I’m not kissing you.”

“I brushed my teeth.”

He stared at her mouth. “Let me rephrase that. I’m not kissing your mouth. Let’s get you out of those sweats if you want a kiss.” His gaze lowered. “Those seem really big on you. Are those rolled at the waist?”

“You’re hugely tall and I can’t help it if you have really long legs. I would wear my shorts but someone tore them last night.” She lifted her shirt to show him the waist of the pants she’d had to manipulate to fit her body better.

He smirked. “You could just go without clothes.”

She smirked right back at him. “Sure. I could do that. Of course, I’m sure Brass would get to see a whole new side of me. Two of them, actually.”

His eyes narrowed and his mouth tensed, not liking that thought at all. “Wear any of my clothes you want.”

“I thought that’s what you might say.” She grinned.


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“Rolled sweatpants look very sexy on you. In fact, I insist that you wear them all the time when you’re not with me inside our bedroom. I really love it when you wear my clothes.”

Slade edged her off the counter until she stood and lifted the large T-shirt over her body. His hands brushed her breasts, which instantly responded to his touch. He knelt in front of her, smiled, and gripped the waist of the sweats.

“I’ve been waiting all day to see this.” He tugged down the pants.

Trisha burst into laughter at the shocked expression on Slade’s face seconds later.

“You waited all day to see me wearing your boxers?”

His eyebrows rose. “You’re even wearing these?” Two of his fingers hooked the fly of them and wiggled them inside the parted material against her skin. “I guess there are advantages.”

“Stop that.” She yanked at his hand, pulling his fingers out. “I would have sewn that closed if I’d found a needle and thread. It seems you don’t own either.”

His eyes widened. “Those are mine. Don’t mess with my boxers. What would I do when I wear them if you sew all of them closed?”

“Pull them down.”

He laughed, shaking his head. “I have to get you clothes.”

“And here I thought you were trying to get me naked.”

He gripped the boxers and slid them down her legs. “Thanks for reminding me. Get into the tub.”

“But I thought there would be touching and kissing and…”

He stood and reached for his shirt. “There will be but inside the tub.”

She glanced at the bath and grinned. “Oooh!”

Slade laughed as Trisha climbed into the tepid water as the tub filled. She turned her head and watched as Slade started to remove his clothes. She loved seeing him naked and enjoyed watching as he stripped everything off with a big grin on his handsome face.

“Want to turn the water off, Doc? It will overflow soon if you don’t.”

She twisted the faucets and had to move out of the way to make room for Slade to climb inside the tub. It was a tight fit as he sat down behind her. Slade opened his knees and lifted Trisha back until she sat snug between his thighs. She leaned back against his chest.

“This feels great but not really conductive to kissing and more.”

“I’m sorry. Let me fix that.”

She turned her head and looked at him to find him grinning again. He reached up and grabbed a bottle of baby oil from a built-in shelf on the wall.

“Baby oil?”



He laughed. “I usually put it on my skin to soften it while I soak. I get a lot of calluses naturally on my hands.” He showed her his fingertips. “But that’s not the use I have for it right now.”

Trisha watched him pour baby oil over his fingers before they slipped under the water. She gasped as they slid between her parted thighs and moaned when his fingers spread her, rubbing her clit. A louder moan came from her when he stopped to breech her pussy with one of his digits.



She elbowed him.

Slade chuckled before his hands caressed her body until he gripped her hips. He lifted her and she bit her lip as he eased her down onto his stiff cock until he filled her pussy. She sank deeper as her body lowered all the way until she sat completely over his lap.

“Better, Trisha?”

“You’re such an asshole.”

He thrust up into her. “You’re a doctor. Did you fail a test on anatomy? That’s not where I am.”

“Fuck you,” she moaned.

“No, Trisha. That’s what I’m going to do to you.”

He gripped her hips and thrust up into her hard and fast. Water sloshed over the edge of the tub but Trisha ignored that while she moaned. Slade shifted them and gripped her hips a little lower, proving his strength. He lifted her up and down on him, his hands easily manipulating her weight, and set a faster pace that left her mindless with ecstasy.

Slade’s entire body tensed as he came and began to swell inside her. She was so close to climaxing but Slade slowed moving her over him as he growled viciously. He jerked before his body stilled.

“Sorry,” he growled.

Crap. Trisha nodded, sexually frustrated, as Slade suddenly moved his legs and forced her thighs open wider. Her body ached with the need to climax but she tried to ignore it until she watched Slade grab the baby lotion again. He poured it on his fingers a second time before they dipped under the water. Trisha moaned when he teased her clit.

“Tell me if I hurt you,” he ordered softly. “I am still really swollen.”

She didn’t care. The pleasure became too overpowering from what his fingers were doing to her as he played with her swollen bud, rubbing circles and coaxing moans from her. Slade moved inside her gently, not withdrawing far, and just fucked her deep.

The pressure she experienced from his swelling and the feeling of his fingers 199

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manipulating her sex had her shouting his name when she threw her head back against him. Sheer rapture tore through her as the climax gripped her. Slade growled.

“Forget me hurting you.” He gripped her hips, holding her very still. “You’re killing me, sweet thing. God, you clamp around me so hard it hurts. That will teach me to let you come first.”

“Sorry.” She didn’t mean it in the least.

He chuckled. “It’s a good way to go.” His lips brushed her neck. “Relax, Doc.”

She elbowed him. “You’re inside. What’s the rule?”

“Ouch. Sorry, Trisha.”

“Stop calling me Doc.”

“But it’s what you are.”

Trisha turned enough to see his face and clenched her muscles. Slade winced.

“I give. I’ll stop calling you Doc. You’re squeezing me to death. Swelling, remember?”

She smiled and relaxed against Slade. “Now you get to hold me. I really love that whole swelling thing.”

“So did I until you nearly squeezed me to death.”

Trisha grinned and reached for the washcloth. “I’ll make it up to you.”

* * * * *

Trisha couldn’t look away from a smiling Slade as she grinned back. Brass sighed loudly.

“Is this how it’s going to be until that baby arrives? You two will make me lose this fine turkey sandwich dinner. I know you keep rubbing her thigh under the table, Slade.”

Trisha turned her gaze on Brass. “It is a great sandwich. Thank you for making them. I love the bacon you added.”

“Yes,” Slade chuckled. “We’re going to be having lots of sex until and after the baby arrives. I love to touch her and I plan on doing it often.”

The phone rang. Slade winked at Trisha and rose to retrieve the phone. He turned his back to the table, talking quietly.

“Are you feeling better now? No more sickness?” Brass gave her a concerned stare.

“I’m good.” She took a bite of her sandwich. “I mostly feel sick in the afternoons.”

“I thought it was morning sickness.”

She shrugged. “Tell it to the baby.”

Brass laughed. “It won’t listen.”

“Exactly my point.”



Slade hung up and sighed as he returned to the table. Trisha’s smile died at the irritated expression he wore.

“What is it?”

Slade sat. “There are just more problems to deal with. I can’t wait until we can close Reservation to workmen and actually secure it.”

“More troubles?” Brass stopped eating. “Something else has happened?”

“You could say that.” Slade stood again and left the dining room to enter the kitchen. Seconds later he returned with a soda. He popped the top and took a sip as he retook his seat. “The three attackers who survived yesterday are claiming to be part of a new branch of a human hate group who’ve sworn to make us sell the land and leave the area. They are boasting that yesterday just marked the beginning of the trouble we will endure if we stay. We still have a lot of construction to finish and we need the workers to complete it. Any of them could be members of this new group.”

“Was their intent yesterday to kill a few of us or did they have bigger plans than attacking the cabin?” Brass growled the words.

“Their objective, according to one of them, was to destroy any remote structures and kill any of our kind they came across. They knew they’d be attacked if they targeted the bigger structures such as the hotel with all of our security in place. We know they succeeded with the cabin. One of the human males knew the old woman who used to live in Valiant’s house. I guess since Valiant never removed all the woman’s belongs, when they reached the second floor, he decided the woman must still live there and they left. Otherwise they were going to torch the place. They were stopped before they could find more homes to attack.”

“That Victorian is such a beautiful house.” Trisha shook her head. “What jerks.”

“I’m more pissed about their attack on you.” Slade looked grim. “They could have killed you. Every hour I had some of our men do a head check on the humans but now we have to do it every half hour. They had over twenty minutes to cause trouble before we noticed they were gone. I’m also going to have to put tracking systems on all vehicles that enter Reservation and have them monitored. They smuggled guns past our security, which alarms me too. We see a lot of vehicles coming in with building supplies and tools. That’s going to slow things down since we have to check every inch of anything coming through the gates now. Our people are already exhausted.”

“Tell Justice you need more men.” It sounded simple enough to Trisha.

“We’re stretched thin already.” Slade leaned back in his chair. “He’s put as many men here as he can without weakening the defenses at Homeland. We’re already using double the manpower that we’ll actually need when we’re up and running because we have to monitor so many humans.”

Trisha held out her hand and waved it to get their attention. “Uh, what about the women?”

“The women?” Slade stared at her with a frown. “What about them?”


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“There are at least three dozen New Species females that I know about at Homeland. Why don’t you bring them here?”

Slade shook his head. “They are to be protected. Our females are few.”

She frowned at him. “Did anyone ask them what they wanted? Have you seen some of your women? I think they are more than capable of handling the job of counting some humans and doing some of the security work. I saw cameras so I assume you have a monitoring room? How many of your men have to do that? Put the women there if you don’t want them manning the gates or having direct contact with the construction workers.”

“It’s a good idea,” Brass stated.

Slade hesitated. “It’s a great idea.” He smiled at her. “Let me see if Justice is agreeable to it and if the women would be interested in helping out here.”

“What about housing?” Brass stared at Slade. “Where would we put them?”

“The top floor of the hotel has been finished. There are ten suites up there with two sleeping rooms in each of them so that’s about twenty bedrooms.”

“Would it be safe?” Trisha remembered that Brass hadn’t wanted to put her there when Slade had suggested it.

“I don’t see why not. Those men didn’t attack it before due to how many people are present and how tight security is around the larger structures with the ongoing construction.” Slade paused. “There isn’t any other option.”

“I don’t know,” Brass hedged. “Setting fire to the hotel would be a good way to do it if the humans want to cause trouble. It’s the biggest structure at Reservation. I would worry our females could be trapped in a fire if we put all of them on the top floor.”

“You’re right.” Slade agreed. “It was a good idea but we just can’t house them, Trisha. We can’t put them in harm’s way if there is even a risk of danger. As much as I need the help, I can’t exactly ask them to room with the men.”

“You could bring in a few motor homes.” Trisha shrugged. “Women don’t mind sharing with each other usually and you’ll have them working in shifts, right? Maybe park them inside the wild zone and ask Valiant and the others keep an eye on them.

Just scrap the rebuilding of the cabin. That way none of the construction workers have any reason to be out there.”

Slade smiled at her. “Do you want my job? You seem to be better at it than I am. I never would have thought of asking our women to help out.”

“She’s a doctor,” Brass chuckled. “She’s much smarter than we are.”

“I don’t know.” Slade grinned at Brass. “She couldn’t tell an asshole from―”

“Shut up,” Trisha laughed, cutting him off, and kicked him under the table. “I know the difference.”

Both men smiled at her while Trisha shook her head at them. “Don’t you have some calls to make, Slade? You should ask Justice before he goes to bed and give him time to 202


talk to the women before they are snoozing too. The faster a decision gets made, the faster you could have extra help here.” She flashed him a grin.

Trisha looked at the other man. “And you, Brass. There’s laundry that needs to be done. You said you wanted to do it all so I didn’t have to. Hop to! It’s not going to get done by itself.”

“I said I’d clean. I never said anything about laundry.” Brass stood. “I hate sorting and folding clothes.” He groaned. “But I’ll do it so you don’t.”

“I’m going to go lie down. Good night!”

“She’s so bossy.” Brass chuckled.

“I know but she’s got a great ass.” Slade chuckled too. “When she yells at me and gets demanding, she always storms away after. I watch her ass as she leaves and I just can’t seem to care anymore that she’s domineering.”

Trisha stopped on the stairs and laughed. She shook her head and retreated to the bedroom.


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Chapter Twenty-One

Trisha tried to hide her horrified and stunned reaction. She kept a forced smile firmly on her mouth until the muscles in her cheeks ached. Brass’ highly amused expression was obvious but he didn’t chuckle. Slade didn’t show any restraint when he bent over, held his stomach, and laughed until tears dampened the corners of his eyes.

Valiant growled. “Why is he so amused?”

“I have no idea,” Trisha lied. “I think sometimes he’s socially challenged.”

Slade stopped laughing instantly as his gaze flashed to hers and narrowed dangerously. He sent her a look that promised he’d get even with her soon. Trisha glanced away with a grin, hoping he’d attempt to lick her to death, but her amusement died quickly as she caught sight of the table again.

She tried not to gawk at the big hunk of raw meat wrapped inside plastic that Valiant had just placed in the dining room. She wasn’t sure what it was but it looked big enough to be a body. God, I hope it’s an animal.

“That was so kind of you to bring us…so much. It will last us a good week.” Or a month, she added silently. She forced her attention away from the wrapped meat and smiled wider at Valiant. “What is the occasion?”

“Slade informed me that you were the one who thought up asking our women to come here. Twenty of them arrived yesterday. I have seen some of them from afar and am very pleased with the selections. I asked you to find me one female but you brought many for me to meet. I wanted to say thank you. I knew it would be bad form to just bring the entire carcass so I skinned and gutted it for you. I even removed the limbs and head.” He motioned to the large thing on the table. “I wrapped it to prevent blood from dripping on your carpet.”

“That was so very kind,” Trisha got out, trying hard to be polite, despite her shock.

She stepped closer to him but then stopped. “May I have a hug to say thank you?”

He frowned. “Why would you want to hug me? You just said thank you.”

“It’s a human thing.” Brass grinned. “They seem to hug each other. Just deal, Valiant. She harasses me if I don’t allow her do that to me sometimes. It’s nice.”

Valiant sighed deeply. “I guess I should get used to being touched since I want a mate.” He opened his arms. “Go ahead.” He looked completely disgusted.

Slade suffered another fit of laugher but Trisha ignored him. She had to stretch up on tiptoe to put her arms around the huge man. Valiant held still while Trisha gave him a quick squeeze around his waist before she stepped back.

“That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

“No. You smell nice.” Valiant shrugged. “It wasn’t bad.”



“Thank you.” She glanced at the wrapped hunk of meat before flashing her gaze to Slade. “Why don’t we have a barbeque? You and Brass can cut it up, freeze what we don’t use, and we’ll have some of that for dinner.”

Slade smiled at the big lion-like man. “That sounds great. Thank you, Valiant. Do you want to stay for dinner?”

Valiant shook his head. “I have women to meet and a mate to find.” He fled the house.

Trisha pointed at the plastic that blood stained from the inside and whispered in case Valiant remained within hearing range. “What is it?”

“Hell if I know.” Slade shrugged.

“I’m guessing deer,” Brass whispered. “There are a lot of them out by his place.

Deer steaks do sound good.” He stepped closer to the table. “Let’s get this into the kitchen.”

“Use the back porch, please,” Trisha instantly corrected. “That way you can hose the deck off after you cut it up.”

“Yeah.” Slade grinned. “That way you can hose off the deck once you cut it up, Brass.”

“You’re helping,” Brass growled at Slade. “I’m not a butcher.”

“Neither am I.”

“Well, don’t look at me.” Trisha frowned when both men turned to stare at her.

“You are a doctor and should be good at cutting things apart.” Slade flashed a hopeful grin.

“No way. Nu-uh. I’d be so sick. I’m the pregnant one, remember? I feel morning sickness coming on just at the thought of doing that.” She put her hands over her stomach and batted her eyelashes at Slade. “You are the big predator, after all. Isn’t that what you always tell me? So go…hunt up a knife and get busy.”

“So bossy,” he groaned.

Trisha laughed. “Want to watch me storm away?”

Brass chuckled. “You look at her ass and I’ll find some sharp knives and freezer storage bags.”

Trisha turned, presented her backside to Slade, and smiled at him over her shoulder. “Call me when you’re done. I’m going to go get naked and take a bath. Thank you!”


Trisha strolled toward the stairs. “You got that straight. Call me when dinner is ready. You’re the best.”

“Keep walking,” Slade growled. “Shake it a little, sweet thing.”

Trisha walked into the master bedroom still feeling highly amused. Some of her clothes had been returned to her that morning. Someone had salvaged them from the 205

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damaged cabin. She pulled out a summer dress and underthings from the dresser then moved into the bathroom.

She studied her naked body in the mirror, seeing that she’d already starting showing her pregnancy despite the early stage of it. It worried her a little, no one knew what to really expect, and it could be dangerous. She had already experienced morning sickness, which marked the pregnancy as odd right from the beginning.

Slade had sneaked her into the new medical facility earlier that morning before dawn where they had an ultrasound machine. The facility wasn’t up and running yet but the equipment had arrived. The baby measured bigger than normal. It made her wonder how large a New Species baby would be at birth. The baby seemed to be developing at an accelerated rate as well. The way Slade had grinned at the sight of his child had warmed her heart. She had no doubt he wanted the baby as much as she did.

Slade was mixed with canine and their pregnancy cycles were far shorter than a human’s. She worried that the baby might grow and develop faster with Slade’s altered DNA. She’d have to keep a very close eye on the baby’s development to figure it out and try to estimate a due date. She’d talked to Justice by phone and asked if he would order more medical equipment to do just that. He’d readily agreed to get whatever she wanted.

“What’s that look for?”

Slade entered the bathroom and walked up behind her. His hands slid around her waist to gently cup her slightly rounded belly. Their gazes met in the mirror while his hands caressed her stomach. He kissed the top of her head.

“What look?” She leaned back against him.

“You’re worried.”

She smiled. “I am a little. I don’t want anything to happen to our baby or anything to go wrong.”

“You’re alarmed because he’s bigger than he should be and you’re advancing in your pregnancy stages faster than normal.”

She nodded. They’d had this conversation when she’d noted her discoveries at the clinic. “Yes. Stop calling the baby a ‘he’. What if it’s a girl? You’ll give her a complex. I couldn’t get a clear picture of the sex yet.”

He laughed. “I will not give our baby a complex. You just get annoyed when I say we’re having a boy. It’s a shame his legs were up and together so you couldn’t get a view of his sex.”

“It should be too early to tell but the baby is measuring at almost a twelve-week gestation. I don’t really care what sex it is as long as our baby is healthy.”

“Me neither.” Slade hugged her against his chest a little tighter. “It’s going to be fine, sweet thing. You’re an amazing doctor and Justice will get you anything you request. He’s looking for a trustworthy, excellent doctor to assist you who specializes in 206


high-risk pregnancies. You can stay on top of this. You stated the baby looks perfect and has a strong heartbeat despite the anomalies with his size.”

“I know. I just worry.”

“I know that.” Slade grinned. “I could spend the next hour up here distracting you.”

She suddenly laughed. “Aren’t you supposed to be helping Brass cut up that meat?”

“I came up here to change clothes but I didn’t hear the water running. Please allow me to distract you. Then I can tell Brass you were upset and needed me.” He winked.

“He will get stuck doing all the butchering.”

Trisha wiggled and gripped his arms around her waist. “Oh no. He’ll growl at me and burn my dinner. Let go, Slade. I’m fine. I’ll take a bath and you go change your clothes.”

He turned her inside his arms and his smile died. “Are you really all right, Trisha? I want you to always confide in me. I want to be here for you.”

“I’m fine. I’m going to worry but I’m also going to keep a close watch on our baby.

Sometimes I just fret a little too much.”


Trisha grinned. “You’re being bellowed at.”

He groaned. “Please let me stay?”

She pushed at him. “Go help him.”

“But I want to kiss you all over and keep you under me for days.”


“Not if I barricade the bedroom door to prevent Brass from coming after me.”

“I love you but I’m not going to save you from cutting up all that meat. I’m hungry and I want deer steaks.”

Slade’s smile died and his beautiful eyes widened. “You love me?”

She stared at him. “You know I love you.”

“You never told me that before.”

“I haven’t? Well…” She rose up on tiptoe and her arms wound around his neck. “I love you, Slade. I love you with my whole heart.”

Slade lifted her a little higher until their faces were level. “I love you too, sweet thing. You’re everything to me. Now we have to make love. Too bad for Brass.”

“I heard that,” Brass yelled. “Make love to her later. Only an idiot wouldn’t know you two are madly in love with each other so it shouldn’t come as a surprise. Get your ass out of the bathroom and help me with this deer.”

Trisha let her face fall onto his chest when she lowered down his body and groaned against his shirt. “God, I can’t wait until we can actually have a conversation without someone overhearing it.”


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Slade laughed. “I’ll build him a dog house outside that he can sleep in.”

She grinned, lifting her head to meet his gaze. “Promise?”

“Don’t do it,” Brass yelled. “I’m not sleeping in a dog house.”

“It’s almost as though we already have a child, isn’t it?” Slade groaned while he eased away from her a few inches.

“Almost. He bellows at bad moments and he’s keeping us from making love because he wants attention.” She laughed. “Yeah. It’s almost as if we’re already parents.”

“You take your bath. I’ll go deal with the deer and Brass. We’ll eat soon.” His gaze raked down her, allowing his passion to show. “Then I’ll get him shitfaced drunk until he passes out and we’ll make sure he can’t interrupt us from having lots of sex tonight.”

Trisha’s mouth opened to agree.

“Sounds like a good plan,” Brass yelled.

Trisha backed up and blew a kiss to Slade. She turned her back on him, bent, and turned on the water. She heard a sexy growl and turned her head to peer at the man she loved over her shoulder. Slade stared at her naked ass.

Trisha pointed to the door. “Out. I’ll bend over for you later. I promise.”


“But I have a nice ass.”

“No. You have an amazing ass.”

“So do you.”

“So do I,” Brass yelled. “Now, can we cut up this deer?”


About the Author

I’m a full time “in-house supervisor” (sounds much better than plain ol’ housewife), mother and writer. I’m addicted to caramel iced coffee, the occasional candy bar (or two) and trying to get at least five hours of sleep at night.

I love to write all kinds of stories. I think the best part about writing is the fact that real life is always uncertain, always tossing things at us that we have no control over, but when your write, you can make sure there’s always a happy ending. I love that about writing. I love it when I sit down at my computer desk and put on my headphones to listen to loud music to block out the world around me, so I can create worlds in front of me.

Laurann welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address on her author bio page at www.ellorascave.com.

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Also by Laurann Dohner

Cyborg Seduction 1: Burning Up Flint

Cyborg Seduction 2: Kissing Steel

Cyborg Seduction 3: Melting Iron

Cyborg Seduction 4: Touching Ice

Cyborg Seduction 5: Stealing Coal

Cyborg Seduction 6: Redeeming Zorus

Mating Heat 1: Mate Set

Mating Heat 2: His Purrfect Mate

New Species 1: Fury

Riding the Raines 1: Propositioning Mr. Raine

Riding the Raines 2: Raine on Me

Zorn Warriors 1: Ral’s Woman

Zorn Warriors 2: Kidnapping Casey

Zorn Warriors 3: Tempting Rever

Zorn Warriors 4: Berrr’s Vow

Print books by Laurann Dohner

Cyborg Seduction: Burning Up Flint

Cyborg Seduction: Kissing Steal

Zorn Warriors: Berrr’s Vow

Zorn Warriors: Loving Zorn

Zorn Warriors: Tempting Rever

Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC

on the web at www.ellorascave.com for an erotic reading experience that will leave you breathless.


Table of Contents


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One
