I spent the next few days in leisure, testing my new slave girls in various ways, taking all three in every conceivable manner. Minta was proving to be a real find: a pure sex kitten, endlessly inventive, boldly seductive, and positively reveling in lusty decadence. There was nothing this fun-loving, spirited young vixen wouldn’t try. And her appetite was insatiable! Cool Iryna still retained much of her Teutonic reserve but she was gradually thawing out and becoming more pliant. She still showed little enthusiasm for her new role, and her passivity continued to irritate me, but at least she would obey. But Helva refused to accept her subjugation. She did nothing without being forced to, and then she performed only grudgingly. In spite of the blistering her ass had taken at the hands of the vengeful Minta, she remained unruly and obdurate. When I took her, it was like fucking a board. Her hard, silent eyes seemed to say: ‘You might have my body, but you will find no pleasure in it.’ I found her insolence a bold challenge, and I resolved to conquer this proud beauty till I had her raging with sensual lust, begging to be fucked.
Naturally, I sought Kimar’s advice. He stood regarding the two recalcitrant slaves as they knelt together before us. Minta, her hard young body dimly visible in her sheer tunic, was attending us, serving wine, and just being available. I watched her bend over to pour the wine, and studied her slender boyish butt while I waited for my guest to offer an opinion. Kimar let his shrewd, experienced gaze pass over the merchandise, for that is how he saw all slaves. Summoning them to approach on their knees, he took his time conducting a critical examination of the naked bodies of the two blonde women, evaluating them only with his eyes. He never touched them, and would not without asking my permission first, for that would hardly be polite. But as much as he might desire to run his hands over those splendid blonde bodies, there was no need. He had inspected thousands of slaves in his time, but I could tell he was impressed with these exquisite possessions of mine.
When he turned to me at last his face held a thoughtful expression. “I have a suggestion, Marcus,” he began decisively. “As you know, I have certain methods that have proven useful in training slaves. Why not turn them over to me for a while-say, three or four days, a week perhaps. No more will be needed. In no time I will have these fillies straining at the traces in a spirited chariot race where, I’ll wager, they’ll make a good show of themselves. I can promise that when I return them to you, you will not be able to find more compliant and willing sex slaves anywhere in the Empire! Once I am through with them, these women will jump to carry out your every wish, and they will obey with alacrity and unbounded enthusiasm.”
It was an offer I couldn’t refuse. I gave the girls to Kimar. The next day, two of his overseers showed up to take them in hand. With hands tied behind them, ankles hobbled loosely, they were led away by leashes attached to their collars, drawn along to stumble after their handlers on their way to the camp of the master slaver.
True to his word, exactly one week later, Kimar had arranged a sort of bacchanal to which I was invited, along with a handful of select guests. Wearing nothing but loincloths, we lounged about on fine silken couches, while before us tables set with silver dishes were piled high with rich and exotic foods. The hearty wine flowed freely, and it was pleasing to find that one’s slightest needs were attended to instantly by a bevy of comely slave girls, whose naked presence amongst us helped to add to the simmering sense of excitement, the growing anticipation as we eagerly awaited the appearance of the stars of the evening: my two blonde slaves, about whom the guests had heard so much and were now most keen to see.
Eventually, Kimar gave the long-awaited order. A pair of slaves threw back the flaps of the big tent to treat us to a most astonishing sight! An overseer stood in the entranceway, a massive fellow who stood with legs boldly spread, bare-chested and otherwise naked but for the leather thongs of sandals that snaked up his muscular calves and a brief kilt of animal skins slung low on his sturdy hips. Hanging loosely at his side, his left hand fingered the handle of a leather paddle, while wrapped around his right hand was a rawhide leash. At the other end of the leash was the collared throat of a stunning blonde slave girl! She knelt beside him, hands at her sides, sitting back on her haunches, her blonde head bowed in docile submission. An awed hush came over the lustful crowd.
At his curt command, the girl was drawn up onto hands and knees and forced to crawl after her handler as he swaggered boldly into the tent. I thrilled to see Helva, my proud Nordic beauty, forced to adopt this humiliating posture, made to crawl naked like some big blonde beast before Kimar’s wide-eyed guests. As the pair entered, we now saw that a second overseer was standing partially hidden in the shadows behind the first. He, too, held the leash of a blonde slave: a slender young woman whose sleek body moved like a large cat’s, her narrow butt swaying from side to side as she strove to keep up with her striding handler. We watched in silence while this little procession made its circuit in front of the open circle of couches upon which reclined Kimar’s ogling guests.
My elegant beauty crawled with her head hung low. Noticing her poor posture, her handler snapped a crisp command. When she didn’t comply quickly enough to suit him, the wicked paddle shot out to slap her pale asscheeks with a sharp retort that had her instantly jerk up her head and continue crawling with chin raised, face forward, as he had ordered to do. The girls were paraded back and forth before us while we let our eyes feast on the delightful display. Their blonde manes had been fixed identically, combed into long silken strands, pulled back from their pale faces, and tied behind them.
The big blonde moved with animal grace, her flanks flowing with rippling muscles, her asscheeks shifting most seductively. I admired the smooth, clean narrow lines of Iryna’s nude form as she crawled by, her straight flanks swaying liquidly, small bottomcheeks moving provocatively. As she came closer, I noticed a very thin golden chain encircling her waist. From it a single gold thread hung down the back to disappear between her shifting asscheeks as it passed between her legs. I saw that the fine links were embedded in the bulging fig of her vulva, which peeked out at us from between her moving thighs. Apparently, the narrow chain had been drawn up between her netherlips and continued its way up in front, where it bisected her blond triangle before meeting the center of the waist chain. I saw that both slaves’ bodies were adorned with identical gold chains encircling their slim waists just above their hips. It crossed my mind that it must have been uncomfortable to be forced to wear such a chain pulled so taut that it bit into the softness of their hidden clefts, the embedded links chafing the tender labia as they moved Perhaps it was that irritant that accounted for the occasional wince of distress I saw pass over their pale brows as they crawled before us. But I knew only the half of it!
After several laps of being paraded around before those, my appreciative connoisseurs, Kimar clapped his hand. The handlers drew up their charges till they faced us, side-by-side, still on hands and knees. From this front view, with their heads raised well up, it was possible to see each girl’s breasts beneath her lithe torso-Helva’s breasts hung soft and inviting, the tips pointing straight down; Iryna’s small globes, drawn by gravity, swayed succulently beneath her bent torso.
Now, at a word from the master slaver, the leashes were jerked and the girls straightened up to sit back on their haunches while the leashes were untied from their banded necks. They made a lovely pair kneeling there side-by-side: the classic Nordic beauty in the full flower of mature womanhood, the silvery blonde hair, the full, firm curves of her proud breasts displayed so openly; and the slighter version beside her, the hair a pure flaxen, like summer hay, the gently sloping shoulders of that lithe willowy form with its small understated tits that perched before us with such enticingly audacious nipples. The slave girls held the pose for a moment or two till, at the nod of the master slaver, they fell forward, crouching down on their elbows, their foreheads on the rug.
They held that pose for minutes. Then, continuing what had obviously become a well-practiced routine, they rose to their feet in unison and turned in place, so that they stood with their backs to us. Without a word of command, the obedient slaves fell to their knees once again, pressing their foreheads to the rug in humble subservience while promptly offering up their pretty behinds for our approval. One of the handlers muttered something, and the two girls shifted a bit, pulling their knees up under them and arching their backs in even deeper curves, thus raising their bottoms so that their appealing buttocks jutted back at us in lewd presentation.
“You see before you a pair of well-trained slaves,” Kimar began proudly, keeping his eyes on the uplifted feminine behinds that waited patiently to be of service.
“They have been taught to obey. They have learned how to be good little slaves. They have learned to crawl on their hands and knees on command, buttocks up and forehead to the ground; and in that way to present themselves for mounting should their master wish to take them in that manner.”
He now moved closer to Helva’s out-thrust ass. “And lest they should lapse, we have given each certain reminders of her place: the neck encircled with the high stiff collar, wrist and ankles banded, and-oh, yes, one further reminder-one the slave cannot see, but one whose presence will be sorely felt. A minor irritant, perhaps, yet one that will keep her constantly aware of her subservient status.”
He placed a confident hand on the tautly drawn domes of Helva’s upturned rump, patted her lightly, affectionately, then slipped his fingers under the delicate chain, following it to where it was lodged deep between the girl’s rearmounds. Prying open the shapely hemispheres, he displayed the gold chain, passed through the eye of a rounded buttplug, drawn tight so that it held the anal intruder securely in place.
“She will wear these chains while going about her ordinary household duties during the day, and for other duties at night as well. They can, of course, be removed easily should the master wish to take his slave in that particular place.”
So saying, he proceeded to demonstrate by detaching the chain and pulling it from between her legs. Now, as he held her straining cheeks apart, he dug his fingers into the soft flesh around the flanged end of the ivory plug, making the girl’s hips to squirm uneasily. He began to draw out the plug, extracting it slowly as her distended anus clung to the ivory shaft as it emerged. It bore the shape of a long, smooth phallus, thin and tapering.
Almost the entire length of the ivory phallus had emerged when Kimar noticed the agitated little wiggle that passed through the girl’s rump. A thin smile curled his lips, as he twisted his hand viciously, screwing the rod deeper into his impaled victim. She gave a tight-lipped grunt and kicked up her heels at the suddenness of this unexpected violation. For a moment, the master slaver played with the slave, diddling the girl’s ass for our amusement, jiggling the wicked intruder that was lodged once more well up her squirming bottom, while she writhed in silent agitation. He toyed with her a bit more, moving the shaft in and out, till finally, tiring of the game, he withdrew the long, thin rod, getting a moan of relief from the upended slave. Kimar laughed, and gave her rebounding asscheeks a lusty slap as he watched them clamp shut and clench down.
“We use a lotion to ease the way during insertion,” he explained. “You should have seen them move their tails when we mixed a bit of hot spices with the lubricant.” He chuckled, turning his back on the submissive woman.
Now Kimar moved over to Iryna and stood contemplating her uplifted behind for a long moment. He couldn’t help running a hand up and over the twin swells. Her little “reminder,” he told us, would be left in place, ensconced cozily up her rectum. She would have additional restraints applied for this party, while a special treat was being arranged for Helva. At his order, the two young women were released from the subservient pose they held and allowed to resume their previous position, kneeling, sitting back on their heels.
A nod from Kimar brought his overseers, who came forth to prepare Iryna for her duties. First she was gagged. I knew from experience that Iryna hated the gag, and yet now she accepted the wadded silk they stuffed in her open mouth docilely. The wide band of leather pressed against her teeth, keeping the wad in place. The ends of the strap were tied together behind her head, imprisoning her soft blonde hair. The two men worked quickly and efficiently. They had done this many times before. Next, the girl’s hands were drawn before her and the cuffs attached to one another by a thin gold chain. Finally, a length of chain was used to couple her ankle bands in a similar fashion. Shackled like a slave, although with light golden chains, she would be forced to shuffle along, her movements hampered, yet left free enough to allow her to perform her duties if she were careful, all the while being constantly made aware of her servile status. Meanwhile the rude intruder remained in that hidden place, lodged well up her behind so that, as she performed her serving duties, every movement would remind her of certain other obligations she might be called upon to fulfill at the whim of her master.
Now I had her fetch the wine. I smiled as she brought the jug, shuffling with an oddly comical gait Beckoning her closer, I held out my cup. As she bent down to pour the wine, I couldn’t resist reaching up to finger a dangling tit; the soft satin flesh hung so temptingly before me. Urging her a step closer had her bring her tempting breasts down to my open mouth so I could take her dangling nipples between my lips and suckle on her while I ran a hand up and down her haunches and felt up her small pert rearmounds..
This delightful dalliance brought my manhood to rigid attention. I dismissed her with a friendly smack on the tail, sending her off to see to the other guests, while I turned my attention back to Helva, who knelt quietly before us.
My beauty knelt with chin held high and eyes straight forward As my gaze fell to her breasts, I noticed that her nipples had become erect, the hard points protruding from the taut expanded aureoles! Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed me looking at her; and as she turned ever so slightly, I was sure I saw a trace of a secretly seductive smile. Astonished, I smiled back and saw her eyes drop to my crotch and the tip of her tongue emerge to rim her lips quickly. There was a surprising eagerness there, a definite gleam in her eye that I had never seen before. I saw a twitch run through her shoulders. Her thighs clenched as she rubbed them together in a tiny movement no one else could observe.
Now she was ordered to her feet so that she might take her place under a wooden frame that had been erected at one end of the tent a wide crossbar supported by two sturdy columns from which four evenly spaced ropes hung down. The slave girl scrambled to her feet, eager to take her place. Without being told to fling herself down on the rug, she offered herself up enthusiastically for a sexual ordeal. The very thought seemed to get her juices flowing. I noticed this new spirit of cooperation in the way she helped as the men prepared her. She moved without being told, extending her limbs willingly, offering them the cuffs freely, all the while biting her lower lip as if in keen anticipation. The transformation was remarkable. Had it been simply the results of Kimar’s training, it would have been truly astonishing. But I learned later that this newfound desire to please sexually had been abetted by a secret potion that the old slaver sometimes used to heighten the sexual awareness of his sex slaves, an elixir that turned them into wild, lust-driven animals.
It was obvious to me that the girl was already excited as she sprawled impatiently on her back, her pointy nipples sticking straight up. She lay spread-eagled on the floor while her wrist and ankle bands were being attached to the ends of the four ropes that hung from the high crossbeam. She was not gagged, for Kimar wanted her to be able to use her mouth to pleasure as many guests as possible. With her limbs secured, they began to tighten the ropes, raising her outstretched body till she swung suspended from the sturdy crossbar. The ropes on her ankles were raised slightly more than those holding her wrists so that her loins were tilted up. In this vulnerable position, her legs were widespread, her body slightly bowed, slung only a few feet above the ground so that, by stepping between her outstretched legs, we would have ready access to her gaping cunt.
She raised her head up to look at us from between her widespread legs, her face that of a woman in heat Her lips moved nervously as though in a silent prayer, and her eyes were hard with a bright gleam of lust. Even now there was a trace of wetness that appeared on the tiny blonde curls edging the curving lips of her open pussy.
Now Kimar ordered a chair brought for me, and had it placed just beyond the girl’s hanging feet directly opposite her sex, so I saw her open vertex. From my vantage point, I could see the pale wispy pubic hair that shaded into a cloudy tuft on the crest of her mounded vulva and spilled down between her legs, where the tiny curls ridged her gaping pink cleft Initially, Kimar wished me only to observe, to watch my blonde beauty’s reactions as she eagerly took on three of his guests, who had volunteered readily. Quintus peeled off his loincloth and stationed himself behind her so that once her inverted head was allowed to hang down freely, her mouth would be available to his swollen cock. Two more naked men, Decimus and Valerius, took up their positions at either side, standing so that their upright cocks were placed just beyond the grasp of the girl’s straining fingers.
Her long blonde body hung open and vulnerable, the ragged rising and falling of her breasts attesting to her growing excitement, as she waited with eyes closed, breathing through parted lips. She made a breathtaking picture: her sleek lines bowed, her feminine charms exposed brazenly, arms stretched overhead. The strain in her sagging body was quite evident in the taut sinews of her long arms and tapering thighs. Her mounded breasts were flattened slightly, while her upstanding nipples stood fully erect, the tiny protruding nubs with anticipatory excitement, a blatant testament to her tingling state of arousal.
A jar of oil was brought to them, and the men oiled their hands and then coated their upright cocks. Helva twisted from side-to-side. I saw her lick her lips at the sight of the well-oiled cocks that stood upright, gleaming in their eagerness, just inches from the reach of her fingers. Her fists clenched in frustration as her wrists pulled on their bonds. I soon saw that in this configuration, her hands and mouth would be employed and only her open cunt remained free and available. That passage had been reserved for me!
Now Kimar’s overseers coated her body with oil. Her hands clenched in reflex at the tickling of the palms. They passed over the cuffs and rubbed the oily sheen along her sinewy arms and into the softness of her underarms. The blonde twitched excitedly as they continued on down her curving sides, over the delicate traces of her rib cage and along her flanks to cross over her hips and tease into the crease at her belly. They were careful to work together, keeping pace with one another, as they glided up her front, while her torso trembled. She watched their progress through slitted eyes, then gave her body up to the slippery hands that by now had found the flattened mounds of her firm young tits.
They thoroughly enjoyed those superb breasts, coating them with a thin sheen of oil, Decimus massaging, pulling and stretching the pliant flesh of her left breast, while Valerius fondled and played with the right one. Their hands soon had her burning with lust as the highly agitated blonde shut her eyes tight against the rising tide of arousal, and shook her head from side-to-side, mumbling incoherently in her strange foreign tongue. They tweaked her stiff nipples, rolling them between thumb and forefinger, pulling on those aching tips, while the passion-driven female squirmed sensually, writhing in maddened desire as they mercilessly teased her, toyed with her, playing with her oily tits, fondling her mounds lavishly, till they had her mumbling and whimpering for more.
When it became evident that the slave girl was fully aroused by this tit play, her two admirers greedily quit her heaving breasts perversely and moved on down over her belly, across to the cradle of her hanging hips, around the curve and up her sleek haunches, then circling around the nicely rounded thighs as the inner sinews twitched at the intimate touch. In this way, they explored every inch of that lovely tethered body but for the place right between her splayed legs. When their hands neared her womanhood, Kimar beckoned me forward.
I jumped up, my cock fully erect, and stepped eagerly between the V of the hanging girl’s legs. Brushing the pads of my fingers through the silken fleece and then palming her mons brought a sharp hiss of breath as the tense female quivered with anticipation. I crooked two fingers and slid them up into her glistening cunt to feel her slick pussylips, well moistened by now with the free flow of feminine juices. She gurgled as I thrust up into her. She might have come right then and there, with the slightest jiggling of my probing hand, but we would not grant her such immediate relief. Withdrawing my glistening fingers, I poured some oil into my hand, then cupped her Venus-mound and palmed her, soaking the tiny curls with oil, rubbing it into the soft folds of her pussy. Helva let out a long, wavering moan as I clamped my hand firmly on her damp, hot sex and held her tight.
Now our blonde sex slave was writhing uncontrollably, thrashing about in her bonds and clenching her jaws, while deep moans escaped her tight lips. She was fully aroused now, burning with erotic frenzy, her healthy young body resonating to the repeated sexual thrills she was forced to endure as the delicious feel of those warm masculine hands moved all over her body, firing her lust to a fevered pitch. Suddenly she began whipping her head from side to side in a demented fury, her long silky hair flung about wildly. Her groans were louder, deepening into low earthy cries, then becoming filled with urgency, interspersed with foreign words that tumbled out in a heated rush, incomprehensible desperate pleas for release from the unremitting stimulation of our pleasuring hands. Suddenly her bounding hips lifted, and she held herself there, stretching out her limbs to the limits for the longest possible moment of ecstasy, before she exploded in a furious bucking, her wild and frantic gyrations yanking on her bonds, uncaring, as a long, plaintive cry escaped her lips.
Her violent reaction fired my lust. I attacked her vulnerable pussy, fondling her mercilessly while my two cohorts grabbed her tits, massaging the slick mounds. Helva shrieked and hollered for us to fuck her in guttural German, and again in Latin, for those were a few of the words she had learned With a cry of sheer ecstasy, the big blonde threw back her head and climaxed. Her body was racked with a huge shudder, followed by spasm which yanked at the taut lines suspending her in space. Then she collapsed and lay slack, sagging, her breasts quivering. A shiver of aftershock ran through her depleted body. Then her moans became softer as she slipped into the warmth of a delightful afterglow.
She lay quietly now, eyes closed, features calm, her slack body perfectly still except for the movement of her gradually subsiding breasts. But she was not to be permitted to rest for long-at least, not while masculine needs were left unattended.
Accordingly, we stepped forward. Decimus and Valerius, their rockhard pricks swaying in the air, each took a hand and placed them on their aroused manhood, so that she held them both by their cocks. Meanwhile, Quintus, who stood at her head and had, until now, taken no part in the proceedings beyond occasionally slipping his fingers through her long blonde hair, now placed his hands on the sides of her face and tilted her head backward. When her eyes fluttered open, she found herself staring directly at Quintus’s rigid cock, which stood at attention just inches from her face. For a moment she seemed dazed, uncomprehending. But Quintus gave her no time to think He rubbed his prick on her face and pressed the head demandingly against her open lips.
She licked her lips and opened her mouth, straining upward toward the turgid shaft. Quintus allowed her to take it between her lips and pull on him, drawing his shaft into the warmth of her receptive mouth. He grunted, tight-lipped, and let her work him over as he grabbed a handful of silken hair and drew her head down on him. Holding her face between his hands, he moved his hips and began to fuck her pretty mouth.
The dreamy expression that crossed his face told us the girl had a lively, talented tongue. As she sucked off Quintus, the insatiable sex slave gripped the other two men and, holding on tightly, began to jerk them off, pumping her fists with frenzied determination.
With a ragged cry, Decimus threw his head back and pulled free of her grasp. Grabbing his throbbing prick, he held it aimed at her tits, while Valerius followed suit, erupting and sending spurts of semen onto her chest and belly. Once again swept up in the grip of passion, Helva tossed her head from side-to-side and moaned as their seed rained down on her thrashing body. Her second orgasm was smaller and sharper than the first a brief quivering, punctuated with a sharp yelp of delight And then she lay still, all the tension drained from her sagging body. And I saw a look I had never seen on Helva’s attractive blonde features: the unmistakable smile of sexual satisfaction.
Meanwhile I had my hand between her splayed legs and slowly massaged the soft folds of her sex. I studied don the bedraggled figure hanging limply before me. Her hair was soaked, her warm face bathed in sweat It ran down her chest, mingling with the oily lubricant which covered her body with a golden sheen. The highly charged sexual performance had drained the girl, but I was still at the height of arousal, burning with feverish lust, fired with a deep, rutting need to lay into her throbbing, wet cunt.
My cock was aching with lust as, burning with impatience, I clamped my hand on her hot, damp womanhood. The spent female stirred and whimpered Her lips worked as she mumbled something I didn’t understand. It made no difference. Stepping up to bring my hips near her hanging loins, I squatted a little till the crown of my prick came into contact with her netherlips. I rubbed the swollen head along the slick protruding lips, while the sex-soaked woman whimpered and moaned.
With a rush of wild excitement, I bounded up on my toes, driving straight up into her in a single powerful thrust She groaned at the abruptness of the vicious stab. A low, earthy rumble trailed out from deep in her throat as I plunged in all the way and held myself in her warm, churning depths.
I wiggled my hips, tickling her innards. With a little cock action, I soon had Helva whimpering like a hurt puppy. Then I started to move more decisively, thrusting into her slick, juicy cunt, fucking her with slow, deeply penetrating strokes. The ravaged female rolled her head and stirred to life; her hips started twitching as the simmering passion fires were reawakened once more.
Now I was fucking her with a steady rhythm, a lusty, jolting tempo that had her writhing uncontrollably. Once again, she was swept up, driven toward the peak of yet another climax. Moaning softly, she urged me on, her hips bucking up to meet mine. Maddened with lust, I pounded into her, fucking her furiously, while she swung crazily in her sling. The frenzied female was oblivious now, rolling her head from side to side, mumbling incoherently in feverish whispers, then yelling out, calling on her strange gods and cursing me in her foreign tongue, but always, unmistakably, urging me on and on. Finally she let out a long, desperate groan as an all-consuming rapture lifted her up and swept her along toward a third shattering orgasm.
She came this time with a plaintive cry, cut short by a mighty shudder which racked her thin frame. A single intense thrill of pure pleasure shot through me as, with a final powerful lunge, I fired my load into her throbbing depths, flooding her innards with pulsating jets of creamy sperm, till I tumbled down the other side of my climax.
My knees weakened and I collapsed against Helva’s hanging body, draping myself over her, savoring the feel of her sweating oily flesh as I lay with my chest pressed against her warm slippery breasts. Thoroughly depleted, I lay there, plastered to her hot slick body, closing my eyes to let the blissful peace of a warm afterglow flood through me.
The shrewd slaver immediately saw the wave of excitement the introduction of these rare blonde slaves would cause in decadent Rome. In no time, Teutons would be all the rage, and the elite of society simply have to own one, or even a half dozen to grace their elegant homes. Kimar knew that the Nordic women would be especially prized and that he could demand-and get-outrageous prices for them. He looked at me very earnestly when he said, in a voice of solemn promise: “We need more of them. If you can supply me, I can make you a rich man.”
As it turned out, there were continued eruptions among the Northern tribes, as though in answer to Kimar’s prayers. Over the next few months, the gods were with us, and our frequent campaigning yielded several groups of these magnificent barbarian prisoners. Kimar was as good as his promise, so that when I was finally called back to Rome, it would be as a very wealthy man indeed.
And so I was to enter the imperial city at the head of my bevy of fair-haired slaves, rich, successful, and influential beyond my wildest dreams, to find myself embraced eagerly by the cream of Roman society. I was even summoned to the palace of the Emperor himself, extended a prized invitation to an orgy there. I planned to bring Helva, the wild barbarian of the North, who I knew would create quite a stir when she appeared at that decadent court.
Among the nobly outfitted courtiers and their elegantly dressed ladies, she would stand out, stark naked, wearing nothing but the collar of a slave of Rome-and she would wear it proudly! She would be paraded before them, unable to avoid the lusty hunger in their eyes as they appraised her splendid nude body; and with some of her fellow slaves, she might be made to perform at the whim of the Emperor and that lecherous court. Only then would she would fully realize her abject servitude, the extent of the humiliation she must endure. She would truly understand only when she was forced to enter the grand hall on her hands and knees, crawling like an animal, to make her humble obeisance, then lowering her head to touch the marble floor before the mighty Emperor of Rome.