"Fuck, man, fuck!"

"Come on, baby… fuck… cunt, fuck ughhh… fuck it out," Ed groaned, his arms looping around the girl's sides and mashing in her tits.


Allison thought the world was coming to an end. Jack was groaning in front of her, his throat tightening as his cum bubbled up rich and hot. He pressed in as tightly as he could, throwing one arm around the girl and hunching wildly against her.


The universe collapsed with a crash and Allison bucked and cried, kicking and clawing at anything that came in reach. She felt Jack hunching furiously, pushing up against her body, his knees banging hard against hers. His mouth slid down onto hers. The girl didn't care any more about him being a stranger or about him being a doctor. When their lips touched, their tongues battled against one another, their lips sucking hard.

Spit ran down in streams as they sucked and tongued one another. Allison felt her throat start to throb and pulse in time with her clit and asshole. Her body was completely on fire, completely tuned in to what was happening between her legs and up her ass. There could never be anything like this in the whole wide world! She was going out of her mind, feeling jolt after jolt of pleasure tearing at her clit!

They nearly all pitched over the side of the table. The girl was particularly losing control, fucking and being fucked.

"Now!" Jack warned.

Allison tensed again, feeling something terribly hot and wet splattering against her cuntal walls. Cum! Jizz! Spunk! Whatever you called it it was shooting out, jetting from his piss-slit and coating her convulsing cunt walls. The girl felt her pussy walls spasm hard, then buckle in against Jack's hammering prick. Again and again more spunk shot out, some of it now oozing from around his embedded cock and trickling down the girl's thighs. "Unghhhh!"

Ed was going nuts behind the frantic girl. His hands gripped her shoulders, the fingernails scratching her flesh hard. He was rubbing his hairy groin against her ass, moving his head around so he could stick his tongue back into her ear. She cried out, snapping her head from side to side, teetering on the brink of a massive climax. Jack was still moaning inside her mouth, tonguing her wildly while feeling her tits.


It was Ed's turn. Allison could hear him groaning into her ear, telling her he could feel his jizz bubbling up from his balls, packing down in his cockhead. And then in a moment it was rushing out, jetting into her asshole, burning into her bowels like acid.

That was all the girl could take. With an ear shattering shriek Allison tore away from Jack's mouth, jerked her head back and let out a mindless cry. Cumming! She was cuming, climaxing with two cocks shooting off inside her body at the same time!

"Aiiiyyeyee!" Nothing in the world could have matched the sensations rushing through the girl's mind and body at that moment.

"Go for it, baby, conic on, go for it!" Jack encouraged, coming down off his high.

"Yeah, fuck it out," Ed groaned, still shooting his cum up her ass.

Allison felt her clit jerking in rhythm to her spasming asshole muscles. Each time she throbbed the girl felt the two long, thick pricks still oozing cum. They were still good and hard, still working back and forth in her cunt and ass. Her mouth and ear were being sucked and tongued. There wasn't a virgin pore left in her body. Jack and Ed had taken care of that.


It was finally over. Collapsing, feeling that the world had exploded all around her, the girl let out a long, low sigh. She was drifting, drifting around on waves of satisfaction that lapped gently through her body. Fucking was so good, so very, very good.

"It's the intercom. I'll get it," Jack said, carefully slipping his flaccid prick from Allison's cunt and sliding off the table. The young teen opened her eyes and watched dreamily as the big stud padded over the tiled floor to his desk to answer the beeping machine.

"Yes? Erika, yes, she's been, checked," Jack said, turning around and smiling cynically at the young teen.

Miss Vennestroom! She had set her up for this and was checking on her now. Had she performed well? Had she fucked enough, made the men happy? She had been nothing more than a puppet. Allison felt a wave of selfloathing ripple through her body. What a little fool she had been, reacting like a mindless slut. They would laugh at her, use her and then toss her aside like shopworn goods. With a groan Allison turned her head away.

"Of course. We'll be waiting for you," Jack said, flicking off the intercom.

"What… what are you going to do with me now?" she stammered, brushing away a loose strand of hair from her eyes. She could still feel cum oozing from her cunt. Ed was still inside her, his cock throbbing against her tight asshole lining.

"That's Erika's decision. She's coming down here in a moment. Says…"

Another buzz from the intercom. Jack held up one hand and backed away, flicking on the switch and picking up the receiver.

"Of course, Erika. We'll have her there in a moment."

The keep! She could read it in Jack's eyes the moment he came up to her. Allison flinched when he touched her, begging hum with terror-stricken eyes not to give in and take her to that horrible room.

"Come on, honey. You don't want to keep Erika waiting. Apparently, she wants us there too," Jack said to Ed who by this time had slipped, out of the girl's violated asshole and was cleaning himself up.

They dried themselves off with several long white towels as Allison remained on the examining table, her arms and legs hanging over the sides. She was too exhausted to protest or do anything but breathe and think about the mindless way, in which she'd acted. The girl thought about the cocks, about the way they had entered her, impaled her while she kicked and screamed in a sexual euphoria. Now totally fatigued, feeling the cooling jizz bubbling out of her cunt and asshole, Allison wanted only to go to sleep, to rest, to escape the men who had exhausted her.

But Erika wanted her and no one apparently wanted to keep the headmistress waiting. Jack and Ed had already dressed, tucking in their shirts. While Ed locked up the medicine cabinets and put away several instruments Jack walked over to the table and helped Allison up.

"You don't want to walk down the halls naked now, do you?" he asked, taking another, towel and dabbing her pussy and asshole. "Come on, get your clothes back on and come with us."

Allison groaned, pushing herself up from the table and rubbing her fingertips against her forehead. Her big tits jiggled from side to side as she slipped to the floor, her knees threatening to give way at any second. She no longer felt any particular shame at being naked in front of these men. She stood there with her asscheeks touching the edge of the examining table, some cum still dribbling from her pussy and wetting down her inner thighs. Jack and Ed had touched the most intimate parts of her body. Why should she be worried about appearing naked now?

"Get dressed, baby. We've got an appointment to keep."

Allison dressed as quickly as she could, slipping on her blazer last. How strange it was tugging this garment on. All the other girls, she guessed, were pretty much virgins, wearing the blazer like little children. And there she was, double-fucked and still looking like some innocent babe. It seemed so strange!


Allison remembered very little about that journey through the empty back corridors of the school. At times she could hear the other girls in other halls. But Jack and Ed were careful to take the deserted corridors. In a moment they were out in the courtyard marching through the high grass to the keep. When they reached the big iron door, Allison felt her heart sinking.

"You've… examined her?" Erika asked as they stepped in. She was leaning against the stool Allison had been sitting on several days ago. The dildo was still strapped to the top. The girl felt faint as Jack shoved her into the room.

"Yes. She's fine. No signs of any bruises from the fight," Jack said, his lips curling into a dirty smirk. Allison, turning, saw the smile and felt incredibly fouled and dirtied.

"No bruises? Good," Erika said, sauntering up to the young girl. She stopped inches in front of Allison, raising one hand and grabbing the teen's chin between her thumb and forefinger. "I'm glad she wasn't so careless in the fight. Perhaps we should do our best to give her a few… uhh, marks of our affection?"

Jack and Ed looked at one another puzzled at first.

"Don't act like fools. Strip her! In fact, I'm surprised you even took the time to get her dressed," Erika said icily.

"We thought… what the hell, fine, sure, we'll get 'er naked again," Jack muttered, taking Allison by the shoulders and spinning her around. "Come on, baby."

"No!" Allison jerked back, clutching her blazer with both hands. "No, you won't touch me again… ever!"

"Don't be a little fool!" Erika said, coming up behind her and striking the girl hard across the back of her head.

That blow combined with her fatigue, knocking the girl senseless. She collapsed in Ed's arms, feeling the world spinning wildly out of control. During her state of semiconsciousness Allison felt her clothing being stripped quickly from her body. In a moment she was being dragged to the center of the room where the drain near the keg was. Carefully Jack sat her down on the keg, backing away.

Allison nearly fell off the keg, catching herself just in time. She felt terribly exposed, threatened. Shaking her head to clear her mind Allison blinked and saw Jack holding a green rubber garden hose in front of him. He was twisting the brass nozzle, aiming it directly at her face. She started to cry out but the next moment a cold blast of water hit her squarely on the chin. The force and the sudden low temperature sent the girl pitching backward over the keg.

She was soaked quickly, her hair hanging around her throat in blonde tangles. The cold water whipped her tits, slipping down to her cunt. The girl cried out, feeling her pussy walls slapping together under the iciness of the spray. She squealed, scooting back on her ass as the water played up and down her retreating body.

"Doesn't take too much to turn this little bitch on," Jack commented.


Jack was moving the spray up and down, hitting her in the face, then moving it to her cunt. The water made Allison's cuntlips flutter. Her skin started to pucker up into gooseflesh as she squeaked over the concrete floor. There was nowhere to run to get away from that awful spray. Trying to stand up, the girl felt her feet slipping on the wet surface. She tumbled backward with a cry, her legs kicking up and out. Jack took advantage of her position and directed the heavy spray between her thighs.


It was as if someone had slipped an icicle up her cunt. She shuddered, snapping her legs together and rolling over on her belly. Clenching her fists together Allison pounded the cold, hard floor in frustration, wishing she could somehow get a knife, a gun, anything that would kill. She wanted to destroy those men and Erika as she slithered across the water slick floor.


"Bend over and spread those asscheeks, Allison. If I know these two they've fucked you at the same time. We don't like our girls to go around dry… you know, win leaking out of their asses," Erika said.

Jack moved the hose away from her, allowing the sobbing girl to stand up. Glancing at them ruefully the girl did as she was told, bending at the waist while grabbing her asscheeks by the rounded sides and spreading them apart.

"Oh, damn you, damn you all," she whispered, tears rolling from her eyes.

It was so cold her flesh started to turn blue as she stood there in that obscene position. Her tits hung at an angle while her knees were bent slightly. The terrified blonde could still hear the water splashing all around her.

Erika said something to one of the men and then the water struck her once more, squarely in her asshole. For a moment Allison did nothing, she was too shocked at the sudden chill. Then the girl cried out, her hands slipping off her thighs and shooting forward while her body snapped to one side.

"Stand still!" Erika shouted.

Allison caught herself, bent down again and placed her hands on her thighs, bending at the waist and waiting once more for that awful spray. It came with a fury, biting her asshole like a bomb.

Allison shivered, feeling the water directed along her spine. Fanning out her toes until she cramped, the girl let out a series of choked cries. Back and forth, back and forth the water played over her ass, the movement making her asscheeks wiggle like a street whore's.

How her asshole throbbed from the wild fucking she had received only moments ago from Ed. It was crazy! Why were they doing this to her? Again the question came up. Surely it couldn't have been because of that silly fight she'd had with Patty Harrington!

Water spilled into her asshole, making the young girl think back once more to that fucking she'd received. She couldn't help it. Allison kept thinking about Ed's cockhead and how it had felt sliding up her asshole! She could almost feel his arms tightening around her waist now, drawing her against him while his balls nestled up against her ass. She could feel his cock sliding in and out, stretching her asshole to the tearing-point while Jack was fucking her cunt!

The water was making her think of that ass fuck, making her feel Ed's prick all over again. It soothed her asshole and at the same moment stimulated it. The girl sighed, her eyes widening as the spraying liquid flushed out her bowels and tingled through her pussy. Again the young teen felt her clit filling with blood, standing straight up hard and hot, stray droplets of water stinging it into arousal.

"Man, I think she's turning on to the water," Jack said, playing the spray back and forth and watching the young woman wiggling her ass from side to side in the same rhythm.

"I thought Allison was a fine choice for this sort of thing. We don't get many girls here who, well, who enjoy this sort of thing," Erika said loudly enough for the girl to hear.

"No, that's not true!" Allison shouted back, clenching her fingers so hard the nails dug into her fists.

She was too afraid to turn around and confront her tormentors. She still stood there, bent at the waist, her hands on her thighs, her asshole filling with water while her cunt grew very hot and tight. It wasn't true! Nothing that horrible woman and her cohorts said was true. Allison was a prisoner, captured in this prison, unable to escape. If they had given her half a chance she would have bolted for the door.

"Yes it is, dear. I'm afraid it is. And we're going to do everything we can to make you see the light," Erika said smoothly, signaling Jack to turn off the hose.

The forceful cold spray stopped suddenly making the girl stumble backward, her asscheeks jiggling with each step she took. Stopping, straightening, feeling her flesh warm quickly, the young blonde teen wondered what else they were going to do to her.

"So, you feel you're above this sort of play, do you?" Erika said, ambling over to the stool where the dildo still stood straight up. She bent down and worked the straps loose, holding the instrument up.

Allison didn't say a word. She knew countering the headmistress would only mean more trouble. Instead she stood there, her head down, her eyes modestly staring at the floor while her hands cupped over the blonde V protecting her hot, tight little pussy.

"You don't have to answer me. I can see it in your eyes. Here, show the men just what kind of girl you are," Erika said, taking the dildo from the stool and walking over to Allison.


"You needn't act stupid with me, girl," Erika said, thrusting the hard object into Allison's hands, "Show them what you showed me only a few days ago."

Allison held the plastic cock in her right hand, her eyes taking in the light pink surface. It felt rubbery now, not at all like it had felt when she had bounced up and down like a puppet while eating out the headmistress' cunt.

"Put it into your cunt, dear. You know how to do that much, I'm sure," Erika said cynically, folding her arms across her chest.

Feeling her cheeks blush furiously, Allison took the plastic cock and twisted it around, holding it tightly by the base and slowly inserting it into her cunt. In front of her she could hear the men laughing.
