I am most thankful to (and for) my husband, Jeffrey Unger, whose tremendous talents as my publicist, webmaster, editor, reader, and fan are only surpassed by his being the most wonderful husband and my very best friend.
As always, thanks to my fabulous agent, Elaine Markson, and her indispensable assistant, Gary Johnson. Their faith, advice, guidance, and enthusiasm are all priceless.
I am so grateful to Kelley Ragland for her wonderful editing. Every book I have written has been enriched by her talent and guidance.
I have been blessed with an amazingly loving and supportive network of family and friends who have each offered their own special brand of encouragement and support in my career and in my life. I am eternally grateful for each and every one of them.
And very special thanks to Master Nick Scrima of the Chinese Martial Arts Center in Dunedin, Florida. He knows why.