Walking into the house, Winter and Brad found Alexa breaking eggs into a skillet.

She pointed to a note on the kitchen counter that said, Didn’t find any bugs, but there might be a window vibration reader.

“Smells good,” Winter said after reading the sheet and handing it to Brad. Alexa had the radio blaring rock music from the late ’60s.

“Be ready in three shakes of Ruger’s tail,” she said cheerily. She looked at him inquiringly. “Woody called looking for your father.”

Winter scribbled on the paper, Dropped off and others passed us as we were coming back. No problem.

They ate while making small talk about the Delta and the weather. Afterward, Winter cleared the dishes and washed them in the sink.

“What’s on the schedule today?” Alexa asked.

“Sherry’s funeral,” Brad said.

“Think Jacob Gardner will be there?” Winter asked.

“I wouldn’t be surprised. He’ll be sticking close enough to count Leigh’s heartbeats until the deal is done,” Brad offered. “That cash’ll hold him like a gut pile holds bottle flies.”

“You’ll be done there by what time?” Alexa asked.

“Funeral’s at one. Say two-thirty. I’ll leave after the graveside service. City cops are handling the traffic.”

“Lex and I will be there, too, with the family. I think this morning we ought to go talk to that casino manager and stir the pot,” Winter said. “Press him about Beals, see how he reacts.”

“He may be totally out of the land loop,” Alexa said. “His Bureau files are squeaky clean.”

“And so are RRI’s,” Winter said. “Maybe their files are all clean, but that doesn’t mean the individuals are. If the land deal isn’t done, their other land is worthless.”

“They could build around it,” Brad said.

“Probably,” Alexa said, “but that would be a pain in the ass and a complication down the road. Especially if Ms. Gardner left it as is, or worse, made it into a trailer park. Think of the view from the hotel rooms.”

Brad smiled. “Under normal circumstances she would do just that. She’s that ornery. But you’re right, they are better off acquiring it. If by some miracle we get Mulvaneor whoever is behind this for the murder of Sherry Adams, the owner can just say he didn’t know the details. Hell, according to Alexa, he doesn’t even live in this country. One thing for sure,” Brad continued, “having an FBI agent along while we’re asking questions might be a sobering experience for whoever is behind this mess. Mulvane may control the MBI in this, but the FBI is a different matter.”

“I don’t think we should show them an FBI badge just yet,” Winter said. “Best to keep you in reserve.”

“Whatever you think, Winter,” Alexa said.

“I need to think about it some more,” Winter said. “I’m still trying to work out some plan other than using Leigh if we can help it. The risk is too great.”

“Well, as a last resort there’s always the trusty bull-in the-china-shop approach,” Alexa said.
