Chapter Fourteen

Fidelma rose slowly and faced Gwnda. She did not flinch from his angry, threatening stare.

‘Ignoring you, lord of Pen Caer?’ she asked with feigned innocence. ‘But the last words you said to me were that you had no objection to my investigating the affair at Llanpadern. Did you not mean what you said?’

A puzzled frown creased Gwnda’s forehead.

‘I am sure that you would not go against the wishes of King Gwlyddien,’ she added.

‘What tricks are you trying to play with me, Gwyddel?’ Gwnda demanded, but the certainty had left his voice.

‘I am investigating the matter of Llanpadern,’ she said. ‘Idwal was at Llanpadern and he brought the first news of the disappearance of the community here. That is what I was investigating.’

Iorwerth tried to correct her. ‘But you were talking about Idwal and my daughter.’

Gwnda turned triumphantly to Fidelma. ‘I did not expect a religieuse to lie. Perhaps that is the fashion among the Gwyddel?’

‘On the contrary, Gwnda,’ replied Fidelma, an iciness making her eyes glisten. ‘It is not my fault that the matter of Mair’s death overlaps the return of Idwal from Llanpadern. Are you Solomon of the Hebrews that you propose to precisely sever along the border of the two parts?’

Gwnda’s jaw clamped shut, a muscle twitched in his face. He realised the point that she was making. Finally, he said: ‘You are very clever, dálaigh of Éireann.’

Utcumque placuerit deo, lord of Pen Caer,’ intoned Fidelma with bowed head. ‘However it shall please God.’

Gwnda sniffed in annoyance. ‘Do not place all your trust in God,’ he replied sourly.

‘Do you still continue to raise objections to my investigation? ’

Gwnda abruptly turned to his companions and dismissed them in disgust. ‘My objections continue as ever,’ he said as the armed men left. ‘You have no authority in the matter of the deaths of Mair and Meurig.’

‘Nor of Idwal’s murder, I presume?’ she added, glancing at Iorwerth, who flushed angrily. ‘But I am investigating what Idwal saw at Llanpadern and what he told people about it on the morning that he returned here.’

Gwnda compressed his lips for a moment as he realised the dilemma. ‘If you keep to that subject, then I shall have no objections.’

‘Then let me ask you some questions,’ Fidelma went on. Her voice rose a little as Gwnda made to leave, compelling the lord of Pen Caer to pause and turn to face her.

‘Idwal was seen running to your hall that morning by Iorwerth.’ She indicated the bewildered smith, who had not really understood much of their exchange. ‘What did Idwal tell you that morning?’

‘Nothing. I was not there. He spoke to Buddog. You will have to see her.’

‘When did Buddog inform you that Idwal had come to the hall?’

‘When?’ Gwnda seemed to have trouble with the question.

‘I was wondering why you did not order a search party to go to Llanpadern.’

Gwnda blinked for a moment. ‘We were busy with the affair of Mair’s death,’ he said defensively.

Grim amusement edged Fidelma’s mouth. ‘You will note that I did not bring up the matter of Mair’s death?’

Gwnda’s expression was sullen. ‘It was not until much later in the afternoon that Buddog remembered to tell me about Idwal’s visit.’

‘So,’ said Fidelma, ‘Buddog did not tell you what Idwal had said until after the boy had been brought back to your hall. Having then heard the news, why did you not send a party down to Llanpadern?’

The lord of Pen Caer shrugged. ‘By that time, I had sent a messenger to the abbey of Dewi Sant asking for a barnwr to come here, so I decided to wait and seek his advice on both matters. Then the morning of the day you arrived, Dewi, the son of Goff, came from Llanferran with news of a Saxon raiding ship and the bodies. It would have been dangerous to go to Llanpadern in case of an attack here on the township.’

‘Can you remember what Buddog told you?’

‘Why not ask her?’

‘I shall, but I would like to know what you recall.’

‘Idwal had arrived asking for me. Then he told Buddog that he had been passing Llanpadern. It was early that morning. He thought he saw one of the brethren leaving on the road south. .’

‘That must have been Brother Cyngar,’ interrupted Eadulf and was silenced by a sharp look from Fidelma.

Gwnda continued: ‘Idwal went to the community expecting to break his fast. There was no sign of anyone and so he came on to tell me.’

Eadulf was about to say something when he caught another warning glance from Fidelma.

‘Which brings me to another question,’ she continued. ‘Just as a matter of clarification, you’ll understand. How was it that you found Mair’s body and Idwal?’

‘I have told you that you have no authority to inquire into the subject of Mair’s death,’ he replied testily.

‘I was talking about Idwal.’

‘The same thing.’

‘Not at all. Idwal called to see you about Llanpadern but you were not here. It is natural to ask, how did you meet up with Idwal?’

‘I was out in the woods, that’s all.’

‘And you came across him purely by chance?’

‘That is so. I think I have answered enough questions.’ From his curt tone, Fidelma realised that she would be able to extract no more information from him. She smiled with good grace. ‘Thank you for your time, Gwnda. You have been most helpful,’ she said. ‘And you too, Iorwerth.’ She motioned to Eadulf to follow her as she turned to leave.

‘Remember, Gwyddel,’ Gwnda snapped, ‘your authority ends with the matter of Llanpadern.’

‘I shall remember that, lord of Pen Caer,’ she replied softly.

They walked back along the street towards Gwnda’s hall. As soon as they were out of earshot, Eadulf spoke. His voice was almost bubbling with fury.

‘The man is hiding something! Why didn’t you let me press him?’

‘Because it would have done little good except to alert him against us.’

Eadulf’s jaw slackened. ‘You knew he was lying?’

‘I know that he was not telling the whole truth. But it would be pointless to pursue him unless one had solid ground to stand on.

Eadulf considered the matter. ‘I know that Gwnda was involved with the hanging of poor Idwal. He put Iorwerth up to reciting that Latin phrase as a defence.’

‘I realised that Gwnda was not averse to the killing of Idwal even on the evening when we first arrived in this place,’ Fidelma agreed. ‘Iorwerth let the truth slip when he indicated that Gwnda made no effort to protect Idwal.’

Eadulf was startled. ‘You suspected him that first evening?’

‘Do you remember the story that was given to us? That Gwnda was a law-abiding ruler who had sent for the barnwr, and that it was Iorwerth and Iestyn who led the mob who dragged Idwal from his custody by force?’

‘I remember. Gwnda was held prisoner in his own hall by the mob.’

Fidelma smiled dryly. ‘Held prisoner? There were two young men at the door of his hall and both were unarmed. Yet when we arrived, Gwnda came bounding out with a sword in his hand. If Gwnda had been held prisoner, it was effected by two unarmed men against an armed one well versed in the use of weapons.’

Eadulf considered the event, reflecting on the details. ‘He did seem over-anxious to forgive his people for their rebellion against him. By why the subterfuge? These pieces of fact do not seem to fit into a pattern.’

‘I am not sure that we have even the framework, let alone sufficient pieces to make a pattern.’

They had reached Gwnda’s hall, but before entering Fidelma laid a hand on Eadulf ’s arm.

‘You must ride for the abbey of Dewi Sant immediately. I need that authority of Gwlyddien to set aside this blockage by Gwnda.’

Eadulf grinned smugly. ‘There is no need for me to leave you alone here and unprotected.’

Fidelma stood uncertainly. ‘Of course there is need.’

Eadulf shook his head firmly. ‘While you went in to question Iorwerth, I had a word with young Dewi. He is a bright lad. I asked him if he would be willing to ride to the abbey of Dewi Sant and deliver our message to Abbot Tryffin.’

Fidelma received the news with a moment’s silence. ‘Do you trust him to do so? After all, until we know what is happening in this place, we should be wary of whom we trust.’

‘You are a wise counsellor. But I trust the boy and I trust the silver piece which he will receive from me when he returns.’

‘I see. And the message you sent?’

‘That Brother Meurig was dead. That we were being prevented from investigating and that there was an armed band in the area from whom we had a narrow escape. That we needed the authority of Gwlyddien to negate Gwnda’s objections to our presence.’

Fidelma gave her reluctant approval. ‘You really feel that you can trust the boy?’

‘I have backed my trust with our lives,’ pointed out Eadulf. ‘There is danger here and I think it wise not to leave you alone.’

Fidelma quickly reached forward and squeezed his arm. ‘Faithful Eadulf,’ she said in an unexpected moment of tenderness. Then she added: ‘You are sure about the boy?’

Eadulf nodded. ‘He also told me why his parents, Rhonwen and Goff, became scared when you mentioned the name of Clydog. Clydog had called at their forge and treated them both harshly, robbing them and promising to return and do something worse if they spoke about him.’

‘That would explain the fear,’ agreed Fidelma. She suddenly became silent and Eadulf followed her gaze.

Down the street came Iestyn, the dour-looking farmer, seated on a two-wheeled farm cart pulled by a sturdy little donkey. He glanced towards them, his features forming in an expression of dislike, then quickly returned his concentration to guiding the cart along the track.

‘This is luck,’ Fidelma said in a quick aside to Eadulf before stepping forward and raising a hand. ‘Iestyn! Hold a moment. I need a word with you.’

In spite of himself, Iestyn felt compelled by her commanding tone. He pulled on the reins and sat glowering expectantly down as she approached the cart.

‘What do you want of me, Sister?’ he demanded gruffly.

Fidelma returned his sullen look with a faint smile. ‘Answers,’ she replied brightly. ‘Answers to a few questions. ’

‘What questions?’ came his suspicious response.

Eadulf had joined Fidelma. ‘If you alight from your cart for a moment, we will tell you.’

‘I am busy,’ replied the farmer, but in spite of his unwillingness he twirled the reins around the brake which he had applied and climbed down to join them.

Fidelma, who was tall anyway, seemed to tower over him and he stared defiantly up at her.

‘Well? What questions? I did not say I had the rest of the evening to waste time in.’

‘Do not be concerned, Iestyn.’ Fidelma ignored his pugnacious rudeness. ‘We do not suspect you of anything. We merely need to clarify a few matters with you.’

Iestyn was perplexed by her reply. ‘Suspect me? Of what? Anyway, you are no branwr, but a Gwyddel. You have no right to stop me.’

‘We have every right,’ Fidelma assured him, with such conviction that she surprised even Eadulf, who groaned inwardly. It only needed Gwnda to arrive again and denounce her authority to cause more trouble.

‘What do you want?’

‘Let us talk about the death of Mair.’

‘What of her death? She was the daughter of my good friend, Iorwerth.’

‘We have been talking with Iorwerth. He tells us that on the morning Mair was killed, it was you who came to his forge and told him that you had seen Mair and Idwal arguing with one another.’

Iestyn sniffed defensively. ‘So?’

‘Tell us about it.’

The farmer was suspicious. ‘There’s nothing to tell. I was coming through the woods. .’

‘What took you there in the first place?’ asked Eadulf innocently.

‘My farm is by the stream that runs through the woods. I was coming on foot to the township, having delivered some fruit to a neighbour of mine. In fact, I was coming to call on Iorwerth.’

‘Go on,’ Fidelma said when he paused.

‘I heard voices raised. I recognised Mair’s voice at once. Then I saw Idwal. They both seemed upset and Idwal was quite violent.’

‘Violent? In what manner did that violence manifest itself?’

‘His voice was raised. His expression and attitude seemed threatening.’

‘What then?’

‘I knew that Iorwerth had forbidden Mair to see Idwal and Idwal to see Mair. I hurried on to Iorwerth’s forge to tell him.’

‘Did you like Mair?’ asked Eadulf, causing Fidelma to wonder what had prompted the question. ‘I mean, did you find her attractive?’

Iestyn coloured. ‘I am her father’s friend and old enough to be her father myself,’ he snapped.

‘Just so,’ agreed Eadulf cheerfully. ‘But she was an attractive young girl. Didn’t she have lovers, or men who would have liked to have been her lovers?’

‘Her father had arranged a marriage for her to-’

‘I know. But you must have found her attractive?’ Fidelma saw the anger gathering in Iestyn’s eyes and, not wanting to lose him, decided to interrupt Eadulf’s line of questioning.

‘We were wondering why you left them in the middle of such a terrible quarrel, Iestyn. Why didn’t you intercede in this argument?’

‘I had no right to interfere. It did not occur to me that the boy was about to kill the girl, or I would have done so.’

‘Ah, so you did not think the argument was that serious?’ Eadulf observed quickly.

The farmer looked at him, a frown on his face as he tried to understand the implication of the remark.

‘The argument was serious,’ he said slowly. ‘Otherwise Mair would still be alive.’

‘It is easy to be knowledgeable in retrospect,’ agreed Eadulf. ‘But at the time you did not think that the argument was so serious that physical danger for the girl might result? Otherwise you would have stayed to help Mair, wouldn’t you?’

‘Of course I would!’ snapped the farmer.

‘Instead you hurried to Iorwerth’s forge and told him that you had seen Mair and Idwal quarrelling in the woods?’

‘I did.’

‘Did you see anyone else as you came through the woods? Did you see Gwnda there, or pass anyone else?’

Iestyn shook his head. ‘Not that I recall. . oh, I saw Buddog on the path gathering mushrooms.’

‘There is something which worries me,’ Fidelma commented. ‘You reported that Idwal was meeting Mair in spite of Iorwerth’s instruction not to do so. You observed them quarrelling. Not seriously enough for you to intervene. Nor seriously enough for you to be concerned for the immediate safety of Mair. But this news is enough to set Iorwerth, yourself and several others racing into the woods to punish Idwal. Why was there this hatred of the boy?’

‘The boy needed to be taught to obey, needed to be taught respect. That’s all,’ replied Iestyn defiantly. ‘We were all friends of Iorwerth and we thought that we should help him.’

‘So what happened when you went into the wood?’ Fidelma asked.

‘I led them to the spot where I had seen Mair and Idwal. There was Mair, dead. Almost at the same moment we saw Gwnda, and Idwal stretched unconscious on the ground, a little further on. Iorwerth and the others. .’ He paused, and gave them a stubborn look. ‘We were for hanging the boy there and then. Gwnda stopped us, insisting that the law must be upheld.’

‘As a matter of interest, did Gwnda tell you what he was doing in the woods that morning?’ asked Eadulf.

Iestyn shook his head. ‘The path behind the woodsman’s hut is frequently used by the villagers. It goes to Cilau.’

‘I see. So you brought the boy back to the township? Knowing that a barnwr from the abbey would be arriving, why did you take it into your heads to imprison Gwnda, take Idwal from the stables, where he was being held, and attempt to hang him before we reached here?’

‘There were many people involved. It was the will of the people. Vox. . vox. . the voice of the people is the voice of God!’

Vox populi vox Dei,’ supplied Fidelma in amusement. ‘Yes, we’ve heard that justification before.’

Iestyn did not answer.

‘I remember that you were brandishing a cudgel on the night we arrived. Was that to ensure the voice of the people was heard?’

‘Had you not interfered then, Brother Meurig would still be alive.’

‘Are you saying that you had no responsibility for Idwal’s death?’

‘The boy killed Mair. We have a way of dealing with killers in our township, Gwyddel.’ For the first time Iestyn’s bitterness broke through the barrier of restraint he had put up.

‘It is a way that is denounced by your own law. Brother Meurig pointed that out to you in no uncertain terms.’

‘The entire township was behind us.’

‘Does that make it right? Morality is not often defined by the will of the majority.’

Iestyn scowled.

‘I suppose,’ Eadulf commented sarcastically, ‘that it is the will of the majority which absolves you from responsibility for Idwal’s death?’

The farmer was equally derisive. ‘Are you saying that was wrong? Brother Meurig was a barnwr and a religieux. Are you saying that you do not want his killer punished? I thought you religious protected your own?’

‘How did you know it was Idwal who killed Meurig?’

The farmer regarded him as if he were mad. ‘What are you saying?’

‘Simple enough. Who said that it was Idwal who killed Brother Meurig?’

‘Why. . everyone knew it.’

‘Everyone stood as witnesses to Idwal’s killing of Brother Meurig?’ Fidelma was scornful.

‘I did not mean that. If it was not Idwal who slew the barnwr, who did so?’

‘A good question,’ said Fidelma. ‘One that should have been considered before Idwal was killed.’

‘Who else was it but Idwal? He was taken to the wood in the custody of the barnwr. That was a stupid thing for Brother Meurig to do. He should have taken someone else to guard the boy. Idwal must have waited for the moment when he could kill the barnwr and escape.’

‘He did not escape far, did he?’ Fidelma put in quickly. ‘In fact, he was waiting in a fairly obvious place only a short distance away.’

‘The boy was simple-minded.’

‘Simple-minded but an evil killer whom you had to hang immediately?’

‘As I would do with a dog turned wild,’ agreed Iestyn sourly.

‘So you murdered the boy without giving him a chance?’ Eadulf was moved to retort.

‘Murdered?’ The farmer was angry. ‘Don’t you dare to talk to me of murder, Saxon. Your people have enough murder on your hands. My grandfather was a wise and learned man who could read Latin. He studied at the school of Illtyd when Gildas the Wise was also a student there. He kept a copy of a book which Gildas wrote. .’

De Excidio et Conquestu Britanniae,’ muttered Eadulf softly. ‘I have read it.’

Iestyn was disconcerted for a moment. Then he said: ‘I only know the name as it was translated to me. It was Concerning the Ruin and Conquest of Britain. My grandfather used to read it to me and translate it. I learnt enough of Saxon perfidy from that work. Alas, that I have no Latin that I can read it now.’

‘Had you been able to, then you might have recalled that Gildas kept his harshest criticism for the kings of the Britons whom he denounced for their iniquities,’ replied Fidelma. ‘His conclusion was that the conquest by the Saxons was a just punishment inflicted by God for the sins of your fathers.’

Iestyn clamped his jaw so tight that it seemed positively painful. Then, without a further word, he turned and swung back up onto his cart, unwound the reins and flicked the patient donkey into movement.

‘What now?’ Eadulf asked after a moment, as they watched the angry farmer moving away.

‘Now,’ Fidelma said decisively, ‘we have upset enough people. Perhaps the stone we have cast into the pool will cause the ripples to come back to where we are standing. Why did you ask if Iestyn had seen anyone else on the path the morning he saw Mair and Idwal quarrelling?’

‘Don’t you remember that Buddog said she had seen him coming through the woods that morning?’

Fidelma’s eyes widened in surprise and then she made a small hooting sound in her throat and her face dissolved into that mischievous grin which seemed so at odds with her calling.

‘I’d forgotten, Eadulf. You are a treasure!’

Eadulf was bewildered and said so.

Fidelma tucked her arm under his and smiled confidently. ‘I have a feeling those ripples may soon reach us,’ she observed.
