Chapter 6


Snowy stirred slightly in the bed where she was sleeping. She opened her eyes and blinked twice before opening her eyes fully. She lifted her head and saw that she was cuffed to the bedposts. The clicks had been the locks of the handcuffs closing around her wrists and ankles.

"Happy birthday, precious pet," smiled Hippy. All of the Petites were there smiling down at her. Those who worked outside of the home had taken the day off for the birthday celebration.

"Happy birthday!" the rest of the Petites chimed in unison.

"Thank you, Mistresses," said Snowy as she became more fully awake. "Why am I bound?"

"Because that's the way we wanted you," said Doc. "This is a very special day for our twenty year old pet."

"It's time for your first orgasm," said Dopey as she crawled onto the bed. She lay down between Snowy's stretched legs and tilted her head down, kissing the recently denuded mound. Then she snaked out her tongue and started licking long strokes up between the slave's labia, parting them.

"You get twenty of them today," said Sleazy. "One for every year."

Snowy gasped. Twenty orgasms would probably kill her! Especially the way that the Petites did them. She was always totally spent after sex with a Petite. There was no way she could survive twenty of them.

The rest of the Petites availed themselves of the slave's body. Hands and lips roamed freely all over the luscious flesh. It took only five minutes to push the girl over the edge.

"Birthday spanks!" announced Chesty as Snowy returned to the living after her powerful climax. "You first, Busty."

"For my spanks," said Busty as she sat down in a chair, "I want to give them the old fashion way." The Petites released Snowy and led her to the chair. Busty smiled up at the girl and patted her lap.

Snowy groaned. She had heard of people being spanked this way when they were young but, being a princess, she had never experienced it. Now as a full grown adult, she was expected to lie across the lap to have her bottom punished. Busty smiled up expectantly and patted her lap again. Snowy knew that she had no choice. Reluctantly, she laid herself across the tiny woman's legs and tensed her body, anticipating the punishing blows.

No blows came though. Instead, she felt Busty's hand slowly and softly caressing her bottom cheeks. The hand moved over the firm, shapely mounds and then the fingers glided down the valley between the two mounds. Snowy sucked in her breath. They had played with her ass before but she had never been entirely comfortable with it. It seemed so dirty. And at times, it was painful.

"Yikes!" Snowy yelped. She had received her first spank. The fingers started roaming again. This time, they moved down through the valley again but kept moving. Busty reached beneath Snowy and let her fingers find the girl's clit. She started strumming it until Snowy started panting. The fingers retreated and Snowy received her second spank.

For close to an hour, this routine was repeated. Busty would toy with the girl's sex, occasionally pausing to deliver another spank. The rest of the Petites watched and fondled one another as Busty coaxed the second and third orgasms of the day out of the girl. Snowy was a sweaty bedraggled mess by the time she was allowed to stand.

They decided that they should let Snowy shower. Her hands were bound behind her back and Hippy and Dopey were assigned to assist her. There was more fondling and squeezing and probing than shampooing and scrubbing for the next thirty minutes. But eventually Snowy emerged from the shower, clean and refreshed and with another orgasm.

It went on like this throughout the day. Some of the Petites used hands to deliver the spanks. Some used paddles. One used a flogger as Snowy was bound facing the whipping post.

Finally, it was time for Grumpy's spanking. Snowy had climaxed eighteen times and felt like she was just one raw sexual nerve. The slavegirl had been locked in a specially designed frame that would hold her torso upright but thrust her bottom back as her legs were tucked forward. It would be perfect for what Grumpy had planned for the girl.

Grumpy's method called for a cane. These were going to be the harshest spanks of the day. She started by kissing Snowy and fondling the breasts that were thrust forward and vulnerable. Snowy was gasping for air by the time the kiss ended. Grumpy picked up the cane and immediately swung it, striking the beautiful bottom cheeks that were already pink from the earlier spanks. A narrow red line extended across both cheeks when the cane was lifted.

Snowy was howling after ten stripes and Grumpy paused. She would return to her task but she had another duty that she wanted to take care of first. She turned and unrolled a leather wrapping, revealing her tools.

It had been ages since Grumpy pierced nipples, which was a shame since it was one of her favorite pastimes. It was almost a ritual for her. She liked to go slow and savor every sound and reaction from her victim.

Snowy furrowed her brow when Grumpy turned back to her with a gauze pad and a bottle of alcohol. Then she became even more confused when the pad was wetted and then rubbed over and around each of her nipples. The evaporation cooled the nipples and caused them to stiffen up tightly.

Grumpy would have to wait. She liked working on erect nipples but preferred them when they were softer. It would take a few minutes for them to loosen up. The rest of the Petites huddled around Snowy to watch the piercing but knew better than to touch her. Any further stimulation could delay the softening of the little buds.

As she waited, Grumpy ran her eyes over the six pairs of breasts of her naked housemates. Each of them would look good with nipple rings but she had been unable to convince them to let her pierce them. Busty's breasts would particularly exotic with rings in them and, since Busty was the most submissive of the seven of them, the rings would provide a nice attachment point for a leash or reins. But even Busty had refused.

The girl's nipples finally relaxed and Grumpy went to work. She started by clamping forceps onto the breasts. Each of the forceps was designed to flatten the nipple and the areola. Snowy howled as they pinched her tender flesh and she looked down, seeing the tips of her breasts flattened into vertical pads. Grumpy turned back to the bench.

Snowy howled again when Grumpy turned back to her holding an evil looking instrument. "Wait!!! Please no!!! Please, I'll do anything!!!" Snowy had just realized that Grumpy intended to pierce her nipples and didn't want to have her body maimed like that.

"You will already do anything for us, girl," said Sleazy. "We own you."

Grumpy leaned forward and kissed Snowy. "You will love our birthday present for you. You will look so exotic wearing them."

Grumpy placed the instrument to Snowy's left breast. It was designed to attach to the forceps and had a little plunger that fit into a hole in the forceps. The device was designed to quickly punch a hole through the tender flesh but Grumpy had modified it so that, instead of a quick instantaneous punch, the plunger would move slowly through the captive flesh, creating a seemingly endless period of agony. This was probably why the other Petites refused to have their nipples pierced.

Grumpy turned on the device and the electric motor started humming. At first, Snowy could feel nothing but she watched in disbelief, knowing that her body was about to be marred.

In a way, this device was like an automated leather punch. It was not like using a needle to create a hole. It would bore out a larger hole and remove the core of tender flesh. Eventually, Snowy felt the blade touch her flesh and she sucked in her breath. A moment later, it cut through the flesh and Snowy shrieked. She kept shrieking until the blade emerged from the other side.

Grumpy made some adjustments and detached the blade from the plunger. Then she placed a gold stud behind the blade and pushed the blade all the way through. She removed the forceps and screwed little gold balls onto each end of the stud. Snowy would wear these until she healed and then her rings would be inserted.

Snowy howled and struggled as Grumpy set up the device on her other breast and then shrieked as the blade slowly ran through her poor innocent flesh. Pain coursed through her body and she begged for mercy. But before long, both of her breasts were adorned with beautiful gold balls.

Snowy was whimpering as Grumpy put her tools away and then shrieked again as Grumpy brought the cane down across her exposed and vulnerable ass. Why was this Petite so cruel?

Chesty positioned herself at Snowy's sex and used her tongue to toy with the beautiful petals that were on display. She would scoop up between them and then flutter over the clit. Despite all of the pain she was enduring, Snowy felt her body reacting to the lips and tongue.

Chesty was aggressive in her lovemaking. She was determined to score number nineteen during the caning. She sucked the tender clit between her teeth and let her teeth rake along its length. She fluttered and flickered and pulsed and sucked. She probed and scooped with her tongue. She gripped the labia and stretched them away from the girl.

Snowy was groaning and her upper body was flushed with arousal. Chesty's ministrations were working. The nineteenth blow of the cane elicited another shriek but almost put her over the top. On the twentieth blow, she shrieked again and climaxed.

Chesty saw the body tense and heard the whimpering and mewls. She kept her tongue working and prolonged the climax until the mewls turned into moans and then groans. Then Snowy became silent and limp. She had passed out.

Snowy had received all of her birthday spanks but she was still due one more orgasm. The Petites had a special treat in store for their slavegirl. Hippy and Sleazy went outside to bring the treat in. Doc and Busty tended to the unconscious girl. She came to quickly and they gave her fluids to drink.

Once she had fully recovered, Dopey showed Snowy the rings she had made that would eventually replace the studs that were now deeply embedded in her breasts.

On was an ornately tooled pair of thick gold hoops. They were substantial and heavy but they were beautiful.

The other pair was a lighter gold ring with fine gold webbing. In the center of the golden spider web was a kneeling naked girl in profile. Dangling from the bottom of the ring, much like a charm bracelet, were the figures of seven smaller women. It was Snowy and the Seven Petites memorialized in jewelry.

The pain was gone at this point but Snowy was still sniffling from the indignity of having her breasts maimed. She looked down again at her chest and saw the twin peaks thrusting outward from her body. The difference now was that each peak had two gold "boulders" at the top. She looked back to the jewelry that Dopey was hoping. She wished that she did not have to wear anything through her nipples but, if she did have to, these were beautiful.

"Thank you, Mistress," she said. "They are beautiful."

Dopey leaned forward and kissed Snowy. "They will only become beautiful once you wear them."

At this point, Hippy stepped back into the room. "We're all set. Bring the girl in. But gag her first."

Doc produced a soft rubber ball and stuffed it into Snowy's mouth, wrapping the leather straps around her head and then buckling them together under Snowy's long mane. Then they released her from the frame and led her into the bedroom where Hippy had gone.

Snowy gasped as she slipped into the room. The Petites streamed in behind her and circled the bed, pushing the girl toward it. On the bed, tied spread eagle, was a naked male. He was a beautiful boy who looked to be about the same age as Snowy. Sleazy had her lips around the cock and was bobbing her head up and down to keep the boy hard. But even with the cock partially hidden by Sleazy's mouth, Snowy could tell that the cock was massive.

"Happy birthday, girl," Hippy sang out.

"Happy birthday, Snowy," the others chimed in unison.

They had gagged Snowy so that the male could not recognize the princess' voice. They had also gagged the male and they blindfolded him so he could not see the girl.

Sleazy pulled back and wrapped her tiny fist around the massive pole, stroking it as the other Petites pushed Snowy forward. They helped her onto the bed and then positioned her so she was straddling the male's hips. Sleazy aimed the cock at the girl's love channel that was still dripping from all of her arousal. Then the Petites pushed down on her shoulders, letting the spear slice into the captive's body.

Snowy groaned into her gag as she felt every inch of the cock's progress. It moved deeper and deeper until she finally grunted. It had banged against her cervix and it was still not completely embedded in her.

The Petites started her moving up and down until a steady rhythm was achieved. Then they all stood back to watch. Snowy looked around the room as she bounced up and down. Each of the Petites was smiling and each seemed to have their eyes focused on different points. Some watched as her breasts bounced deliciously with each stroke. Some watched the glistening pole as it emerged and then disappeared back into her body. Doc was watching her asshole as it puckered and she reached out to run her finger around the little rosebud.

Busty and Grumpy sat on the bed and reached out to let their fingers strum the little clit, sending unwanted thrills through the girl's body. Snowy felt like some sort of lewd porn star performing for her audience. But she had to admit that it felt good to have a real live cock inside of her.

She climaxed at the indecent scene and then climaxed again. Two Petites started licking and nibbling on the boy's nipples until he finally climaxed. Busty and Grumpy coaxed a final orgasm out of their girl before she finally passed out again.

They lifted their slave off of the boy after she had achieved orgasms twenty, twenty one and twenty two of the day. They untied the boy and Hippy led him back into the wilderness to deliver him back to his family.

"What if she gets pregnant from that?" asked Chesty after the seven Petites were back together at the end of the night.

"Then we'll name the baby Snowflake," smiled Dopey.
