Chapter 14

Ring ring.

Ring ring.

Ring ring.

“Hello, yes? Yes, that’s right. Yes. You’ll ’ave to speak up, there’s an awful lot of noise in ’ere. What?

“No, I only do the bar in the evenings. It’s Yvonne who does lunch, and Jim, he’s the landlord. No, I wasn’t on. What?

“You’ll have to speak up.

“What? No, don’t know anything about no raffle. What?

“No, don’t know nothing about it. ’Old on, I’ll call Jim.”

The barmaid put her hand over the receiver and called over the noisy bar.

“’Ere, Jim, bloke on the phone says something about he’s won a raffle. He keeps on saying it’s ticket 37 and he’s won.”

“No, there was a guy in the pub here won,” shouted back the barman.

“He says ’ave we got the ticket.”

“Well how can he think he’s won if he hasn’t even got a ticket?”

“Jim says ’ow can you think you’ve won if you ’aven’t even got the ticket. What?”

She put her hand over the receiver again.

“Jim, ’e keeps effing and blinding at me. Says there’s a number on the ticket.”

“Course there was a number on the ticket, it was a bloody raffle ticket wasn’t it?”

“’E says ’e means its a telephone number on the ticket.”

“Put the phone down and serve the bloody customers, will you?”
