Chapter Three Grizelda’s Plan

Lily, Jess, and Goldie huddled together as the four dragons hovered around Grizelda. They were almost as big as the girls and all different colors: one red, one blue, one yellow, and one black.

The red dragon nipped at Grizelda’s long green hair as she flew past.

“Stop it, Breezy,” snapped the witch, batting her out of the way.

The red dragon twisted over and over as she flew through the air.

The yellow one giggled so much that she hiccupped. A whoosh of fire shot from her mouth, scorching another patch of flowers to a crisp.

Lily and Jess exchanged a glance. Now they knew who’d been ruining Sunshine Meadow!

“Dragons,” said Grizelda, “meet two interfering nuisances and their irritating pet cat.”

“She’s not our pet!” Jess shouted. “She’s Goldie, and she’s wise, clever, brave, and beautiful.”

“My helpers are cleverer than any cat!” Grizelda screeched. “And they can do more than breathe fire. Dragons!” Grizelda stomped her foot and the four dragons all jumped. “Show them!”

The red dragon swooped down. “I’m Breezy the storm dragon. I can make WIND!” She beat her wings, and a blast of wind blew Jess’s and Lily’s hair backward.

Next, the black dragon hovered over them, casting a dark shadow. “I’m Smudge,” he said. “I can make inky darkness.”

The giggly yellow dragon said, “I’m Dusty. I can turn you to stone. Tee-hee!”

They all turned to look at the blue dragon, who was turning in lazy circles high in the sky.

“Show them your power, Chilly!” shouted Grizelda.

“Won’t,” said the dragon. He stuck out his tongue at the witch.

Grizelda pointed a bony finger and a jet of sparks shot past his tail. He jumped. “Ow! I hate hot things!”

“I know!” Grizelda sneered.

Jess and Lily glanced at each other. Grizelda was even horrible to her own helpers!

“I’m Chilly,” the dragon said, scowling. He blew a puff of snowflakes. “I make things cold.”

“These dragons,” said Grizelda, “will help me with my brilliant new plan!” Her dark eyes glittered. “It’s sunshine that makes Friendship Forest all green and flowery,” she sneered. “Urgh! Green is for hair, not leaves! I’ll get rid of the sunshine so Friendship Forest turns dark and cold and all the plants will die.”

Jess, Lily, and Goldie looked at one another in dismay.

“Then the animals will leave and the forest will be all mine!” screeched Grizelda.

She snapped her fingers and disappeared, along with the dragons, in a burst of evil-smelling yellow-green sparks.

Goldie’s eyes swam with tears. “She’ll destroy our beautiful forest,” she said. “We have to stop her!”

“But how?” said Lily. “We don’t know what’s she’s planning to do.”

“How can she get rid of the sunshine?” Jess wondered out loud.

Goldie gasped. “Of course! Grizelda’s going to attack the Shining House!”

“What’s the Shining House?” Lily asked.

“I’ll show you,” said Goldie. “It’s on the far end of Sunshine Meadow. Follow me!”

“It’s amazing!” Lily gasped as she and Jess gazed at a beautiful glasshouse. Sunlight sparkled off every pane, and a beautiful heart-shaped diamond glittered in the roof.

“Wow!” they breathed.

“It keeps all of Friendship Forest bright and warm,” Goldie explained. “Without it, everywhere would be cold and dark.”

“Just what Grizelda wants!” Jess said with a frown.

“Hello!” A little squirrel in a polka dot T-shirt bounded up to them.

“Woody!” Jess smiled, bending to hug him. They’d met the young squirrel on their adventures before.

“We need your help,” Lily told him gently. “We think Grizelda is going to attack the Shining House!”

Woody gasped, his bushy tail shivering in fear. “Come and see Mom and Dad,” he said.

The Shining House was full of yellow sunflowers, and every sunflower face was turned toward the sun. The air shimmered with a magical golden glow.

Two big squirrels were busy high up on the roof, polishing the glass with their long, fluffy tails. Three small squirrels were working just as hard polishing the inside. Swish! Swish! Swish!

The two big squirrels waved through the glass roof.

“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Flufftail!” Jess and Lily called up to them.

“This is my brother, Dasha,” explained Woody, “and my big sisters, Hazel and Lulu.”

A tiny squirrel wearing a striped T-shirt peeked out from behind Woody.

“And this is Sophie,” Woody said. “She’s the youngest Flufftail.”

“Hi!” said Sophie, waving at the girls with her tail.

“Hi, Sophie!” said Lily. “It’s lovely to meet you all.”

“Flufftails, we need your help,” Jess said urgently. “We think Grizelda is going to cause trouble here. Can you tell us how the Shining House works?”

“Of course.” Mr. Flufftail scurried down from the roof and over to them. “The trees have so many beautiful green leaves that the sun can’t shine through them all to reach the forest floor,” he explained, pointing at the trees with his tail. “So the Shining House collects the light. Then the sunflowers magically reflect the sunshine through the glass and out into the forest, to make the whole forest lovely and light and warm.”

“We keep the glass polished,” Woody said proudly. “Only a Flufftail fluff tail is soft enough to clean the Shining House. Feel!” he added, flicking his tail out toward her.

Lily stroked his beautiful bushy tail. It felt as soft as silk. “It’s gorgeous,” she said.

“Do you really think Grizelda is going to come here?” Woody asked sadly.

“Don’t worry, we’ll stop her,” Jess said firmly.

“We’ve done it before and we’ll do it again!” Lily agreed.

But just then the air turned icy cold. There was a whoosh and a cloud of snowflakes blew over them.

Jess heard wings flapping and looked up. “Oh, no! It’s Chilly the ice dragon!”
