Shari lowered her eyes, unable to stare at her friend. They had positioned the two women opposite one an keeping Ranger well back as his eyes raced first toward Shari, then toward Vickie. Scott had tied Shari's arms behind her back, pushing her against a ceiling support column. Vickie, the men knew, would have no qualms about having the animal come to her. As reluctant as she might be at the beginning, halfway through the girl was a willing participant in any perverse act.
"What are they going to do to us?" Shari whispered.
How could. Vickie tell her friend the truth? She sat there, feeling cum oozing from her shitter, feeling the bruises on her flesh. How could she offer any kind of hope, any kind of consolation when there was none. Everything was hopeless down here.
They weren't going to kill them. Of that the young blonde was relatively sure. No, they were having far too much fun with the girls to do something final and stupid like that. But they were going to drive the young women to the breaking point. Besides the actual physical enjoyment of fucking them, beating them, or watching the sickening spectacle of bound women jerking in chains and ropes, the men enjoyed watching the mental torture endured by both Vickie and Shari. No, they weren't going to kill them. But Vickie knew both she and her girlfriend would seriously think of killing themselves once they were freed from this chamber of horror.
"Vickie, answer me," Shari whispered, glancing nervously around to see if anyone heard her. The men had gone to the other side of the room for more bees.
"Just don't think about it," the blonde teenager cautioned her friend, growing silent when the group returned.
"Okay, showtime, showtime," Scott said in a W. C. Fields voice, taking a swig of his beer, then kneeling down at Ranger's side.
"The police'll have you for this," Shari threatened, squirming uncomfortably in her bonds.
Vickie stiffened. No, it was unwise to threaten these men. She saw Scott's eyes narrow and his fingers start to crush the aluminum beer can. His lips curled into that smile she knew so well by now. Poor Shari.
"The cops, eh? Okay, you asked for it. Okay, boy, want a little darker meat than the blonde?"
"What are you going to do?" Shari said, her eyes widening as the bravado quickly disappeared from her voice. Vickie watched as her friend's legs moved back and forth nervously. Ranger sniffed the air between him and his intended victim. "What do you think?"
Shari shook her head back and forth slowly, glancing at Vickie and reading the truth in her friend's eyes.
"Nooooo!" Shari screamed.
But it was too late. The big German shepherd scampered away from Scott, nearly sliding with excitement across the tiled floor for a new victim. He stopped between the brunette's shivering legs, his head low, his ears pinned back, his tail tucked between his hind legs. It was a sight all too familiar for the blonde. Only hours ago she'd been the victim. Now she was sitting on the cold floor, watching her friend moan and scream while the big dog approached.
"No, go away doggie. No, oh, God, Vickie, help me! Please, someone!"
Shari was almost crying, tears welling up in her rounded eyes.
"Go on, baby, let 'im lick you off… just like your friend did."
Shari jerked one leg back and kicked the growling animal in the face. Ranger yelped in surprise, then twisted his head around and bit down on the offending ankle. Shari's face twisted into a mask of pain and horror as her screams filled the small basement room.
"Stop him! Oh, God, he's going to kill her!" Vickie shouted. She could see a small river of blood flowing down the brunette's leg. What an awful thing! Shari surely regretted having injured the animal that way. The young woman's screams were becoming harsher, and shriller as the big dog snarled and dug his fangs in deeper.
"Hey, man, over here; here boy," Scott said, obviously a little concerned over the dog's sudden anger. "Here, Ranger!"
Ranger's brown eyes rolled around at the mention of his name. He saw Vickie sprawled on the floor.
"Man, she's a good hot bitch who's waitin' for you."
The blonde felt dirty and filthy at this point. Yes, she was nothing but a piece of spoiled meat to be used by anyone and anything. Ranger let go of Shari's ankle and turned around quickly, padding off to Vickie and her familiar cunt.
"Oh God, God," Shari groaned, her flesh puckered up into goosepimples as she rubbed her bitten ankle against her other leg. She watched as her friend sucked in a ragged breath at the first touch of Ranger's tongue. "How can you, Vickie, how can you?"
The blonde closed her eyes and turned her head away. Her shame was known now. There could be no disguising her part in this mess. Yes, she was a willing victim, a person who had been turned onto the sicker aspects of sexual activity. She was quivering with anticipation, eager to have the animal bury his muzzle in her cunt and eat her like the bitch in heat she was.
"Unnnghhh!" Vickie groaned. She was a bitch. Scott was right. And she just didn't care anymore. She breathed out Ranger's name, petted his muscular haunches as he licked at her navel, her thighs, her upper belly, and back to her thighs. The blonde teen rolled her hips around, tensing the big muscles in her ass until they cramped. She felt excited feeling the big dog's tongue greasing down her body with its hot spit. The tickling rub of his tongue was wonderful.
She gasped again and again, hunching her cunt up to him, feeling her tits roll together as her body exploded with sexual hunger. The ass-fucking she'd endured earlier had only intensified her abnormally voracious appetite for satisfaction. And now the girl was going crazy, coming apart at the seams in front of her friend.
"Oh, God, how awful?" Shari groaned, turning her head away from the sight. Vickie ignored her.
"Good dog, good dog," she panted, spreading her thighs apart and feeling the animal's drool drenching her soaked cunt-lips. It was as if someone had poured pepper juice in her cunt. She felt her snatch spasming as the animal's spit trickled into her hole. The mixture of saliva and pussy-juice was dripping down her ass, wetting her all over.
Ranger lurched forward and started eating at her cunt with a wild appetite. His nose moved up and down through her slit, forcing the inner lips apart, stretching her cunt-mouth. It was what she'd been wanting for the past hour. For the past hour? Is that what she'd become, is that what she wanted? Continual sex, continual fucking, constant coming? What would it be like just to be suspended in time, hanging by a thread while her cunt kept spasming, trapped into an eternity of orgasm?
These and other similar thoughts whirled around and around in her mind as the animal's tongue sloshed in and out of her drooling pussy.
"Yes, yes," Vickie whimpered, sucking in air with a whistling sound through her nostrils. She petted Ranger with her hands while he lapped and wet her cunt more and more with his tongue.
"See, baby, all you gotta do is relax and let the fuckin' animal do all the work," Scott said, reaching down and pulling at the brunette's hair. He jerked her head around and forced the young woman to watch the horror in front of her. "Damn, damn, damn," Vickie groaned. The girl clawed at the German shepherd's furry neck, urging him on. She felt vulnerable, almost in danger as he moved his head down and started nipping at her bloated cunt-lips. Ohhh, what a delicious, shivery feeling that was! How wonderful it was to feel his sharp fangs nipping at her convulsing membranes. The girl closed her eyes and thought of those sharp teeth, of how they could tear her to pieces. And yet they were only tickling her, teasing her as the big dog's tongue sloshed in and out.
Vickie's body was responding quickly to the hurried sloppy friction. And when the dog took her cunt-mound in his mouth and shook it gently like a dead little animal, Vickie went crazy. She felt her cuntal walls crashing in, damping down on the dog's sucking tongue. Her hair splashed over her face while the young woman jerked her legs apart and fell back. She was going crazy, wallowing her shoulders and ass on the floor, crying out meaningless phrases while her body jerked and twitched and spasmed. Shari watched in horror and disbelief while her friend went shamelessly through the throes of a powerful orgasm.
"Oh, God, oh, my God!"
Vickie felt his tongue stiffening, plowing through her spasming cunt-meat. She felt the sensitive ring of cunt-muscles tighten around his tongue.
The girl pranced her ass around in circles, then moved it up and down to increase the friction. When the big dog raked her clit again she cried out and wrapped her hands around his head, forcing him against her pussy. The big dog dug at her thighs again with both paws, burrowing his black snout into her seething cunt.
Vickie was coming fast. Oh, how she wanted to slow him down, to pull her cunt away and make it last. But another part of her wanted to come faster. She writhed and grunted with the wild tickle that had built up to an itchy ache and choked off her normal breathing.
Finally the girl relaxed, opening her legs and dropping her hands from the dog's head. His haunches were humping. She felt something hot against her leg. He was trying to come all over her.
"Man, this way," Scott said, motioning at the young brunette whose eyes widened when she sensed she was going to be the next victim.
"No, don't touch me!"
The men only laughed, turning her around and tying her bound wrists to the column. Her ass pranced around, sticking out and riding high while her knees scraped against the floor. Ranger didn't need any encouragement.
Vickie watched through heavy-lidded eyes as the big dog jumped onto her friend, mounting her quickly.
"No, get him off me! Ohhhhhh!"
The fucking was fast. The blonde teenager watched as Ranger's thick-muscled body shivered with lust, sliding over Shari's smaller torso, covering it like a fur coat. She could hear the young brunette's cries grow into long, low wails of disgust and revulsion. Then there was a sharp yelp, followed by a scream.
Vickie shook her head, watching the dog's hindquarters suddenly start to rise and fall rapidly. He was fucking her friend. She could see the girl's smaller tits jiggling regularly while the dog's body arched and humped. The room was filled with the animal's steady growls, the girl's crazed yelling, and the slick fucking sounds of the German shepherd's knotty cock plowing through Shari's snatch.
Then in a second it was over. Ranger had blown his load, the hot white streaks of his cum scalding the sides of Shari's twat, then oozing out and dribbling down her thighs. The young girl sobbed uncontrollably. She pressed her forehead against the column, sinking to the floor while Ranger trotted over to one comer and licked his shrinking cock. "Okay, ready to go back?" Scott asked.
Vickie couldn't believe it was over. She hung her head down, letting the thick blonde strands of her hair curtain her face.
"You think it's over, don't you? Man, you'll be back here… both of you. Don't worry, baby," he said, reaching down and slipping his right hand under her chin. Vickie looked up at the young man. "You're gonna like it here at UCLA. And you're gonna have a lot of fun being a Greek."
No, no! Vickie thought to herself as she wobbled toward the shower stalls. But turning around staring at her friend who was still tied to the column, the girl knew she was wrong. Yes, a raging animal had been turned loose in her. She was cut from the same cloth as Scott and his friends. She'd be back with or without Shari. As the blonde teen stepped into the small metal shower stall and turned on the cool water, she smiled to herself. Yes, college was going to be fun after all!