Editor’s Bio

Julie E. Czerneda comes by her interest in space and work naturally. A former biologist turned educational writer, she has been writing and editing science and career books for almost two decades, contributing to more than 125 texts. She is also an internationally best-selling science fiction author, with six novels published by DAW Books Inc. (including two series: the Trade Pact Universe and the Webshifters), with more to come. Her short fiction and novels have been nominated for several awards, including the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer, the Philip K. Dick Award for Distinguished Science Fiction, and the Prix Aurora Award, as well as being on the preliminary ballot for the Nebula. A strong proponent of using science fiction in classrooms, Julie is series editor for Tales from the Wonder Zone and author of the acclaimed No Limits: Developing Scientific Literacy Using Science Fiction. And, given any chance at all, she looks up into space and imagines how busy we’ll be there.
