AT THE VERY BEGINNING, she had seen his face and knew he would not let her live.
She couldn’t plead with him, he’d sealed her mouth shut. No way to beg, to appeal to his humanity. He had no humanity. Why hadn’t she seen it before? Had she been so blind that when he looked at her she couldn’t see the hatred, the anger, the sick lust?
She’d trusted him because she had no reason not to, but looking at him now, she saw the evil he’d hidden so well for so long.
The pain that had kept her awake for two nights had dulled, her body numb from abuse. She didn’t think about it, didn’t think about him, turned into herself, and remembered swimming at the beach. Or talking to her friends. Or how her mom was so proud of her when she graduated high school with honors.
Burning tears leaked from her eyes.
I’m so sorry, Mom.
He untied her once, to give her a bath. She was too weak to run, too tired to fight. But fierce pain reawakened when he scrubbed her body with soap, making her scream, a deep rumbling in her chest that couldn’t escape through her glued lips.
“I need to wash your body,” he told her calmly. “Just in case.”
Just in case of what? The water hurt, but it also woke her up. Maybe she had a chance. Maybe she could escape. If she could just scream, someone would come. Wouldn’t they?
She didn’t even know where she was.
He carried her back to the bed that reeked of her blood, her urine, and worse. She tried to get up, to run, but her legs gave way and she slipped to the floor. He gave an odd, coarse laugh at her weak attempt to escape before picking her up as if she weighed nothing and dropping her on the bed.
Then she saw the garbage bag.
She heard herself but no one else could as the bag came over her head. She fought him with everything she had and the bag tore.
The pain across her face was nothing compared to what she had already endured, but her strength didn’t match his. Another dark green plastic bag slid down over her face. She tried to hold her breath but couldn’t. Something else was pulled over her legs. She began to fade. She almost didn’t feel him tie up her body. She was light, a feather.
Death was her escape. There had to be something better than this, something brighter, something happy.
A heavy weight covered her body. Him. He was on top of her and she couldn’t breathe.
Plastic molded to her nose and her chest tightened.
No air…
She couldn’t fight, but her body tried. Her legs weakly kicked, her fingers clawed at the slick lining.
So tired. Can’t.
In the brief moment between life and death, when her body fought but her mind knew there was no hope, an odd peace washed over her.
I’m sorry, Mom.