Oh hey, lots of people helped me with this book! They are the best. No book is a one-man show, and there are many thanks to be passed around.

First, God. He usually comes at the end of these, but I’m moving Him up to throw off the readers who actually peruse this section. Thanks, God.

Second, alpha and beta readers. These are people who slog through my rough drafts with no glory and no pay. Rebecca Blevins, Cerena Felt, Tricia Levenseller, Whitney Hanks, Rachel Maltby, and Leah O’Neill. I appreciate you guys SO MUCH. Even my agent doesn’t see my rough drafts!

A special thank-you to Caitlyn McFarland for helping me work out plot points, characters, and more on the phone and in person. And for letting me yell at you and call you names and then still liking me afterward.

Many thanks to Professor Thomas Wayment at Brigham Young University, who was much more useful with my Latin translations than the internet was.

So, so, so many thanks to my husband, Jordan, who also reads my crappy rough drafts, takes care of our kids so I can write crappy rough drafts, brainstorms ideas for my crappy rough drafts, and is every bit as chivalrous as a Victorian man should be.

Thank you to my agent, for getting this book into the right hands; my shiny new editor, Adrienne Procaccini, for helping me with the vision for this duology; and Angela Polidoro, who got up to her elbows in word grease to help me fine-tune this story.

Always, my utmost appreciation to the 47North team—author relations, copyeditors, proofreaders, fact-checkers, marketers, and so on. Thank you for making my dream job that much more awesome.
