staring down at his hands. "It's my legal training, or
maybe just my natural disposition, but when I en-
counter pain and unhappiness and suffering, I have
to try to do something about it."
Mudge nodded back in the direction of Witten
and Fault. "There were pain in that relationship,
that's for sure, but there's a certain dollop o' pain in
everyone's existence. Maybe even in your world. As
for un'appiness, I suspect that those folks were just
as 'appy and content as could be until you busted in
on *em."
Alan Dean Foster
Jon-Tom looked up at the otter. "But it was wrong,
"Only by your standards, mate. Mind now, I ain't
saying yours ain't better; only that they're yours and
maybe nobody else's, and you'd better quit tryin' to
impose *em on every bunch you feel sorry or compas-
sionate for."
Jon-Tom sighed, moved the duar onto his knees.
When he flicked the strings, lonely notes drifted out
over the surrounding water.
"Now wot? You goin' to try and spellsing me over
to your way o' thinkin'?"
Jon-Tom shook his head. "I don't feel tike spellsing-
ing now. If you don't mind, I'm going to indulge in a
little musical sulking."
He began to play without an eye toward any particu-
lar end, to play just to amuse himself and take his
mind off their present predicament. Where was the
benign tropical land Clothahump had told him about,
the land alive with friendly people and ripe strange
fruits waiting to be plucked from low-hanging branches
and brilliant hothouse flowers? Not within walking
distance, that was for sure. They were going to have
to find a boat.
Unless he could spellsing one up- Sure, why not?
His spirits rose slightly. He'd done it once before.
This time he'd be able to avoid the mistakes which
had plagued them on their previous water journey.
He strained for the right song, a safe and proper
boat song. Mudge had been lying on his back, his
paws behind his head. Now he sat up sharpty, his
nose twitching.
"I thought you weren't goin1 to try any magic-
"We need a boat. Remember how 1 did it before?"
"Oi, I remember. I remember it made you fallin'
down drunk for nearly a week."
"It won't happen again," Jon-Tom assured him.
"I'll be more careful this time. I've reviewed all the
lyrics in my mind and they're perfectly innocuous."
"That's wot you always say." He retreated behind a
large tree to watch as Jon-Tom began his song.
His first thought had been of "Amos Moses," but
there was no boat directly mentioned and the song
possessed disquieting overtones. Another Jerry Reed
ditty served fine, however- He modified the lyrics
slightly, confident he could call up a fully stocked
Everglades-style swamp skimmer to carry them speedily
southward through the marsh to distant Quasequa.
Sparkling, dancing motes appeared in the air around
him. Gneechees, the best indication that his spellsinging
was working. A different light, yellow and brown,
began to form a sheet just above the surface of the
"See, no trouble at all." He concluded the song
with a Van Halenish flourish not exactly appropriate
to Jerry Reed, and waited while the object solidified
and took form.
It had a flat deck and bottom, just like the swamp
skimmer Jon-Tom had hoped for. But as he peered
into the night he frowned. There was no sign of the
airplane prop that should have been mounted aft.
He shrugged. A small oversight in the magic. Maybe
he'd confused a verse or two. An outboard would
serve adequately.
The craft bumped gently against the shore. Mudge
walked down to pick up the rope attached to the bow
There was no inboard. There was no outboard.
There wasn't even a rudder. But there was plenty of
The raft was fashioned of split logs. It was eight
feet wide by ten long. Mounted on each side was a
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large, split-bladed oar that could be used to propel it
slowly through the water,
"An elegant example o' otherworldly technology,"
Mudge observed sarcastically.
"I don't understand. I tried so hard, I was so
careful." He strummed the duar. "Maybe if I tried
"No, no, mate!" said Mudge hastily, putting his
paws over bare fingers. "Leave us not push our luck.
So it ain't elaborate and it ain't fast and it ain't
labor-savin'. But it floats, and it beats cuttin' down
green trees to try and make one ourselves."
"But I can do better than this, Mudge. I know I
"Best not to get greedy where magic's involved,
guv. You might make it better, 'tis true. Then again,
you might sink wot we 'ave, and we'd be back to
walkin'- A bush in the 'and's worth two in the bird,
right? No tellin' wot you might call up a second
As if to emphasize the otter's concern, the water at
the raft's stern began to froth and bubble. Mudge
raced up the sand to grab for his bow and arrows
while Jon-Tom backed slowly away from the water's
edge. Something was materializing at the back of the
boat that had nothing to do with its locomotion or
Eyes- Eyes the size of plates.
They glowed bright yellow against the night, and
each was centered with a tiny, bright black pupil.
Then there were two more emerging from the water
nearby, and another pair, until ten hung staring
down at the little islet.
Trouble was, they all belonged to the same creature.
Nor did they operate always in pairs. Instead they
drifted with a sickening looseness on the ends of
thin, flexible strands that protruded from a smoothly
rounded, glowing skull. Arms and tentacles rose
from around the raft. Two of them seemed to be
holding the bald yellow skull in place, lest it drift off
on its own.
There was a long thin slit of a mouth, dark against
the glowing bulbous head. It was a strip of solidity in
a mass of insubstantial semkransparent yellow lumi-
nosity- You could see swamp water and the raft and
trees right through it.
"Go away!" Jon-Tom stuttered. "I didn't sing you
upl Mudge, I didn't sing this up."
"Right, mate," said Mudge, his tone indicating
what he thought of his companion's disclaimer. He
held his bow at the ready, but what was there to
Alan Dean Foster
shoot at? He was confident his shafts would pass
clean through the apparition.
"I know wot it is. mate. 'Tis a Will-o'-lhe-Wisp, for
certain. I've heard tell of them livin' in swamps and
marshes and such places, if you can call that livin'."
"There is no such thing as a Will-o'-the-Wisp."
Jon-Tom held tight to his duar as though its mere
existence might protect them. "They're not living
things, just floating globes of swamp gas."
"And what are you?" said the Will-o'-the-Wisp in a
surprisingly resonant tone for such an insubstantial
creature. "An earthbound sack of water with a few
brains floating around inside one end." It nudged
the raft, which was shoved halfway up onto the tiny
beach. Swamp water sloshed over Jon-Tom's boots.
"You hit me with this," the wraith said accusingly.
"Now, why would you go and say a thing like that,
mate?" said .an injured Mudge. "Wot would we be
doin' with a bunch o' dead logs like that when we 'ave
this nice, dry little island to spend our lives on?"
"Don't lie, Mudge." The otter threw up his hands
and looked imploringly heavenward.
The Wisp floated out of the water, hovering above
the tallest trees. Glowing eyeballs focused on Jon-
Tom, all ten of them. Then they shifted to stare
down at Mudge.
Mudge smiled ingratiatingly up at the ghostly horror.
"'E's not with me, guv'nor. I'm goin' this way, 'e's
goin' that way- Now if you'll just excuse me..." The
otter turned to dive into the water.
"I mean you no harm," the Wisp told them. "I was
only curious because this"—and he nudged the raft
all the way out of the water—"seemed to appear
from Nowhere. Nowhere is a land my kind usually
have to ourselves, except for the occasional tourist."
"It was an accident," Jon-Tom explained. "We needed
some transportation, so 1 called this up. I didn't
know you were anywhere around." He hesitated,
asked, "Are you sure you aren't just swamp gas?"
"I should be insulted," replied the Wisp, "but I am
not, because the fact is that I am largely swamp gas."
To demonstrate this truism, several tentacles broke
free and drifted off into the distance. They were
rapidly regenerated.
"I just don't like being called swamp gas, that's all"
"No harm intended," said Jon-Tom. "We ail have
pet names that we dislike. For instance, not long ago
someone called me a preppie. Say, maybe you can
help us out. We're heading south from here for a
place called Quasequa. Anything about the country
between here and there you can tell us about?"
"1 linger longest in Nowhere," the Wisp informed
him. "Does this Quasequa lie in that region?"
"I hope not," Jon-Tom confessed.
"Then I do not know of it. But this I do know. If
you go south from here, you have the great Wrounipai
to cross, and that is very near to Nowhere."
**\bu mean there's much more o* this filthy disgustin*
'ell ahead o' us? I want to be sure," Mudge added
pleasantly, "before I slit me friend's throat."
The water glowed where it foamed around the
Will-o'-the-Wisp's body.
"A great deal more, travelers. Even I do not know
its full extent."
"Tropical flowers." Mudge was staring forlornly at
the dark water. "Compliant lasses waitin' to greet you
with open arms." He turned angrily on Jon-Tom.
"You know wot, mate? I always did 'ave a 'ankerin' to
try some turtle soup."
Jon-Tom smiled up at the Wisp- "We thank you for
that information, even if it's not quite what we wanted
to hear."
"We don't always get to hear what we want to, do
we?** The energetic phosphorescence curled about
ALut Dean Porter
itself. "Now, I"—and the mulli-eyed skull floated
frighteningly near to Jon-Tom—"happen to like music.
I heard yours. Could you sing me a little more?"
"Why, I'd be glad to"
Mudge put his paws over his ears. "Saints preserve
us, not another music lover, and this one ain't even
got the decency to 'ave proper ears."
The unfortunate otter was kept awake all that
night as Jon-Tom sang every old Halloween song he
could remember. The eerie chords drifted out over
the calm swamp water while the WilI-o'-the-Wisp
danced delightedly in the air, tossing off sparks and
glowing splinters of its gaseous self and making lowly
lichens and algae flare with rainbows.
Jon-Tom couldn't remember the last time he'd had
such an appreciative audience. Sadly, when the Will"
o'-the-Wisp's interest finally evaporated, it did, too.
The otter's mood hadn't improved much by the
time morning dawned. "Wonder if this wondrous
Quasequa even exists," he grumbled. "Probably some
poor fallin'-down mud-town if it does. Wouldn't be
the first time 'is sorcererness 'as lied to us."
"He doesn't lie, Mudge. It's against the wizard's
code to lie. He told me so."
Mudge sighed and looked disgusted. "The com-
panions fate 'ands you" His voice rose. "Suppose this
bloomin' paradise do exist? Suppose 'tis everything
your 'ard-shelled instructor says it is? Wot 'e neglected
to tell us before we set out on this little stroll is that
there's a thousand leagues o' swamp between 'ere
and there, wot? Wot a load o' wizardly crap!"
Jon-Tom looked unhappy. "He wasn't too specific
about the distance to be crossed. I admit I didn't
press him on the point."
"I'd like to press 'im on the point," Mudge said
grimly, savoring the thought as he fingered his short
sword. "I'd like to press the point right through the
back o' 'is deceiving shell and use the 'ole for a—"
"Careful, Mudge," Jon-Tom said warningly. "It's
not healthy to be disrespectful of a sorcerer's powers
even if he's a fair distance from you."
"Frog farts! I tell you, mate, I'm gettin' fed up with
these bloody surprises o' yours. For 'alf a gold piece
I'd leave you now and 'ead back to the good ol'
"Back through Witten and Fault? By yourself?"
"You broke their bloomin' totem, not me- Besides,
I've got some unfinished business back in Fault I
wouldn't mind taking care of."
"If General Pocknet gets his paws on you, he'll
finish your business."
Mudge shrugged. "So I'd circle around both towns.
Then 'tis back to the Bellwoods for me, back to
Lynchbany and Timswitty and Dornay and real
civilization. Back to.. -"
Even had Mudge not rambled on, it's unlikely
either of them would have seen the shadow. The
swamp was a world of shadows, and one more was
easily lost in the shifting, diffused light. The shadow
blended in completely with trees and creepers.
But this shadow was different. It moved indepen-
dently of those which blanketed the island, moved
with purpose and exceptional speed. They didn't see
it until it was directly over them, and then it was too
Mudge yelled a warning white Jon-Tom dove for
his ramwood staff. The otter reached for his sword:
no time for bow and arrows.
Then it was gone, as quickly as it had appeared-
Mudge lay panting hard on the sand, eyes wide, his
sword held defensively in front of his chest even
though there was nothing left to defend against. The
danger had vanished along with the shadow.
Atan Dean Foster
In its place it left three things: Jon-Tom's ramwood
staff, his sword, and a single steel-gray feather. The
feather was four inches wide and two feet long- It lay
motionless near the otter, the only hard evidence of
something which had come and gone with blinding
Mudge picked it up, ran it through his paws. The
quill was as thick around as his finger. He straight-
ened his cap, which somehow had stayed on his head
during the seconds-long fight, and gazed eastward.
The shadow had disappeared in that direction, carry-
ing Jon-Tom in a single brace of impossibly big
The otter considered his situation in light of his
recent declarations. The raft was intact, and in addi-
tion to his own weapons and supplies, he also had
the spellsinger's. He was uninjured.
Well, that was that, then. So much for one brave,
ignorant, meddling, exasperating, immature spellsing-
er. There was no shame now in returning home.
He would even report the debacle to the wizard
Clothahump. Sure, he owed the unfortunate Jon-
Tom that much. At least the youth wouldn't be
worrying about returning to his own world anymore.
As for the wizard, he would accept his student's
demise philosophically, and there was no way he
could blame it on the otter. It had happened too
One minute Jen-Tom had been sitting there next
to him, listening politely to his complaints, and the
next he'd been carried off by a dark cloud. Not
Mudge's fault, no sir. Couldn't have been prevented-
He loaded the raft and stepped aboard, then pushed
out into the water. At last he could start living his
own life, without fear of being conscripted for some
lethal journey halfway across a hostile world. He
could get back to living like a normal person again,
could sleep soundly once more without listening for
strange sounds in the night.
Certainly there was nothing he could do. There
wasn't, was there? He pushed angrily against the
shaft of the split-bladed paddle and wondered why
his thoughts were so damn troubled....
Jon-Tom hung in the grasp of the powerful talons
and did not struggle, hoping the enormous eagle
. which had carried him off preferred live food to
dead. Because dead he'd certainly be if the bird let
him fall. The Wrounipai flashed past far below.
He twisted as best he was able in the unyielding
; grip and examined his captor. The eagle had at least
' a twenty-foot wingspan. It carried him effortlessly.
Like the much-smaller feathered inhabitants of this
world, it wore a kilt which trailed backward over hips
^ and tail and a vest with a peculiar zigzagging pattern
of black on gray. The pattern was almost familiar to
Jon-Tom, but he didn't pursue it through his memory.
^ At the moment he was not in a position to spend
tmuch time doing a detailed analysis of another
creature's clothing.
\ Since the bird showed no sign of stopping, Jon-
^ Tom tried to make a detached survey of the terrain
^ below. It was much as the Will-o'-the-Wisp had
|f described: endless swamp and water stretching off in
^ all directions spotted here and there with tiny islets.
^ A short while later their apparent destination hove
ff into view. Some powerful tectonic disturbance had
{thrust a vast mass of black basalt straight up out of
the earth. It was thickly overgrown with climbing
I. trees and vines as thick as a man's body.
^ An opening showed in the rock two-thirds of the
^ way up its side. The eagle dove straight for it. For an
^ instant Jon-Tom didn't think those huge wings would
^' make it, but the eagle just managed to squeeze
Alan Dean Foster
through the opening without bashing Jon-Tom's head
or legs against; the rock betow.
The opening was not a cave. It was a tunnel
leading to the interior of the butte. The inside was
The eagle flapped its wings twice before touching
down on one foot. It flicked its prize away, almost
Jon-Tom rolled over several limes, feeling gravel
cut into his face. He suffered the pain and chose
instead to do his best to protect the duar strapped to
his back. When he finally rolled to a stop he was
bruised and scratched, but otherwise in one piece.
Keeping one eye on the eagle, he rose to examine
his surroundings.
The hollow place was not a volcanic throat, but
rather the result of some convulsive fracturing. Six-
sided stone columns rose toward the distant sky.
Jon-Tom had seen them before, in pictures of the
Giant's Causeway in Scotland and the Devil's Postpile
in California's High Sierra.
Where each column had broken, a natural perch
was formed. These were occupied by numerous nests
and homes. The floor of the great open shaft was a
charnel house full of bones picked clean by razor-
sharp beaks.
The occupants of the homes and the owners of the
beaks were normal-sized avians. Not one stood more
than four feet in height. With increasing interest, he
noted kilts belonging to hawks and falcons, ospreys
and fish hawks and vultures- They soared and swam
through the air of the shaft, coming and going
through the opening above and, less often, through
the tunnel that had served as his own entrance. They
all seemed to be talking at once. The multiple screech-
ing was deafening.
Several of them walked or flew by to greet the
giant who had brought him with a spirited, "Hail,
Gyrnaught!" Each raised a right wingdp in salute.
That also struck Jon-Tom as somehow familiar, but
he didn't pay overmuch attention to it. There were
too many other things to try and absorb simultaneously
and he was too disoriented for deep thought.
For one thing, he was far more concerned about
his immediate fate, since the giant eagle didn't ap-
pear particularly interested in eating him. Not yet,
anyway. The mountain of bones which covered the
floor of the shaft was anything but reassuring.
The shadow towered over him again. The eagle
was not quite as impressive as it had been with its
wings outspread, but it was just as intimidating.
"Stand up straight!" the eagle commanded him.
Still sore and cramped, Jon-Tom fought to comply
with the request.
"They say, 'Hail, Gyrnaught.' You're Gyrnaught?"
A minuscule nod of head and beak. The eagle was
big enough to bite him in two without straining
"What do you want with me?"
"Not dinner. Flesh is cheap." He gestured with a
wing. "Welcome to the Raptor's Lair. You have been
brought here to serve, not to be served. If you prove
"I don't understand."
Again the beak dipped, this time to gesture toward
the duar. "An instrument. You are a musician?"
"Uh, yeah." Somehow Jon-Tom felt this wasn't the
most opportune time to explain that he was also a
spellsinger. He might want to demonstrate that tal-
ent later. In fact, it was all but a certainty. The
longer he could keep that fact a secret from his
captor, the better Jon-Tom's chances of catching him
Alan Dean Foster
"I thought as much," said Gyrnaught. "I have
need of a musician."
It was in Jon-Tom's mind to comment that the
eagle didn't look much like a music lover, but he kept
his thoughts to himself. Trying to still his trembling,
he struggled to put up a bold front. The fact that he
wasn't on the evening's menu helped-
"Quite a place you've got here."
"Ah, this is but the beginning." Gyrnaught was
pleased. Good, Jon-Tom thought, gaining a little
confidence. He can be flattered. To what extent
remained to be seen. "This is only a temporary lair
for my troops and myself. They are but the foam of
a wave which will fly forth to dominate the whole
world. Today this mountain, tomorrow the Wrounipai;
later the world! The nest will reign for a thousand
yearsi" The eagle's eyes flashed as if focusing on
something .only it could see, and (hat, too, half
reminded Jon-Tom of something.
"I don't think I recognize the pattern on your kilt
and vest."
"You could not, for it is not of this world. I
brought it here from another place many years ago.
It has taken me this long to organize just this small
striking force." He made a disgusted noise. "The
raptors of this world are difficult to convince of the
"Really? Another world? That's interesting. See,
I'm from another world myself."
The eagle's eyes narrowed. "Say you so? What
were you in your world?"
"A student of law and a singer of songs," he
admitted truthfully.
"I have need of song. As for law, I make my own"
"What were you?" Jen-Torn asked hastily, to change
the subject.
"I?" The eagle gazed down at him proudly. "I was
a symbol. I was everywhere, in thousands of replica-
tions. In stone and steel and brass. In symbols as
small as this"—and he held the two great wingtips
barely an inch apart—"and in granite monoliths big-
ger than you can imagine. I was a symbol every-
where and all people bowed down to me.
"But," he went on angrily, "they saw me only as a
symbol. They did not stop and pause and consider
when they chose one of their own to be a symbol
over me. From that moment on my powers were lost.
I could not manifest my true self. When their substi-
tute symbol was ground into the dust, only I. of
many thousands of me, escaped destruction. While
in symbols I was destroyed, in this world I found
myself set free. Here I am whole again and can start
the work properly, myself." He gestured at the rap-
tors swarming through the shaft, the light dancing
on their wings,
"My soldiers will rule above all others. It is des-
tined to be so, destined for the strong to rule over
the weak. We of beak and claw shall dictate to those
who only can walk. It is right- It is destiny."
It all came together in Jon-Tom's mind. He'd
studied too much history for it to escape him for
He'd seen Gyrnaught before, in metal and stone
standards. Just as the eagle said. Seen him in pic-
tures rising above obscene parade grounds, atop cold
inhumane structures, a frozen caricature of evil.
"1 know you," he said. "It was before my time, but
I know what you stand for."
Gyrnaught looked pleased. "A historian as well as a
musician. You wilt prove even more valuable to the
nest. Tell me, then, do you know the Horst Wessel
"No. Like I said, it was before my time. But I know
the kind of music you want. What I want to know is,
Alan Dean Foster
why should I sing for you? Why should I help you
spread your old evil to this new world when your
infection has already been cleared from mine?"
"Because if you don't, I will bite off your head and
swallow it like a pumpkin."
Jon-Tom moved the duar around in front of him.
"Can't argue with that kind of logic."
"Ah, you are going to be reasonable, then. That is
good. If you continue to be reasonable, you will
continue to live. Besides, you should be proud that
the nest has need of your services."
"What is it, exactly, that you want?" Jon-Tom sighed.
Gymaught gestured at his fellow avians. "These
are difficult to inspire. I have not yet been able to
convince all of them that they are destined to rule all
others, that they belong to the master race."
"Why? Because they have wings and the rest of us
"Naturally. It is only right for the higher to rule
the lower. I will see to it that alt the raptors of this
world flock to my banner."
"There aren't enough of you. You're just a few
species among many."
Gymaught looked smug. "We will enlist others to
serve under us, and they will do the heavy dying.
They will be proud to when they see what the new
order is to be."
"You haven't got a chance, any more than your
human counterpart did."
"He was a fool, and only a human. I am confident."
That beak moved dose, but Jon-Tom stood his ground.
There was no place to retreat to anyway. "And now
we shall see if there is truth to your words. Sing, stir
(he hearts of my followers, and you will live long."
Jon-Tom did so, though it stung badly. He rational-
ized his efforts by assuring himself he was only
stalling for time. Stalling until Mudge arrived to
spirit him out of this place. Then they'd figure out a
means of stopping this disease that had crossed over
from his own world before it could spread.
He sang all the marches he could think of. The
raptors were drawn to the music, dipping low to
listen. There was a screech of approval at the conclu-
sion of each martial melody.
WhenJon-Tom's lungs Finally gave out, Gymaught
put a friendly wing over him. Jon-Tom felt suddenly
"You did well, musician! Put aside your otherworldly,
primitive moral conceits and join me. I am not
ungrateful to those who pledge their lives to me."
Jon-Tom wanted to tell the eagle precisely what he
thought of him and his totalitarian philosophy, but
he had sense enough to shrug and say instead,
"Maybe you've got something here. Maybe it could
work in this world if not in the one we've left
"That's the spirit." Gymaught patted him on the
back, nearly knocking Jon-Tom down. "The others
moved too fast and became insane. But 1 am not
insane, and I will not force my wing. Our advance
and conquest will be patient, but inexorable. This
time the cause will not fall." He looked around.
"Over there is a small cave. A good place for you,
unless you would prefer a higher perch."
Jon-Tom let his gaze travel up the vertical walls of
the shaft. "I'd never get up or down. I think I'll stay
close to the ground."
"A poor, earthbound creature. But you see, with
me, you can fly! In truth, good singer, you will be
able to lord it over your fellows. Think on that."
Another crushing pat and Gymaught walked off
to talk with his underlings.
Smooth, Jon-Tom thought. He has the charisma
down pat. The odor of the charnel house was power-
Alan Dean Foster
ful in Jon-Tom's nostrils, an echo of similar, greater
slaughterhouses from his own world's recent history.
That could not be repeated here, must not be repeated.
But he had to be careful. Gyrnaught was ,no fool.
He would listen carefully to anything Jon-Tom might
sing until he was more confident of his pet human's
loyalty. So he had to be careful until he could do
He just wasn't sure what.
One thing struck him forcefully as the days passed
within the shaft: the ease with which Gyrnaught had
taken control of the minds and spirits of this world's
raptors. They drilled efficiently on the ground and
in the open air overhead, seemingly having readily
abrogated their traditional independence in favor of
Gyrnaught's rule. It just wasn't like them, according
to those Jon-Tom had met in his travels.
One day he asked an osprey about it. To his
surprise, the bird informed him that when left to
themselves, the hawks and falcons and other birds of
prey often questioned the wisdom of Gyrnaught's
philosophy. They weren't sure they really wanted to
conquer the world- But in his presence they were
helpless. The force of the eagle's personality and the
strength of his arguments overwhelmed any hesitant
opposition. Furthermore, anyone who questioned it was
never seen again. So there was no organized opposi-
tion to his plans.
The osprey left Jon-Tom much encouraged. May-
be they weren't confident enough to oppose him, but
at least not all of the raptors had signed over their
souls to Gyrnaught. That uncertainty could be
exploited, but not gradually. Gyrnaught would sure-
ly trace any such dissension to its source, and that
would be the end of Jonathan Thomas Meriweather.
No, it would have to be fast, a sudden collapse of
will if not outright opposition. Trouble was, all the
songs he knew were full of life and delight and fun.
He didn't know any music darker than the martial
bombast Gyrnaught himself favored. Nor could he
think of anything potentially disruptive which would
work fast enough. And he didn't think he had much
time. His renditions of old marches were quickly
•bang their edge as his own disenchantment manifested
itself, and Gyrnaught was getting suspicious. One
day soon the eagle might decide to go hunting for a
new musician.
He was sitting in his private alcove on the bed of
straw that had been provided for his comfort, chat-
ting with a small falcon named Hensor.
"Tell me again," he asked the raptor, "why you all
follow Gyrnaught so blindly and willingly. Because
he's bigger than the rest of you?"
"Of course not," said Hensor. "We follow because
he is smarter and knows what's best for the rest of
us. He knows how to make us act as a single talon
able to strike death into the hearts of any who
oppose us."
"Yeah, but nobody's opposing you."
"All oppose us. All who do not bow down to the
rule of the master race."
"Well, suppose everyone else did bow down to
*They won't." Hensor spoke with confidence. "We'll
have to knock it into their heads. Gyrnaught says so."
"I'm sure he's right, but just suppose, just for a
moment, that everyone did bow down to you. Then
"Then we would rule without bloodshed. Except
for the inferior races, of course, who would have to
be disposed of."
Jon-Tom felt a chill but continued politely. "Who
would rule?"
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"We would, the raptors would. Under Gyrnaught's
enlightened leadership, of course."
"I see."Jon"Tom shifted on the straw. "Suppose all
this comes to pass, suppose you conquer the whole
world under Gyrnaught's direction. Then what
"Well..." Hensor hesitated. Evidently Gyrnaught's
orations hadn't sought that far into the future. "We
wouldn't have to work. Others would do our fishing
and hunting and gathering for us."
"Then what will you do?"
"Why, we will rule, naturally."
"But you already have everything you require."
"Then we'll get more."
"More what? How much food can you eat? How
much wood do you need for a house or traditional
"I... I don't know." The falcon shook his head,
rubbed at his eyes with the flexible tip of one red-
feathered wing. "Your questions hurt my thoughts."
"I know what you'll do, and I'll tell you."Jon-Tom
peered quickly outside. Gyrnaught wasn't around.
Probably off drilling troops somewhere. "You'll get
bored, that's what you'll do. You'll sit around doing
nothing until your feathers fall out and you can't fly
anymore. You'll look like a bunch of chickens."
"Take care," Hensor warned him. "Some of my
best friends are chickens."
"Well, you know what I mean. Laziness will result
in flighdessness."
Hensor's confidence returned. "No it won't. Gyr-
naught's drills will keep us strong."
"Strong so you can do what? No, once you've
conquered everyone else, you'll get bored and soft
because you won't have anything else to fight for.
and defeated people will see to all your needs. Rap-
tors are born to hunt. Without any need to do that,
you'll all get flabby and flightless."
"You confuse me."
"Oh, I don't mean to do that," Jon-Tom assured
him immediately. "Heavens no. I'm just concerned,
that's all. You're all such strong fliers now, I'd hate to
see you waste away."
"What do you suggest?"
Jon-Tom moved close, spoke in a conspiratorial
whisper. "There'll be one of you who'll never get fat
and lazy because he'll be too busy making sure the
rest of you stay in line. Those that don't, of course,
are liable to end up on his dinner table."
Hensor looked shocked. "No, that would never
happen! Gyrnaught would never do that."
Jon-Tom shrugged. "He'd only be following his
own philosophy. The strong rule, the weak perish."
He hoped he was having some impact on Hensor
because the convoluted reasoning was beginning to
make him a little dizzy himself. "There is a solution
to the problem, though."
"What?" asked Hensor eagerly.
"It's simple. Everyone must be equal. None of the
master race must be any less the master than his
neighbor. That's only fair, isn't it? That way every-
one will have to maintain himself in optimum condi-
tion for lighting."
Hensor's expression showed that this notion of all
chiefs no Indians was new to him. "Gyrnaught wouldn't
like it," he replied slowly.
"Why not? If you're all members of the master
race, shouldn't you all have an equal part in ruling
the lesser races? He'd still be the prime leader, but
you'd all be leaders together. Isn't that how it's
always been among the raptors?"
"Yes, that's true," Hensor agreed excitedly. "We
could all be leaders. We are all leaders." He turned
Aim Dean Foster
and spread his bright red wings. "I must tell the
Jon-Tom retreated to the depths of his alcove and
went through the motions of rearranging his few
belongings. Before too much time had passed his
attention was drawn outside by a rising din. He
smiled to himself as he turned to peek out of the
Something a mite stronger than an animated dis-
cussion was taking place among the soldiers of the
master race, high up in the air of the central shaft- It
appeared to involve a majority of them, in fact. In
the midst of the discussion was a large gray shape,
dipping and swinging its wingtips in what looked
very much like fury.
Soon it was raining feathers. They were of many
sizes and colors, and Jon-Tom amused himself by
gathering a few and stuffing them into the lining of
his cape. As the screeching and angry squawking
continued, he casually picked up his duar and strolled
toward the path leading to the tunnel. No one paid
him the slightest attention, since everyone was fully
involved in determining who was qualified to be a
leader and who was not.
Apparently Gyrnaught was having some difficulty
sorting out this business of multiple leadership, and
the offer to make him prime leader wasn't sufficient
to satisfy his ego. There was only one leader here,
one master! His heretofore obedient soldiery was
vigorously disputing this position.
Jon-Tom reached the lip of the tunnel, spared a
last backward glance for the argument which had
freed him, and then hurried into the passageway. He
was almost to the exit when a very large hawk
swooped down from a hidden perch near the ceiling
to challenge him.
Jon-Tom hadn't expected a guard. This one had
an eight-foot wingspan and gripped a long \w\e
tipped with four sharp points in both flexible wingdps.
Jon-Tom was more fearful of its natural weapons.
Beak and talons could tear him apart.
"Where are you going, musician?"
i "Just getting a little air," Jon-Tom told the guard,
smiling thinly. He glanced over his shoulder, eyed
the hawk significantly. "Aren't you going to join the
discussion and put your application in?"
"What discussion?" The hawk's bright eyes never
left him.
"The one where everybody's going to determine
who's a proper member of the master race and who
"I am the sentry," the hawk told him. "That is
enough for me to be."
"But everyone else is—" The hawk cut him off by
taking a step forward and jamming the sharp spikes
against Jon-Tom's belly. Jon-Tom retreated. The hawk
followed, prodding him backward.
"Haven't you heard about the discussion?" Jon-
Tom asked lamely-
"I'll find out later."
"But everyone's a master now, everyone's a leader."
"I'm only a sentry. I think maybe we'd better talk
to Gyrnaught about this. I don't think you're allowed
out to 'get a little air.' There's plenty of air in the
lair." Again the spikes pricked Jon-Tom's gut, forcing
him back another couple of steps.
He was on the verge of panic. Unarmed, there
wasn't a chance he could overpower this determined
guard. In a little while Gyrnaught might whip his
fracturing reich back into shape. When he did, Jon-
Tom had a hunch the eagle would do some interrogat-
ing. Then he'd come looking for his pet musician,
whose clever songs wouldn't save his skin from being
slowly peeled from his clever body.
Atan Dean Foster
"Can't we talk this over?" he pleaded.
"Nonsense. I can't discuss things with a member of
an inferior race because it would—" The hawk stopped
in mid-sentence. He pivoted slowly, and as he did so,
Jon-Tom saw something like a quill protruding from
the back of his skull. It wasn't a quill and it had
feathers of its own. An arrow.
The guard fell on his face, a heap of dead feathers,
"Are you goin' to stand there gawkin' all day,"
snapped Mudge as he notched another arrow into
his longbow and tried to see down the tunnel, "or do
you think it'd be too much of me to ask that you
move your bloody aggravatin' arse?"
t "Mudgel"
^ "Oi, I know me name and you know yours." The
^Otter was starting to back toward the exit. "Now, if
^your legs are still connected to your feeble brain, I'd
^appreciate it if you'd get the latter t' movin' the
^ Mudge led him outside, then down the tree-choked
i^ope to the water's edge, where their raft was beached.
Jon-Tom had been disappointed when he'd called it
; Up, but now it was as beautiful as a forty-foot motor
| yacht. They pushed off and began rowing furiously
|^fith the paddles.
^ From time to time Jon-Tbm could see several shapes
"rise from the hollow interior of the island only to
dive back inside.
"Beginnin' to think I'd never run you down, mate,"
' Mudge was saying.
"Why'd you bother, after what you were saying the
last time we talked? There were plenty of good
reasons for you to forget about me, and none for
coming after me."
"Well, let's call it curiosity and leave it at that,
mate. If I think on it much I'm liable to get sick.
Maybe I was just interested in seein' if you'd ended
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up as bird food or wotever. Or maybe I'm crazier
than a neon worm."
"1 don't care why you did it, I'm just glad that you
Mudge jerked his head in the direction of the
rapidly shrinking island. "Wot 'appened in there,
anyways? Never 'eard a screekin' and yowtin' like that
in me life. You put a spellsong on 'em?"
"Not exactly. I just sort of convinced them to
engage in a dialogue aimed at preventing the spread
of injustice while maintaining equality among them-
"Cor, no wonder they was 'avin' a bloody mess of
it! The poor flap-faces. Think they'll come after us
after they get things sorted out among themselves?"
"Not right away, if then. If their leader survives
this little debate, he's going to be too busy trying to
put his organization back together again to worry
about my whereabouts for a while. It probably wouldn't
be a bad idea to keep a close watch on the sky for a
few days, though"
"I follow you, mate. We won't be surprised from
above like that again."
"Damn right we won't." He turned thoughtful.
"I'm hoping that Gymaught... that's the eagle who
snatched me... Finds out what happens to the kind
of system he espouses, finds out that it's doomed to
self-destruction. I hope he learns that power cor-
rupts absolutely. That greed quickly overtakes loyalty
in the minds of supposedly obedient followers."
"Why 'e grab you anyways, mate, if not for
"He needed a musician."
"Teh. All 'e 'ad to do was ask, and I'd *ave told him
as 'ow *e was wastin' 'is time." He grinned. "Sounds
like a fowl business all the way 'round, mate."
If he hadn't just saved his life, Jon-Tom would
have pushed him overboard.
The further south they rowed, the more relaxed
I Jon-Tom became. Clearly Gyrnaught had his wings
t full with his newly enlightened flock, and even if he
» did Find the time to wonder where his musician had
jf gone to, he had no way of knowing which way
xJon-Tom had fled. As days slipped by, he was more
^and more convinced he'd seen the last of the eagle.
| His relief was tempered by their surroundings,
Iwhich grew thicker and more humid than ever.
'^Clothahump's "pleasant tropical country" was closing
|in on them with a vengeance. The trees of the
^W^nnipai towered above their frail raft, supported
d|»y labyrinthine root systems which sometimes choked
|E?ff their chosen route, forcing them to detour to east
|or west. Occasionally the roots themselves grew so
||tall it was possible to paddle beneath them. Shelf
fungi and toadstools clung determinedly to the bases
|»f the smaller trees.
? What little dry land they did encounter was so
thickly overgrown with brambles and thorn thickets
Ithat they had to hunt carefully to find campsites for
jtfie night. Mudge insisted they do this because the
jl-egular evening concert of eerie squeals and groans
Hnnade him leery of anchoring out on the water.
^. Man and otter would huddle close together in
front of their small fire for a long while before
drifting off into an uneasy, disturbed sleep. But
while both found the nocturnal noises unnerving,
nothing slouched out of the muck to devour them as
they slept.
Still, the dark, dank gloominess was all-pervading.
Not quite as Clothahump had described it.
Mist clung to them day and night, rising from the
, steaming surface of the water- When it rained, which
| was often, the heat abated somewhat, but it became
Alan Dean Foster
almost impossible to judge direction. This forced
them to seek shelter beneath the towering roots ot
the larger trees. After a couple of weeks, jon-Tom
was certain the morning growth that covered his face
was more mildew than beard.
Everything in the Wrounipai waff slick with moss
or rough with fungi. The intense humidity threat-
ened to rot the clothes otf their backs. .It also seemed
to penetrate to work on their minds, disorienting
them and making identification of the most ordinary
objects difficult.
They had beached the raft on a sand bar beneath
the natural roof formed by several interlocking aii
roots, sharing it with freshwater crustaceans and
other inhabitants of the brackish environment. Their
campfire crackled Fitfully, the flames struggling against
the cloying atmosphere. It was a pitch-black night
Trees blocked out the clouds, and the clouds shuttered
the moon. Their only light came from the fire.
But he could still hear, and something sounded
very peculiar indeed.
Jon-Tom roused himself, his eyes heavy from lack
of sleep. Nearby, Mudge lay rolled up in his thin
blanket, snoring on, oblivious of the strange rushing
noise which had awakened Jon-Tom.
The spellsinger listened for a long time before
donning his cape and walking to the edge of the
water. The sound was an unnatural one, steady and
moist, like a rushing in a vacuum. He put his hand
out into the rain, jerked it back as if he'd been stung,
then slowly extended it a second time. He stared at it
in wonder, shook his head to clear it. The phenome-
non persisted. So he wasn't crazy.
Water beaded up against his extended hand. It felt
like normal rain. It looked like normal rain. He drew
back his hand again and tasted of it. A pungent, salty
flavor that wasn't normal. He was relieved for that. It
meant his senses were functioning properly, and he
was relieved that it was the precipitation that was
deranged and not himself.
He watched it until he was completely awake, then
walked back to wake Mudge.
"Huh... wuzzat, wot?" The otter blinked up at
him. Jon-Tom's face must have presented a less than
pleasing sight, lit only by the feeble glow of their
campfire. "Wot is it, mate? Cor, 'tis black as a
magistrate's thoughts out."
"It's still night. The sun's not up yet."
"Then why," asked a suddenly irritated Mudge,
"did you wake me?"
"It's raining, Mudge."
, The otter paused a moment, listening. *T can hear
it. So wot?"
"It's not raining right."
"Not right? 'Ave you gone daft?"
"Mudge, it's raining up."
"Gone over the edge," the otter muttered. "Poor
' bugger." He slipped free of his blanket and staggered
sleepily toward the water's edge. A paw reached out
.into the rain. Water beaded up against the back of
'his hand while the palm stayed dry.
^ "I'll be corn'oled, so it is."
! Jon-Tom's hand reached out parallel to the otter's.
"What does it mean?" It was fascinating to watch the
droplets strike the back of his hand, crawl around
the fingers, and shoot up into the dark sky.
"I guess it means, guv, that 'is wizardness wasn't
kiddm' when he told us this part o' the world was
tropical. My guess is that the land 'ereabouts gets so
wet from the 'umidity that it 'as to give back some o'
the water to the sky from time to rime. Not such an
improper arrangement, if you thinks about it. Keeps
everythin' in balance, wot? Up, down, up, down: a
body could get confused."
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**1 can see what it's doing, but what does it mean?"
Mudge pulled his paw out of the upside-down
storm and licked the fur on his wrist to dry it as he
strolled back toward his makeshift bed.
**It means that the world's a wet place, mate."
Jon-Tom watched the up-pour a while longer be-
fore rejoining his friend. He curled up underneath
his cape but lay wide-awake, staring out into the
storm. The steady rush of sky-bound water was
"Actually, it's kind of neat. I mean, there's a won-
derful symmetry to it, a kind of meteorological poetry."
"Right, mate. Me thought exactly. Now go to sleep."
Jon-Tom turned to him. The otter's silhouette was
barely visible against the fading fire. "You live too
fast, Mudge. Sometimes I don't think you have the
slightest appreciation for any of the world's natural
"Wot, me?" He blinked sleepily at Jon-Tom. " 'Ow
can you say that, mate? Why, this upside-down drizzle,
it revises me 'ole estimation o' 'ow the world's
"Does it? Then maybe there's hope for you yet, if
it enables you to appreciate the strangeness and
beauty of nature, the astounding surprises that it has
in store for all of us. There is magnificence in a
slightly altered natural phenomenon like rain."
"Actually, mate, 1 see it a little differently. See, I
always thought the world was a toilet. 'Tis nice to
learn that it can function as a bidet also." Whereup-
on he rolled over once more and went back to sleep.
Jon-Tom resigned himself to the fact that his com-
panion was, aesthetically speaking, a primitive. He
contemplated the upside-down rain thoughtfully. It
was disorienting, but lovely and not at all dangerous.
If naught else it was a welcome change to their
monotonous surroundings.
It continued to pour upward for a good part of
the early morning. Standing on the raft, they remained
clean and dry as they paddled through a sheet of
rising precipitation. The raft was a little cube of
dryness sliding across the plant-choked waters of the
Eventually the humidity fell below a hundred per-
cent and they left the region of constant rain behind.
The water had become a narrow, lazy stream, one of
many cutting through parallel ridges of upthrust
granite and schist. It was an improvement over the
country they had crossed, but not the balmy paradise
Clothahump had described. Dense undergrowth still
crowded for space among the stone and water. They
found themselves paddling down a green tunnel lit
by intermittent sunlight.
On one rocky outcropping Mudge located bushes
which produced delicious green-black berries shaped
like teardrops, and the two travelers spent a whole
afternoon gorging themselves. The stony island provid-
ed a clean, dry resting place as well, and they de-
cided to spend the night.
Jon-Tom awoke the following morning, stretched,
and was awake in an instant. They were surrounded.
Not by Gyrnaught's minions, nor by the faceless
demons of Markus the Ineluctable.
There were thirty otters staring back at him, and
every one of them looked exactly like Mudge. Jon-
Tom had experienced his share of oddities recently,
but nothing to match this.
"Good morning, Jon-Tom!" the thirty chorused in
He tried to rein in his panicky thoughts. Was he
seeing some kind of multiple mirror image fashioned
by someone well versed in the wizardiy arts? No- If
that were the case, they should all move as well as
talk simultaneously. But some were bending over in
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laughter, others talking to their neighbors, still oth-
ers doffing their hats by way of greeting. Each moved
independently of the other.
There was a simpler explanation, of course. This
world had finally sent him over the edge.
One similarity stood out on careful inspection. It
was enough to convince him he hadn't tumbled
down some metaphysical rabbit hole. While each
duplicate of the otter moved independently of the
others, displaying different expressions and making
different gestures, every one of them stayed in one
spot. None retreated and none approached.
Until one stumbled into him from behind and
nearly scared him to death. He grabbed this sole
mobile by the shoulders and shook it violently.
"Mudge, is it you?"
The otter's eyes were glazed. "I ain't sure no more,
mate. I used to think I were me. Now I ain't so sure.
I was out gatherin' breakfast berries when I came
back to see this lot." He gestured at the circle of
Mudges enclosing their campsite. "Maybe I ain't me.
Maybe one o' them is me."
"We're all you," said the otterish chorus, "every
one of us."
"Yes, but I'm a better you," insisted a pair of
Mudges off to the right.
"Not a chance," argued three across the circle.
"We're the best Mudges, we are."
"Oi, you couldn't fool your own real parents,"
declared a quartet of Mudges from the right flank.
"There has to be an explanation for this," Jon-
Tbm said quietly, "A sensible explanation"
"Sure there is, mate," said the Mudge standing
next to him. "I've been 'angin' around you too long,
and now I'm as loony as you are"
"Neither of you is loony," said *the two Mudges
directly in front of them.
As Jon-Tom blinked, or thought he blinked, the
Mudges disappeared. They were replaced by some-
thing much worse; a pair of six-foot-two-inch-tall,
indigo-and-green-clad Jon-Toms. He stared at the
perfect duplicates of himself.
^"A trick, it's a trick of some kind. An optical
illusion." Sure it was, but who was doing it, and why?
They'd heard nothing during the night, and the
sensitive Mudge would surely have been alerted by
the encroachment of so many intruders. He turned
to the otter.
"You haven't heard anyone on the island besides
"Not a soul," the otter assured him. "But we sure
'as 'ell 'ave acquired some company."
"There has to be more than one of them at work
here," Jon-Tom muttered. "There's too much hap-
pening simultaneously for a single creature to be
"You're right there." He turned on the voice, only
to see three more Jon-Toms chatting amongst them-
selves. One leaned against his ramwood staff, an-
other pointed, while the third studied his hands. But
they stayed rooted in three spots. In fact, it seemed
asif... yes, he was positive. The three new Jon-Toms
occupied the same locations as three now-vanished
Mudges. The otters had turned into Jon-Toms.
"I don't know who you are or what you are, but if
you're trying to frighten us, you've failed."
"Speak for yourself, mate," Mudge mumbled un-
der his breath.
"Frighten you? Why should we want to frighten
you?" inquired a trio of Mudges off to their left.
Once more Jon-Tom's mind underwent an unsettling
shift in perception. The Mudges vanished, to be
replaced by three trees. Each consisted of a trunk
which topped out in a weaving, flexible point- Flow-
Alan Dean Foster
ers grew from the base of the trunk. In the center of
each was an indistinct, puttylike face. Jon-Tom could
see eyes and mouths but no nose or chin. An ear
protruded from each side, and a single thick, tapering
vine grew from the top of the tree. Or maybe the
trunk became the vine; Jon-Tom couldn't teil where
one ended and the other began. Maybe there was no
tree: Just the single tall vine.
"We don't want to frighten you- We're just practic-
ing our art. It's rare that we get an audience."
Jon-Tom turned and looked behind him. Three more
Mudges had disappeared. They had been replaced
by another pair of trees and a single giant butterfly.
It fluttered but didn't stray from its Fixed position-
"That's so true," the butterfly declaimed. "Our
audiences are few and far between."
"Your art?" Jon-Tom murmured.
"We're mimics, imitators, mimes," said one of the
vines. "It started as a defense against the plant-
eaters. Our trees are actually below the surface." So
these were vines he was looking at, Jon-Tom mused.
"We protect our buried trees by imitating things the
plant-eaters are scared of."
"It works very well," said a giant caterpillar. "It's
hard to try and eat something that looks like you.
Personally, being into photosynthesis, I never could
understand the motile digestion cycle,"
"Anyways," said a couple of Daliesque nightmares,
"it gets dull just sitting around waiting for something
to try and dig up your tree. So we stay in shape by
practicing different duplications. That gets boring,
too, unless we get a new audience with a fresh
perspective." The nightmares vanished, were replaced
by twenty pairs of applauding hands.
"Come now," said something like a small dinosaur,
"what would you like to see us mimic? We're the best,
on this side"
"Not quite the best," insisted a quartet of upside-
down birds across from the boaster. "You could
never do this."
"Fertilizer!" snapped the other vine, immediately
becoming an astonishingly colorful assortment of
dangling avians.
"The feathers don't run the right way."
"They do too'" The reversed birds all stared at
Jon-Tom. "Tell us, human, do they look right to
He was slowly repacking his kit. "It's hard for
me to say. Not really my area of expertise. I guess
they're okay, for feathers." He started toward the
beach where they'd left their raft the night before.
Mudge was right behind him.
"Oh, you don't have to be an expert." Three vines
interlocked to block their retreat. "All you have to do
is bring a fresh perspective, to be a new audience.
You're the best we've had in a long time. Much too
long. We can't let you go now. We have so many
imitations stored up. We need someone new to evalu-
ate them for us"
Jon-Tom eyed the intertwined vines and took an-
other cautious step forward. The vines sprouted
clusters of six-inch-long, poisonous thorns.
"What do you think, Mudge?"
"I don't know, mate. 1 'aven't judged any contests
in a day or so,"
"It won't take long," several other vines assured
"Our repertoire isn't infinite."
"We should Finish in a couple of years," said four
giant rats.
The rapid changes were making Jon-Tom slightly
queasy as his brain struggled to keep up with his
"We'd love to watch you perform," he said slowly,
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"but we have important business of our own to attend
to and I'm afraid we can't quite spare a couple of
"Oh, come on," said two versions of himself, using
their ramwood staffs to push him back toward the
center of the circle, "you'll enjoy it. Be good sports.
We'd go hunting an audience if we could, but we
can't. We're stuck to our trees."
"Yeah, don't you sympathize with us?" said some-
thing Jon-Tom couldn't even give a name to.
"Sure I sympathize," he said quickly. "We just
don't have the lime to spare, that's all." He spoke
politely, white wishing he had a family-sized bottle of
weed killer in his backpack.
"Just sit back and relax," said five startlingly volup-
tuous naked ladies from off to one side. "You'll get
used to it after a couple of months and then you'll be
with us in spirit as well as body."
"Be with you in spirit?" Mudge squeaked.
"The spirit of the performance."
"Oh." He let out a sigh of relief.
"I'll start, I'll start'" declaimed one of the women.
It became, quite remarkably, three fish swimming in
empty air- This was only the first of countless
astonishing imitations, as the stage shifted from one
vine or group to another, the duplications traveling
around the circle in dizzying profusion.
If either Jon-Tom or Mudge showed signs of
boredom, they found themselves rudely jostled back
to attention by shouts or smells,
Morning became afternoon and afternoon wore
on into evening. When night crept over the island,
the mimevines turned to mimicking creatures capa-
ble of bioluminescence.
"This is all very entertainin'," Mudge commented to
his companion, "but I'd rather not make it me career,
"Me neither. There has to be a way out of this."
*"0w about makin' a show o' inspecting one of
their bioomin* imitations close-up-like and then makin*
a break for it between 'em? They're stuck 'ere. Once
past *em, we ought to be able to make it easy to the
"I'm not sure what they'd be capable of if agitated,"
Jon-Tom muttered. "Maybe they can imitate things
that throw toxic darts. I don't want to find out. Not
that it matters. They're watching us too closely, and I
don't think we could surprise them as you suggest.
Actually, they're pretty decent folks, for a bunch of
art-obsessed vegetables, but I think this is what's
meant by a captive audience.
"They're going to keep us here. judging their
work, until they've run through a couple of years*
worth of imitations."
"We won't be much use as judges if they let us
"I don't think they'll let that happen. But we're
stuck here, unless,. -"
"Unless wot?" wondered Mudge, flinching as a
huge luminous crustacean materialized behind him.
"That was a good one, wasn't it?" asked the eight-
pincered crab-thing. The vines flanking it opted to
become delicate orange anemones.
"Unless I can get them to imitate a certain
something." He climbed to his feet and found he was
the center of attention. Ghostly glowing things eyed
turn intently.
"Okay, everybody, listen upl" The vines swayed
toward him. They'd been nothing short of polite, in
their childlike fashion, but he didn't think he'd get a
second chance at this. Better get it right the first
"You claim you can imitate anything?"
"That's right... that's right...!" they chorused back
Alan Oean Foster
at: him. "Anything at all. Just name it. Or describe it."
They rippled and flared in the darkness, displaying
everything from gymnastic feet linked to, long arms
to a talking rainbow.
"Not bad." Jon-Tom showed them his duar. "But
how are you at reacting to a musical description
instead of a verbal one? How are you at listening and
imitating what you hear?"
"How's this?" said a giant, fleshy ear.
"That's not exactly what 1 mean. Can you mimic
only what you hear in the music? Pure music, with-
out descriptive words? Can you imitate feelings, for
"Try us, try us!" urged a chain of worms.
So Jon-Tom sang the song he'd selected, a gentle,
easygoing, relaxing song. He'd sung it once before,
and it had put an entire pirate crew safely into the
arms of Morpheus.
It seemed-to work here, too. The vines slumped,
resembling for the moment nothing more complex
than vines. When the song ended, he shouldered his
backpack and nodded for Mudge to follow.
They were almost to the edge of the clearing when
two vines suddenly rose to interlock in front of him.
They formed a very authentic-looking wall of g^ant
razor blades.
"Nice try," said a couple of sarcastic Mudges from
nearby. "We thought you might try and trick us. It
won't work. We're as alert and aware of what's goin'
on around us when we're imitatin' as we are when
we're not."
"So you might as well relax and enjoy the show,"
four Jon-Toms told them. "When you're hungry
we'll bring you berries. Real berries, not imitation."
Jon-Tom and Mudge reluctantly returned to their
seats of honor in the center of the clearing. The
kaleidoscopic procession of imitations resumed.
Mudge leaned over to whisper to his companion.
**I like those berries, mate, but if I 'ave to eat *em for
the next two years, I'll turn into a bloomin' berry
meself. Unless I go bonkers first. You're goin' to 'ave
to try some stronger kind o' spellsingin'."
\ "I don't know," he murmured. "Next time they
might take my duar away." He made placating motions,
raised his voice.
"Okay, okay, you've convinced me we can't get
away, just as you've convinced me that we're in the
presence of the all-time masters of mimicry." Mutters
of appreciation came from around the circle. "But so
far everything I've seen you mimic has been alive.
Almost everything, anyway."
"Live things," said a three-foot-tall cornflower, "are
much harder to mimic than not-live things. There's
no challenge in imitating dead things."
"Then you haven't been properly challenged. For
example"—he bent to pick up a piece of feldspar—
"can you imitate this? Not just any chunk of rock,
but this specific piece, perfectly?"
"He asks if we can imitate it," said an irritated
moose. Instantly Jon-Tom and Mudge were sur-
rounded by a wall of feldspar slivers.
"I have to admit, that's pretty good." Jon-Tom
rose, tossed the fragment of rock aside. "Though I
do see a little movement here and there. You're all
supposed to be rock-steady. So you think mimicking
not-live things is easy, do you? Here's a tough one for
you." He paused for effect. "Let's see all of you
mutate water."
This generated a flurry of uncertainty from the
encircling vines, mixed with excitement at the pros-
peo; of a real challenge. They twisted and jerked,
Struggling with the necessary physical and mental
contortions demanded by the request, until applause
sounded from behind Jon-Tom.
144 ALan Dean Foster
He turned. Several of the vines were applauding
one of their colleagues- This vine had vanished. In
its place was a stable, very narrow waterfall. The
water never touched the earth, but the illusion was
remarkably real.
"Congratulations! That's more like it." Mudge gave
him a nudge.
" 'Ere now, mate, let's not go gettin' too interested
in this business, wot?"
Jon-Tom ignored him, spoke to the rest of the
mimics. "Come on, surety that's not the only one
who can do it!"
The vines continued to struggle. Soon he and
Mudge were surrounded by waterfalls, bits of lake
and pond and swamp.
"I didn't think you could do it," he told them. "I'm
impressed, I admit it."
"Don't stop now," said several of the vines, caught
up in the spirit of the moment. "We can go back and
finish our stored illusions anytime. Challenge us
"Yes, something harder this time!" said another.
"I'll try." Jon-Tom rubbed his chin and tried to
look intense. He already knew what he was going to
say, but he didn't want his captors to know he'd
thought it out carefully beforehand. If this was going
to work, it had to appear spontaneous. Even to
"Okay," he said, as though the idea had just oc-
curred to him. He turned a slow circle, gesturing
eloquently with his hands as he spoke. "You thought
water was hard? Try this. I want you all to imitate..."
and he let it hang tantalizingly for a moment, "emotions."
That froze the vines. Then they began contorting
and jerking as they launched into vigorous discus-
sion among themselves. Jon-Tom heard whispers of
"Can't be done... never been tried" interspersed with
more positive assertions such as "Can we mimic
anything or can't we?... Can't let the human think
he's stumped us... Sure it can be done.. -Just takes a
lot of work..."
"And 10 make it worthwhile," Jon-Tom went on,
"no more of this hanging around waiting for one of
your companions to come up with the solution. You
all take a chance on it simultaneously or it isn't fair.
Otherwise you're just imitating the first one of you to
be successful." He indicated the initial waterfall. "You've
•got to try and do it together."
One of the vines fluttered toward him. "Fair enough,
man. Go ahead and try us!"
"Right- First emotion is... anger."
A brief hesitation, and then the vines began to
darken. They turned deep, violent shades of crim-
son and yellow and orange. Some sprouted barbs
and thorns that twitched and cut at the air.
"Good. Very good," Jon-Tom complimented them.
The vines relaxed, congratulating themselves and
conversing as they faded to their normal green hue.
"No time to relax. I'll go faster now and make it
harder on you. Next emotion is laughter."
Vines ballooned, drifting in the air tike pennants
despite the fact that there was no breeze. Some
displayed polka dots, others were checkered, some
boasted stripes like barber's poles, and one enterpris-
ing vine turned plaid.
"Sadness!" Jon-Tom barked.
The laughter vanished as the vines immediately
went limp and stringy, turning deep pea-soup green
or mauve or lavender. They began to drip false
tears, swaying plaintively to an unheard dirge. They
were getting better with practice and Jon-Tom changed
emotions with increasing rapidity. Surprise, fear,
elation, suspense, uncertainty...
"'Ere now, guv," said Mudge, "this party's lots o'
Alan Dean Poster
fun, but don't you think we ought to—?" Jon-Tom
put a hand on the otter's shoulder and squeezed
hard, continued to shout suggestions.
Faith, hope, charity, insanity...
He spoke the last in the same tone as all the
others, with the same inflection. The effect on the
primed and responsive mimevines was shocking.
For the first time, there was no rhyme or reason to
their imitations. Colors shifted wildly. Some vines
expanded while others bulged. A couple shrank all
the way back down into their underground, hidden
trees. Two flailed the earth until they came apart,
beating themselves to pieces on the hard ground-
He didn't have time to observe all the damage his
challenge had caused, however, because he was
running like mad for the beach where their raft lay.
He had to pull Mudge at first, but the otter
caught on quickly enough. This time no imitation
steel materialized to block their retreat. As they
crossed through the circle, Jon-Tom looked back.
Those vines that were still intact were slamming into
each other, beating the air, the ground, whistling
and moaning and shrieking. The noise was worse
than the sight.
"I had to get them going," Jon-Tom explained as
he ran panting toward the water. "Had to get them
to doing their imitations fast, one after the other,
barn, barn, bami Had to get them working without
thinking, acting reflexively on my challenges, so that
it would become a point of pride for each individual
to keep up with its neighbors.
"I didn't think my earlier lullaby was going to
work, but it was worth a try. They'd probably been
watching out for just that kind of trick on our pan,
so I figured the worst that could happen was that
they'd get to show us we couldn't escape. I let them
believe we were resigned to our fate and then tried
to make it look like I was caught up in the spirit of
the contest."
They were on the raft now, pushing hard on the
paddles, sliding out onto the water of the Wrounipai
and putting some distance between themselves and
the floral asylum they'd left behind.
Mudge glanced back toward the island. "You think
they'll ever come out of it, mate?" Distant shouts and
moans could still be heard, though they were fainter
"I think so. Gradually one of them will realize that
they're doing it to themselves and cure itself. Then
the others will imitate its return to sanity. Those who
aren't too far gone. I could've left them with that
thought, but I'd rather they discover it on their own,
after we're safely on our way."
"Right. You sure 'ad me fooled, mate." He frowned.
Jen-Tom's expression had turned sorrowful. "Hey,
wot's wrong now?"
"Oh, I don't know." He turned back to concentrat-
ing on his paddling. "It's just that... this is silly, I
know... but while we were trapped back there 1 had
thoughts of... you remember Flor Quintera?"
"The dark-'aired lady you brought over from your
own world? The one who went off with that smoolh-
talkin' rabbit?"
"Yeah, that's her. 1 thought for a minute back
there about asking the mimevines to imitate her.
That would have been an interesting sight, thirty
perfect copies of that perfect body all dancing around
"Blimey," Mudge whispered, "now, why didn't I
think o' that? Not to do up your ideal, o' course, but
some o' me own favorite fantasies."
'Too late now," Jon-Tom said with a sigh. "Unless
you'd like to go back. I could wait for you on the
Taft. Maybe the same trick would work again."
148 Alan Dean Foster
"Not bloody likely. No thanks, mate, but I've 'ad
more than enough o' vegetables that look like your
Aunt Sulewac one minute and somethin' out o' a bad
dream the next. 1 wouldn't go back there even for
thirty perfect females. Me, I prefer me paramours
with all their imperfections intact."
After the tidal wave of variety provided by the
mimevines, the monotonous regularity of the Wrou-
nipai was a welcome change. But as they floated
further south, the terrain, if not the climate, began
to change. Tall stone spires cloaked with thick foliage
began to thrust skyward from the water. Instead of
granite, the rock was mostly limestone. Creepers and
bromeliads found footholds in the pitted stone, crack-
ing and eroding the towers.
"A semi-submerged karst landscape," Jon-Tom
murmured in wonder.
"Just wot I were about to say meself, guv," said
Mudge doubtfully.
That night they camped on a sandy beach oppo-
site a cliff too steep even for creepers to secure a
hold. While Mudge hunted for dry wood, Jon-Tom
walked over to inspect the rock wall. It was cool and
dry, a comforting feeling in a land brimming with
quicksands and mud.
Mudge returned with an armful of dead limbs and
dropped them into the Firepit he'd dug. As he brushed
dust Syom his paws, he frowned at his friend.
"Find somethin' unusual?"
"No. It's just plain old limestone. I was just think-
Alan Dean Foster
ing how nice it was to find some firm ground in the
middle of the rest of this muck.
'This was once the floor of a shallow sea. Tiny
animals with lots of calcium in their shells and bodies
died here by the trillions, fell to the bottom, and over
the eons turned into this stone- As time passed the
sea bottom was lifted up. Then running water went
to work here, wearing away open places."
"Do tell," said Mudge dryly.
Jon-Tbm looked disappointed. "Mudge, your scien-
tific education has been sorely neglected."
"That's because I was too busy gettin' educated
sorely in practical matters, guv."
"If you'd Just listen to me for five minutes, I could
reveal some of nature's hidden wonders to you."
"Maybe after we eat, mate," said the otter, raising
a quieting paw, "1 want to enjoy me supper, wot?"
Following the conclusion of a sparse but satisfying
meal, Jon-Tom discovered he no longer felt like
lecturing. His mood tended more toward melancholy.
Lifting the duar, he regaled the unfortunate Mudge
with long, sad ballads and bittersweet songs of
unrequited love.
The otter endured this for as long as he could
before rolling up tightly in his blanket. This man-
aged to muffle most of Jon-Tom's singing.
"Don't be so damned melodramatic," the insulted
balladeer said. "After all these months of steady
practice, my singing must have improved somewhat."
"Your playin's better than ever, mate," came a
voice from beneath the blanket, "but as for your
voice, I fear 'tis still a lost cause. You still sound like
you're singin' underwater with a mouth full o' pebbles.
Or would you prefer me to be tactful instead o'
"No, no," Jon-Tom sighed. "1 thought I'd im-
proved a lot." He strummed the duar's dual strings
as he spoke.
Mudge's head emerged from beneath the covers.
His eyes were half-closed. "Me friend, 'tis late. You
can pow carry a tune o' sorts, whereas a month ago
your mouth wouldn't 'ave known wot to do with it.
That's an improvement o' sorts. 'Tis not willingness
you lack, but a voice. Be satisfied with wot you 'ave."
"Sorry," Jon-Tom replied huffily, "but I need to
practice if I'm going to get any better."
Mudge made a strangled sound. He couldn't win.
If he praised the man's singing, then he sang all the
more enthusiastically, and if he criticized it, then
Jon-Tom needed his "practice." Life kept dealing
him jokers.
"All right then, mate." He burrowed back beneath
his blanket. "Try and get 'er all out o' your system.
Just don't wail on till dawn, okay?"
"I won't be at it too much longer," Jon-Tom as-
sured him- He sang about days at the beach, and old
mother earth, and friends he had known back in the
real world. Then he put the duar aside and pre-
pared to curl up next to the fire.
Something gave him pause. More than a pause: it
was like an electric shock against his retinas. He sat
up and blinked.
It was still there, and growing stronger. Or was it?
Leaning over, he shook the ball of fur and blanket
next to him.
"Oh crikey, now wot?" The otter stuck his head out
for the third time that night. "Listen, mate, you can
'ave the bleedin' fire. Me, I'll sleep on the raft-
Hey"—he sat up quickly, suddenly very much awake—
"you look like you saw a ghost."
"Not a ghost," he mumbled. "I saw... Mudge, I'm
not sure what I saw,"
Alan Dean Foster
The otter studied the darkness. "I don't see nothin'.
Wot do it look like? Where'd you see h?"
"Over there." He rose and walked toward the bare
white cliff. Mudge followed, eyeing the night uneasily.
Jen-Torn pointed at the rock. "There. That's where
I saw it. And there was something else. Just the
slightest quivering under me as I lay down.*A tremor,
"Mate, this 'ole country's on shaky ground."
"No, this is solid rock under this sand, Mudge. It
was an earthquake. I'm sure of that. There's lots of
earthquakes where I come from, and I know what
one feels like."
"I didn't feel anything."
"You were asleep."
"Right. So wot were this thing you saw up against
this 'ere rock?"
"Not up against it, Mudge." He put his hand on
the limestone and rubbed it. It was coot, solid,
absolutely unyielding. Impenetrable. "It was m the
A dubious Mudge also ran a paw across the solid
stone. He spoke carefully, as if speaking to a cub.
"Couldn't 'ave been nothin' 'ere, mate. There ain't a
crack in this cliff."
"Not in the cliff," Jen-Tom corrected him firmly.
"In the rock." He turned abruptly on his heel, returned
to the campsite, and picked up his duar. He started
to repeat the last song he'd sung.
Nothing. Mudge stood near the cliff looking angry,
tired, and frustrated all at the same time.
Then it was back. Just the slightest trembling in
the earth, hardly enough to disturb one's sleep.
They would have slept right through it ifJon-Tom
hadn't seen it as well as felt it.
This time Mudge saw it, too. Jon-Tom knew he did
because the otter was backing quickly away from the
cliff. The earth tremor faded and returned, but the
thing in the cliff remained.
"You see it, too, Mudge. You do!"
"Not only do 1 see it, mate," the otter whispered.
**I see them."
jon-Tom continued to play. More and more of the
wispy, ghostly creatures materialized. They were not
slipping or crawling over the face of the rock: they
moved easily through the unbroken limestone itself.
Faintly glowing worm-forms about the size and shape
ofJon-Tom's arm. Oversized, brightly luminous eyes
showed against the front of each specter. Barely
discernible designs flickered to life on glowing sides
and backs, each different from the other, no two
As Jon-Tom and Mudge stared in fascination, they
linked together head to tail, forming a long line that
snaked through the rock. The line gave a twist, and
jEhe earth underfoot trembled again. Then the line
-broke apart and they scattered, a bunch of insubstan-
tial big-eyed flatworms swimming through the stone.
Jon-Tom stopped singing. They began to fade
away, only that wasn't right. They didn't fade away:
they dove down into the solid rock. He moved as if
in a trance toward the cliff. There, a minuscule crack
BO wider than a hair, running through the rock and
down into the ground. That was where they'd con-
gregated when they'd formed the link and the last
tremor had struck. They'd lined up along the tiny
stress fracture and twisted, and when they'd twisted,
the ground had convulsed.
"I wonder what they are," he muttered aloud.
"I don't know, mate, but they seem to be going on
their way, and I ain't about to ask 'em to linger." The
otter was retreating toward his blanket, his gaze
fastened to the rock. "I've seen enough of 'em."
A few still swam across the cliff face. Jon-Tom
Alan Dean Foster
put his Fingers on the duar's strings. "All right, I
guess we've seen enough. I called them up, so I
guess 1 can make the last of them go away."
"That is what you think," said one of the worm-
shapes in a breathy, barely audible voice.
Jon-Tom's Fingers froze halfway to the strings.
"My God, they talk!"
"Of course we talk." The voice was like a distant
breeze, a faint rustling against his tympanum.
Mudge was too mesmerized to retreat. "How can
they talk," he asked, "when there ain't nothin' to
"There's something to them, Mudge, Just not very
much. But they're there, they're real."
"Of course we are real. Such conceit." The faint
words were precise, very proper and clear, though
Jon-Tom saw no movement of lips. indeed, the spec-
tral worm had no mouth. "As a matter of fact, we can
talk quite well, but there is no reason to practice
conversation with those who live on the world's skin."
"Then why are you talking to us now?" Jon-Tom
"Your singing fetched us forth from our homes in
the crust. Most extraordinary singing." The shaped
glow momentarily vanished, only to reappear sec-
onds later at another place in the cliff. It moved
easily, fluidly, as if traveling through water.
"We are sensitive to vibrations. Good vibrations."
"The last song I sang," Jon-Tom mused. "I'll be
"We are also in the business of vibrations," it told
him. "Normally we ignore those who inhabit the void
above the earth, as we ignore the vibrations they
make. But yours were pleasing and unusual, extreme-
ly much so. We came to feel your vibrations, and to
return the favor to you."
"Return the fav—"Jon-Tom considered. "You mean
you made the little earthquakes?"
"The vibrations, yes." The worm-light paused and
linked kself to several of its kind. Once again they
Une<^ up along the hairline crack in the cliff. Once
again they gave a sharp twist. The sand shifted
under Jon-Tom's feet.
The chain dissolved and many of its component
individuals fled back into the rock.
"But this is impossible. You can't live in solid rock."
"Solid? Most of what appears to be solid is empty,"
the creature told him. "Do you not know this to be
^ so?"
^ It was quite right, of course. Matter was composed
^.of protons and neutrons and electrons and far smaller
^fclts of existence like quarks and pi-muons and all
sorts of exotic almost-weres. In between them all was
, nothingness, bridged by forces with even more bi-
1 Zaire names like color and flavor. The planets them-
selves were largely composed of nothingness.
So why not creatures which would find such empti-
ness spacious and comfortable? Of course they would
have to be composed largely of nothingness themselves.
"What do you call yourselves?" In his own world
they would be called ghosts—frightening, rarely
glimpsed creatures of luminous insubstandality. They
didn't look anything like dead human beings, but
then, manatees didn't look much like mermaids, either,
and look how many sailors had mistaken them for
wateriogged sirens.
Why shouldn't these worm-shapes be responsible
for the reports of ghosts in many worlds? Vibrations
could call them forth, psychic in his own world, his
spellsinging here. It made a certain sort of supernat-
ural sense.
"We do not name what is, and we simply are," said
the glowing nothing.
Alan Dean Foster
"Sing another song." whispered a voice in Jon-
Tom's ear. "Sing another song abou^ the earth we
live in." '
He did so, drawing on every tune he could remem-
ber that mentioned the earth, the ground, the rocks.
The cliff came alive with dozens of the warm-glows,
all cavorting to and delighting in his spellsinging and
the vibrations the duar and his voice produced.
From time to time they linked up to produce minute, ,
no longer disquieting earthquakes. '7-
"What a pity you cannot follow and sing always ^
among us," the speaker said. "Such exquisite rip- '^
plings in the fabric of reality. But you cannot live in • ^
our world, just as we cannot exist in the void you call ' V
yours." 'ji
"It's not a void." Jon-Tom reached out and touched 1|
the stone. "There's atmosphere here, and living , •f
creatures." \ ^
"Nothingness," said the worm speaker, and before "'
Jon-Tom knew what was happening it had glided
into his hand. He stared openmouthed at his fingers.
Mudge let out a little moan. "Nothingness, except
for those few solid things that move."
His hand was on fire, radiating light in all directions.
There was no pain, only the strangest trembling, as
though the bones had fallen asleep. It traveled all
the way up to his elbow, then slid back down to his
fingers. He pressed them to the cliff and the light
went back into the rock.
"That hurt," said the worm-glow, "and I could not
do it for long. There is practically nothing to you,
near vacuum. The earth is better, more compact, *
room to move about without losing oneself. Now it is
time to go. Proximity to the void you are depresses
Only the speaker remained. The others had all
vanished into the rock.
"Sing for us some other time and we will try to stay
"I will." Jon-Tom waved. He didn't know how else
to say farewell to something that barely existed.
The head went first, followed by the rest of the
worm-shape in a continuous, sinuous curve. It melted
into the cliff. Then it was gone. There was a last
feeble earthquake, accompanied by a distant rumble.
Analog to his wave? Perhaps. Then sound and shaking,
too, had ceased.
"Good-bye. They were saying good-bye to us," he
murmured, enchanted by the memory of their visitors.
"What a world this is."
Mudge sucked in a deep breath. "I do so wish,
mate, that you'd let me know in advance when you're
planning on doin* some spellsingin'."
Jon-Tom turned from the cliff. "Sorry. I didn't
know I was doing any. I was just singing."
Mudge sat down and pulled his blanket over his
legs. It was starting to drizzle. "I ain't sure you can
just 'sing,' guv." Raindrops sizzled into oblivion as
they contacted the fading campfire.
Jon-Tom curled up beneath his cape, careful to
make certain the duar was also out of the rain.
"I mean," the otter continued, "it seems you can't
control the magic when you're tryin' to spelfsing and
you can't control it when you're not, wot?"
"At least I didn't conjure up anything dangerous
this tame," Jon-Tom countered.
"Blind luck. They were an interestin' lot, though."
"Weren't they? Kind of pretty too. I wonder how
much of the earth they claim for their home. Maybe
ail the way to the molten inner core."
"Molten wot? Now that's a unique conception,
"Nothing unique about it." Jon-Tom pulled his
Alan Dean Foster
cape over his face to keep ofi the rain. "What do you
think the center of the planet is, if not molten rock?"
"Everybody knows wot it is, mate. Tis a giant pit.
The earth's nothin' but a ripening fruit, you know.
Planted in infinity. One o' these days she's goin' to
sprout, and then we'll all see some changes."
"Primitive superstitious nonsense. The center of
the planet is composed of metal and rock kept mol-
ten under the influence of tremendous heat and
pressure." That said, he rolled over and tried to go
to sleep.
The rain trickled down his cape, drumming on its
impenetrable exterior, spattering on the surface of
the Wrounipai. A giant pit. What an absurd notion!
As absurd as the presence of barely substantial crea-
tures living within the rock itself. Wormlike creatures.
Didn't worms infest rotten fruit?
Nonsense, utter nonsense. He refused to consider
it any further. It was ridiculous, insane, crazy.
Besides, the image it conjured up made him dis-
tinctly uncomfortable.
He tried to concentrate on the memory of their
visitors instead. What could you call them? Earth-
dwellers, rock people, stone citizens? Idly he won-
dered what would happen if thousands, millions of
them joined together along a really big crack in the
earth's crust. Along the San Andreas Fault back
home, say. What lay beneath that ancient fracture?
Merely different sections of continental plate rub-
bing against each other? Or was it occasionally lined
with millions of the geological folk joined head to
tail, all preparing to produce one sudden, convulsive
twist every hundred years or so?
That thought wasn't conducive tcr restful sleep
either, here or on any other world. Geologic folk
brought to the surface of the earth by his spellsinging:
how absurd! As were so many things in heaven and
earth that were no less real for their absurdity.
Geological folks. Geo folk. Geolks. Since they had no
name for themselves, he'd call them that. In his
memories, since it was highly unlikely he'd ever
encounter them again. He drifted slowly off to sleep,
wondering if he'd ever be able to go spelunking
again without seeing luminous, insubstantial eyes all
around him.
Jon-Tom had hopes that the karst landscape they
were passing through was an indication of drier
country to come. Several days of steady travel south-
ward quickly dispelled such hopes. The rocky spires
became smaller and smaller and were not replaced
by spacious, dry islands. Once again they found
themselves paddling through scum-encrusted stag-
nant water beneath umbrellalike, drooping trees.
As they progressed he came to at least one decision:
if Clothahump ever asked him again to undertake
another "pleasant little journey," he was going to insist
first on getting an accurate, non-metaphorical descrip-
tion of the country he was going to have to cross.
But of course, that wouldn't matter, because he
and this Markus the Ineluctable were going to be-
come fast friends, and Jon-Tom was going to utilize
their joint talents to enable him to return home-
That exhilarating thought helped sustain him as he
and Mudge slogged on through the relentless heat
and humidity.
At midday they usually paused for a rest and a
brief snack, and also to allow the steaming sun an
hour or so to fall from its zenith. The little islet they
chose was not particularly inviting in appearance—
full of odd-shaped, inflexible growths and gnarled
protrusions—but it was the only dry land in the
Unstable bog they were presently traversing.
Return home. Home meant Big Macs and Monday
Night Football, throwing Frisbees at the beach and
Alan Dean Foster
watching Saturday morning cartoons... the good old
stuff, not the sloppy new 'crap.:. catching up on his
back work and the movies he'd missed. If there was
any back work for him to return to. As far as anyone
at the university was concerned, he'd simply disap-
peared, dropped out. quit. He was going to have a
hell of a time getting his active status restored, much
less changing the incompletes he'd have received in
class- Sure he was.
All he had to do was tell them what he'd been
doing these past months- Sorry, counselor, but you
see, I just happened to find myself yanked through
to this other world, but if my friends Clothahump
and Mudge were here to explain... Clothahump,
see, he's a wizard. A turtle, sir, abdut four foot high.
Mudge is taller, but that's because he's an otter
and... excuse me, counselor, but who are you calling?
No, he'd have to concoct something a bit more
believable than that. Believable and elegant. Maybe
he could tell them that he'd become bored with the
routine of studying and had gone off to South America
to expand his mind. Professors always liked to hear
that you'd been expanding your mind.
A light tremor made the ground shift slightly
beneath them.
"Your ghostly friends again," Mudge suggested,
his words garbled because his mouth was full of fish
Jon-Tom gazed down at the slick surface they sat
upon. It was bright daylight and hard to tell, but he
didn't see any sign of the geolks. Besides, he wasn't
playing anything on his duar. Maybe they were just
lingering in his wake, hoping he'd play again some-
time soon.
He bent over, squinted. Very strange ground. Dead
and dying vegetation, lichens and mosses, algae and
crustaceans. "1 don't think the geolks are around,
Mudge. Anything could shake this pile of humus
we're sitting on. Maybe it was a passing wave."
The otter gestured at the stagnant water surround-
ing them. "Ain't no waves here, mate, except the ones
ypu and I make with the raft."
A second tremor rattled their senses, much stronger
than the first. Gingerly, jon-Tom rose to a standing
"Uh, Mudge, I think it might be a good idea if we
got back on the raft. Real quiet- and quick-like."
The otter was several syllables and three steps
ahead of him. The shaking resumed and now it was
constant as Jon-Tom half ran, half stumbled toward
the raft.
The island was beginning to rise beneath them.
"Damn it, mate, move your arse!" Mudge yelled as
Jon-Tom fell to hands and knees. The otter extend-
ed a paw out to his friend.
Jon-Tom tried to stand, but the surface under his
feet was now .shaking like Jell-0 as it rose from the
water. He gathered himself and leaped, landing hard
on the raft. Mudge shoved frantically at the paddles,
trying to push them back into the water.
Too late. The island had risen on all sides, and
they found themselves ascending into the damp air
along with the beached raft- Water rushed off the
black hillside, turning to foam where rising mass met
the swamp. Mudge lay flat on the deck of the raft,
clinging to the vines that held the logs together,
while Jon-Tom wrapped both arms around one of
the paddle poles. They were surrounded by strange
growths which seemed to be attached to the island's
bulk even where it had rested beneath the water.
They resembled the skeletons of dead cacti, hollow
and light,
Shellfish, snails, and other inhabitants of shallow-
water environments scrambled for the water as their
homes were lifted into the air. Jon-Tom would have
joined them, but they couldn't abandon the raft and
all their supplies.
The section of island on which they teetered final-
ly stabilized, but the black land ahead continued
riding- This substantial tower of mud and swamp
ooze didn't stop growing until it loomed threateningly
over them. Innumerable bottom-dwellers, frantic fish,
and trapped underwater plants dripped from the
tower's sides.
Then the ooze opened its dozen or so eyes and
stared down at the puny creatures marooned on its
Mudge let go of the vines, put both hands over his
eyes, and moaned, "Oh shit!" while Jon-Tom contin-
ued clinging to the paddle nearby, staring wide-eyed
up at the emergent mountain of swamp muck.
"Ho, ho, ho!" said the apparition, showing a dark,
toothless mouth more than wide enough to swallow
the raft and its occupants whole- "What have we
here? Strangers!"
Jon-Tom tried to smile. "Just passing through."
"You scratched me." The voice was heavy, ponderous,
and slow.
"We're sorry. We didn't mean to."
"Oh, that's all right. I liked it." It grinned hugely.
Jon-Tom noted that the size of the vast mouth wasn't
fixed. It expanded and contracted and sometimes
tended to slide toward the side of the head. So did
the eyes, which ballooned from tiny dots to globular
bulbs the size of a car. The vast curving bulk blotted
out trees and sky.
"I am," Jon-Tom replied carefully, "relieved to
hear it."
"You're nice," said the ooze. "Different. I like
different." Eyes indicated the surrounding swamp.
"Nothing here is different. Everything's always the
same. 1 like different."
Alan Dean Foster
Jon-lbm's arms were cramping. Slowly, he loosened
his grip on the paddle pole. "You live here in
the swamp?" Now, there, he thought, was a clever
The answer was not as self-evident as he believed.
A slow, rippling laugh emerged from somewhere
down in the depths. It sounded like distant Strums.
"Sort of. I am the swamp, I am the ————" and it
said something incomprehensible.
Jon-Tom frowned. "Sorry. I didn't get that last."
The intelligent ichor repeated the rumble, which
sounded more like a volcanic belch than anything
"What do you make of that, Mudge?"
"Indigestion, or else its name is Brulumpus." The
otter had recovered enough courage to peek out
between his shielding fingers.
"Brulumpus," Jon-Tom muttered to himself. He
kept his eyes on those of the swamp, which wasn't
an easy task, considering how they tended to float
in and out of the black goop. They moved about like
marbles in oil. A queasy concept. He tried to think of
something else.
"That is me, the ————" and it made the belching
sound again.
Jon-Tom let go of the pole. Despite its size and
bulk, the mountain of muck did not sound threatening.
If anything, it seemed to be making an effort to be
friendly. Also. Clothahump had once told him never
to let himself be intimidated by mere size. That was
not so easy to do when a potential threat completely
surrounded you.
He tried to phrase his words carefully. The
Brulumpus didn't seem especially bright. "Very pret-
ty swamp you are. I'm glad we haven't bothered
you." He gestured with his left hand. "We're on a
journey south "
"That's nice," said the mountain.
Not very bright at all, Jon-Tom mused. "Now, in
order for us to be able to continue on our way, we
have to have our raft here back in the water. Could
ypu"—and he described the action with his hands—
"let us down so we can get back in the water to
continue our journey?"
"Continue your journey." The sides of the Brulum-
pus shimmied and Jon-Tom had to steady himself
with the paddle. "But you are different. You are a
change. I like different. I like changes."
"Yes, and we like you, too, but we really do have to
be on our way. It's very important."
It made no impression on the Bruhimpus. "Change.
A change," it repeated ponderously. "I want you to
stay and be different for me."
"We'd love to, but we can't. We have to be on our
"Stay. I'll keep you close to me always and take care
of you. You want food, I can give you food." A
portion of submerged swamp rose. Trapped within
the cuplike shape was a whole school of small, silvery
fish. They fluttered helplessly for a moment until
the swamp sank again-
"Ifyou are wet, I can make you dry." Jon-Tom and
Mudge winced as a thick shield of solid goo arched
from the water to shield their raft from the clouds
overhead. It hung there for several seconds before
"I will hug you and love you and keep you,"
announced the delighted Brulumpus.
"That's awfully sweet of you, and we'd love to take
^ou up on it, but we really have to—"
"Hug you and love you and please you and pet you
Jon-Tom was about to reiterate his protest when a
Alan Dean Foster
strong paw on his wrist made him hesitate. Mudge
stood on tiptoe to whisper.
"Stow it, mate- Can't you see you're not getdn'
through to it? Garbage you're tryin' to be logical
with, and it with brains to match. It ain't goin' to let
us leave any more than the mimevines were goin' to."
"But it has to let us go." The duar rested comfort-
ably against his back. "I can always try singing us
"Don't know as 'ow that'll work. this time, guv. 1
don't know if this pile o' shit is smart enough to be
spellsung- 'Tis friendly enough now- We sure as 'ell
don't want to do nothin' to upset the little darlin*. It
doesn't move real fast and it doesn't think real fast,
and it just might get irritated-like before your
spellsingin* could 'ave any effect."
"Keep you happy and feed you and hug you." The
Brulumpus kept repeating the paternal dirge over
and over.
"Then what do we do, Mudge?"
"Don't look at me, mate. I'm just suggestin' caution,
is all. You're the would-be wizard around 'ere. Me, I
just copes with things as they come. Ordinary things,
everyday things. I'll fight me way through any swamp,
no matter 'ow filthy and disease-ridden. But I'm
damned if I'm goin' to sit and argue with it."
"You're such a great help to me, Mudge."
The otter smiled thinly. " 'Tis all done out 'o grati-
tude for the wonderful opportunities you've sent me
way, mate." He put his paws to his ears to try and
shut out the Brulumpus's unbroken recitation of
"Touch you and hold you and feed you..."
"Wotever you're goin' to try, male, try it soon. I
ain't certain 'ow much longer 1 can stand listemrf to
that slop,"
"What do you expect from slop except slop-talk?"
Keeping Mudge's warning in mind, he tried to decide
what to try next while the Brulumpus persisted with its
affectionate litany.
It liked them because they represented a change
in monotonous surroundings, because they were
different. That couldn't last forever. Eventually it
would grow bored with them- Given its low level of
intelligence, however, that day might be a long time
in coming. How long? No way to tell. The Brulumpus
might continue loving and holding and petting them
for a couple of decades. Or even longer. If the
/ Brulumpus was indeed a part of the Wrounipai it
| might be extremely long-lived. It might not tire of
'A them until they'd become a couple of desiccated
corpses waiting to be shucked off tike any other kind
of boredom.
- What did it find so different, so intriguing about
them? Not their appearance, surely, for there was
nothing distinctive about either man or otter. Their
intelligence, perhaps? Sure, that had to be it! The
Wrounipai wanted more than companionship and
company- It wanted to listen to some new conversation,
wanted what it couldn't get from a tree, a rock, a
There had to be a way out, a way that would allow
them to depart without alarming their benign captor.
"Want to hear something interesting?" The moun-
tain of muck leaned forward, drenching one end of
the raft with scum and swamp water. Jon-Tom and
Mudge retreated hastily to the other end. "That's
dose enough. I'll speak up if you can't hear me
clearly." Proximity to (hat gaping, bottomless maw
was disconcerting despite the Brulumpus's avowed
good intentions. Maybe one day soon, out of boredom,
instead of hugging and petting and loving them, it
might decide to taste them.
168 Alan Dean Foster
"Go ahead," it told Jon-Tom, "say something
interesting. Say something different."
"Actually, we're not all that interesting." He tried to
sound bored with himself. "We're really very ordinary,
even dull."
"No." The Brulumpus wasn't that stupid. "You are
very interesting. Everything you say and do is differ-
ent and interesting. I like different and interesting."
"Of course you do, but there's something that's a
lot more interesting than we are. Something that's
new and interesting and different all the time."
The Brulumpus leaned back. Water sloshed against
its flanks as it took a long time to consider this
simple statement. "Something more interesting than
you? Is it more lovable, too?"
Jon-Tom hadn't considered the last, but he was on
a roll now and could hardly hesitate. "Sure. More
lovable, more interesting, more different. More
everything. It won't argue with you or confuse you
or even make you think. It'll just always be there for
you, interesting and lovable and changing-'*
"Where is it?"
"I'll bring it here for you to have, but in return,
you have to promise to let us go,"
The Brulumpus mulled the offer over. "Okay, but
if you lie to me," it said darkly, "if it's not more
everything than you are, then you'll stay with me
forever, so I can hug you and pet you and..."
"I know, I know," said Jon-Tom as he swung the
duar around. He practiced a few chords. These
songs would be a cinch for him to spellsing. Not only
were they as deeply ingrained in his memory as any
lyrics he'd ever heard, they even had a compelling
power in his own world.
"Wot the 'ell can you conjure up for this mess that
fulfills all those requirements, mate?"
"Don't bother me, Mudge. I'm working."
The otter leaned back, glancing up at the thoughtful,
expectant Brulumpus. "All right, guv, but you'd bet-
ter satisfy this smothering pile o' crud real soon-like,
because I think it's gettin' to like us more by the
minute. Though if nothin' else, your singin' may
change that"
Jon-Tom ignored the barb as he began to sing.
Despite the threat posed by the Brulumpus, he was
in fine form that day. Even Mudge had to admit that
some of what the man sang actually bore some small
, resemblance to harmony.
The first item that appeared in a ball of soft light
| on the Brulumpus's back was a toy gyroscope. It held
I; the creature's attention only for a few minutes. Next
^Jon-Tom produced a grandfather clock. This was
;; more intriguing to their captor, but he noted that
, ton-Tom could produce the same noise as the clock's
7 chimes.
'• Jen-Torn tried to interest it in a game of Monopoly,
.but die Brulumpus wasn't interested in playing at
: real estate, being a considerable bit of real estate
Itself. With Mudge looking on warily, he produced in
wild succession a food processor, a Fugelbell tree,
,:and a performing flea circus. The Brulumpus had
/jw> use whatsoever for any of them. Mudge, however,
made the acquaintance of the flea circus immediately,
and dove into the water, digging and scratching
frantically at himself.
"You'll drown the act," Jon-Tom leaned over to tell
"That ain't all I'm goin' to drown!" The Brulumpus
boosted him back onto the raft, where he glared at
the singer. "Let's endeavor to stay clear of performin*
parasites, shall we?"
Jon-Tom sighed. "It didn't engage his attention
wry long anyway. Don't worry. I'm just getting warmed
Alan Dean Foster
"Huhl" Mudge sat down and began wringing out
his cap.
The flea circus gave Jon-Tom the idea of trying to
sing up something to infect the Brulumpus, but
everything he could think of was more likely to
afflict himself and Mudge than it was "a mass of
already corrupting ooze.
So he concentrated on continuing the cornucopia
of randomly interesting objects. He produced a model
ship that ran by remote control, a clamer-h lumieres
from an old Scriabin concert, a stack of Playboys, a
coal scoop, a rocking horse. None held the attention
of the Brulumpus for more than a moment or two,
and the space around the raft was beginning to
resemble the back room of a Salvation Army store.
Jon-Tom's confidence was starting to slip.
"Isn't there anything I can conjure up that will
interest you more than we do?" he asked plaintively.
"Of course not," rumbled the Brulumpus. "How
could there be, when I can have everything you can
bring forth and still keep you?"
That sent Jon-Tom staggering. He hadn't thought
of that. Slow the Brulumpus might be, but it also
had an instinctive grasp of the obvious.
"Oi, we didn't think o' that one, did we, spellsinger?"
Mudge taunted him. "We're so clever, ain't we,
spellsinger? We ought to 'ave thought o' that one
first, oughtn't we to, spellsinger? Now me, I finds
you duller than a dead rat, but this 'ere blob o' barf
ain't nearly so discriminatin' in 'is company. So it
appears as *ow we're stuck, wot?"
"There's still the first thing I thought of. Like I
told you, this is all warm-up. Though," he admitted,
"I never thought of that last argument. Now I'm not
so sure it'll work. See, this thing I have in mind is
designed to appeal only to a true moron, and now
I'm afraid the Brulumpus may be more than that.
Anything too complex would go by him without
having an effect, but anything too simple won't inter-
est him as much as we do."
"Well. you'd better try it, mate, wotever it be."
"I'm going to," Jon-Tom assured him. His fingers
touctied on the strings of the duar.
Mudge had listened to some strange lyrics fall
from the lips of his friend the spellsinger, but none
as bizarre as those which now poured forth in a
Steady stream. They made no sense, no sense at all,
And yet he could feel the power attendant on them.
-Strong spellsinging for certain, just as Jon-Tom had
.l«aid. He waited anxiously to see what the music would
^bring forth.
^ ; Once more the drifting ball of lambent green light
'^sgippeared before Jon-Tom. Yet again a strange new
^(nape appeared in its center and began to take on
flolktity and form. It was utterly different from every-
thing that had preceded it. It bore no resemblance to
;the grandfather clock, or the toy boat, or the rocking
horse, though it did somehow remind Mudge of the
thing Jon-Tom had called a food processor.
Only this thing wasn't dead. It was noisily, vibrantly
alive. Or was it? Mudge blinked once and saw through
die illusion. No, it wasn't alive. It merely cloaked
' itself with the appearance of life. It generated illu-
sions of life, but in reality it was full of zombies.
The fascinated Brulumpus leaned forward to stare
at it, kicking up small waves at its sides. Multiple
eyeballs slipped round to focus on the thing Jon-
Tom had called up. Jon-Tom had matched intelligence
to materialization perfectly. The Brulumpus ignored
them as though they were no longer there.
Mudge found himself gazing dazedly at the box
full of cavorting zombies. He could understand the
Bmlumpus's fascination. This was some magic! He
tried to make sense of what the zombies were saying
Alan Dean Poster
and could not. yet somehow their shouts and cries
held him as if paralyzed. He couldn't pull away,
couldn't turn his eyes. It was locking onto him tightly
now, taking him prisoner just as it had trapped the
Brulumpus, those strange, soothing, challenging, fre-
netic zombies who at the moment were assaulting
him verbally and visually....
"Double your pleasure, double your run, with
doublegood, doublegood, Doublemint gum!"
Another zombie appeared, and his tone was as
ponderous and lugubrious as that of the Brulumpus.
All the weight of the world was on the poor zombie's
shoulders as he stared straight out at Mudge and
said, "Do... you.., suffer... from,.. irregularity?"
Something was tugging urgently at Mudge's arm.
He blinked, to see Jon-Tom staring anxiously down
at him.
"A minute, mate," he said, not recognizing his own
vioce. "Just a minute. I 'ave to listen to this 'ere
message. Tis important, see, and I... 1..." He paused,
licked his lips.
"You what, Mudge?"
"I was just learnin' 'ow to save me kitchen "floor
from unsightly waxy yellow buildup. Blimey, and 1
don't even 'ave a kitchen floor!"
"Come on, Mudge. Fight it, don't let it get to you."
He dragged the otter toward the raft. Mudge
fought weakly.
"But, mate, wot about the ring around me collar?"
"Snap out of it, Mudge!" Jon-Tom slapped him a
couple of times, then shoved him toward the other
paddle pole. By pushing against the paddles, they
managed to slip off the side of the now rock-steady
Brulumpus and back into the water. They pushed
and pulled on the poles for dear life, and the otter
slowly regained consciousness.
"Bugger me for an alderman," Mudge finally
breathed, "wot were that 'orrible magic?" Behind
them the Brulumpus was fading under the horizon.
It lay utterly motionless in the water, staring at the
screaming, cheerful, demanding box which had
rendered it instantly comatose. From its back blared a
few last energetic words of farewell.
"Youuuu deserve a breakkkk todayyyyy!"
"What?" He continued to dig at the water, wanting
,to put as much distance as possible between them
,and the part of the swamp that called itself the
^rulumpus in case, just in case, the magic failed.
^- "I'll never criticize your spellsingin' again."
**0h, yes you will," Jon-Tom said with a grin.
"Nope, never." Mudge raised his right paw. "I
, swears on the best parts o' Chenryl de Vole, Timswitty's
slickest courtesan." He eyed the trail the raft had left
in the water and shuddered. "It 'ad me, too, mate.
Sucked me right in without me ever knowin' wot was
'Stppenin'. Bloody insidious." He looked back at his
companion as they both ducked some dangling moss.
**Wot does you call the mind-suckin' little 'orror?"
"Commercial television," Jon-Tom told him. "I think
dial's all that it's going to play. Twenty-four hours
nonstop 'round-the-clock."
"It'll be too soon if I never see anything like it
"I only hope it doesn't burn out the Brulumpus's
brain." Jon-Tom murmured. "For a pile of ooze, he
wasn't such a bad sort."
"Ah. mate, that soft 'cart will be the end o' you one
o* these days. You'd smile on your own assassin."
"I can't help it, Mudge. I tike folks, no matter what
they happen to look like."
"Just keep in mind that most of *em probably don't
like you.**
Alan Dean Porter
Jon-Tom looked thoughtful. "Maybe 1 should sing
another few jingles, just to reinforce the spell."
"Maybe you should just paddle, mate."
"See?" Jon-Tom smiled at the otter. "I told you
you'd start criticizing my spellsinging again."
"It ain't your spellsingin' 1 'ave a 'ard time with,
guv. *Tis your voice."
The argument continued all the rest of that day
and on into the next, by which time they were
confident they'd passed beyond the Brulumpus's
sphere of influence. Several days later they received
a pleasant surprise. The landscape was changing
again, and so was the climate.
As far as Mudge was concerned, the lessening of
humidity was long overdue, as was the appearance of
some real dry land. The Wrounipai began to assume
the aspect of tropical lake country instead of near-
impenetrable swamp. Islands rose high and solid
above the water, from which accumulated scum and
suspended solids were beginning to disappear. In-
stead of pooling aimlessly around trees and islets.
the water began to flow steadily southward. Currents
could become rivers, and rivers gave rise to commerce.
They could not be too far from their destination.
And then, as had happened on more than one
occasion, growing confidence was dispelled by an
unexpected disaster.
On calm water beneath a windless sky, the world
turned upside down.
Jon-Tom was thrown into the air, legs kicking,
arms thrashing. He hit the water hard and righted
himself. But as he started to swim for the surface,
something grabbed him around the ankles. He felt
himself being dragged downward, away from the
fading light of the sky, away from the oxygen his
burning lungs were already starting to demand.
He couldn't see what had ahold of him and wasn't
sure he wanted to. The harder he kicked and pulled
with his arms, the faster he seemed to be going
backward. Down, straight down toward the bottom
of the Wrounipai. His lungs no longer burned; they
threatened to explode alongside his pounding heart.
The last thing he remembered before he started to
drown was the sight of Mudge off to his left. A far
stronger swimmer than himself, the otter was also
^feeing pulled bottomward by something powerful,
"Streamlined, and indistinct.
|| The nightmare of drowning was still with him
^•When he rolled over and started puking.
^ As soon as he'd cleared his lungs and stomach of
,*^what felt like half the Wrounipai, he sat up and
^^lakily took stock of his surroundings. He was sitting
^on a mat of dry grass and reeds that had been placed
-; atop a floor of tightly compacted earth. Diffuse light
poured through the curved, transparent dome
overhead. It looked like glass but wasn't.
Off to his left, Mudge stood examining one wall of
die dome. In front of the mat was a pool of water
Which lapped gently at the packed earth. The water
was very dark.
Sensing movement, the otter glanced in his direction.
**I was beginnin' to wonder if you'd ever come around,
**So was I." He climbed unsteadily to his feet. "I
think for a minute there, there was more water
inside me than out." He coughed again. His mouth
tasted of swamp and his guts were throbbing.
"Where are we?"
"V^e are in somebody's 'ometown, mate," the otter
informed him glumly, "and I don't think you're goin'
to Kke the somebodies."
"What do you mean?" Mudge's words implied
familiarity with their captors, but Jon-Tom had nev-
Alan Dean Poster
er been in a place like this in his life. At least, not
that he could recall.
The otter beckoned him over. " 'Ave a look at this
Jon-Tom moved to join him in inspecting the wall
of their transparent prison. As he ran his ^fingers
over it, he saw it wasn't glass, as he'd initially suspected.
Nor was it plastic. Actually, it was slightly sticky, like a
clear glue. He had to yank his fingers clear of the
wall. A portion of it stuck to his nails and he had to
rub the stuff off on his pants.
Something else: his pants were dry. That meant
he'd been unconscious for several hours, at least.
The wall did not run or drip. As for the source of
the dim, rippling light, that was instantly apparent-
The dome rested on the bottom of the lake. The
Wrounipai was overhead, and the surface, Jon-Tom
estimated, was a good sixty feet out of reach. He
couldn't be certain. He wasn't used to judging the
depth of water from below.
He turned back to the wall. "I think it's some kind
of secretion."
"You mean, somebody went and spit it up.''"
"In so many words, yes." He waved his hand at the
ceiling of the dome. "This is all organic, not manu-
A recent memory made him stare down at the
otter again.
"You said this was somebody's home.'*
"Oi, that 1 did." Mudge led him across the cham-
ber and had him look out the other side of their
The dome rested on a gentle slope which fell off
sharply just beyond the structure's outer edge- A
profusion of similar buildings occupied the lake bot-
tom another fifty feet further down. Their architec-
ture was unfamiliar. All were simple in design and
devoid of visible ornamentation. Shapes moved slowly
through and among them.
Jon-Tom recognized a few of the shapes, and the
small hairs on the back of his neck stiffened as some
of -the most unpleasant moments of his life came
back to him in a rush.
"1 told you, you wouldn't like it," Mudge murmured.
Jon-Tom moved as close to the wall of the dome as
he could without making contact with the sticky
material and stared into the depths. Despite the dim
light there was no mistaking the identity of their
Plated Folk.
They didn't belong here, in these warm, tranquil
waters so far from their stinking home in the distant
Greendowns. The Plated Folk were the builders of
the implacable insect civilization which he and
Clothahump had helped to defeat at the battle of the
Jo-Troom Gate not so very long ago. This wasn't the
Greendowns, and Clothahump had said nothing about
the possibility of encountering any of them on the
way to Quasequa.
Therefore Clothahump himself knew nothing of
their presence here. That was a disquieting thought.
It meant that in all likelihood, neither did anyone
else in the warmlands.
"This is crazy. What are they doing so far from
their homeland? A colony of them wouldn't be toler-
ated by the locals."
"I agree, mate. Any self-respectin' warmlanders
would run the 'ard-shelled bastards all the way back
to that cesspool they call *ome. If they knew they
were settlin' in to stay in their own backyards, that is.
But think about it: this 'ere's pretty empty country,
and these oversized cockroaches are all underwater-
dwellers. Ain't nobody goin' to raise the alarm over a
bunch o' invaders they can't see."
"It's hard to believe that they haven't been seen by
a few hunting parties out from Quasequa or some
other town."
"Maybe they have been seen, mate." Mudge's words
wexe short and clipped. "Maybe them that sees *em
ends up down 'ere like us, and maybe they never gets
'ome to tell anyone else about wot they've seen."
Silently, they turned back to the wall and stared
out into the poisoned waters. Jon-Tom saw waterboat-
men paddling along on their backs, their eyes cast
forever downward. Dragonfly nymphs were nursed
along- by water tigers, and water beetles of every
imaginable shape and size swooped gracefully above
the buildings of the colony.
If it was a colony. They had no proof of that yet.
"You think they have any contact with the capital
of the empire at Cugluch, or could this be an isolated,
independent community?"
Mudge scratched at his whiskers. "1 couldn't say
for sure, mate, but while you were lyin' there 'alf-
dead, a couple of 'em came in to check on us and did
somethin' that doesn't make me feel any too confi-
dent about our future."
"What's that?"
"They took your duar."
That was bad, Jon-Tom mused, very bad. "Maybe,"
he suggested lamely, "they were just curious about
"Right," agreed Mudge sardonically, "They're just
a bunch o' bug-eyed music lovers and they likes to
collect instruments. Maybe they'll also want you to
play a solo for 'em later, but I wouldn't count on it.
T^sey spent too much time examinin' it and starin' at
you and whisperin'."
"What are our chances of breaking out of here?"
Jon-lbm stared up at the faint, twitching point of
light that was the distant sun.
Alan Dean Foster
"This bloody wall's as solid as iron, mate. There's
only the one way in and out, and 1 don't think we'll
be makin' a swim for it anytime soon." He drew
Jon-Tom over to the pool of water that was visible just
inside one section of wall. "See, I don't think we'd get
very far."
Drifting just below and outside the entrance to the
dome was a terrifying marine form. The giant water
bug was at least eight feet in length. It hovered in
place like an armored submersible, displaying open
mandibles big enough to snap off an arm or leg
with a single bite.
Jon-Tom nodded to himself. "So we don't take any
casual baths." He looked past the guard. Something
much smaller was moving toward them through the
water. He found himself backing away. "What's that?"
Mudge didn't budge. "Air delivery."
The three-foot-long beetle had hind legs twice the
length of its body, each covered with dense, flexible
hairs. Upon reaching the entrance to the dome it
pivoted in the water until its hind end was facing the
opening. Between its back legs was a thin sicken
envelope full of air. It backed toward the entrance
and kicked once.
The silk envelope split. There was a giant btup,
water sloshed over Jon-Tom's feet and then receded,
and a sudden wash of fresh air hit him like a spring
breeze. The beetle swam away.
"They do that regular," Mudge informed him,
"which is why the air in 'ere ain't gone sour on us
"That's thoughtful of them."
Mudge turned and began nervously pacing the
hard-packed floor. "Wish I could say the same for
the rest o' their manners. I ain't so sure I'd prefer
not to suffocate." After completing half a dozen
circumnavigations of the dome, he stopped in front
of the entryway again.
"Now I know I'm faster than that big bastard, if I
could just get past 'im." He let the thought trail off.
"Trouble is, I'd probably do it in pieces."
Jon-Tom moved back to the reed mat and sat
down. "I never saw them hit us."
"Neither did 1, mate, until it was too late." He
pointed toward the giant water bug floating placidly
outside their prison. "That hunk of armored vomit
came up underneath us., and dumped us in. His
smaller relations were waidn' to drag us down 'ere."
He looked over at his cOan&anion.
"When theyspdumped l|s |n this 'alf bubble, your
face was all sw^ll up like ayifiird's bladder. I thought
y^a.were a golfer for sure-CTBey did a little dance on
ytyur;j)ack an<^ pumped atx'i-tt 'alf a gallon o' water
otit o^ou, th^n gave up an^Uleft- After a couple of
' groanirf, ^en fell asleep. I wiped
face and figured I might as well
woke up. That was yesterday."
I- "I figured I must've been out
happened to our raft and supplies?"
Hsr the lake .bottom," Mudge told
u|e^idn't see fit to salvage. They've
feapoitt iff'a little dry storage area over
the ^ter from ruinin' 'cm. Exhibit A
:utiongyd wliger."
|he droo
lurait and
him sadly.
got ^11 oui
there, to k
for the pr
separated f
smaller, air-
ons and personal be
terminate number o
nt toJIwyalf Nfext to then- prison and
>, it by omy a; foot of water/was a much
ff^ d®n»e. Il^was cramh^ckwith weap-
gings scavenged from an inde-
similarly unlucky travelers to
this part of the Wrounipai. The most recent acquisi-
tions were clearly visible atop a wooden hamper: his
ramwood staff and sword; Mudge's longbow and arrows
and short sword; some of their food stock; and atop
Alan Dean Foster
everything else, dry and apparently undamaged, his
precious duar. If not for the intervening water and
walls he might have reached out and grabbed it.
"Mudge, if we could just get ahotd of my duac..."
"Then you'd charm 'em all with your sweet songs.
mate. Unfortunately, there's only one way out o' 'ere,
and 1 ain't about to try it unless that mobile butcher
shop out there swims off to take a crap or somethin',
Uh-oh." He started backing toward the far wall.
Jon-Tom looked around nervously. "What'is it,
what's wrong?"
Jon-Tom hurried to join him.
One by one, a trio of Plated Folk entered the
chamber. Spend the majority of their lives beneath
the water they might, but they still had to go up to
the surface from time to time to breathe. Their
bodies concealed lungs, not gills. So they built air
chambers to live in, like the imprisoning dome.
Two of them looked like twins- They wore some
kind of thin, unrusted metal armor. Jon-lbm thought
it might have been tarnished copper, but he wasn't
certain. Each was about four feet in height.
The third was a tall, reedy character who looked
something like a hydrotropic walking stick but really
resembled no insect Jon-Tom had ever seen before
on this world or his own. It wore no armor and,
unlike its two stocky companions, carried no weapons.
Instead, in one set of pincers it held several thin
sheets of metal thick with engraving.
This sickly seven-footer bent to confer with its
aides. Together they appeared to discuss the con-
tents of the metal sheets. Then it straightened to its
full height and pointed an accusatory finger in Jon-
Tom's direction.
"There is no question. He is the one."
"Is the one!" his two shadows declared loudly.
"Is the one what?" Jon-Tom asked innocently.
**The music wizard who called forth the fire horse
and slew the Empress Skrritch at theJo-Troom Gate.
You are he,"
Jon-Tom burst out laughing. "I'm who? Look, friend,
I never heard of the Jo-Troom Gate or the Empress
Skrritch or any of what you're talking about. My
companion here and I are wanderers in this land.
We're just a little while out from Quasequa, having
ourselves a bit of vacation. I swear I don't know what
the devil you're talking about!"
"But you do know about lying. That much is
evident," murmured the tall speaker, "because you
do it so forcefully. You are the wizard. There is no
point in denying it."
"But I do deny it. Forcefully, as you put it."
The pair of shorter insects moved toward him,
drawing their short, curved swords. Barbs protruded
from the sicklelike cutting edges.
They lumbered past him and one put a sword
against Mudge's throat. The otter made no effort to
dodge. There was nowhere to hide.
The fixed chitin could not convey much in the
way of expression, but the speaker's meaning was
dear to Jon-Tom nonetheless. "Do you deny it still?"
Jon-Tom swallowed. "Maybe I did participate in
the battle for the Gate, but so did half the inhabit-
ants of the warmlands."
The sword pressed tight against Mudge's Adam's
apple, trimming some of the hair from his neck.
*And 1 have some faint recollection of perhaps possi-
bly maybe participating in some small way in the
casting of some minor spell," Jon-Tom added hastily.
The hooked scimitar withdrew and the otter
breathed again.
"That is better," said the speaker.
"No need to take it so personal," Jon-Tom said,
Alan Dean Foster
but the speaker ignored him, spoke instead to his
two aides.
"This is a great day for this outpost of Empire. A
memorable day." The aides resheathed their swords.
Their chitin was a rich maroon color, black under-
neath and marked by thick black vertical stripes
across the vestigial wing cases. The speaker was
yellow and black, with white spots on his cases.
"There will be decorations for all, and the war coun-
cil will be pleased. The Empress herself will com-
mend us."
"The Empress?" Jon-Tom blurted it out. There-
seemed no harm, since they were certain of his
identity. "I thought Skrritch was slain during the
battle, as you just said."
"So she was. 1 refer to the Empress Isstrag, now
reigning. She will preside over your deaths. A small
measure of revenge will be gained for the destruc-
tion you wrought at the Gate. I shall turn you over to
the Dissembling Masters myself. Our land-dwelling
cousins will be most delighted."
"Your cousins? Then you didn't participate in the
"Distance precluded our lending aid to our cous-
ins in the Greendowns, and in any case the battle was
waged upon the land. We could have been of litde
help. We regretted our exclusion. Now you have pro-
vided us with a means to make up for it."
"If you didn't join in the fight, then you've got
nothing against us, and we've got nothing against
you," Jon-Tom argued desperately. "Why not let us
go on our way? We've no quarrel with the inhabit-
ants of Cugluch."
"Ah, but they have a lingering quarrel with you,
wizard. Your dismemberment will bring much honor
on our isolated community. All will gain in prestige.
You must be kept alive and well for your delivery to
the Masters"
"Look, guv'nor," said Mudge, "I know I don't 'ave
a 'ole lot o' leverage 'ere, but if you're bound and
determined to deliver us to this new Empress and 'er
private torturers, 'ow about turnin' us in dead?"
The speaker shook his head. "That would mitigate
the delight of the royal court."
"Aw, gee, that'd be a shame, wouldn't it?" said
Mudge saracastically.
The speaker missed it. "It speaks well of you that
z you should take such an attitude. That is commend-
^ able in a servant."
"Servant! Who's a bloomin' servant!" Mudge's
outrage, like Jon-Tom's earlier disclaimer, was ignored.
"Perhaps the Empress will even allow this unwor-
thy one to be present at the entertainment you will
"Yeah, I'll wave good-bye to you," Mudge muttered
- sullenly.
"If not, there will still be ample glory in delivering
you up into her presence."
"I'm curious about one thing," Jon-Tom said. "How
did you know who we were?" He indicated the stor-
age chamber outside the main dome. "You've obvi-
ously murdered dozens of travelers."
"Trespassers in our waters." Bulbous compound
eyes focused on Jon-Tom. "As to the matter of identi-
fying you, you underestimate yourself, man." The
speaker's voice was hoarse, a rasping sound, due at
least in part to the long, thin tube of a mouth from
which his words emerged.
"Did you think we are so disorganized as to not
lake care to pass among ourselves descriptions of our
greatest enemies? Do you think we would let them
pass unnoticed among us? Great generals and great
wizards among the warmlanders are well known to
Alan Dean Potter
us. You should be proud to be among the notable,
pleased that you should be so quickly recognized in
a land so far from the place where you did battle "
Somehow Jon-Tom didn't feel flattered.'"If you
know that I'm a great wizard, then you must. also
know that I ask these questions only to gratify my
curiosity before we leave this place."
"I do not think your curiosity strong enough to
cause you to linger this long," observed the 'Speaker
cannily. "If you could leave freely, 1 believe you
would already have done so. Indeed, were you capa-
ble of such sorcery, I do not think you ever would
have been captured." He paused, and Jon-Tom had
the feeling the tall insect was eyeing him curiously.
"There was known to be among the warmlanders
during the battle for the Gate a great and strange
spellsinger. To make magic, a spellsinger of any race
must have an instrument with him." He gestured
with a three-foot-long arm toward the storage chamber.
"That instrument, perhaps."
Jon-Tom didn't look toward his duar. "Perhaps. Or
perhaps this small flute I always carry with me." He
reached inside his shirt.
The two stocky insects nearly broke their antennae
diving for the exit, jamming tight for an instant
before tumbling to safety in the water beyond. The
giant water bug stirred uneasily, its massive front
pincers flexing.
The tall speaker flinched but did not retreat. He
relaxed when Jon-Tom's hand stayed concealed in-
side his shirt. "A small amusement. I understand."
He turned his head to eye the dome's entrance. His
two aides were peeking cautiously back into the
air-filled chamber.
Jon-Tom didn't understand the phrasing, but it
certainly sounded like a curse that fell from the
speaker's speaking tube. A contemptuous curse. The
Tae MojitBarr or THB MAOICSAM 167
aides sl^ly reentered the'^ome under the baleful
gaze of <|(-eir superior. Jon^Ebm's interpretation of
their expressions was not pleasant.
As thodgh nothing had happened, the speaker
turned back to him. "Tomorrow we will make a
special conveyance for both of yoQ. It will contain a
small air chamber like this one so chat we can travel
safely to Cugluch underwater. There are many riv-
ers and quiet^akes between here and the Greendowns,
and we shouN not have to expose ourselves to the
land-dwellers Very often. There will he no chance of
rescue for you-You might as well enjoy the journey.
You will be pandered."
"Fatted calvesA Jon-Tom murmured. "How are
you going to cross %aryt's Teeth?**
"There are rivers that tunnel through the mountains.
We know them. You shaHcome,to know them as well,
though it is knowledge yau .frill never be able to
share. Now I have a question^ man. What were you
intending in this country, so-far south of your own
land, from the region backing onto the Gate?"
Mudge jerked a thumb in Jon-lbm's direction.
"This one 'ere, guv'nor. "e's a bloody tourist, 'e is. He
likes to get out and see (he wondersao' nature and all
that crap." ^
"And whai-^Lf you?"
"Me? That^^asy. See, I'm^barkin' insah^ ain't I?
I'd 'ave to be ^ I wouldn't be 'ere." Witlr^hat he
sat down on th^eeds, a decidedly peeved l^o^on
his face, and rerKfcd to answer any more quertQs.
J!!»^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
The worst they c
"You must be at^
wizai^y. corn mentecT";
ney beo^een here ai
' ^, ^ r
emoy maty adverting co
"•" ^'^"'jpn-Tomtol
iterestn^ perj^n, spellsinger
.speaker. "Itt^a longjpur-
Greendowns. We may
rsation along the way."
lim evenly. "I'm-not
with'^asual killers "
Alan Dean roster
"We are not casual. I am disappointed. I would
have thought your reaction to your situation might
have been more enlightened," It performed a ges-
ture that might have stood for a shrug, or, might
have meant something else entirely.
"It will make no difference in the final judgment.
You know your fate."
With dignity, the speaker turned and vanished
through the watery portal, flanked by his stocky aides.
There was respect in the giant water bug's movements
as it swam aside to let the trio pass. Jon-Tom watched
the speaker swim slowly around the dome, heading
back down toward the buildings below.
There was a rush of water from the entrance. The
giant water bug's head, with its massive mandibles,
was even more impressive out of the water.
"YOU STAY," it grunted in a crackling voice, then
pulled clear to resume its motionless patrol. Water
surged in after it, making their humid prison damp-
er than ever.
"Tomorrow, he said," Jon-Tom murmured, gazing
toward the watery sky. Already it was growing dark
inside the dome as the sun sank toward the horizon.
"That doesn't give us much time."
"It doesn't give us any time, mate. We're doomed."
"Never use that word around me, Mudge. I refuse
to acknowledge it."
"Right you are, mate. We're stuck." The otter turned
away, bemoaning his fate.
In truth, there seemed no way out Even if they could
somehow manage to slip past their monstrous guard,
their movement through the water could be detected
and recognized instantly by any of the vibration-
sensitive inhabitants of the underwater community.
As for the dome, if they cut a hole in it, water
would pour in and prevent any exit. In any case, it
would take at least a week to make an impression on
that hard, sticky material with Mudge's claws and his
fingernails. It was as if they were imprisoned in a cell
completely encased in alarm wires. All they had to
do was move to trip one.
That didn't keep him from thinking about escape,
but by the time they'd finished the evening meal
their captors thoughtfully provided, he was forced to
admit that his usually fertile imagination could gener-
ate nothing in the way of a plan. Not even a sugges-
tion of a plan.
Mudge was right this time. They were stuck. May-
be they would have a better opportunity to escape
during the long journey to Cugluch. In that case,
he'd only hurt their chances by not sleeping.
The mat was soft, but not reassuring.
"Where's the other one?" said an excited, rasping
Jon-Tom opened his eyes. It was light inside the
dome again, but barely. The sun was still rising. He
shivered in the damp cold air.
The dome was alive with activity. Sitting up on the
reeds, he tried to force his eyes to adjust to the
feeble light. Busy water beetles scurried around,
inspecting the walls, sniffing at the floor, tearing the
reed mat up around him. All of them carried six-
inch-long knives.
He counted at least a dozen of them. Two ran past,
still shedding water from their recent entry. As his
brain began to clear he saw that they were not
merely active; they were downright agitated.
Standing close to the entrance was the speaker.
His maroon aides huddled close to him. Their swords
were drawn and they, too, were searching the interi-
or of the dome anxiously.
Then the speaker's words, filtered through his
half-asleep thoughts, struck home.
Aim Dean Footer
•'Mudge?" He got on all fours, feeling through the
reeds where the otter had been sitting last night.
"Mudge!" The otter's musk was still strong in the
enclosed chamber. That, and the impression of his
body in the reeds, was all that remained of him.
When Jon-Tom rose, he was immediately sur-
rounded by three of the sword-wielding water beetles.
He put their edginess and Mudge's apparent absence
together and reached an inescapable conclusion.
The otter had split.
As the rising sun shed more light on the search,
his smile grew wider and wider. The Plated Folk
were already repeating themselves. After all. there
were only a limited number of possible hiding places
within the dome. Somehow Mudge had made it to
freedom without waking his companion or alarming
their giant guard.
He wasn't angry with the otter for not alerting
him. Obviously, whatever avenue of escape he'd
followed wasn't suitable for the gangly Jon-Tom, or
Mudge would have gotten both of them out. Sure he
would. Jon-Tom refused to believe otherwise-
He wouldn't allow himself to believe otherwise.
Besides, it was only justice. Only fair that having
been unwillingly dragooned into this expedition,
Mudge should be the one to escape with his life.
Then there was no more time to bask in the
success of the otter's chicanery because the speaker
was towering over him.
Bright compound eyes gazed down at the single
remaining prisoner, and that raspy voice repeated
the question it had asked of its minions only minutes
"Where is the other one? The short furry slave?"
"He's not a slave," Jon-Tom said defiandy. "As for
your first question, why don't you go screw yourself
and see if it brings forth enlightenment?" He de-
rived unexpected pleasure from the vehemence of
his reply.
It had absolutely no effect on the speaker. "Tell me
or i will have your limbs removed."
"What, and deprive the Empress of so much
delight?" Jon-Tom grinned up at the speaker. "Not
that it matters. I don't know where he is any more
than you do. Your folks woke me out of a sound
sleep. You were here and Mudge was gone. Where to
I couldn't say, and I don't care as long as it's far away
from here."
"I do not think you are telling the truth, but as you
say, it matters not. You are here and he is gone. You
are the important one anyway. You are the one they
will greet with joy in Cugluch. The flight of the
other is irritating. That is all." He gestured with a
long arm. The chitin Hashed in the light.
Several short laborers were bringing something
long and rectangular through the entrance. It looked
uncomfortably like a coffin, for all that Jon-Tom
knew it was designed to preserve his life, not his
"The means by which you will be transported
safely to Cugluch," the speaker explained unnecessarily.
"The escort is ready- Now you will be made ready."
Jon-Tom tried to take a step backward, only to
find himself hemmed in on all sides. He was much
taller than every one of the Plated Folk with the
exception of the speaker, but they were stocky and
"What do you mean, 'ready* me?"
The speaker elucidated. "One as clever and well
versed in the arcane arts as you is always a threat,
even without your magic-making instrument. I will
take no chances on you working mischief during our
journey, or on suiciding at the last moment."
Long arms pushed. Jon-Tom felt himself shoved to.
Alan Dean Foster
one side. Looking past the speaker he could see
something like a five-foot-long cockroach waiting
patiently near the portal. An air-Filled ovo^d was
strapped to its back. Within, he could see his ramwood
staff, duar, and the rest of the supplies that had been
salvaged from their raft. The laborers were strap-
ping the air-filled bier onto the back of another.
Then the speaker stepped aside, revealing the
ugliest speciman of Plated Folk Jon-Tom had ever
seen. It walked on alt sixes instead of fours like the
speaker and water beetles. Its body was long and
thin and flattened from head to thorax, while the
abdomen swelled into a grotesque globe- In color it
was mucklededun except for the comparatively small
eyes, which were bright red.
As it moved toward him, it raised its two front
arms. Tiny vestigial wings began to vibrate excitedly
against the thorax, which was very narrow. It was
also the smallest of the Plated Folk in the chamber,
barely three feet long. So was the tightly curled
ovipositor-like tube which protruded from the base
of the bulbous abdomen. It curved up over the
insect's back and head. The hypodermic tip quivered
in the air a foot in front of the creature's head.
Jon-Tom found he was breathing fast as he searched
for a place to hide. There was no place to hide.
"Listen, you don't have do to this," he told the
speaker, his eyes following that wavering point. "I'm
not going to give you any trouble. I can't, without my
"This is a reasonable precaution, particularly in
light of the disappearance of your companion," said
the speaker. "I do not want you to vanish one night
when we are almost to Cugluch."
"I couldn't do that, I couldn't.'* He wasn't ashamed
of the hysteria rising in his voice. He was genuinely
terrified by the approach of what in essence was a
three-foot-long needle.
**There is no need to struggle," the speaker as-
sured him. "You can only hurt yourself. The Ruze's
venom has been used on the warmblooded before. It
knows exactly how large a dose to administer to
render you immobile for the duration of our journey."
"I don't give a damn if it's been to medical school.
You're not sticking that thing in me!" He jumped to
his right, hoping to clear the surprised guards and
make a run for the water, not caring anymore wheth-
er they used their swords on him or not.
They did not have the chance to react. As soon as
Jon-Tom moved, the Ruze struck. The stinger lashed
down like a striking cobra. Jon-Tom felt a terrific
burning pain between his waist and thighs as the
stinger went right through his pants to catch him
square in the left gluteus. He was surprised at the
( intensity of his scream. It was as if someone had
given him an injection of acid.
The Ruze backed away, its work completed, and
studied the human with interest. Beetle guards spread
out. Jon-Tom staggered a couple of steps toward the
entryway before collapsing. One hand went to his
left buttock, where the fire still burned, while he
tried to pull himself forward with his other hand.
The coldness started in his legs. It traveled rapidly
up his thighs, then spread through the rest of his
body- It wasn't uncomfortable. Only frightening. When
it reached his shoulders, he collapsed on his stomach.
Somehow he managed to roll over onto his back. His
elbows locked up in front of his eyes, then his wrists
and fingers.
The long, thin, bug-eyed face of the speaker came
within range of his vision and gazed down at him
from a great height. Jon-Tom fought to make his
vocal cords function.
Alan Dean Foster
"You... Hed... to... me."
"I did not lie to you." the speaker replied calmly.
"You will not die. You will only be made incapable of
"Not that." It. took a tremendous effort for him to
speak. His words were weak and breathy. '*You said
it... wouldn't... hurt."
The speaker did not reply, continued to regard
him as it would something moving feebly beneath a
Jon-Tom wondered how long the effects of the
injection would last. How many times between here
and Cugluch would he be subjected to the Ruze's fiery
attentions? Once a week? Every morning? Better that
he find some way of killing himself quickly. He couldn't
even do that now. His paralysis was their security.
It was difficult to tell if the speaker was pleased,
apologetic, or indifferent. As for the Ruze, it was
only doing a job. The dose it had injected had been
delivered with a surgeon's skill.
Satisfied, it nodded its absurdly small head and
indicated that the task of immobilizing the prisoner
had been completed. The speaker turned to a group
of unarmed water beetles waiting patiently nearby.
Jon-Tom felt stiff, uncaring hands turning him. He
wanted to resist, to strike out against his tormentors,
but the only things he could move were his eyes.
Then they were placing him in the oversized glass
coffin and preparing to load it onto the back of the
waiting cockroach-thing. Inside the water-tight con-
tainer it was peaceful, silent, warm. He fought against
falling asleep: that was what they wanted him to do,
so he stubbornly resisted doing it.
The speaker was nearby, giving orders. Jon-Tom
was lifted into the air, and thin straps were passed
over and around his container. He could tell he was
being moved only because he could see movement
through the transparent material. He could feel
Then he was falling. The coffin had slipped, or
been dropped. There was a rush of new activity
around nim, but the cause of it remained foreign to
his senses. His vision was starting to blur from the
effects of the Ruze's toxin. Soon he would be asleep
despite his best efforts to stay awake-
Staring straight upward he thought he could make
out a vast dark shape coming toward him. It was
blocking out the sunlight. For an instant it appeared
to linger near the apex of the dome, and then the
dome came apart. It did not crack or split like glass
or plastic. It simply imploded.
An explosive influx of water sent his coffin spinning,
along with the bodies of his captors. With his
perception already distorted, it was impossible to tell
which direction he was tumbling-
He was alone, a pebble in a bottle, a tiny human
marble being bounced between floor and walls. Some-
thing had shattered the dome. That much he was
certain of. He wanted to cry out as the water spun
him in circles, but his tongue and vocal cords were
paralyzed now. It didn't matter. There was no one to
hear him.
The wall collapsed, and the swirling currents threw
him outside the broken enclosure. The angry waters
quieted. It was peaceful outside the boundaries of
the ruined dome, though stirred-up sediments clouded
the pristine water of the lake. Or was the darkness
only in his mind?
It seemed as though he was falling now, still tum-
bling over and over, bouncing down the side of the
underwater hill on which his prison had been
constructed. He fell slowly because of the water and
because of the air within his coffin. The latter was
already beginning to smell stale. When he started to
Aian Dean Foster
black out, he suspected it was due not to the afteref-
fects of the injection he'd received but to the deple-
tion of his small air supply.
In his drugged fashion he was elated. He would
not have to suffer repealed visits from the Ruze, nor
some slow and painful dismemberment in distant
Cugluch. He was going to die here and now. He
would have smiled if his paralysis had permitted it.
The Plated Folk were going to be cheated of their
ceremonial revenge.
Then the darkness came to him, and he welcomed
After an eternity it occurred to him that the tem-
perature around him was rising. Not so surprising in
death, perhaps, but it did surprise him that he could
sense the change.
He tried to open his eyes. The muscles protested.
It was as though he were not completely dead. He
tingled all over, an excruciating sensation.
Since his eyes weren't functioning, he tried to
move his lips. They worked, but fitfully. He forced
them to. He badly wanted a swallow of air.
When he finally managed that complicated series
of movements, he tried to scream. The air went
down his throat and into his lungs like a chunk of
raw liver. The next swallow was easier, however.
Long-dormant glands generated saliva, and this helped
even more.
Possibly he was not dead. He argued the point
with the rest of his body, which insisted he was. He
had drowned or suffocated or both, but he certainly
wasn't alive.
Exhibit A for the defense: he could breathe. The
prosecution faltered in its argument, and then the
case for his demise was in tatters. Nothing like intro-
ducing a surprise piece of evidence at the critical
Alan Dean Foster
moment, he mused. But now he would have to prove
to the court that he was capable of consciousness.
First witness for the defense to the stand. I
call... sight! Open one lid and swear on your optic
nerve. Do you solemnly swear to see, to perceive, to
provide a view of the world arould this not-quite-
corpse? I do.
Someone was staring down at him, a fuzzy moon
of a face. It wore an anxious expression. There was a
black nose; a lot of brown fur; bright concerned
eyes; and whiskers that twitched.
"Madge," he mumbled. Someone had filled his
mouth with glue.
The face broke out in a scintillating smile and
looked away from him. "Now, ain't that interestin'. 'E
thinks I'm 'is friend."
A calming, reassuring, confident voice. Only prob-
lem was, it didn't belong to Mudge. It was too
high-pitched. \
Jon-Tom put a hand to one ear, deU|
was able to do so, and did some plumt
fed that he
"Take it easy, man," the voice ^tt^ "V
so good." "<1
in't look
"That's appropriate," he mumbled. Str^ftgth was
flowing back into him along with consciousness. "I
don't feel so good either."
The otter leaning over him was definitely not
Mudge. In place of the familiar green felt cap and
feather, this stranger wore a leather beret decorated
with glass buttons- The face was slimmer than Mudge's,
1|a, features more delicate. Instead of a simple vest it
^^^a comptex assortment of straps and metal rings.
iJO'^^fean that he cottldn't see. Changing his line of
sight.y^yeL ha^ meapt raising himself up on his
elbowg^^life^tin^eel he was ready for that yet.
"Hi/^ic^^^ler^.'Me name's Quorly. You're
cute. Mu8it&-(Sd me you were cute, but not very
"•» '-_ •» '
bright. I thought a spellsmger was supposed to be
Maybe it was the curled eyelashes, Jon-Tom told
himself. Or the streaks of paint above the eyes
themselves. Makeup? Or war paint? He couldn't decide.
Another otterish face hove into view and smiled
hesitantly down at him. Still not Mudge. This one
was too wide, almost pudgy. Somehow the idea of a
fat otter seemed like a contradiction in terms, but
there was no denying the new arrival's species, or
corpulence. He wore a wide, floppy chapeau that
drooped over his eyes. ^
"This is Norgil," said Quorly. s.
"Hiyal" The new arrival frowned over atthe female.
Female. Quorly was a she, Jon-Tom Decided. So
the face paint was makeup, then..0r tpaybe it was
makeup and war paint. With 'otters, according to
what Mudge had told him, you <3^uld never be sure.
"Think 'e can 'ear us?" NorgUFAsked*
"I can..." Jon-Tom was startlftd b^'the croaking
sound that issued from his throaJS H^ JEried again. "I
can... hear you. Who are you?" ^ |k }
"See?" Quorly beamed down at Sy^ as she spoke
to her companion. "He's alive. ThatJtfUdge chap was
right. He's just a little slow." She, s^^ tb Jon-Tom.
"I just told you. I'm Quorly, and vyi^^ Norgil." She
looked to her left and gestured, "^gtos^'you feel up
to it I'll introduce you to MemaWj^p^ph, Frangel,
Sasswize, Drortch, Knorckle, VVi.ipp.j^^iiLzasaraiig-
elik... but you can call him V^^Sfi'S1
The names all ran together ii?^^-im's brain.
He'd have to try and sort them <^|^^f'-
At the moment, all his energies ^^fe^ncentrated
on the difficult task of sitting up. \ that, he settled for turning over on Ins left side. This operation he accomplished with some success, save for throwing up effusively and compelling his two Alafi Dean Foster 200 attendants to jump clear. Despite his bulk, Norgil proved himself as agile as any otter, moving with a kind of high-speed waddle. *"E's alive, all right," said Norgil disgustedly. They were on an island, Jon-Tom knew. He could tell it was an island because he could see the water of the Wrounipai off in the distance. Of the Plated Folk there was no sign- He glanced past his feel and was rewarded with a view of lean-tos, more elaborate temporary shelters, and a couple of crackling fires. Two unfamiliar, outrageously attired otters were broiling several huge fish on a long spit over the larger of the two blazes. Several others were sliding spitted, cleaned fish on long poles and setting them out to dry in the sun. "We're a 'unting party," Quorly informed him. " Tis a lot easier to make a good 'aul when there's a bunch o* you all workin' together. 'Tis also more fun. We do right well. Usually don't come this far north, but 'tis been a long time since anyone tried to tap this district, so we thought we'd give 'er a looksee. Lucky damn good thing for your arse that we did." Another shape was approaching- Norgil moved aside to give the newcomer room. And at last, a familiar face and voice. "Top o* the mornin' to you, mate!" Mudge pushed his cap back on his forehead, gave Jen-Tom a quick once-over, and put an affectionate arm around Quoriy's waist. She leaned back into him, grinning. No wonder Mudge was smiling so broadly, Jon- Tom mused. It had been a while since he'd been with any of his own kind. He struggled to smile back. "Hello, Mudge." " *0w you feelin', mate?" "Like a reused tortilla: pounded fiat on both sides " "Don't know wot that be. but you look beat-up for sure. 'Ad a bad moment or two down there" He THE MOMENT OF THE MAGICIAN 201 nodded to his right- "Couldn't find you nowheres. Old Memaw spotted the box they'd stuck you in slidin' down the side o' the embankment. If she 'adn*t o' seen you when she did, ii'd been too late for you by ftie time we'd o' found it." Jon-Tom noddec^ "I believe I'd like to try sitting up now." "Think you're up to it, mate?" "No, but I'm going to try anyway." Strong, short arms helped support him. For a minute he thought he was going to throw up again. His friends looked alarmed and he hastened to reas- sure them. "No, I'm belter now, it's okay. It's the aftereffects of the shit they shot into me. My insides are still on a roller coaster." "Wot's that?" Quorly asked. "See? I told you 'e were a strange one, even for a 'uman," said Mudge- She looked sideways at Jon-Tom. "Yes, but *e is cute" "Don't you go gettin' any funny ideas, luv. Besides, *e 'as funny ideas 'imself." Mudge nodded at Jon- Tbm. " 'As a phobia or somethin' about stickin' to 'is own kind. Don't care much for variety." "Oh." Quorly looked solemn, then shrugged. "Well, 'is business is 'is business." Jen-Tom paid little attention to this casual dissec- tion of his sexual preferences and tried to massage some feeling back into his cheeks and forehead. "What happened? How did you get away?" "Well, mate, after you fell asleep last night, I stayed awake rackin* me brain and tryin* to think o' somethin'. Tis easy to think in the darkness, and it were damn dark down there once the sun went Awn. Some o' them creepy-crawlies 'ad their own glow lights, but they didn't come up around our Alan Dean Poster 202 jail. Don't need much light when you're used to gettin' around by feelin' the vibrations in the water. "Anyways, I was fresh out of clever notions when our delivery bug with the 'airy 'ind legs showed up to make 'is regular air drop. That's when it 'it me, mate. The only thing comin' into our cell regular and unquestioned was air, and the only thing takin' its own sweet time leavin' was the bug that brought it. "So I gets this idea in me noggin, see, and I kind of roll over toward the exit like I'm movin' in me sleep. The next time delivery bug comes back and dumps 'is air I'm restin' quiet as an undertaker right close to the water, and I just sort o' rolls out behind 'im when 'e leaves. Didn't even try to swim, just let meself float up behind 'im so as not to upset our 'ammer-'anded guard with any undue movements. 'E never even turned to 'ave a look, I'm 'appy to say- The big 'ard-shelled ugly bastard. "Delivery bug never even knew I was 'auntin' 'is 'eels. Too busy with *is bloody job, I expect. Anyways, I went up like a bubble, not movin', until we got near the surface. Then 1 just let meself drift along like an old log. After I'd floated for a while, I started swimmin* real slow-like, ready to break all records for the ten-leaguer if anythin' showed up behind me. Nothin' did. Got away clean. Didn't really start movin' till I was sure I was away safe and unnoticed. Then, well, you never saw anythin* move through the water that fast, mate." "I was thrilled you escaped, Mudge, but I never expected you to come back after me." Mudge looked a little embarrassed, didn't look a( his friend directly. "Well now, mate, to be perfectly practical about it, I found meself thinkin' that there weren't a whole lot I could 'ave done for you all by meself, so I kind of bid you a tearful 'ail and farewell THE MOMBNT OF THE MAGICIAN 203 and it were nice knowin' you and struck off back northward in a big curve. 'Adn't gone too far when I got 'ungry and found a deep pool full o' Fish. After that little swim I was more than a mite starved. "Wot 'appened was I got meself good and tangled up in this big net. Thought those bleedin' bugs 'ad some'ow followed me and caught me all over again. Wasn't so much scared as angry with meself. "Come to find out when I were dragged into the daylight again that it weren't our old bulgy-eyed buddies at all that 'ad caught me, but a swell lot o' distant cousins." He patted Quorly on the derriere and she giggled. An extraordinary sound- Jon-Tom had never heard an otter giggle before. "You should 'ave 'eard 'im as we were untanglin' 'im from our net," she told Jon-Tom. " 'Im all tied up in there with our fish and water reeds and bait and all. Wot a mouth!" "I'm just the expressive type is all, luv." He turned back to Jon-Tbm. "Anyways, findin* meself among this 'ealthy bunch o' the clan forced me into one 'ell o* a battle with me conscience, mate. I couldn't decide wot to do. So I decided to leave it up to them as to whether to take the risk o' goin' back and tryin' to spring you from the chitinous jaws o' death, as it were. And wouldn't you know that every one o' the bloomin* fools opted to do the dumb thing and go back?" Mudge shook his head sadly. "You've been rescued by a lot o' certifiable crazies, mate." "I am grateful," Jon-Tom said with feeling, "for your collective stupidity." Quorly blinked at Mudge. "Wot did 'e say?" "Don't pay 'im no mind, luv. 'E just talks like that sometimes- 'E don't mean nothin' by it. See, 'e were studyin' to be a solicitor and 'e can't 'elp 'imsetf. It's kind o' like a disease o' the mouth," Alan Dean foster 904 She eyed Jon-Tom appraisingly. "I thought you were a spellsinger." "That too," Jon-Tom told her. Mudge leaned close and whispered. "'E's a bit confused about everything, see?" The otter rapped the side of his head. "Oh." Quorly looked properly sympathetic. Jon-Tom endured everything in silence, partly be- cause he was used to Mudge and his brand of humor and partly because he was too happy to be alive and safe to quibble about being subjected to a little casual abuse. "How did you finally get me out of there?" He rubbed at his forehead. "All I remember is some- thing dark and wide blotting out the light and then the dome breaking." Mudge managed the difficult task of strutting while standing still. "Me sainted mother always told me that if I ever found meself in a fight with somebody bigger than me, to find meself a rock big enough to make things equal. So the lot o' us did some 'untin' until we found a really nice 'unk o' stone lyin' loose on one o' the larger islands 'ereabouts. No easy job in this muddy slop. it were. "We wrestled it into the toughest fishin' net they'd brung with 'em, and then the bunch o' us swam over with it this mornin' and dropped it square on top o* their precious dome." He grinned at the memory. "Busted it all to 'ell" "It could have crushed me, too," Jon-Tom murmured thoughtfully. Mudge shrugged. " 'Ad to take a couple o' chances, mate. As soon as they saw us comin', which was mighty late, for which I'm grateful, the Plated Pricks started organizin* a defense. But the last thing they expected were an attack, and they didn't make a very good job o' 'andlin' it. For one thing there ain't the THE MOMKWT OF THE SSAOJCIAM 205 bug alive that can outswim one o' us otters. Ain't much o' anythin* that can, especially when we put our minds to a specific job- "And if we'd caught you accidentally under our little gift^ weli, you wouldn't 'ave been any worse off than if we 'adn't dropped the rock at all." "True enough," Jon-Tom had to admit. "We were a little woftried," Quorly told him, "that it might not be big enough to break your prison." "Sure made a mess o' it," said Norgil with satisfaction. "It was fun! We swam circles around 'em, though we did 'ave that bad time when we couldn't find you inside." "The surge of water when the dome collapsed pushed me over the side," Jon-Tbm explained. "Right, mate," said Mudge. "Memaw spotted you and then we lowtailed it out o* there before those bugs we didn't crack on the 'eads could get their wits together. Oh, and you remember our charmin* 'ost, the speaker? I 'ad the distinct pleasure o* seein* 'is 'ead caught under our rock. As 'e were the only one o' that lot who seemed to 'ave any brains much, I don*t think they'll be comin' after us anytime soon." Jon-Tom digested this, nodded. When he finally stood, the movement prompted waves and shouts of greeting from the rest of the band. "You really think we're safe here?" "Ought to be," Quorly told him. "Besides them losin* their leader, as Mudge just said, we took a roundabout ways back to our camp and 'id our scents well. And we're a long ways from their town." She shook her head, her words full of disbelief. . "Plated Folk, right 'ere in the Lakes District. Who would 'ave thought it possible?" "Lakes District? Then we're not in the Wrounipai anymore?" Alan Dean Foster 206 She gestured northward. "Boundary kind o' wan- ders about, but we're right on the edge." "How do you tell where one stops and the, other starts?" "Use our noses," she informed him. "When it smells clean we know we're in the Lakes. When it starts stinkin' we know we're in the Wrounipai." Jon-Tom considered this, said almost inaudibly, "1 don't know how we can thank you for what you've done" She shrugged. "No big deal. Like Norgil says, it were kind o' fun. Got to do somethin' once in a while for excitement or life gets downright borin'." Jon-Tom shook Norgil's hand, then Mudge's, and moved to do the same with Quorly. She ignored his outstretched palm, threw both paws around his neck, and yanked him down with surprising strength to plaster a couple of dozen short, sharp kisses on his face. He fought to pull clear. It was like being attacked by a wet machine gun. Mudge thoroughly enjoyed his friend's discomfiture. "Now, don't go gettin' all flustered, mate. That's just the way we otters is. Real friendly- and affectionate- like." He hugged Quorly to him. "Ain't that right, luv?" She generated that exceptional giggle again and Jon-Tom eyed her warily lest she ambush him a second time. He tried to visualize her giggling as she rammed one of the Plated Folk through the thorax with her fishing spear. "Come on then, mate, and meet the rest o' the gang." Mudge put one arm around jon-Tbm's waist and guided him toward the camp, kept the other locked securely around Quorly. It was more like dumping him into a blender full of nuts, Jon-Tom mused as he tried to sort out his mob of new friends. The hyperkinetic fishing party swarmed over him, prodding, poking, hand-shaking, THB MOJMBMT OP THB MAoiCLUr 207 kissing, and asking questions at a rate only slightly this side of supersonic. Over the past months he'd finally managed to learn how to cope with one otter. Trying to deal simultaneously on a coherent basis with eleven of them was beyond the capability of any sane being. So he finally gave up trying and let their inexhaustible energy and excitement wash over him in a flood of fur, faces, and emotion. Some were taller and thinner than Quorly; none were as heavyset as Norgil. They were divided evenly between male and female- Everyone mixed freely, and while several shared obvious bonds, none were joined in a formal relationship akin to marriage. Leader of this anarchistic amalgam was an elderly silver-tinged female named Memaw. She examined the resurrected human with a sharp eye. "Well," she finally declaimed in an elegant tone, "you are a bit short of fur and long in the leg, but then, I'm long in years and short of tooth and I get by." She grinned up at him, her mouth displaying an alarming absence of the full complement of otterish orthodontics. Jon-Tom doubted if it slowed her down. Watching Memaw, he doubted much of anything would slow her down- "You're welcome to join us." "I appreciate your offer, ma'am. Mudge and I. we..." He broke off, staring past her. Stacked neatly against the inner wall of one of the lean-tos, dry and apparently unharmed, were his ramwood staff; his backpack; and most important of all, his irreplace- able duar. "You saved our stuff!" "Naturally, mate," said Mudge. "Or did you think I went lookin' for you first?" Appreciative laughter rose from the assembled otters. "No wonder you get along so well with this bunch," Jon-Tom shot back, "they even laugh at your execra- ble jokes." Alan Dean Foster 208 "Wot'd 'e say?" Knorckle asked Splitch. He was the biggest and strongest of the band, barely half a foot shorter than Jon-Tom. Splitch, on the other-hand, was the picture of petite furred femininity. "I don't know. Mudge says he was studying to be a solicitor." "Oh," Knorckle grunted, as though that explained everything. Mudge stepped in Jon-Tom's path. "'Old on a minim, guv, let's not practice any singin' now, wot? We just made friends 'ere. Don't want to go drivin* 'em off already, do we?" Memaw wagged a warning Finger under Mudge's nose. "Now, you be nice to your human friend, even if he is a bit slow at times! He's had a more difficult time of it than you have, he has, having nearly been killed by those dreadful Plated Folk." She turned and smiled maternally up at Jon-Tom. "Don't you worry none, young one. I'll see that this other youngster minds his tongue while he is around me." "It's all right, Memaw. I'm used to it. It's just Mudge's manner. Sarcasm's as natural to him as breathing." "Humph. Sharp teeth I don't mind, but 1 can't stand a sharp tongue. Nevertheless, if you don't mind. then 1 will stay out of it." "Look, about what you said about us joining your hunting party, that's real nice of you. and I like fishing as much as the next guy, but I'm afraid we can't accept." There were a few moans of disappoint- ment, none of which came near to matching the anguished expression that came over Mudge's face. "Aw, mate, can't we at least stay with 'em for a little while? It's a pleasant change to be among friends and safe for a change." He stepped forward, took Jon-Tom by the arm, and led him away from the THE MOMXffT Of THE MAOICIAM 200 cluster, making him bend over so he could whisM-r in his friend's ear. "There's food 'ere for the askin', guv. We're safe from the Plated Folk, and there's plenty o' good companionship, laughter, and song; and besides"— he lowered his voice to a conspiratorial murmur— "the three youngest ones—Quorly, Splitch. and Sasswise—they're as hot as that pool you busted the Mulmun in. I'm tellin' you, mate, all we 'ave to do is—" Jon-Tom rose, stared coldly down at the otter. "I might have known that your reasons would all derive from your baser instincts. Mudge. You're acting on the advice of your glands instead of your brain." "You bet your arse I am, mate, and if you think you're gonna drag me away from this crowd o' willin' lovelies so we can go parley with some ill-dispositioned magician in a strange city, you're sadly off." "Maybe they'll come with us, show us the way." Mudge shook his head violently. "Not a chance. This is a 'untin' party, remember? They move all over the country, only go into the smaller towns to trade. Never make it into the big cities like Quasequa." "Never?" Jon-Tom turned and strolled back to his milling, chattering saviors. Mudge trailed along be- hind him, hurrying to catch up and tugging anxiously at his friend's sleeve. "Now, wait a minute, lad, wot be you goin' to say now? Just that they're friendly-seemin' now don't mean you can't make enemies o' the lot o' them with a misplaced word 'ere and there. Listen to me, mate!" Jon-Tom ignored him, halted in front of Memaw. **Your offer is beguiling, but we really -can't go with you. You see, we are on the final leg of a vitally important mission." Mudge put both hands over his face and fell Aian Dean Foster 210 backward with a groan. "Oh, blimey. 'E's goin' to tell 'em everythin', 'e is... the bleedin' idiot!" The spellsinger proceeded to do precisely that. His audience listened raptly until he Finished. "... And so," he concluded, "that's why I'm afraid we can't take you up on your offer. We have a job to do, much as I'd love to exchange it for a few months of hunting and Fishing." The otters immediately fell to arguing and discuss- ing among themselves. The vehemence of their de- bate tookJon-Tom a bit aback, but all the ear-pulling and nose-biting and cursing seemed, remarkably enough, to eventually produce a consensus free of dissension. Drortch spoke first, fiddling with her necklace as she did so. It was fashioned of some heavy, silvery braid which shone in the sun. "Wot can the two of you do against the rulers o' Quasequa?' "Whatever we can. Whatever we must. There may be no danger at all, no problem to deal with if this Markus the Ineluctable and I turn out to be on the same wavelength. If we can communicate with each other and reach an understanding, then we can do all the fishing we want." "I wouldn't count on that," said Frangel slowly. "Not from wot I've 'eard o' this bloke. Word is this Markus 'as been 'avin' taxes raised not only in the