Chapter Seven

Emi awoke three hours later, still draped over Caph, although Aaron had rolled closer, almost touching them. Her body, used to the Martian base schedule, insisted it was morning. Carefully, she untangled herself and got out of bed without waking them. After she did, in sleep Caph rolled over and curled his body around Aaron. Emi watched, smiling at the sight of her men nestled together. She never grew tired of this, of watching them. Whether at work or play or sleep or loving, they were a perfect fit for each other, all of them, in every way.

She grabbed a quick shower and dressed with Bucky safely tucked in her pants pocket before fixing Ford a cup of morning coffee. She carried it and her own to the bridge. He was stretched out in the command chair, his feet resting on the console. She sensed a pensive feeling in his soul.

“What’s up?” she asked.

He sat up as he took the coffee from her and gave her a good-morning kiss. “We just got a message alert from DSMC. Change of orders.”


He nodded. “You heard correctly.”

“But we just lifted from Mars. Is that bad?”

“I hope not. They asked for our current and projected positions and told me to stand by for further details. I didn’t want to wake Aaron yet if I didn’t have to. Is he up?”

“No. He and Caph are still sound asleep.”

“All cuddled together?”

She smiled. “You know it.”

Ford returned her smile. “They’re so cute like that.”

The com beeped again, signaling a message. Ford activated it and read it, frowning.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

He shook his head. “Nothing wrong, but you need to see this.” He stood and vacated his seat.

Emi slid into the command chair and read the message.

DSMC official order override 84-592. Tamora Bight to proceed immediately to the listed coordinates. Kal’moran passenger transport vessel d’Acklan propulsion engines disabled, 378 souls on board. Passengers not in immediate danger. Proceed at fastest possible speed to render assistance and tow via tractor beam to orbiting Kal’moran space station. Dr. Hypatia must take the lead role dealing with Kal’moran crew and any related diplomatic contact. For the duration of this mission override, Captain Lucio will be referred to as pilot and all male crew will defer to Dr. Hypatia as captain. Indulge diplomatic interaction with Kal’moran leader as necessary for successful mission completion. Once finished, depart Kal’moran station and report status to DSMC for updated orders.

Emi sat back and stared at Ford. “What, exactly, does this mean?”

He shook his head, a wry smile on his face. “It means we need to wake Cap, sugar.”

Aaron didn’t look amused to be called to the bridge for anything less than a life-threatening emergency. Ford had already set their new course and engaged the jump engines. They would arrive there in two days.

Fortunately for Emi, it was a short jump, meaning less time she had to suffer through the mild, creepy-crawly sensation activating the jump engines always gave her.

Emi nervously stood by while Aaron read the message. After he finished, he sat back and scrubbed his face with his hands before looking at Emi.

He smirked. “Well, after the Tay-Dax’n incident in the sim, you did ask us to break down near a planet that made guys run around naked.”


Aaron stood. He stretched, exhaustion heavy on his face. “They’re a Class 2-A treaty race, babe. Go do a little research.” He leaned in and kissed her before he headed for the door. “I’m going back to bed. Let me know if you guys need me. Otherwise, I’m going to sleep for a while longer.”

What happened in their initial sim pairing slammed back into her brain. She slid into her seat at the console and tapped into the ship’s computers while Ford looked on over her shoulders.

She read, snickering, then nearly doubled over with laughter.

Ford frowned as the meaning sank in. “Oh, hell no.”

She laughed even harder at his consternated expression. “Oh, hell yes, honey.” She grinned. “Hey, you said you enjoyed being objectified.”

“By you and the guys, sure. Not by a planet full of strange women.”

She stood, laughing, and turned to him. “But you’ll look so cute.” She reached over and pinched his cheek. “All decked out in nothing but a collar and one of their little G-strings.”

He looked positively mortified. “Babe, I might seem like a wild and crazy guy, but I am not an exhibitionist.”

“Oh, relax. You probably won’t even have to go to the surface. If you don’t leave the ship, you won’t have to wear their getup.” She snickered again. “But maybe I’ll make you put it on just to prance around in.”

He hooked an arm around her waist and pulled her tightly against his body. “The only woman I want seeing me like that is you,” he said, his voice practically a low growl. “Only you.”

“You might not have a choice. Besides, according to the file, they have quite the reputation among the humanoid treaty races as being a top-class resort destination.”

“If you don’t have testicles.”

“Maybe I should spend a little time there. In the interest of research and diplomacy, of course,” she pressed, teasing.

Mortification gave way to ire. “You are not going down to that fucking planet, babe. If you’ll recall, I didn’t want you going through with it during the Tay-Dax’n thing.”

“That was a sim.”

“But we didn’t know it was a sim then. Sorry, but I’m rather territorial of my wife. Feel free to look at our naked bodies all you want, but I’ll be damned I’ll let some other naked guy take care of you in any fucking way, even if it’s only to clean a hotel room.”

“We might not have a choice. ‘Indulge diplomatic interaction’ means I might have to go down.”

Kal’moran was a peaceful member of the Interstellar Treaty Coalition. A popular female resort destination because of their matriarchal society, they had made men into servants without rights. Unlike many patriarchal societies that had formed, the Kal’moran society wasn’t into abusing or mistreating their subservient male demographic. However, after eons of war and bloodshed between the men, the women had stepped in, taken over, and their society commenced to prosper. After a few generations passed, men no longer tried to change their lot in life back to the violent ways and now, over a hundred generations later, their current ruling leader had parlayed their temperate planet and beautiful scenery into a playground for rich women.

Many different humanoid species could easily tolerate the planet’s almost Earthlike conditions. The air was slightly thinner, and the gravity a little less than on Earth, but still within fully tolerable levels. Rumors suggested they also had a behind-the-scenes trade in fulfilling the fantasies of men who wanted to experience the life of a full submissive servant for a set period of time. If they did, it wasn’t something they advertised in their tourist brochures, which promised women a worry-free chance to be totally pampered…in all ways.

Ford frowned. “I don’t want you down there.”

Emi pretended to pout. “So how am I supposed to see what life’s like on the planet if I can’t experience it firsthand?”

Ford kissed her, crushing his mouth over hers as his cock hardened and pressed against her through his uniform pants. “You want male slaves? The three of us, we’ll give it to you. I guaran-damn-tee you if you think you’re going to go play happy tourist on the surface that Aaron and Caph will back me up when I say fuck no.”

She played with his shirt collar. “So show me now.”

He grinned. “I can’t. I’m on watch. Someone’s gotta mind the store with the other two asleep. No offense, babe, but you don’t have enough experience in a case like this.” He kissed her again before releasing her and stepping away. “I will show you tonight, though. Good and hard.” He tugged at his uniform trousers to adjust the hard bulge poking out.

Emi’s heart raced as she felt familiar, sensuous heat pool between her legs at the fire burning in Ford’s eyes. “Tease.”

A slow, sly smile played across his mouth. “Not me, babe. You know me better than that. I don’t tease. Rest up for tonight. You’ll need your strength.” Okay, that did it. Now a deep pulsing, throbbing need pulled her attention straight to between her legs.

She didn’t want to wake the other two men. With a sigh, she headed down to the hydroponics lab to work on her plants and try to forget her sexual frustration.

* * *

She’d forgotten all about her earlier exchange with Ford by later that day. She’d crawled into bed after dinner when Ford trotted into the cabin, still apparently full of energy.

“What’s with you?” she asked.

“I’ve had a whole day to think about what I’m going to do to you with you all to myself.”

Their earlier banter returned to her mind. “Oh, sweetie, I’m sorry. I’m worn out.”

She fought really hard not to giggle at his sad expression. “Worn out?”

“I’m sorry.”

Aaron chose that moment to walk in. Caph had the watch that night. “What’s going on?”

Ford looked pitiful as he slowly started undressing. “I’m horny and Emi’s not. Been looking forward to this all day.”

Aaron rolled his eyes. “You big baby.” He grabbed the man by the scruff of the neck and pulled him close, kissing him brutally. Ford’s hands fell from where they were unbuttoning his trousers and reached for Aaron. “What’s wrong with me?” Aaron asked, his tone growly and full of need.

Ford looked dazed, his lips full and red from their kisses. “Nothing,” Ford breathlessly replied.

“Good. Then get naked and get your ass in bed and I’ll take care of you.”

Ford sprang into action, the bounce back in his step. He landed on the bed next to Emi. “Hiya.”

She smiled. “Hiya.”

“Hands and knees, Ford,” Aaron ordered.

She looked up and caught Aaron’s playful smile as Ford complied. Ford’s cock already jutted out from his body, a drop of pre-cum pearling at the end of his slit.

Aaron finished stripping and knelt behind Ford. “Em, you feel like giving him a hand?”

“Of course.”

Ford moaned, his head dropping to rest on his arms as Aaron applied lube to his ass and began prepping him with two fingers. Emi reached under Ford and started stroking his cock. When Aaron was ready, he lined up the swollen head of his shaft with Ford’s rim and pressed forward. He paused, giving the moaning man a moment to adjust to him before he slowly started fucking him.

Emi kept time with her hand, slicking Ford’s pre-cum over his cock for lube. She looked up into Aaron’s brown gaze, her heart fluttering when he winked at her.

“Harder,” Ford gasped. “Please!”

Emi and Aaron complied, until Ford rocked on his knees, slamming back to meet every thrust. The sound of flesh slapping together, Aaron’s ragged breathing, and Ford’s happy moans filled the room. If she hadn’t been so tired, she’d already be joining them.

Ford rose up on his arms and threw his head back. “Yes!” His cock hardened in Emi’s hand, immediately followed by his cum exploding all over her fingers.

Aaron thrust one last time, his body going rigid in a sign Emi knew all too well. His eyes fell closed as his balls emptied into Ford’s ass. Then, exhausted, the men fell to the bed together.

Emi dragged herself from bed to wash her hand and get them a cloth. When they’d all cleaned up, they curled up together, Emi happily sandwiched between them.

Ford let out a happy sigh. “That was great. Thank you.”

“My pleasure,” Aaron teased.

“Sorry I pooped out on you, sweetie,” Emi said.

He kissed her. “Don’t worry. I’ll take a rain check.”
