Yuri Gagarin aged six – a child saboteur who watched as Nazi soldiers tried to hang his brother Boris.
Gagarin during early training in a MiG jet, February 1956
Two great rivals: Gherman Titov (left) and Gagarin
Gagarin being neasured for his Vostok capsule seat, March 1961
A view through the Vostok capsule’s hatch
A Vostok on display showing the troublesome electrical connector
Gagarin and his political champion, Nikita Khruschev, celebrating in Moscow, 14 April 1961
Gagarin with Sergei Korolev shortly after the flight, 1961
Breakfast with Nikolai Kamanin, summer 1961
Fidel Castro welcomes the First Cosmonaut in Cuba, August 1961
Veniamin Russayev, Gagarin’s KGB escort and good friend, with Valentina
A kiss from one star to another: actress Gina Lollobrigida fulfils a personal ambition
Fallen from favour: Gagarin in hospital after disgracing himself at Foros
The pressures of fame begin to tell on Gagarin and Valentina during their Japanese tour, May 1962
Gagarin escorts Leonov to the pad prior to the first walk in space, March 1965
Banned from space in 1967, Gagarin makes fatal return to flying jets