New York, New York
Sunday, 12:04 A.M.

As soon as Rodgers and Hood passed beyond the fish-eye lens of the security camera, Rodgers took Hood’s cell phone from his pocket. The general stopped in the corridor and listened in silence for a moment, then disconnected. He handed Hood the cell phone along with one of his two guns.

“She told him the truth?” Hood asked.

“She screwed us good,” Rodgers said.

Rodgers pulled the point-to-point radio from his jacket pocket. He pushed the transmit button on top.

“Brett?” he said.

“Here, General.”

“The bottleneck is a go,” Rodgers said. “Will you make it?”

“I’ll make it,” August replied.

“Good,” Rodgers said. “When do you want the feedback?”

“In two minutes,” August said.

Rodgers looked at his watch. “You’ve got it. I’ll get in position, north side of the building. I’ll be ready in seven minutes.”

“Understood,” August said and signed off. “Good luck.”

“Godspeed,” Rodgers said. He put the radio back in his pocket.

Hood shook his head. “You called this one right.”

“Unfortunately,” Rodgers admitted. He looked at his watch. “Listen. I’ve got to get going. Call the NYPD and have them close off this floor and take our lady into custody. She’ll probably be armed, so if she comes out before they get here, you may have to take her down.”

“I can do that,” Hood said.

All of Op-Center’s executive officers had taken extensive weapons training, since they were likely targets of terrorism. Right now, Hood didn’t think he would have any trouble firing at Annabelle Hampton. And it wasn’t only because she had betrayed them. It was because Rodgers was so completely prepared, so much in charge, that there was no questioning his orders. Which was what military leadership was all about.

“I’ll also need you to try what you suggested before.”


Rodgers nodded. “I know it’s a long shot, but explain what’s going to happen. If she doesn’t want to cooperate, tell her there’s nothing she can do to stop what we’ve set in—”

“I know the drill,” Hood said.

“Right,” Rodgers said. “Sorry. Tell her there’s only one thing I want from her and her people.”

“What’s that?” Hood asked.

Rodgers looked for the exit sign and then hurried toward the stairs. “To stay out of our way.”
