
This book may bear one name on the cover, but there are so many others without whom it would not exist.

First and foremost, thank you to EA Foley, Earl T Roske, Trish Henry, Amanda Forrest, and Sheatiel Sarao for reading and critiquing the whole, messy first draft. And thank you to Andrea G Stewart who read the first chunk of the second draft and assured me that, yes, I was making sense.

Thank you to my agent, Sam Morgan, who saw a spark of potential in me back in 2013 and believed in this book right from the first line. To Joshua Bilmes for his excellent advice, and for soothing this newbie’s nerves with piles of pancakes.

Thank you to Michael R Underwood, who encouraged me to submit the book to Angry Robot, and to Wesley Chu, who made me press “send”. And thank you to my editor, Phil Jourdan, who helped me polish this book up to a high shine.

Thank you to David Farland, Tim Powers, Kevin J Anderson, Joni Labaqui, and all of the Writers of the Future team. You guys made being an author feel real. Thank you, too, to Jude and Alan and the staff at Borderlands Books. Your support and insight has been invaluable.

And thank you to Steve Drew and all of /r/fantasy for your community and support.

Most of all, thank you to my partner in all things, Joey Hewitt, who scarcely raised an eyebrow when I declared a wish to be an author. That man would believe in me even if I said I wanted to become a space panda.

To all those who’ve come with me along this madcap journey to becoming an author: thank you. We’re just getting started.
