When awareness came to her, she found her arms and legs had been freed. She lay on the piss-soaked bed, rubbing her wrists. Her ankles and wrists were sore, and they had left her gag on.
Removing the gag, she licked at her dry lips, her face covered with tears. She had not passed out, but shi had drifted off. She remained on the bed, naked, her crotch covered with pin, the mattress wet under her ass.
Lynn sat up, feeling the ache in her wrists and ankles. She caught sight of her reflection in the mirror above the dresser. Her normally well-kept hair was mussed, her cheeks wet from crying. The palm of her hands felt slippery, and she took a moment before realizing why. In disgust, she wiped her hand on the bedspread, feeling her thighs still wet from Billy's piss.
Her legs wobbled as she went into the adjoining bathroom, running the tub full of almost-scalding water. Climbing into the tub, she ignored the heat of the water, sitting down, with the water almost covering her shapely tits. She leaned back as the hot water, soothed her tits and aching cunt. But the only real damage to her body was the pain of her ankles and wrist. Red marks showed where the ropes had been tied, and there were bruises on her, nipples and the creamy whiteness of her tits, but that was all.
She stayed in the tub until the water became cool, then she toweled herself, her flesh glowing a healthful pink. It was past time for her to start dinner, but she didn't want to go downstairs and face her stepsons.
She felt a deep shame, as if she had been, at fault. Did something show on her, in her eyes, on her body, that would make those boys abuse her?
Lynn had heard that some women loved being abused, tied up and fucked, all kinds of things done to them. But she wasn't one of those, she was certain. She never had liked pain.
All her life she had been perfectly respectable, dressing fashionable. She had been treated with respect, never drawing an obscene comment from anyone. She was quite proper in demeanor and behavior. She had attended church regularly, and she was thought to be one of the most proper women in her social circles. She had never been treated with anything but the highest of respect by everyone.
Her lady-like behavior was what had attracted her husband. It also kept away the men who wanted a more earthy-type woman. Some men were afraid of her, feeling that her respectability was a threat to their masculinity.
Lynn, afraid to face her stepsons, remained in her bedroom, brushing her hair, putting on her subdued makeup. She changed the sheets on the bed, but there was nothing she could do about the mattress. Maybe she could buy one just like it, and then lake would never know.
She shocked herself. But of course she would have to tell him about his sons! She could not allow them to get away with all this.
What Jake would do, she had no idea, but it didn't matter. She had to get away from them, but the thought of divorce from her husband, the father of those evil boys, was something she refused to entertain.
She went to bed around nine, sleeping on the dry side of the bed, grateful that Billy and Tony had not returned to torment, her again.
Lynn was sleeping soundly early next morning, so sound that she did not feel the ropes on her wrists and ankles. The boys went about it as gently as they could.
She was on her stomach, deep in sleep. This time, they looped a rope across her waist, tying it underneath the bed. And, not being satisfied with just spreading her feet and tying her ankles, they also tied her thighs, then secured that rope to the bed frame.
She woke up screaming.
Billy and Tony were pissing all over her back and into her hair, spraying her creamy body with hot piss from head to knees. They were laughing with delight, streaming hot piss all over her, but mostly directly upon her curvy asscheeks. She felt piss running along the crack of her ass and down over her cunt.
"Please don't!" Lynn screamed, struggling against her bonds and finding herself secured. "God, don't do this to me! Why are you treating me so badly?"
"We're just letting you know how much we love you, Lynn," Billy said. "We piss on you because we love you so much."
"Yeah," Tony said.
Lynn decided not to let them know how she felt. She was not going to cry, knowing that to do so would excite them. She was not going to do anything that would encourage them. If she accepted it and refused to cry, lying still and passive, maybe they would lose interest in her.
"She's not moving," Tony said, his cock streaming piss along the crack of her ass.
"Don't worry about that," Billy replied. "That just shows how much she loves getting pissed on. Ain't that right, Lynn? You love it, don't you?"
Her naked body trembled, but she refused to answer.
Thankfully, they finished pissing.
She lay spread-eagled, her eyes closed. Her hair was drenched in their piss, as was her back, ass and thighs. She became aware that they had tied her waist and thighs this time, and that frightened her even more. It meant they were up to something, something even worse than what they had done yesterday.
Hands moved about her ass, hands that ignored the piss glistening on the enticing cheeks of her ass. She felt her ass being parted and a finger rubbing her asshole. Something rough was being shoved into her ass, but she bit into her tongue to stop the cry of pain.
While Tony held her ass spread wide, Billy was stuffing a rope into his stepmother's asshole, with knots spaced about an inch apart. The rope was not very thick, but the knots felt painful going in. Lynn counted six knots, then there were no more.
Then a hard, cool object was thrust into her cunt, penetrating her pussy deep, the fit being very tight. She didn't experience any pain, though. The thing up her cunt was secured by some sort of belt contraption, holding the device firmly inside.
She felt the need to shit, the rope in her ass filling her. Desperately she clenched her asshole, unwilling to shame herself by shitting before her stepsons. Besides, she knew the sensation was caused by that damned rope in her ass.
"You think it will work?" Tony asked.
"Pull it out and see," Billy answered. "We can put it up her ass again."
Tony grasped the few inches of rope that dangled out of Lynn's asshole. He pulled gently at first, causing Lynn to moan despite her resolve to be silent.
The first knot came free. Then Tony jerked hard. "Ohhhhh!" Lynn yelled.
The knots being pulled from her ass sent a strange sensation through her body. Somehow it felt good. Shocked that she could respond to this deviant action, she could not deny the thrilling pleasure it gave her.
"It works!" Tony exclaimed.
"I told you it would. Now put it back in her fucking asshole!"
Tony stuffed it into Lynn's ass, knot after knot. Lynn found it felt as good this time as it had when he jerked it out. She could not stop moaning or the upward jerk of her ass. The object inside her cunt felt sort of pleasant, too.
"Lynn," Billy said, "If you promise to be good and not try to take these things out of your cunt or asshole, we'll let you loose for awhile."
Lynn closed her eyes, shivering. She nodded, then whispered, "I promise."
They released her, arms first, then waist, thigh and ankles.
Lynn rolled over, looking at them. The boys were naked, looking quite pleased with themselves.
She felt strange sensations between her legs, the hard thing inside her cunt and the knotted rope stuffed into her asshole. She tried to deny the tingling of heat between her thighs and between the cheeks of her ass.
Billy tweaked her nipple, then pinched it hard.
Lynn winced with pain, but her dark eyes stared steadily into his.
Billy pinched her other nipple just as hard, and still she didn't cry out. She had gasped softly as the sharp pain went through her tits, but that was the only sound she made.
"Now come down and fix breakfast for us," Billy said.
"My robe," she murmured. "Let me wear my robe at least."
"Naw," he replied. "You gotta be naked." Lynn's face flamed with shame. Getting to her feet, she found it was difficult to walk. She had to keep her legs spread apart, so she moved in an awkward, straddle-legged way. It was shameful, too, being naked before her stepsons. They made her go first down the stairs, and she listened with a flushed face to their comments about her ass. The few inches of rope that stuck out from her asshole could be seen, and that seemed to excite them very much.
By the time they arrived in the kitchen, the boys had very hard cocks. That was enough proof to her just how excited they were. She tried to keep her eyes averted from them as she went about fixing breakfast.
When she set the platter of eggs and sausages on the table, they made her butter their toast too. She was being treated not as their stepmother, but as a slave.
As they ate, she was forced to stand between them hands at her sides. Tony pinched a cheek of her ass very hard, leaving a bruise on her smooth, creamy skin. Billy pulled at her cunt hair. What was worse, they did it at the same time, so she couldn't jerk away from either boy.
When they finished eating, Tony began to bite at one tit, his brother the other. The sharp pain shot through her, and suddenly, the rope was yanked from her asshole.
"Ohhhh!" she yelped, covering her mouth with her hand, her eyes enormous.
The knotted rope puffing from her asshole so quickly had, unbelievably, caused her to come. Her cunt closed tightly about the object inside it, gripping and clutching. Her body trembled as she came, her hips jerking back and forth in an involuntary fucking manner.
"You like that, Lynn?" Billy asked, holding the rope up for her to see. "That made you come, huh? Did your cunt explode, Lynn?"
"No!" she hissed.
"Bullshit!" Billy snorted. "You came, all right. Why were you pumping your ass, then."
She wanted to make a nasty retort, but she knew it would only earn her more torture.
"Come with us," he said, pushing his chair back.
She went, but unwillingly.
They led her into the garage, and her eyes became wide. Sometime during the night they had arranged the garage into something resembling a makeshift torture chamber. The car had been backed out, and the garage door was down, much to her relief.
She saw the hooks on the walls, knowing that they were for her. A barrel, dirty and rusty, was positioned in the center of the garage, with hooks pounded into the floor. They were for her arms and legs, she realized.
Fear went through her naked body. They meant business now. She started to turn back into the house, but her arm was grabbed roughly by Billy. His fingers cut into her soft, tender flesh beneath her armpit, making her wince in pain.
"You aren't going anywhere, Lynn," he said. "You're gonna stay here with us, and you're really gonna enjoy what we plan on doing to you."
She was afraid to resist when they pulled her to the wall where the hooks were. They secured her arms high above her head, then spread her legs wide, her ankles secured to the bottom hooks.
She was not uncomfortable, but she was very vulnerable. Her crotch was spread, the pink lips of her cunt exposed. The way her arms were stretched up, her tits tilted toward the ceiling, making them look fuller.
She watched her stepsons with fearful eyes as they opened a small trunk. They removed two clips, the type a person finds on a clipboard. Immediately she began to shake, yet she also felt a tingling sensation in her nipples. To her horror, her nipples lifted into hardness. As they approached with the clips, she twisted her body, unable to free herself.
Billy clipped one to her nipple. It was so tight, so very tight. Her nipple hurt horribly. Tony attached a clip to her other nipple. Lynn felt tears running from her eyes. The pain became excruciating. Billy and Tony looked at their handiwork, pleased to see how much pain they were giving her. Although her tits ached, she could not resist glancing at their intensely throbbing cocks. She felt herself becoming excited, fighting against unexpected arousal and losing the battle.
The hard object inside her cunt was still in place, and she felt her clit growing.
The boys noticed it, too. From his pocket, Billy pulled out a clothespin.
"What are you going to do with that?" Lynn asked, her voice shaking.
"Put it on your cunt," Billy grinned.
"Don't!" Lynn gasped, watching him open and close the pin. "Please don't, Billy! It will hurt too much! Do something else to me, but don't make me hurt any more!"
Tony laughed. "Now she's begging for cock!"
Grabbing at straws, Lynn nodded eagerly. "Yes, that's right. Fuck me instead!"
"You're not as much a goody-two-shoes as you pretend, are you?" Billy laughed.
Lynn, with her face burning in shame, gasped. "You can fuck me, both of you. I'll let both of you fuck me, but please don't hurt me any more! I'll make a bargain with you. Turn me loose, and you can do anything you want with me, and I'll never say anything to your father. We can all have some fun, can't we?"
"We're having plenty of fun, Lynn," Tony said, his eyes going up and down her perfectly shaped, slender body. "Besides, we can fuck you anytime we want. All we have to do is tie you up and do it."
Lyhn sobbed. They were cruel to her, did horrible things to her body she never dreamed of, yet, she realized, she wanted more. It was crazy! But there was no denying those multiple orgasms she had experienced. The pleasure of those orgasms were the most fantastic she had ever experienced.
"I'll do things for you," she sobbed, watching Billy shove that clothespin toward her cunt. "I'll do all kinds of things for you. Just turn me loose and I'll show you. Please, let me do things for you."
Billy clamped the pin on her cunt hair then pulled. Pain shot through her cunt. She arched her hips to ease the pain, but he pulled again, and the pin slipped off her hair, strands clinging to it. Once again he attached it to her curd hair, leaving it there a moment while he helped his brother.
Lynn looked down to see them tying a cord to the clips on her nipples, then up past her shoulders, securing the cord to nails in the wall. Her nipples were pulled up very tight, aching from the stretching.
She tucked her chin to her neck when Billy squatted between her feet. He removed the pin from her cunt hair, then clipped it to her clit. The pressure on her tender clit caused her to cry out in pain.
Billy had drilled a small hole in the clothespin and now he attached it to a nail a few inches below her spread-out crotch, making it pull at her clitoris, but not enough to pull the pin off. She felt her clitoris stretching just as her nipples had been stretched.
Pain shot through her body, starting at her tits and burning to her cunt. She twisted, but the cords held tight. She could feel the hard object jabbing inside her cunt. And, to her terror, she felt her cunt becoming very wet, so wet that it was dripping around that thing in her cunt.
Standing back and looking at their handiwork, Billy and Tony gripped their cocks, jerking them slowly, their eyes shining with excitement.
"Please, turn me loose!" she begged.
The pain seemed to increase, but in proportion to unwanted pleasure. Lynn couldn't understand her reaction. How could pain and pleasure feel so good!
"I'll fuck you both… just turn me loose and I'll show you. I'll be very good to you."
They ignored her, looking at her tortured body with gleaming eyes, their cocks standing up in hardness. Lynn kept looking at them, seeing the heads of their pricks swollen, beads of pre-cum collecting on their piss holes. The pain on her clit and tits became pleasure.
She wiggled her hips, not trying to pull free, but finding out if movement was going to increase her pleasure above and beyond the pain. Her hips revolved lewdly, making the boys giggle with delight. She was exciting them with her lewd movements. She also knew she was starting to like making them excited, making their young cocks throb in hardness.
Suddenly she thought of her stepsons fucking her again sent rippling eagerness through her naked body. It was sheer insanity, but now she wanted them to fuck her. She wanted her stepsons to fuck her again and again!
Tony moved toward the garage door, and when she saw him starting to lift it, she yelped. "No! Don't open the door, Tony! Someone will see… oh, God, don't!"
The door went up.
"Ohhh!" Lynn groaned, shutting her eyes. A young boy riding past on his bicycle glanced into the garage, and his eyes popped, as he swerved to avoid running into the streetlamp.
Tony and Billy laughed, then the door was jerked down again, making the garage dim. Lynn's face was burning in shame, knowing the boy had seen her bound to the wall, naked. The biggest surprise of all was her body's reaction – she had come! Her cunt went into tight convulsions just as she closed her eyes and before the door closed.
The throbbing of her clit sent shivering waves of pleasure through her. The humiliating exposure had caused her to have a very ecstatic orgasm.
Once the garage door was shut, Billy squatted between her legs. He unstrapped the tack that held the hard object in her cunt. He pulled it out, then shoved it back into her pussy again. Her stepson was fucking her with it. She closed her pussy against the assault, but it did no good. The thing went up and down, penetrating her cunt, stretching it.
She wiggled, but it only gave Billy encouragement. Lynn began to moan, unable to stop herself. She arched her cunt outward, wanting it up her pussy, the friction sending sparks of pleasure through her lower stomach.
She was close to coming again, but Billy removed it and tossed it into the corner.
She yelped as he pulled the clothespin from her clit, replacing it with his mouth. No one had ever placed their mouth on her cunt before, and she stared in surprise down at him. His young face was buried in the thick hair of her cunt, his lips sucking hard at her aching clit. His hands slipped down her thighs to her asscheeks, cupping them and pulling her cunt into his face hard.
"Ooo, what are you doing?" Lynn yelped, feeling Billy's tongue slide into her cunt. "Oh, don't! That's horrible, Billy! Don't kiss me there."
Billy pulled back, looking up at his stepmother, squeezing her ass. "Who's kissing? I'm going to suck your cunt, that's all."