Many thanks to all who have helped bring this book into existence:

As ever, my deepest gratitude goes to Nat Sobel, Judith Weber and all at Sobel Weber Associates for their support, guidance and friendship. I couldn’t navigate these waters without you.

Caspian Dennis and all at the Abner Stein agency for everything they do for me.

Geoff Mulligan, Briony Everroad, Alison Hennessy, Kate Bland, Ruth Warburton, Vicki Watson and all at Harvill Secker and Vintage Books for their kindness and support.

Bronwen Hruska, Juliet Grames, Justin Hargett, Ailen Lujo and all at Soho Press for treating me so well and showing just what a passionate publisher can achieve.

Betsy Dornbusch for still being my friend even when I sometimes don’t show that I appreciate it, and to Carlin, Alex and Gracie for helping me explore San Francisco.

My Soho Press touring buddies James Benn, Henry Chang and Jassy Mackenzie for making the road a much less lonely place.

David Torrans and all at No Alibis for keeping on keeping on.

All the indie bookstores across America who have made me welcome both in print and in person.

The online community of readers and writers who continue to fly the flag.

Hilary Knight for her friendship and hard work.

Sidney McKnight for letting me in on the secret of the buttermilk shandy. But no, I won’t be trying one.

James and Louise Morrow for being there when it mattered.

My mother, and the rest of the clan, for just about everything.

Jim, Sally and all the Atkinson family for letting me steal their daughter.

And my beautiful wife Jo for making me happier than I ever deserved to be.

Finally, the book Selling Olga by Louisa Waugh (Phoenix) helped me enormously in researching for this novel.
